Yohsho Posted December 27, 2003 Posted December 27, 2003 Back from getting wooped by the tree and I brought pics. First talk to the mog to get the lvl cap, no losin XP if you die. Quote
Yohsho Posted December 27, 2003 Posted December 27, 2003 Next is a little aside thing about sizes in FF11, I'm a small Elvaan and my bro is a small Hume. He got pissed that I'm still a foot taller than him. Quote
Yohsho Posted December 27, 2003 Posted December 27, 2003 Tree, when you get near this thing the ground shakes! Plus a real ugly face. Quote
Yohsho Posted December 27, 2003 Posted December 27, 2003 Did I mention he's HUGE, the funny thing its still wearing its christmas lights. It did like 50-60 dmg to me. Quote
ogami Posted December 27, 2003 Posted December 27, 2003 Great! I and other 50 people were attacking the Treant at the same moment and we couldn't even make a scatch on it. It seems that attacking it is not a solution. Quote
ogami Posted December 27, 2003 Posted December 27, 2003 All RIGHT! A fix to the Twinkling Treants! ----------------------------------- From:FINAL FANTASY XI 12/27/2003 01:40 [PST] Portion Areas Emergency Server Maintenance Notice(12/27) At the following time, we will be performing FINAL FANTASY XI portion areas emergency server maintenance on the below areas due to adjustments to the monsters, Twinkling Treants for the "Pernicious Presents" event. During this period, players will not be able to gain access to the areas in question. We apologize for any inconvenience. [Date & Time] 12/27/2003 02:00 (PST). [Operation Details] Decrease maximum hit points of event monster, Twinkling Treants. [Estimated Downtime] 2 hours [Affected Areas] - West Ronfaure - East Ronfaure - North Gustaberg - South Gustaberg - East Sarutabaruta - West Sarutabaruta - Jugner Forest - Meriphataud Mountains - Pashhow Marshlands - Beaucedine Glacier - Eastern Altepa Desert - Yuhtunga Jungle [Affected Services] FINAL FANTASY XI Also, the event is scheduled to end on 12/30/2003 (Tue) 07:00 (PST) If only the players successfully remove all Twinkling Treants before the event ends, a teleport service between the outposts of all regions provided by the trader's guild will be scheduled to open and provide continuous service. *Details of the Teleport Service will be announced after the event has ended. Quote
Abombz!! Posted December 27, 2003 Posted December 27, 2003 Yohsho said: Did I mention he's HUGE, the funny thing its still wearing its christmas lights. It did like 50-60 dmg to me. I tried hitting one yesterday..... I got hit by an attack that threw me about halfway accross the land.... and I was dead. Quote
Yohsho Posted December 27, 2003 Posted December 27, 2003 My fight started with my bro attempting to steal from it, damn Klepto theif. At least I stayed in the same area to be able to fight. Quote
Abombz!! Posted December 27, 2003 Posted December 27, 2003 Yohsho said: My fight started with my bro attempting to steal from it, damn Klepto theif. At least I stayed in the same area to be able to fight. Mine started when the damn tree decided it was a better idea to ignore the attackers and go for the by standers. 2 newbies talked to the moogle by accident, so they were eligeable to fight the treant. Poor guys, they had horror in their faces. Quote
imode Posted December 29, 2003 Posted December 29, 2003 ogami said: All RIGHT! A fix to the Twinkling Treants!----------------------------------- From:FINAL FANTASY XI 12/27/2003 01:40 [PST] Portion Areas Emergency Server Maintenance Notice(12/27) At the following time, we will be performing FINAL FANTASY XI portion areas emergency server maintenance on the below areas due to adjustments to the monsters, Twinkling Treants for the "Pernicious Presents" event. During this period, players will not be able to gain access to the areas in question. We apologize for any inconvenience. [Date & Time] 12/27/2003 02:00 (PST). [Operation Details] Decrease maximum hit points of event monster, Twinkling Treants. Hahah great, they do this AFTER we already take down 5 of them. Quote
Yohsho Posted December 29, 2003 Posted December 29, 2003 Hey at least you guys have killed them I don't know if any are dead on unicorn. Quote
imode Posted December 29, 2003 Posted December 29, 2003 Yohsho said: Hey at least you guys have killed them I don't know if any are dead on unicorn. Well, when 200 people spend 3 hours on a saturday morning whacking away at something, that's what happens The body count was enormous. Thankfully the west ronfaure outpost was so close by as soon as you die, you can just charge back in. Some of those other areas out in the boonies though, hoo boy, I'd hate to take those on. Quote
Abombz!! Posted December 29, 2003 Posted December 29, 2003 It would've been easier if instead of making the trees have god like HP.... if they made all monsters around it charge the attackers. Maybe have them get a quick lv up boost. That way some of the ppl would've to attack the linkers instead of getting whacked by the tree. Quote
Vostok 7 Posted December 29, 2003 Author Posted December 29, 2003 I heard nothing happens when you kill the treants until all of them are killed on the server. Then we get a teleportation service between outposts apparently? Vostok 7 Quote
Yohsho Posted December 29, 2003 Posted December 29, 2003 Teleportation anywhere is always good. I heard ppl talking around the fountain saying all the ones on Unicorn are dead. Quote
Vostok 7 Posted December 29, 2003 Author Posted December 29, 2003 Yohsho said: Teleportation anywhere is always good. I heard ppl talking around the fountain saying all the ones on Unicorn are dead. And I didn't even get to see one. I was too busy trying to get lvl 11 6 times thanks to Goblins. Vostok 7 Quote
Yohsho Posted December 29, 2003 Posted December 29, 2003 Didn't you see the pics I posted, the only other thing your missing is the entire screen shaking. If your near Bastok could you check in the metalworks F-8 to see if a teleport guy is there, the NPC's name is Conrad. Quote
Abombz!! Posted December 29, 2003 Posted December 29, 2003 The treants were really nothing special. They were like over grown sapplings, but 100times uglier. <_ Quote
Effect Posted December 29, 2003 Posted December 29, 2003 Man there are a lot of jerks in this game, just could be the server I'm on. They will stand back, see that the monster is almost dead and you are close yourself and then will laugh as you die just so they can take the kill. I can't believe my blacklist has grown to much. Never really happen like this before and I've played several mmorpg over the years. Lvl l10 now as a Red Mage. Anyway what servers does everyone play on again? Thinking of taking people up on those worldpass offers but kinda dreading starting over again, finally got a bit of money(to me to long to find out about how to actually gain crystals from monster, didn't happen till I was lvl 7 dumb me). Quote
Vostok 7 Posted December 30, 2003 Author Posted December 30, 2003 I haven't run into any jerks. We're (Hikuro (who seems to be MIA), Yohsho, Abombz and I) are all on Unicorn, which seems to be a pretty nice server. Vostok 7 Quote
imode Posted December 30, 2003 Posted December 30, 2003 No jerks on my server either... Except for the few times I /sit on people's dead bodies or pop fireworks when they die in front of me. Sorry, I can't resist. I really offended someone last night doing so, and so I say to him/her "LIGHTEN UP!". Quote
KveMan Posted December 30, 2003 Posted December 30, 2003 No jerks on Fairy... but not many people either. I helped kill one of the trees, only 1 or 2 left on Fairy now. It took 2 days just to kill that one.... I died about 7 times.... Quote
Abombz!! Posted December 30, 2003 Posted December 30, 2003 (edited) The only jerks I ran into are tanks that refuse to provoke. Really.... when you are provoking an enemy but the whm can't keep up with the damage, you would expect the other tank to provoke the thing off of you.... but no! Otherwise, my parties have all been nice. They don't even complain when I'm the lowest lv member and can't deal any damage to the enemy. And who ever tells you that japanese players avoid american players.... feel free to laugh at them. Last weekend I was in 7 different parties. 3 of them had japanese players, even though their basic english was kind of sucky, they still had no problems talking to the rest of the party. Edited December 30, 2003 by Abombz!! Quote
Abombz!! Posted December 30, 2003 Posted December 30, 2003 WTF is the matter with Square? Why se the outpost transport system lv cap to 20? Why would a lv20 character want to pay for transport when he/she will most likely already have a chocobo? It makes no sense! Why not let low lv characters use it? Aren't they the ones who suffer the most having to walk so damn far to sell off stuff and lv up? I'm lv16 right now.... and I have do 1hour hikings from Selbina to bastok almost daily, I'm getting tired of that! Quote
Vostok 7 Posted December 30, 2003 Author Posted December 30, 2003 Abombz!! said: and I have do 1hour hikings from Selbina to bastok almost daily, I'm getting tired of that! Preach it, Sister! I picked up a bow last night... boy is it fun! Best way to get skill points outside of a party is engague worms... They can't advance on you, so you have a stationary target. The only problem is there are no arrows to be found in Bastok, so I had my other character pick me up a bunch inn San d'Oria (figured they'd have arrows up there). Vostok 7 Quote
Abombz!! Posted December 30, 2003 Posted December 30, 2003 Vostok 7 said: I picked up a bow last night... boy is it fun! Best way to get skill points outside of a party is engague worms... They can't advance on you, so you have a stationary target. Oh? You mean "mages"? Thats a great idea indeed. Wait till they start casting Stone at you, one after the other.... that will be a ton of fun indeed. <_< Quote
Vostok 7 Posted December 30, 2003 Author Posted December 30, 2003 Abombz!! said: Oh? You mean "mages"? Thats a great idea indeed. Wait till they start casting Stone at you, one after the other.... that will be a ton of fun indeed. They were casting stone... Only hit me for 2 damage each... I can take that without a problem <_< Besides, my bow hits them for 20-30 damage if I land a hit. 2 hits and a stone eater is done for. I just have to find the "zone". Vostok 7 Quote
imode Posted December 30, 2003 Posted December 30, 2003 Abombz!! said: Vostok 7 said: I picked up a bow last night... boy is it fun! Best way to get skill points outside of a party is engague worms... They can't advance on you, so you have a stationary target. Oh? You mean "mages"? Thats a great idea indeed. Wait till they start casting Stone at you, one after the other.... that will be a ton of fun indeed. This doesn't work with bow users too well but it does work wonders for mages all though it can be somewhat risky. Trick is get into casting range, and just nuke the worm with as many spells as you can. When the worm starts casting on you (stone, stonega, stoneII), move out of casting range. Because mages don't need to engage a target to claim it, once out of casting range you can rest without having to disengage and thus you won't lose your claimed target and you won't give it time to heal. However you will be able to heal, then move back into casting range and nuke it again. This has worked wonders for mages needing to solo and get great XP. (Gustaberg > Gusgen > Qufim) The one problem with this is worms like to cast bind, so you have to make sure you move out of range as soon as you see him casting it. On the bright side, when bound, worms usually cast only rasp and stone 2 won't be a problem. Quote
Effect Posted December 30, 2003 Posted December 30, 2003 All the trees are gone on Fairy, got the system message an hour ago. Red Mages are fun but I hate that you have to wait till lvl 30 to do the quest to get other classes. I really want to play a Samurai and a Dark Knight. Quote
Abombz!! Posted December 30, 2003 Posted December 30, 2003 Effect said: All the trees are gone on Fairy, got the system message an hour ago. Red Mages are fun but I hate that you have to wait till lvl 30 to do the quest to get other classes. I really want to play a Samurai and a Dark Knight. Red Mages are fun? Maybe. But that fun doesn't last very long. For now you can hit anything with a sword, but as soon as you get beyond lv16 you won't be dealing damage at all, because the sword lv cap is pretty low on a Red Mage. Quote
Effect Posted December 30, 2003 Posted December 30, 2003 I was afraid of that . Well I'm 13 now and I was thinking of switching over to a Monk or maybe Black Mage. So far I've been soloing and grouped for around 10mins. Not having a good OOC(out of character) channel makes finding groups pretty hard since no one seems to answer shouts when you have a question. The game has a single player feel to it but some people seem to playing it like a single player game and not interacting with others. I actually miss actually selling things like in Everquest before the bazaar was added. I liked the character interaction. Hardly any in FFXI it seems, at least from what I've seen so far. Maybe things are better in the other cities. I should be leaving Bastok soon to find out. Quote
Abombz!! Posted December 30, 2003 Posted December 30, 2003 (edited) Effect said: I was afraid of that . Well I'm 13 now and I was thinking of switching over to a Monk or maybe Black Mage. So far I've been soloing and grouped for around 10mins. Not having a good OOC(out of character) channel makes finding groups pretty hard since no one seems to answer shouts when you have a question. The game has a single player feel to it but some people seem to playing it like a single player game and not interacting with others. I actually miss actually selling things like in Everquest before the bazaar was added. I liked the character interaction. Hardly any in FFXI it seems, at least from what I've seen so far. Maybe things are better in the other cities. I should be leaving Bastok soon to find out. You should have followed our advice and joined in a server with MW ppl in it. Finding parties is pretty easy. All you have to do is walk around an area with the "seek party" sign on. If you have all Macros set, and you are a good support character, you won't have trouble finding parties. Trust me, I was afraid of it too in beginning, I got in a few great parties, and now I have the time of my life in them. As for character interaction, you do know that ppl with a little "bag" beside their names are having bazaars set up, right? You can check them and then choose to check their inventory and buy whatever they have to offer. It might be in your server, but theres plenty of interaction in Unicorn. I even got tells from newbie japanese players asking for tips. If you want real character interaction..... be a white mage. Seriously, at certain times of the day, ppl will literally kill themselves to have you in their parties. Edited December 30, 2003 by Abombz!! Quote
Vostok 7 Posted December 30, 2003 Author Posted December 30, 2003 Abombz!! said: Finding parties is pretty easy. All you have to do is walk around an area with the "seek party" sign on. If you have all Macros set, and you are a good support character, you won't have trouble finding parties. Trust me, I was afraid of it too in beginning, I got in a few great parties, and now I have the time of my life in them. Same here. I totally didn't want to party with anyone other than who I knew, but I've had quite the time doing it. Sure, you run into a crappy party every now and then, but most of the time they're pretty cool and helpful, and besides, you get mad XP. And when people tell you to zone, ZONE. Vostok 7 Quote
Yohsho Posted December 31, 2003 Posted December 31, 2003 Abombz!! said: Effect said: All the trees are gone on Fairy, got the system message an hour ago. Red Mages are fun but I hate that you have to wait till lvl 30 to do the quest to get other classes. I really want to play a Samurai and a Dark Knight. Red Mages are fun? Maybe. But that fun doesn't last very long. For now you can hit anything with a sword, but as soon as you get beyond lv16 you won't be dealing damage at all, because the sword lv cap is pretty low on a Red Mage. Ya ya ya I know that comment is directed at the lvl17 red mage. Just wait till I get higher up I'll become a paladin and get that white armor and I'll show you all. Quote
Vostok 7 Posted December 31, 2003 Author Posted December 31, 2003 Yohsho said: Ya ya ya I know that comment is directed at the lvl17 red mage. Just wait till I get higher up I'll become a paladin and get that white armor and I'll show you all. Errg!! Wait for me people!! Vostok 7 Quote
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