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  Vostok 7 said:
  imode said:
  Abombz!! said:
And BTW.... Yosho, regarding your very first comment.... this LS is 75% girls. :blink:

I should have joined Unicorn!!!!!! :(


I've been able to pull off a couple chains. Fortunately, with GS WS' I'm usually at the middle or rear end of a high lvl chain, so if everyone sets "I'm doing such and such a WS now!" macro, I know when to trip. Last night I was with a PT with Suko who was helping me out (pt was 2 mithra, 2 elvann females, Suko (hume female) and myself, hume male lol) with trying to do some chains... So I told the girl going before me to set a macro that would say what she's doing, then I adjusted my Hard Slash macro to /wait 4 so I could trip it immediately when I saw her message. Sometimes the party is going too fast for me to pay attention, but I've pulled off a chain just by counting and hitting the macro and praying :lol:

Vostok 7

Skillchaining is absolutely key in this game. Early on, you may pull some chains and it will say something like, "Scission: Clipper takes 1 damage" and you may think, "gee, wtf is the use of this?" While there's always the chance that you're crazy ass complicated chain will pull off only an addition 3-5 damage, later on they'll be doing insane amounts of damage.

Theres three levels of effects that can be created. First level effects like scission and impaction have a max return of 50% of the second weapon skill. So if I do combo, for 80 damage, and you do red lotus for 60, our max potential damage for this liquefaction chain is only 30. However, a level two skill effect has a max return of 100%. So if we turn it around, your red lotus does 60, my combo does 80, and our Fusion does 80. I'm guessing level three chains do even more, but at my level it's nearly impossibly to do one.

Okay, so if possible always try to make a level two chain that has an element that corresponds to the mobs weakness. Also, always try to use the weaponskill with the most damage as the follower. When I was helping my friend look for summoner rubies in qufim, we'd fight acrophies until TP got to 100. Then on the next acrophie, right off the bat he'd use spinning attack (140 damage) and I'd use sneak+boost+raging fist (400-600 damage) --> fusion (380-480 damage), and the acrophie would just drop dead on the spot.

  Abombz!! said:
All I know is that..... doing 2 Tachi: Enpis one after the other on a Korroloka worm caused Distortion that dealt 85 dmg on that worm. :blink:

You mean the one that you weren't supposed to do? :lol:

Vostok 7

  Vostok 7 said:
  Abombz!! said:
All I know is that..... doing 2 Tachi: Enpis one after the other on a Korroloka worm caused Distortion that dealt 85 dmg on that worm. :blink:

You mean the one that you weren't supposed to do? :lol:

Vostok 7

No.... I mean the one I used just for fun. When I use it for real... I usually deal between 5 to 15 dmg. :blink:


<_< I don't check this thread for almost 1 day and 3 pages manage to put up. Let's see, I got my LS in the dunes when getting lvl20, I just stup up and did my job of casting random enfeebling spells on gobs, thats how I got it. :p Strangely my LS is Elvaan, Mithra and Taru.

O and Vos, I just bug you about the LS cuz you can see the big circle representing the LS next to my name. What I really bug you about is changing that hat you wear.

  Yohsho said:
O and Vos, I just bug you about the LS cuz you can see the big circle representing the LS next to my name. What I really bug you about is changing that hat you wear.

LOL you mean that hat I had had since we first met in game? :lol:

I got rid of it now, remember?

Vostok 7


lol time for me to do the Proud Elvaan comment. "What that thing? Makes you look like you were beaten by a monster." :lol:

  Yohsho said:
lol time for me to do the Proud Elvaan comment. "What that thing? Makes you look like you were beaten by a monster." :lol:

:lol: what else am I supposed to wear? That ugly looking lizard helm? Please.

Vostok 7


What about a headband? DT wears one of those. :p Actually wear something that covers up that hat hair you've got.

  Yohsho said:
What about a headband? DT wears one of those. :p Actually wear something that covers up that hat hair you've got.

Headbands are so lvl 7, duh.

Vostok 7

  Yohsho said:
He's wearin some Royal Footman Headband. It gives him some status boost. I don't remember. ;)

I wanted a bastokan cap... like a 10 HP boost :D and looks just like that crusty old Legionnaires cap :lol:

Vostok 7


Feh, can't go wrong with my poet's circlet. Def:2 MP+2. I need all the help I can get in the MP department ;) No more crusty caps, or I'll keep ragging you on it. <_<:lol:

  Yohsho said:
Feh, can't go wrong with my poet's circlet. Def:2 MP+2. I need all the help I can get in the MP department ;) No more crusty caps, or I'll keep ragging you on it. <_<:lol:

lol ah all those money wasters.

Check yo' PMs too :p

Vostok 7


I have to, RDM is an expensive job. I have to keep up with the armor and buy scrolls for spells. I just do it in moderation. :p As in I lvl on weekends and get cash during the week.


Best Headband in town.... cotton Hachimaki. :lol:

Expensive job? Any mage job past lv30, unless you are smart and get your scrolls at the spell shop in Jeuno. Otherwise... spell start defaulting at 20k gil each. :blink:

Oh yeah... the only reason to play whm in FFXI is so you get yourself a whm plate armor at lv40, they cost 20k each, but look soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo good! :blink:


What the? :blink: Since when did WHM have plate armor? Have you ever seen it? Cuz I really wanna see what this stuff looks like.

  Yohsho said:
What the? :blink: Since when did WHM have plate armor? Have you ever seen it? Cuz I really wanna see what this stuff looks like.

I have seen it.... and I have drool all over it. The whm in my linkshell went show off spree when she got it. Its quite possibly the best looking armor in that game.

  Yohsho said:
I have to, RDM is an expensive job. I have to keep up with the armor and buy scrolls for spells.

Try being a RNG. You're basically loading your gil into a gun and shooting it at things. :)

  Abombz!! said:
  Yohsho said:
What the? :blink: Since when did WHM have plate armor?  Have you ever seen it? Cuz I really wanna see what this stuff looks like.

I have seen it.... and I have drool all over it. The whm in my linkshell went show off spree when she got it. Its quite possibly the best looking armor in that game.

I wouldn't say best looking in the entire game, but it's a whole lot nicer than the whm AF armor that makes them look like Japanese schoolgirls working at the red cross.



  imode said:
  Abombz!! said:
  Yohsho said:
What the? :blink: Since when did WHM have plate armor?  Have you ever seen it? Cuz I really wanna see what this stuff looks like.

I have seen it.... and I have drool all over it. The whm in my linkshell went show off spree when she got it. Its quite possibly the best looking armor in that game.

I wouldn't say best looking in the entire game, but it's a whole lot nicer than the whm AF armor that makes them look like Japanese schoolgirls working at the red cross.



You know what the problem is? Square decided to use the FFT job outfits as basis for the AF armors in there. But as they couldn't do capes, they decided to come up with that ridiculous looking.... thing. The same goes for the Summoner AF, its the same as the whm, except has stupid colors and the headband has a horn. And from what I gather... its not really useful because it makes mobs attack you more often then your avatar.

  Syngyne said:
  Yohsho said:
I have to, RDM is an expensive job. I have to keep up with the armor and buy scrolls for spells.

Try being a RNG. You're basically loading your gil into a gun and shooting it at things. :)

Sub sam.... and you will be biggest dmg dealer in the whole game. :lol:

  Yohsho said:
I have to, RDM is an expensive job. I have to keep up with the armor and buy scrolls for spells. I just do it in moderation. :p As in I lvl on weekends and get cash during the week.

Just wait till you hit the 40's. You'll be wetting your pants thinking about Refresh and Phalanx. While a bard can support an entire party pretty good, you become excellent mage support, you can fight and you can heal. Though you really won't be fighting too often. All the bonuses that red mages get are aimed toward your mage side, while you're allowed to wear a lot of the heavier armors that fighters use. Redmages in the endgame are some of the most powerful solo-players.


:lol: I've heard comments about what the horn on the summoner AF looks like, you know what's bad, the RDM AF armor looks like pirate gear and WAR AF, I might as well walk around naked and have more clothes on. :lol:

Yes I know about guns, DT complains about putting 5K into bullets to hit stuff with his bandit's gun.


Oh yeah I've been meaning ask you guys this. What's up with you poking me all the time? :angry: I mean DT pokes me. Vos pokes me, Abombz pokes me, I even had some taru I didn't know poke me. Is there something about an Elvaan female that urges you guys to do the /poke to me?

Posted (edited)
  Yohsho said:
Oh yeah I've been meaning ask you guys this. What's up with you poking me all the time? :angry:  I mean DT pokes me. Vos pokes me, Abombz pokes me, I even had some taru I didn't know poke me.  Is there something about an Elvaan female that urges you guys to do the /poke to me?

lol you're just so... Pokeable.

:lol: :lol:


No worries. I poke Abombz and DT when I see them, and Abombz will 50/50 either ignore me or poke/wave back.

Vostok 7

Edited by Vostok 7

I got to lv25 last night.

My party was pretty good, and the leader was japanese. A rarety really, a party formed by a japanese player where all the other players were english speakers.

We had 2 sams, 1 thf, 2 blms and 1 whm. For the first time ever, I finally realized how useful magic bursting is. We were doing distortion on mobs, and casting blizzard after it would = dmg between 80 and 120. :blink:

I must have gotten 10k xp in 2 hours, and thats the fastest I have ever gotten in this game. We were hunting whatever would show up close to us, from Giants and Wights, to dancing weapons. :o

While the party was well built, the japanese player wasn't exactly the best player around. He was an average puller, and a decent party member during fights. As for the sam.... unfortunetly, it was the a-hole sam I talked about a few posts back. He left the pt suddenly after dying, and complained to one of the blm that he wasn't curing enough, even though he had the brilliant idea of using this 2h to chain, and the blms were supposed to burst off his chain. A real a-hole indeed. <_<

As for you Yosho...... ppl poke you because female Elvaans look like a train wreck. :p

  Vostok 7 said:
I took one look at the requirements for the AF quests and said "what's the use."

Vostok 7

Because AF armor gives you bonuses that normal gear wouldn't give and best of all, it's free. By level 60 you should have a full set of powerful gear that costs you nothing more than time and maybe XP if you die a bit.

I don't know what bonuses are on other AF's but for monks a full set of AF allows you to:

Heal Paralysis, Blindness and Poisons with Chakra

Makes Chakra heal 3x VIT instead of 2x

Increases Dodge effectiveness

Increases Focus effectiveness

Increases Boost effectiveness

Guard skill increased +10

Counter skill increased +1

+80 HP

+4 STR

+3 DEX

+2 VIT

+5 MND

+5 ACC

+10 Light & Dark defense

All that for free. Next time you're at the auction house, check out the prices for items like Emperor's Hairpin, Deft Rings, Life Belt, Peacock Charm and other skill boosters and then tell me why this isn't worth it?


Sounds like a good deal to me. Do you happen to know if the Dark Knight's AF gear looks decent? :)


Talk about a great day at the beach.

I managed to put together a full party of six. Three Japanese and two other Americans besides myself. Three WARs, a WHM, RDM and a THF. Communication wasn't much of a problem, as I managed to bridge that gap decently enough. It was excellent, to say the least. Everyone knew what to do, and when. No one did anything stupid. I had to keep things organized, but not very much. Everyone did their jobs well and the experience rolled steadily in. We spent about three hours whacking Beach Pugils, Snippers, assorted Gobs and Damselflies. Got me almost three levels.

I'm starting to get used to the taste of good parties.. I like it. :lol:

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