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  imode said:
That was the suck. Luckily I was on when the servers started dying. It was amazing. 400 people total online when there are usually 3500. So what do you do? YOU CAMP NM's! Unfortunately the remaining people online had the same idea as well. 16 total people in the Oztroja Castle zone, and 10 of them were camping my NM. At peak hours, max I've ever seen camp the NM was 6.

LOL.... ain't that the best idea? My server had 78 ppl on when the lobby crashed. Too bad I was all the way in Windurst and I was too lazy to run back to Bastok and camp lizzies. :blink:


After about a 2-3 week break from playing my monk, I have finally made it to level 51! It's wonderful! I hope you all know the joys of a *counter-attack*punch*punch*double-hit-punch*kick* sequence! :lol:

Sweet jesus, all I need is to work on my Samurai sub now.


Hey Yoh, you and DT wanna go NM hunting with me in Palborogh tonight? I know where the good spawns are now :ph34r: and we can use DT's theif skills.

There's one that's an 11-15 and one that's a 22-23... I suppose we shouldn't take the 22-23 :blink: (though, I suppose an even to the two of us could be overpowered by a 20, 22 and 23).

One caveat, if the one drops a Braveheart, I get at least one (two, if we get alot :ph34r: ).

Supposedly he spawns alot more than Leaping Lizzie. (which is why his drops aren't worth 100-200k :blink: )

Vostok 7


I'm up for it. I need to kill some more NM's other than bubbling bernie. :p I should really get my WHM lvls up too. Need that mp boost.

Posted (edited)
  Yohsho said:
I'm up for it.  I need to kill some more NM's other than bubbling bernie. :p I should really get my WHM lvls up too. Need that mp boost.

MP boost for what? Aren't you changing classes once reach lv30? Then why the heck are you worried about lving whm beyond lv10 right now? And if you want an mp boost.... lv blm damnit!! <_<

If you want to lv something... lv a war. If you really want to be a pali, be aware that without provoke you are useless untill you get the super blind spell. <_<

Edited by Abombz!!
  Abombz!! said:
  Yohsho said:
I'm up for it.  I need to kill some more NM's other than bubbling bernie. :p I should really get my WHM lvls up too. Need that mp boost.

MP boost for what? Aren't you changing classes once reach lv30? Then why the heck are you worried about lving whm beyond lv10 right now? And if you want an mp boost.... lv blm damnit!! <_<

If you want to lv something... lv a war. If you really want to be a pali, be aware that without provoke you are useless untill you get the super blind spell. <_<

Even with flash you're super useless. As a paladin you'll most likely be fighting with 1-hand sword + shield with defense enabled meaning you'll be doing squat for damage. Any damage class will be able to out-aggro you, not to mention every single mage class out there.

I had this arguement with someone in my linkshell about which was a better paladin, a pld/whm or a pld/war. He was so certain that a pld/whm was better than a pld/war because more cure = more aggro. However, apparently he forgot about warrior's passive offense/defense up + defender + warcry + provoke not to mention a boost in vitality and strength. Having whm sub would get you more MP + int, but that's not really what a paladin is about. You can spam cures to grab aggro, but a paladin's MP is gimped for a reason. A paladin isn't meant to cure others. It's to throw big self cures and hold aggro. Provoke+Flash+Defender+Sentinel+Cure II, rinse and repeat.

Warrior is actually the greatest class because it's so useful as a subjob for so many of the other classes. Using warrior as a start you can go to Paladin, Ninja, Monk, Ranger, Samurai, Dragoon, Thief and Red Mage. No one ever really wants to see a Warrior with a whitemage sub unless you're using it to play solo.

Posted (edited)

bah that wasn't cool.

So we were NM hunting tonight. I managed to run across Hundredscar Hajwaj in Ghelsba and got a wild cudgel (a whole 5000g in Jeuno and 2000g in Bastok. Wow.) then Seraphae, Hatsuko and I went hunting for Zi'Ghi Boneeater in Palborough. We managed to see it while camping but it had already been engauged by someone else :angry: Then, we come back an hour later, camp for it, it never shows, end up getting aggroed first by about 8 quadavs (which we won somehow against) then again by like a WHOLE BUNCH and still never saw mister prissy pants Boneeater. :angry: So tomorrow we're going to go to Ghelsba to finish the first part of the emissary mission and do some easy NM hunting (Ashmaker Gotblut and Thousandarm Deshglesh) in there.

I really wanted a Braveheart. :(

Vostok 7

Edited by Vostok 7

Most NM's are lottery pop btw. This means you kill the placeholder mobs where it's supposed to spawn and there's a random chance of it spawning in the next round. It's completely random, so it could be as short as 15 minutes, and it could take hours. I came on early one saturday morning (best time, less JP players on), and I was the only one their camping my NM. In four hours it spawned only once.

NM hunting is only for the patient.

<_< I won't say anything about NM hunting. I know it was my fault for the first mob of 8 Quads coming after us. Lucky that the 3 of managed to beat them off. :blink: Then the next 10? 12? was too much for use to handle. Hopefully nexttime we go hunting we don't get swarmed.
Posted (edited)

So your NM hunting gave nothing? Thats a shame..... and I think I will go back to playing with my 2 pairs of leaping boots I managed to get yesterday when I refused to heal a dying warrior. :lol:

Imode.... pali/whm is awsome for soloing. Pali/war is awsome for partying because not only do you get provoke, but you can also use defender to become a wall of pure steel or beserk to deal some damage.

But the greatest comb yet is pali/drk. With the pali extra defense, plus the drk attack bonuses, you become a soloing machine. :blink:

NM hunting is only for ppl who have achieved a high lv and are bored of looking for parties. For low lv players, NM hunting is as good as witch hunting.

One of the best combos actually, is whm/pali. The extra vitality gives you more defense then a drk and the same defense as a war without defense bonus.

Edited by Abombz!!
  Abombz!! said:
So your NM hunting gave nothing? Thats a shame..... and I think I will go back to playing with my 2 pairs of leaping boots I managed to get yesterday when I refused to heal a dying warrior. :lol:

Imode.... pali/whm is awsome for soloing. Pali/war is awsome for partying because not only do you get provoke, but you can also use defender to become a wall of pure steel or beserk to deal some damage.

But the greatest comb yet is pali/drk. With the pali extra defense, plus the drk attack bonuses, you become a soloing machine. :blink:

NM hunting is only for ppl who have achieved a high lv and are bored of looking for parties. For low lv players, NM hunting is as good as witch hunting.

One of the best combos actually, is whm/pali. The extra vitality gives you more defense then a drk and the same defense as a war without defense bonus.

Yeh, the only real reasons for a fighter class to sub whm is if:

#1. You're soloing, or...

#2. You really don't trust the group that you're in.

For soloing and NM hunting however, one of the best combo's I've ever seen is samurai/warrior hunting with a polearm. This was especially frustating dealing with sam/war NM hunters because of the speed at which they were able to do things. With warrior he can afford to take a few hits and use provoke to kill-steal NM's. Then with meditation, he can almost instantly break into pentathrust. The 5 hits return around 60% TP, and with meditation still working, he can break into a second pentathrust almost instantly after his first one is finished.

Posted (edited)
  Abombz!! said:
So your NM hunting gave nothing? Thats a shame..... and I think I will go back to playing with my 2 pairs of leaping boots I managed to get yesterday when I refused to heal a dying warrior. :lol:

No, the Hundredscar Hajwaj I ran into in Ghelsba dropped a Wild Cudgel, and we ran into Zi'Ghi Boneeater but someone else already had him and when we came back for him to spawn, we got pwn3d.

BTW 2 pairs of leaping boots?! good lord I hate you :( I'm only NM hunting because I need the money something fearce. I only have 3k to my name at the moment, and I have NEVER been over 11k the whole time I've played the game. :(

I have a plan to get Zi'Ghi's pansy ass though...

Vostok 7

Edited by Vostok 7
Posted (edited)

I won't say a thing cuz' 1. I am also low on cash at this moment. 2. I've only killed 1NM and its was part of a quest. :p Must get cash.

You know what the worst thing is. Having a brother play as a theif and always saying how he's got tons of cash. <_<

Let us in on the plan man. :D

Edited by Yohsho
  Yohsho said:
I won't say a thing cuz' 1. I am also low on cash at this moment. 2. I've only killed 1NM and its was part of a quest. :p Must get cash.

You know what the worst thing is. Having a brother play as a theif and always saying how he's got tons of cash. <_<

Let us in on the plan man. :D

I'm thinking to get Zi'Ghi to spawn, you have to kill all six of those quadavs in those two rooms and wait... If you remember, he spawned in the other room after we had just defeated the three that spawned in our room. So my guess is he only spawns randomly IF all six quadavs in those rooms are defeated.

Now... this is going to be tough on the three of us so I might have to see if I can get my RDM/WHM friend who took me to Jeuno to come with us (longshot)... but here's my plan... We split up into two groups, my thought is first, we hack the quadavs in the first room, then hat and I go to the second room and hack those quadavs while you stay in that first room so you can nuke Zi'Ghi if you see him. We have to make sure we are REALLY CAREFUL about aggros and linking though. Then, rinse, repeat until Zi'Ghi spawns.

Won't be easy, but I'm sure it will work. There's enough time between those spawns that you would be safe until we're done, and I have been able to handle those three quads on my own (unless they ganged on me :angry: ) so with Hat attacking too I know we could do it. A group of 6 would be the best of course, two wars, two theifs and two healers of some sort, that way you can split camp like I mentioned, and still be safe... then as you get Zi'Ghi to spawn, you can just switch places.

Though, I want to spend some time getting XP in Qufim tonight since I got a little low with all the dying we did.

Vostok 7



As of yet, his spawn conditions are unknown. Though he spawns only in the circled area, so you two don't have to run like headless chickens throughout the entire third floor. That being said, the third floor is evil. Those gated hallways make it like a maze, and if you accidentally aggro something on the otherside of those gates, he'll come hunting you down linking with every other Quadav that happens to be between you and him.

  imode said:
As of yet, his spawn conditions are unknown. Though he spawns only in the circled area, so you two don't have to run like headless chickens throughout the entire third floor. That being said, the third floor is evil. Those gated hallways make it like a maze, and if you accidentally aggro something on the otherside of those gates, he'll come hunting you down linking with every other Quadav that happens to be between you and him.

Now you tell us :p Yeah, we learned about the "aggro through the grating" thing.

The other site I checked circles that whole area, so we camped in the left hand side and saw him spawn in the right... At least someone has a better map of where he's supposed to be. But yeah, I already knew he was there... And there's no way I would run around in the third level like a headless chicken :blink: There's only one quad in there that will aggro Sera and I, and that's the greater quadav. All the rest are low easy or too weak... However, they almost all aggro on Suko. :angry:

Vostok 7


Abombz, Vostok... if one of you guys wants to get me a worldpass, I'll join you guys on your server now. I'm not going to ditch my current character, but I'm going to start a new one on yours (if you'll have me, that is)

  Skull Leader said:
Abombz, Vostok... if one of you guys wants to get me a worldpass, I'll join you guys on your server now. I'm not going to ditch my current character, but I'm going to start a new one on yours (if you'll have me, that is)

lol no! You can't join us! :p I'll tell Abombz when I get in later after work. I would buy you the WP but I'm broke and they usually cost like 5 to 10k gil, sometimes up to 20k. I still haven't added you to my friend list BTW. I can't find you still when I search.

If we're going to buy one is there anyone else that wants into Unicorn with us? You get like 8 openings.

Vostok 7

Posted (edited)

Correction, we get 5 openings... so 4 more people can come.

Okay we have it. Please PM me to get the # if you are interested in joining us. I think they last for a week. Skull Leader, I will PM you the number.

Vostok 7

Edited by Vostok 7

This whole start from scratch on a new server thing is bunk. <_<

If they're going to give a worldpass option, they should let you move entire characters from server to server.


Heck if I could take my character from server to server I would run around on all the servers I can wreaking my pituful havoc. :p

PS I can die another 2 times bofore I need to kill more things to get my XP back up.

  imode said:

As of yet, his spawn conditions are unknown. Though he spawns only in the circled area, so you two don't have to run like headless chickens throughout the entire third floor. That being said, the third floor is evil. Those gated hallways make it like a maze, and if you accidentally aggro something on the otherside of those gates, he'll come hunting you down linking with every other Quadav that happens to be between you and him.

Yeah? Isn't it much more fun when one of them calls for help? I have seen 20 Quads team up on a blm... just to be killed by a single spell. :lol:

  Abombz!! said:
Yeah? Isn't it much more fun when one of them calls for help? I have seen 20 Quads team up on a blm... just to be killed by a single spell. :lol:

We weren't quite that lucky :blink:

Vostok 7


I was in a full party as a whm last night. I have to say it was pretty fun, but the lag was horrible.

I don't know if its because of my shitty connection or because, unlike any other class, I actually have full view of the battle. Someone told me I could simply look away from the battle, and it seemed to work, but not much of a improvement.

The other thing, is that I had a support healer everytime my party pulled something, so I'm not really sure if I was doing a good enough job or not.

The fun thing is.... everyone wants you in your party, and I mean everyone. I kept getting tells from ppl wanting me to join their party last night.

Oh well.... I might persue the career of whm, untill I can get my sam to lv25 and start lving in Elshimo.


What happened to quitting? :p


Pretty soon I better get back to lvling in Qufim so you don't catch up and pass me... AGAIN.

Vostok 7

  Vostok 7 said:
What happened to quitting? :p


Pretty soon I better get back to lvling in Qufim so you don't catch up and pass me... AGAIN.

Vostok 7

By the time you hit lv25..... I'll have most my jobs at lv30. <_<

  Abombz!! said:
By the time you hit lv25..... I'll have most my jobs at lv30. <_<

And it doesn't help I can't play for the rest of the week *cry*

Remember when you told me you weren't a human, but a super computer bent on world domination? I'm starting to think you weren't kidding :blink:


Vostok 7


Now you tell me about her being a supercomputer! I won't try as hard to keep up now. I'll just get fame and Moat Carps then. :mellow:

Posted (edited)
  Yohsho said:
Now you tell me about her being a supercomputer! I won't try as hard to keep up now.  I'll just get fame and Moat Carps then. :mellow:

Why do you think she got so anxious about her video card!


(that's exactly what she said, too... :blink: )

Vostok 7

Edited by Vostok 7

Crizzap. You should all be on my server so you can help me camp my NM. Camping NM's frustrate me to no end, but no other choice when spending 430,000 gil for gloves is just not an option. I already wasted 90,000 on my lifebelt and another 90,000 on shinobigi and sitabaki. Then there's the cost of my subjob's armor and the cost of my BCNM armor.... :unsure:

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