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just opened my 2nd set of the yf-19 and transform it to battroid, no flimsy arm or loose ankles.

the first set,the right arm cant hold the gun at pointing position and loose ankle. decided 1st set will be displayed in fighter mode :(


Yeah I figured the heavier things went closer to the fuselage. I threw a few missiles on just after I took those photos and the setup doesn't look right, hence the question. But I'm a bit surprised that you say asymmetry being ok. I figured that you'd want to keep it as symmetrical as possible to avoid having more drag on one side than the other.

Good idea, but most aircrafts' flight control systems can handle mild to moderate asymmetrical loads without any trouble. For those craft which are analog, like the A-10, asymmetry was still allowed, but kind of limited, such as having an ECM pod on one of the outer wing stations, and having a couple Sidewinders on the other wing's outer station. The drag may be comparable, but perhaps more importantly the weight was comparable.

From a purely aesthetic stand, though, asymmetric loads don't look quite right to me. But please don't mind my eccentricities, I never thought F-16s looked quite right carrying AMRAAMs on the wingtip rails, either.


your yf-19 is starting to get yellow, must be another QC problem :p

nice shirt, simple and cool

One is printed on the shirt, while the other is an actual 19...

Guest davidwhangchoi

lol at first i thought it was an old 19 lying on the shirt. i was thinking wow, that's yellow.

Posted (edited)

Got around to playing with my second 19 and had one more thing I forgot to mention...I love the gun but don't much care for the way they designed the gun-collapse-and-stow gimmick. Unless I'm mistaken, once you stow the handle, the only way to slide the gun stock back in is by stressing the plastic of the stock around the handle/grip. I don't like that at all. Looks like I won't be doing that often, if at all. Good thing I have two!

Other than that, I noticed the hips on my second one could use a little tightening so I'll play with the screws a bit. Managed to transform her with no paint scratches at all. Just be mindful and aware of where everything rubs together.

Edited by xrentonx
Guest davidwhangchoi
Posted (edited)

Managed to transform her with no paint scratches at all. Just be mindful and aware of where everything rubs together.

how did you do that? doesn't it rub on the blk by the cockpit? how did you avoid scratching it?

Edited by davidwhangchoi

Yeah I figured the heavier things went closer to the fuselage. I threw a few missiles on just after I took those photos and the setup doesn't look right, hence the question. But I'm a bit surprised that you say asymmetry being ok. I figured that you'd want to keep it as symmetrical as possible to avoid having more drag on one side than the other.

A bit of yaw asymmetry is inherent----that's what rudder trim is for. Even if the plane happened to be aerodynamically perfectly symmetrical for yaw----odds are good the left and right engines aren't in PERFECT sync, so there'd still be some yaw due to that. The drag of one type of weapon on one side vs another would be small. If you're lucky, it'd be the opposite of the plane's own, and actually help things...

Weight is a bigger issue, as you can't really balance that out aerodynamically very well, whereas drag/yaw/trim are all easily evened out.

Nowadays, you're more likely to see a Super Hornet with an asymmetrical load than with a symmetrical load. (though that's mainly due to the Shornet's weirdness)


Well, we never see the YF-19 in space asides from when it's folding---every time it's fighting, it's in an atmosphere. Thus, aerodynamics/drag applies.

Posted (edited)

I totally understand this.

people here should be glad that someone took the time and effort to make a review for them.

Instead they are complaining and nagging about it. This is really ungreatful behavior.

Make a better review yourself, then you can complain!

And your complaining about criticism over reviews. You should be grateful people put in the time to suggest improvement. Add your own criticism yourself and then you can complain!

People rely on honesty and reviews to be informative to kow if the toys are worth the money. The best thing you could do is let the reviewer know what they'd like to see so they draw more viewers. Nobody is complaining since it was all free and did not pay for it so what is there to complain about?

They are just offering suggestions on what they would like. lol Who says we are not grateful?

Edited by 1/1 LowViz Lurker
Posted (edited)

I take reviews with a bit of salt, know from personal experience that they are easily influenced by the reviewers like or dislike for the subject.

Don't forget the advertising banners that sponsor the website if it is a free review. They can influence what scores a product gets. If the item is of a product from that company? Guess what? It's going to be a positive-only review since it pays the bills to keep the site up through the ad revenue. This happens a lot in games reviews where you will have reviews that give scores based on whether it is a small company that they can afford to piss off, or a big one that they can not afford to piss off. Been going on a long time.

Watch any tv show with ads for certain pharmaceutical products. Will those shows ever say anything bad about the drugs or the negative side effects or anything negative about company that sponsors the show? Probably not.

Edited by 1/1 LowViz Lurker

I just got my YF-19 today and man, people weren't kidding about the ankles. This is probably the first valk I have ever gotten that has had loose ankles out of the box. They're so loose that it can barely stand. I'm constantly worried about it falling face first.

This is definitely a major issue and would like to know if there's an easy way to tighten them up. I've seen some people say they've used super glue on the ankles, but I'm not sure I have the technical knowledge and confidence to open up the ankles to do so.

Other than the ankles, I guess the rest of the QC was fine. But still, it's a pretty big dink on the score if your battroid can't stand well on its own.

Posted (edited)

Hi promethuem5, I'm sorry if my initial comments came out wrong. I thoroughly enjoyed your review and thank you very much for putting the time and effort into it. I just meant that the overall tone of the entire review was overwhelmingly positive. I am happy that was your experience. Although you did mention a few points here and there, it was mostly drowned out by the glowing reports and it didn't make an impression on me after taking your review as a whole. I value your opinion and certainly didn't mean to spark any criticism of your excellent review. Don't get me wrong, I am happy with my toy, just not overwhelmingly ecstatic about it. There are improvements here and there and some WTF were the Arcadia engineers thinking about moments here and there.

I agree with Lowviz, I do like the toy, its probably a great $200 toy, but I don't think its a $384 toy. Arcadia would need to justify that extra 90% premium surcharge with some tampo printing and at least a stand (not to mention better ankles or engineering refinements) - come on, if you include stand adapters, then you should either have a stand included or at least sell the stands separately - what is this, just a tease for something you can't get?! If Arcadia wants to charge these premium prices, then I expect a premium product and I will be more critical of it than a cheaper alternative. I am not going to criticise a Chevy Cruze for handling like I would a BMW M3, basically we've got a Lexus, its better than decent, but its way overpriced for what you get. IMHO ;-)

If we don't mention price in review and how it affects your "happiness" then we are ignoring a big part of what makes the review useful for anyone still thinking abut buying the product. Now we are both happy. We are both glad arcadia is able to give us these wonderful toys. Nobody said we wanted to go ahead start our own toy companies and do better job than the toy companies. hehe

But we would all be lying to ourselves to say that we would not have been even MORE happy if they were set back to the price levels of yamato VF-19S. If price rises, surely it is fair to scrutinise a toy more than before? I think most would agree. It doesn't mean we are not happy. It doesn't mean we could do better. It means reviews need to factor this into the equation.

I remember when I bought a Beagle Mospeada ride Armor. Best toy of the show I have ever seen. Very glad to pay the huge price. But... If I were to review it, I would not fail to mention the cost and how it may be out of the price ranges of the average toy collector. Paying that much for a toy is unheard of anywhere outside of the hardest core fans of the show. It might be worth it to those who can easily afford the high price tag but for those that collect many other toys, they like hearing about comparisons to things of a similar nature and complexity if high price is a deal breaker.

Edited by 1/1 LowViz Lurker
Posted (edited)

Re: the review, I will only reiterate that it's one persons experience and they choose how they want to structure their write up. If someone wants something different/better/inclusive of this, that or the other then they should take the time, take pictures and write it up themselves.

Any given review is informative at best, if someone is going to make a decision based on what others have to say then do some more research and find multiple view points.

Re: prices, per HLJ;

Yamato YF-19 w Fast Packs: 22,800 JPY

Yamato YF-19 w/out Fast Packs: 18,800 JPY

Yamato YF-19 Fold Booster & Fast Packs: 5,800 JPY

Arcadia YF-19 w Fast Packs: 32,800 JPY

Those are prices w/ out discounts. Personally I'm OK with the $ 100 or increase in price for the improvements over the previous version (not to mention in increased costs in development, production, etc.) but everyone places their own premium on their cash and the perceived value and that is perfectly fine.


I disagree. Nobody said the reviewer HAD to listen to our suggestions. We just think the suggestions would help inform people about the toy because ankles might be a deal breaker for some. (not us who are happy with ours and who already bought it, but for those that might want that info and yet to purchase one still)

Nobody offering suggestions HAS to write up their own review. That's ridiculous.

We can choose to read a review, give a suggestion and not be reviewers ourselves. We are not being rude. We are genuinely wishing to help by offering advice. It doesn't mean they have to take any advice. And it doesn't mean we could do any better by trying to compete with the reviewer who did the review. No one said we wanted to be reviewers just because we might want to hear more about the negatives about a toy.

I'll repeat: we do not want to be reviewers and take his job. It's merely suggestions. He is under no obligation to listen to us. He is not my boss and I am not his boss. It's a free society. He can do what he wants we can do what we want. And there is no point telling us to go shop around for a better deal. It's not about us because we already own one. We are just offering friendly advice.

Some people want one (not me in particular since I own one already and am satisfied) but are hoping that a cheaper alternative comes along later at price they can swallow. So price is a deal breaker. Maybe they are not as big fans of yf-19 as us or perhaps they will get one later, or maybe they are deciding between this and some other toy, (for instance this and older yf-19,and maybe upgrade to arcadia later on when prices go down on the second hand market) that's all I'm saying.

Edited by 1/1 LowViz Lurker
Posted (edited)

I'm just getting caught up so maybe someone has commented but I think this slant wouldn't ring true. Bandai had a VF-171 designed but they were afraid to make further investment in it. It was the success of the renewal VF-25 that convinced them to give it a go. Since the 171 was designed before the 17 if Bandai was really reacting to Yamato's 17 release they could have sold the 171 six months earlier so it would drop at the same time as the Yamato toy but they didn't do that.

A lot of that I think is because it was cannon fodder mech I bet.

Nobody likes mechs that get killed easily and in the very first ep it is obvious it is not the heroes choice of vehicle. They are as popular as the brownies in SDFM. If you had a choice between Roy Fokker or generic plane that always gets shot down you will go with the bad ass.

And notice how the Alto 171 had no problems but the quality control probs are only the grey-blue CF 171? hmmm Perhaps they know it will sell bad so they only put half assed effort? Generic pilot planes in toy form break just like the show. :p

Edited by 1/1 LowViz Lurker

Just transformed mine. Wow. That is the least fun thing to transform that I own. And I have Binaltech Grimlock :).

Ankles are loose. So loose that i dont trust it to stand up unassisted. Good thing is you can get to them really easily it seems. So what's the recommendation for die cast? Clear nail polish or something else?

FAST pack leg bits don't even stay on on mine. The tabs don't grip at all they just fall off :( I'll have to try to build them up with something.

And also I can't for the life of me get the uniboob to go back into the chest all the way so the panel under it can plug in. I know I'm doing something wrong but I'm too scared to push harder on stuff in case something snaps.

Apart from that I didn't scratch anything. As long as you take your time and be careful it's not a problem. And it looks FANTASTIC in battroid mode. Sooooooo cool. For me the positives outweigh the negatives by a lot so I'm a very happy camper. I'll have to take some decent photos and post them up.

All I need now is a stand and a fold booster..


how did you do that? doesn't it rub on the blk by the cockpit? how did you avoid scratching it?

I just go very slow and deliberate making sure there's minimal rubbing on the painted parts. I've managed to be scratch free on the majority of Valks I own so its definitely possible.
Guest davidwhangchoi
Posted (edited)

I just go very slow and deliberate making sure there's minimal rubbing on the painted parts. I've managed to be scratch free on the majority of Valks I own so its definitely possible.

luck is one of your many skills B)) jk

Edited by davidwhangchoi

I have been avoiding transformation (too busy). However, both my YF-19 and my VF-19 Fire Valkyrie are out in the open taunting me, so it is only a matter of time before I make a move on that front. A heavy dose of swooshing has been tiding me over whenever I pass the YF-19 by.


Suppose they could be trying to get licensing to release a set of VF-25 packs for it, but a ghost or phalanx kit would be nice.

You're right, the VF-25 packs is something that would need licence approval. I don't think I'd buy it.


Thanks. :) There's no real gap to speak of, and the metal hinge is only vaguely seen on the inside edge of the wing:


Nice! Looks like we really need to open up the wings so the DX Super Parts will fit. Thanks Tober. :)

Wow! Love it! :wub: Wish I could have those too in the near future. ^_^

Posted (edited)

I got mine yesterday, transformed to battroid and back (scratching a bit of black paint despite being very careful...). It's in perfect condition, ankles are a bit loose but nothing surprising here since I already have the M7 19s and they're very similar.

Everything is near perfection on this release for me, I've put on the fast packs in battroid and transformed back to fighter without anything falling off and it feels as solid as naked fighter mode. It sure could have used more tampo but again I'm happy Arcadia got the kite on the side of the cockpit since that was always a problem for me on the old one, the rest is details I can overlook in fighter mode. I'm keeping my old Yamato in battroid with the new bigger gunpod though since this one is way too short to stand next to my YF-21. The old one is very inferior design and construction wise but I still love the lean sculpt of the old Yamato a little better.

Edited by Frogze

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