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Posted (edited)

Then quit!

Why the frakk do you need fame now? For a gobbie bag? And you are complaining about not having money? WTF? You know that the first gobbie back will cost you 17k right? And for what? Just so you can hide your inability to manage your inventory?

Thats an awsome deal!! [/sarcasm] <_<

Edited by Abombz!!
Posted (edited)

Ah to quote my brother.

I have a life!

I'll be glad if I don't ever have to go back to Qufim again. And its same for my Linkshell everyone one in it is supermore highl lvl's than me. I just deal with it.

out of cash cuz I bought spells.

Truthfully my brother doesn't equip his Linkshell cuz he doesn't like the ppl in it, the name is 420 Heroes(hint hint), and they think he's actually a girl in RL.

Edited by Yohsho

for real, yo.....

Vos, if you're having a hard time, step back for a bit and give it a small rest. I knew from the get-go that playing for early-on characters was going to be a limited experience, and I've tried my best to keep that in mind. I'm seriously thinking about yanking my Unicorn-server character and going back to focusing on the one I have on Pandemonium (I only get about 2 hours of play time every night... hardly enough to divide between 2 characters effectively)... I'd love to pt with you guys, but it's just not a very realistic expectation just now. If I divided it up, it would be ages before I was of any use to anyone (on either server). My lv.13 WAR on Pandamonium is just now starting to warm up to a truely pleasant experience (and I understand that it'll be lv.18 before I can begin do do anything really interesting)

Just think... by the time players like you and I make it to those upper levels... the ones that are there now will probably have moved on... the world will be ours for the taking (unless they keep adding on expansions for mega-high level characters)

Just be patient and relax..... everything will be cool!

  Yohsho said:
I have a life!

I'll be glad if I don't ever have to go back to Qufim again. And its same for my Linkshell everyone one in it is supermore highl lvl's than me. I just deal with it.

out of cash cuz I bought spells.

We all have lifes... some of us just know how to manage it better. <_<

As for Qufim.... if you get a good party, you can pt in Korroloka from lv15 to lv25.

Posted (edited)

Ah, should tell my bro that, saves him the trip out to Jueno, he seems to get lost on always.

BTW when did they take out the ability to invite ppl to your party in other areas?

Edited by Yohsho

For one thing, I don't even know what the heck a gobbie bag is... I just want money (I hate being poor, in real life and in games)...

And as far as "not managing my life correctly"... wtf do you mean? I mean, abombz you know my life more than anyone else... and lately it's been "forsake everything to play FFXI". I wake up before 8am in the morning and work until five, at which point I ignore all the dishes that have to be washed, rooms and clothes that have to be cleaned and play FFXI until about 1 or 2am at which point I go back to bed hoping I won't ignore the alarm and get back to work in the morning... Then, on the weekends I usually drop any other things I have to do to play FFXI.

You sound like my mom! :p

Vostok 7

Posted (edited)
  Vostok 7 said:
And as far as "not managing my life correctly"...  wtf do you mean?  I mean, abombz you know my life more than anyone else...  and lately it's been "forsake everything to play FFXI".  I wake up before 8am in the morning and work until five, at which point I ignore all the dishes that have to be washed, rooms and clothes that have to be cleaned and play FFXI until about 1 or 2am at which point I go back to bed hoping I won't ignore the alarm and get back to work in the morning...  Then, on the weekends I usually drop any other things I have to do to play FFXI.

I don't need to explain anything because you just proved my point. <_<

For one thing, I don't even know what the heck a gobbie bag is... I just want money (I hate being poor, in real life and in games)...

This is the last time I will say this.... you are richer then I was at that point.

Edited by Abombz!!
  Yohsho said:
Ah, should tell my bro that, saves him the trip out to Jueno, he seems to get lost on always.

BTW when did they take out the ability to invite ppl to your party in other areas?

Well... he would need a really good party though. Korroloka is rough, and the pugils there agro. The are where clippers spawn is surrounded by those pugils.

As for that ability... they never took it out. You can still invite ppl who are in areas directly linked to the one you are in. You were never able to invite someone in bastok when you are in Valkurm or something like that.


Ah, I guess Lower Jueno is too far away then.

Oh, Vos the gobbiebag thing was me. <_< Nevermind about that. I've given up trying to get it right now. As in I won't bother.

  Yohsho said:
Ah, I guess Lower Jueno is too far away then.

Oh, Vos the gobbiebag thing was me. <_< Nevermind about that. I've given up trying to get it right now. As in I won't bother.

The problem with the gobbie bag... is that if you can't manage your inventory with 30 slots, adding 5 slots won't exactly help you. And its not like you don't stop at a town every now and then. If your mog safe is too crowded.... get yourself a second character and send all your unused stuff to him/her.... thats what I did, and it works wonders.

And Yosho... you were saying you weren't thinking about changing to an advanced class later on because you ddin't want to start from the beginning.... well.... as a pali, things move much faster. You can solo till lv15, you can take on toughs without breaking a sweat (I have survived a triple tough agro in Konstchat once). By lv15, get a club and go to Gusgen Mines. Everything near the entrance you con as either tough or even match.... but get this, palis make undead crap their bones, and clubs eat through undead as if they weren't even there.

You don't even have to sub war.... just sub whm and watch as you solo pratically the entire game on your own.

  Abombz!! said:
I don't need to explain anything because you just proved my point. <_<


Well that tears it, I'm going to Qufim tonight and partying like mad. After I take a bath and clean some more clothes of course :blink: Priorities!!

I still don't know what I want to do as a advanced job yet.

Vostok 7

Posted (edited)

Want to see how you are not the only one with pting problems?

I went to Jeuno today in hopes of getting a pt and reaching lv24 so I could dump my current armor and go back to the more comfortable chain armor. Got an invite a few minutes after being there.

Got killed by a dancing weapon on my way in because some stupid frakk at Square thought it was a good idea to reset their respawning point right at the entrance of the cave where theres no way to avoid being agroed. So I ran back... met the pt in front of the Delkfut tower.

The pt had 1 whm, 1 drk, 2 sams, 1 monk and 1 ninja. We start fighting clippers, the sam uses Enpi, and me having enough tp, decided to use Enpi too so we would cause distortion..... instead the sam tells me not to do that in a very rude manner. Fine. After that battle I ask what the chain order is.... the same sam tells me "There is not chain order, just use tp at your own discretion". That got me ticked off and confused.

A few battles later, I do the samething, thinking what the heck, theres no chain order, right? Might as well just take the oportunity and chain off someone, right? Wrong! I got the exact same reaction... but this time I got "Jesus! I told you before, stop frakking around and don't chain off me!!". Great, he goes off to yell at me that he was chaining with a friend of his.... now how the frakk was I supposed to know that? He didn't say anything, and assumed I knew. How was I supposed to know that they were some sort of gay couple or something? Seriously... the xp was awsome, but if I have to deal with someone who is an ass to everyone (whm included) I rather not be in the party. <_<

And you know what the funny thing is? Because I was 1 lv above him, and was subbing drk (attack bonus) I was dealing 3 times as much dmg as he was. And the 2 times I chained with him, we did twice as much dmg as when he chained with his homosexual game mate. Seriously.... stupidity like that goes beyond me.

Seriously... some ppl in that piss me off to know end. Its like some idiot locked the entire gamesfaq community in a room. <_<

Edited by Abombz!!

lol, One of the parties I was in while getting to 25 said that all the stupid players come out during the weekend to play. :p Sometimes I tend to believe it, like the ones who don't set seek party and just start yelling out LFG!!!!

You shoulda joined Unicorn! ;)

Do like me, have 2 weeks worth of clothes and wash every week, that way you have clothes. Food, is my problem, dammit I can't live off Mac+Cheese forever.

  Yohsho said:
lol, One of the parties I was in while getting to 25 said that all the stupid players come out during the weekend to play. :p Sometimes I tend to believe it, like the ones who don't set seek party and just start yelling out LFG!!!!

You shoulda joined Unicorn! ;)

Do like me, have 2 weeks worth of clothes and wash every week, that way you have clothes. Food, is my problem, dammit I can't live off Mac+Cheese forever.

LOL! I'm inclined to believe that the asses come out during the week while the stupid players come out during the weekend. :lol:

As for the shouts.... I wouldn't know, I have long ago filtered shout out when I was Qufim and ppl would set their ability yells as /s instead of /s or would shout profanities whenever something bad happened to their pts. :rolleyes:

Why wash? Just wear the same outfit everyday.... saves on water and soap. :lol:

As for food..... bah!! Eating is for weak!!! :p


But but I like food. :) As for shouts, I'm thinking that I'll need to start filtering everything except for some /t and regular talk. <_<

As for that clothes comment, my brother already does that with one of his hoodies. Its picked up the nickname "Scuzzie Hoodie" cuz of its condition.

And yes I'm weak. :lol:


Heh, I had a great party last night and all NA so I didn't have to turn my lazy brain back and forth from English to Japanese mode. Went great all night, got 7000 xp and leveled to 53. We had 2blms 1 whm 1rdm 1pld and me the monk. Was a little rough at first trying to gel everything together, but eventually dropping the mobs was so easy our blm and whm tarus were running up to the mobs working on their club skill. The paladin would use circle blade and I'd use raging fist for impaction and the 2blms and the rdm would burst thunder 2 off of it. Kinda sucks being in Hawaii though, as parties always end earlier than I'd like, but to finish off we changed the chain to shoulder tackle > freezebite and bursted with double freezes dealing over 2200 damage to the mob in under 10 seconds. :)

  imode said:
Heh, I had a great party last night and all NA so I didn't have to turn my lazy brain back and forth from English to Japanese mode. Went great all night, got 7000 xp and leveled to 53. We had 2blms 1 whm 1rdm 1pld and me the monk. Was a little rough at first trying to gel everything together, but eventually dropping the mobs was so easy our blm and whm tarus were running up to the mobs working on their club skill. The paladin would use circle blade and I'd use raging fist for impaction and the 2blms and the rdm would burst thunder 2 off of it. Kinda sucks being in Hawaii though, as parties always end earlier than I'd like, but to finish off we changed the chain to shoulder tackle > freezebite and bursted with double freezes dealing over 2200 damage to the mob in under 10 seconds. :)

See? Thats a good pt. I had one like that this past weekend.... only 1 tank, and boy did he pull agro well. And I don't get why most whms get all pissy and start running around when a mob turns their attention towards them. Seriously.... if I see a mob running up to me, I just stand there healing the tank or casting banish on the mobs candy ass untill it turns its attention to the blm because she is casting non stop chain spells. :lol:

  Abombz!! said:
See? Thats a good pt. I had one like that this past weekend.... only 1 tank, and boy did he pull agro well. And I don't get why most whms get all pissy and start running around when a mob turns their attention towards them. Seriously.... if I see a mob running up to me, I just stand there healing the tank or casting banish on the mobs candy ass untill it turns its attention to the blm because she is casting non stop chain spells. :lol:

lol I know... when they run around it only makes it tougher for me to 'voke 'em off because then I either get "unable to see" or "out of range".

I was in a good pt that got raped by a pugil last night. I think pugils are out to get me... every time I've ever had a problem with a good party, it was a Pugil. BTW Abombz, I think you and your EF rocks... Qufim is under Bastokan control... Which means HPs and crystals. WOOHOO! I came back to the HP in time to get XP from that pugil that raped us (they busted out the 2hrs on it and managed to finish it off somehow, but both 'vokers got killed, so they had no damage). So it was all good.

Then, I got in a party with Suko when I was gonna log and we managed to take down a Giant Trapper that some PT had been kind enough to drop in our spawn spot while we were killing clippies. Only 192xp. Not impressive. But it was impressive that we managed to kill it after we were already damaged from the clip.

I'm a voking machine lately... Any time something aggros anyone except me, and I have more health, I will voke it off and tell everyone to zone or call for help if we can't zone and get it away from the mages. Thank god for high lvl japanese players who will take down CFH's.

The party that got raped by pugs... our WHM made the mistake of using benediction while we were fighting :rolleyes: Smart. Anymore I tell WHMs to only use Bene during down times, becaust I can't 'voke the hate from a Bene.

Vostok 7

Posted (edited)
The party that got raped by pugs... our WHM made the mistake of using benediction while we were fighting  Smart. Anymore I tell WHMs to only use Bene during down times, becaust I can't 'voke the hate from a Bene.

And I sure as hell hope he/she doesn't listen to you. <_<

Benediction is a 2h job ability for a reason.... its a life saver, and whm killer. It is not, under any circunstance to be used during down times, because you can simply do Divine Circle + Curaga to the same effect without the 2h recharge. Unless you are close to the zone line.... the whm will die, unless you have 4 tanks and they all have provoke ready.

Seriously.... if you have never been a whm, do not try to tell the whm what to do. When your pt is dying and your whm can't use benediction to save you, because he listened to your oh so bright idea about using it during down times, you will learn to never ever tell a whm what to do again.

Benediction is an ability that should only be used as last resort (as in the out of mp last resort) DURING a battle! If whm in my pt decides to use it during down time, I swear I would slap him for real. <_<

BTW Abombz, I think you and your EF rocks...

No we didn't. My EF did nothing because none of us got any xp in Qufim at all. The take over came from good players not being killed in there.

And BTW.... at lv22... you should be easily eating giants for breakfast without breaking a sweat. Giants are whimps, as long as your whm is smart enough to stand the frakk away from battle.

Edited by Abombz!!
Posted (edited)

lol pwn3d. As usual :p

Yeah yeah yeah, I remember now, it is Divine Circle + Curega... Because that brings about as much hate as Benediction. I was confused :p

Vostok 7

Edited by Vostok 7
  Abombz!! said:
And BTW.... at lv22... you should be easily eating giants for breakfast without breaking a sweat. Giants are whimps, as long as your whm is smart enough to stand the frakk away from battle.

It really wasn't that bad of a fight... It's just usually my PTs are afraid of taking on Giants.

Vostok 7

Posted (edited)
  Vostok 7 said:
lol pwn3d.  As usual :p

Vostok 7

Do you use your 2h ability when fighting an easy? No? Then why would a whm use his when healing? <_<

Don't ever try to teach a whm what to do unless you have been a whm before. 99% of whms are made of ppl who chose to play that class, therefore, unlike wars and other classes, they know what they are getting into, they know their limitations, and they know when to do what.

At your lv... a whm has more pt experience then you do.

Edited by Abombz!!
Posted (edited)
  Abombz!! said:
Don't ever try to teach a whm what to do unless you have been a whm before. 99% of whms are made of ppl who chose to play that class, therefore, unlike wars and other classes, they know what they are getting into, they know their limitations, and they know when to do what.

At your lv... a whm has more pt experience then you do.

lol I have been a WHM before remember? :ph34r::p:lol:

Fine, I won't tell people what to do anymore... If they get killed because they generated so much hate I couldn't voke then that's their problem.

btw, in the situation this person used benediction, I didn't feel it was necessary.

Vostok 7

Edited by Vostok 7
Posted (edited)
  Vostok 7 said:
  Abombz!! said:
Don't ever try to teach a whm what to do unless you have been a whm before. 99% of whms are made of ppl who chose to play that class, therefore, unlike wars and other classes, they know what they are getting into, they know their limitations, and they know when to do what.

At your lv... a whm has more pt experience then you do.

lol I have been a WHM before remember? :ph34r::p:lol:

Fine, I won't tell people what to do anymore... If they get killed because they generated so much hate I couldn't voke then that's their problem.

btw, in the situation this person used benediction, I didn't feel it was necessary.

Vostok 7

See? Thats your problem... you don't realize that benediction is a suicide ability. At lv20-25.... a whm who expects to be saved after benediction is a stupid jackass who shouldn't be a whm in the first place. <_<

btw, in the situation this person used benediction, I didn't feel it was necessary

Its not up to you to decide. Its up to the whm to access the situation and take the best action possible to save the pt.

As a whm.... I'm known to rest in the middle of a battle even though the mob still has half its hp.... why? Because I simply figured out the dmg the party was taking, and that they could survive without healing. More mp=more chains. And why don't they get angry at me? Because they know what I'm doing or because they trust my judgement.

Edited by Abombz!!
  Abombz!! said:
See? Thats your problem... you don't realize that benediction is a suicide ability. At lv20-25.... a whm who expects to be saved after benediction is a stupid jackass who shouldn't be a whm in the first place. <_<

He was close enough to the tower to voke and had plenty of HP and IIRC, he had MP too, and we definitely had the upper hand on the pug we were killing. If anything it would have been better if he had saved it until we were being raped by that other pug :angry: but then, that's just my opinion I suppose. There were members in the party that were still in white and yellow HP levels when he bene'd.

Vostok 7

Posted (edited)
  Vostok 7 said:
  Abombz!! said:
See? Thats your problem... you don't realize that benediction is a suicide ability. At lv20-25.... a whm who expects to be saved after benediction is a stupid jackass who shouldn't be a whm in the first place. <_<

He was close enough to the tower to voke and had plenty of HP and IIRC, he had MP too, and we definitely had the upper hand on the pug we were killing. If anything it would have been better if he had saved it until we were being raped by that other pug :angry: but then, that's just my opinion I suppose. There were members in the party that were still in white and yellow HP levels when he bene'd.

Vostok 7

I take it you never seen a pugs one hit kill ability. <_<

It doesn't matter if he had enough mp in this case... if he didn't have enough MP for either curaga or CureII.... your party could've been raped by the pug no matter how much the upperhand was.

Edited by Abombz!!

I suppose you have a point. I'm just the type of person who waits until the absolute last second to bust the 2hr, because many times I've seen people use their two hours every chance they get or "feel necessary" and end up not having it when we really could have used it.

Vostok 7

  Vostok 7 said:
I suppose you have a point. I'm just the type of person who waits until the absolute last second to bust the 2hr, because many times I've seen people use their two hours every chance they get or "feel necessary" and end up not having it when we really could have used it.

Vostok 7

Yes.... the last minute.... when 99% of the time... it will probably do nothing to save the party.

Honestly.... other then the mages 2h, the pali 2h and the sam 2h.... all other 2hs are almost useless at saving pts. Why? Because they are too dependent on your accuracy.

What good will Might Strikes do if you can't hit a mob in the first place? What good will the drk 2h do when you can't hit a mob either?

On the other hand, palis Invinsible is always guaranteed to work. Mages spells don't depend on accuracy, so either they do little dmg or they do alot of dmg.

It always pissed me off how Mighty Strikes never really helped a pt in anyway because I would always miss a mob... specially Elshimo Mandragoras.... since they seemed to have damn high evasion rate. <_<


BTW.... its suggestions like that, that will never get you a linkpearl. I can bed anything that the whm got a bunch of tells from the rest of the party about your.... errr.... awsome suggestion. <_<

  Abombz!! said:
Yes.... the last minute.... when 99% of the time... it will probably do nothing to save the party.

Honestly.... other then the mages 2h, the pali 2h and the sam 2h.... all other 2hs are almost useless at saving pts. Why? Because they are too dependent on your accuracy.

What good will Might Strikes do if you can't hit a mob in the first place? What good will the drk 2h do when you can't hit a mob either?

On the other hand, palis Invinsible is always guaranteed to work. Mages spells don't depend on accuracy, so either they do little dmg or they do alot of dmg.

It always pissed me off how Mighty Strikes never really helped a pt in anyway because I would always miss a mob... specially Elshimo Mandragoras.... since they seemed to have damn high evasion rate. <_<

I know, I've noticed that too. What I'd love is that I would actually be hitting the damn thing, then bust the 2hr, and then miss every hit afterwards :rolleyes: High evasion mobs it's almost useless to use anything other than a defensive 2hr since your chances of hitting seem to almost halve. And that's especially bad soloing with a GS and you get into trouble because not only will you be missing, but it takes years for you to swing again :rolleyes:

I wish hundred fists would carry over on the sub... :lol:

Pretty much, the only useful 2hr attack for a pt is hundred fists...

Vostok 7

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