Phren Posted December 16, 2003 Posted December 16, 2003 collect but don't play! I saw this and had to start a poll. Wether it's been done before or not. Well, I'm not as old as some of you seem to be, but I will admit here and now that I am 21 years of age and I play with my valkyries. Not running through my house screaming and making machine gun noises or anything, but they do not gather dust! Some may say that they collect for the value of the collectable, or just like to display them. Well, for one, I am the collector in this case, and I am ultimately the one who decides it value to me. The Hasegawa models kits are really nice looking, so why not display them? I mean what's the point of having a transforming toy if you can neither transform, nor play with it. At least if I play with the thing and it breaks, I can say I got my money's worth out of it, as opposed to the hands-off collector who drops the thing on the floor without even touching the thing. I'm not saying tht there are not reasons to keep them safe and sterile, but why have them if you can't enjoy them? Quote
Lightning Posted December 16, 2003 Posted December 16, 2003 i do about the same, but i might play with them a little bit from time to time, this poll needs an "in-between" option. Quote
Phren Posted December 16, 2003 Author Posted December 16, 2003 (edited) I thought about that , but an "in-between" option would be too vague and just about EVERYONE would end up putting that, and my poll would be pointless, right? By only giving you 2 choices, I get to see which way you lean more towards. ...and BTW don't think I'm against you if you just collect. It's just my own opinion I'm throwing out there. Please vote and share your own opinion! Edited December 16, 2003 by Phren Quote
Lightning Posted December 16, 2003 Posted December 16, 2003 well, i meant "in between" as 2 separate options * play with it and display a little *display it mostly and play a little. Quote
Graham Posted December 16, 2003 Posted December 16, 2003 Heh, this is only the umpteenth time that this type of poll has been done in the history of MW. As always, my view is the same. Asking people if they 'play' with toys is too vague a question. First you should clarify what is the meaning of play. Obviously, play means diferent things to different people, especially of different age groups. As for myself, most of the time my toys are in their display cabinet, but 4 or 5 times a week I do like to take one or two toys out and transform them, several times usually while watching TV. Sometimes I just like to hold them without transforming them. Do I consider this play? In a word no. However, this poll seems to assume that transfoming a toy = play. Graham Quote
Isamu Atreides 86 Posted December 16, 2003 Posted December 16, 2003 i transform my 1/48 once in a while, but not too often. i'm afraid the stickers will fall off. Quote
Macross_Fanboy Posted December 16, 2003 Posted December 16, 2003 I play with my YF-21 FP time to time. Quote
Yohsho Posted December 16, 2003 Posted December 16, 2003 Play with them, I couldn't leave a valk in the box as a collectors item. You need to transform those things to know how cool they are. Quote
Sebastian Posted December 16, 2003 Posted December 16, 2003 What I do is mainly stare at them with a big stupid smile in my face. Love to apply decals and detail the Valks, also customize them. I do pose them a lot and transform them time to time also... Quote
Phren Posted December 16, 2003 Author Posted December 16, 2003 Heh, this is only the umpteenth time that this type of poll has been done in the history of MW. As always, my view is the same. Asking people if they 'play' with toys is too vague a question. First you should clarify what is the meaning of play. Obviously, play means diferent things to different people, especially of different age groups. As for myself, most of the time my toys are in their display cabinet, but 4 or 5 times a week I do like to take one or two toys out and transform them, several times usually while watching TV. Sometimes I just like to hold them without transforming them. Do I consider this play? In a word no. However, this poll seems to assume that transfoming a toy = play. Well, I didn't have the fortune of being here for Macrossworld's history, and I'm sure I'm not the only one in that position. Plus, with new members, the concensus may well have changed, right? As for "assuming" that Transforming = play, I didn't mean to leave that impression, I left the definition of "play" up to the ones taking the poll to decide, as that was part of what i wanted to know. (weather or not they called waht they did "Playing" - more of a personal question) Quote
Mr March Posted December 16, 2003 Posted December 16, 2003 Transform and admire in a pose or stand. Usually transform while watching a DVD at home Quote
grassland Posted December 16, 2003 Posted December 16, 2003 (edited) If PLAYING WITH THEM means tranforming them once in a while, yeah i do that. Just cant leave them in the display case and let them get rot in one mode. But ever since i got the fastpack on its not so easy to transform them around and one of my VF-1S already got a split hinge on the back pack so its fighter mode from now on. Dont want to risk the other hinge giving way too. Heart pain Edited December 16, 2003 by grassland Quote
bake_art Posted December 16, 2003 Posted December 16, 2003 How about both? I only display my yamato 1/48's and I play only with my chunky monkey Quote
Jolly Rogers Posted December 16, 2003 Posted December 16, 2003 Bandai reissues: play Yamatos: can't touch them after breaking one out of the box and realizing I overpaid for a glorified display model. Quote
Phren Posted December 16, 2003 Author Posted December 16, 2003 I just meant your attitude towards them in general. I you don't mess with a specific one because it's very fragile and you have a legitimate fear of breaking it, then that's something else. Quote
Druna Skass Posted December 16, 2003 Posted December 16, 2003 I screw around with the poses and modes but I don't think that'll fall under playing... And preserve, well it's not in the box or in a display case and they have a thin layer of dust on them... Quote
robodog562000 Posted December 16, 2003 Posted December 16, 2003 I like to keep my valkyries in a display case. Once in a while I take them out and transform them for myself and others. Even though I payed a whole lot of money for them that's how I enjoy them. I would consider this playing with them. When some collectors build custom valkyries they like to make shure the transformation functions correctly. In a way many of us play with our valkyries. As long as you're not throwing them across the room destroying them, why not? Quote
JB0 Posted December 16, 2003 Posted December 16, 2003 Every now and then I take some of my stuff down off the shelf and strafe something with it. It usually goes back up in new poses. Quote
Hurin Posted December 16, 2003 Posted December 16, 2003 (edited) Well, I didn't have the fortune of being here for Macrossworld's history, and I'm sure I'm not the only one in that position. Plus, with new members, the concensus may well have changed, right? I am not flaming you. Obviously, bringing up an old topic is a pretty minor offense. Welcome to MW! Just want to point out that the search function for these forums is very easy to use and super-fast. It took me about 10 seconds to click search, type in "play", limit the search to the titles of posts, and set the date to "any date". . . only four topics came up. I bumped that topic. Let's have people add to the existing poll if we can. That poll is both more representative of us (since a lot of people who posted in the first one will not post here), and has a better range of options. Old Poll Best Regards, H Edited December 16, 2003 by Hurin Quote
Commander McBride Posted December 16, 2003 Posted December 16, 2003 I'd say transforming them isn't playing with them. I'd say transforming them is pretty much just posing them. I do play with my valks. Some examplese of what I consider "playing". -Doing takeoffs and landings. -Flying them around (noises are optional ) Taking multipule toys and making them fight. Note that it hast to be action, not just a freeze frame pose. If I take my Zaku and GM and put them in the case fighting, that's not playing. But if I take them, and make the zaku swing it's heat hawk, only to be blocked by the GM, which levels its gun, only to be kicked over by the zaku, that's playing. -Enacting any kind of ground scene. So, putting the missiles on isn't playing. But if you put the vak on the table and move th emissiles as if they were being loaded onto a real plane, than that's playing. -Anything involving sound effects Overall, I'd say that to qualify that "playing" is all about mentality. It's playing if you imagine, even momentarily, that the valk is a real valk in a real situation., But if, in your mind, it's just an object that you're manipulating, it's not playing. Now, I have to get back to flying my 1/48 in circles. Quote
91WhiskeyM6 Posted December 16, 2003 Posted December 16, 2003 I'm lame! I just like staring at them in awe. It's bad enough I collect "toys", but to make funny noises while holding them is...childish <_< Quote
Isamu Atreides 86 Posted December 16, 2003 Posted December 16, 2003 I'm lame! I just like staring at them in awe. It's bad enough I collect "toys", but to make funny noises while holding them is...childish you mean you don't make machine gun noises while gunning down other members of your toy collection?? Quote
Commander McBride Posted December 16, 2003 Posted December 16, 2003 Meh, if you want to stare at things, collect photographs, or paintings, or something. These are toys we're talking about here. By the way, I purposely omitted sculptures, because I usually end up picking those up and playing around with them, making silly noises and all. Although, when I do that, it's usually for the purpose of getting a laugh. Quote
Pointer Posted December 16, 2003 Posted December 16, 2003 I've seen numerous members trying to give an explicit definition on what to call "playing", and what not (in this thread and others). Some have considered transformation as a part of posing, thus not playing. I would not see that as strictly. If I transform a toy just for the purpose of posing it in another mode, this definition seems to fit. But if I am transforming it just for getting fun out of the transformation itself, it could as well be considered "playing", even if I do not go so far as to imagine the Valk being a real object, and trying to imitate a "realistic" transformation. I found myself doing that many times. Although I only have 2 Valks for now (both 1/48 Yammies), I keep one of them posed with Fast Pack, transforming it only from time to time to pose it in another mode; the other one I keep posed without Fast Pack (I only have one either), and take it regularly off the shelf to "play" with it. This means, I am transforming it several times back and forth, shortly admiring its cool look in each of the three modes. But mostly I am admiring and enjoying the cool transformation itself. The first one I would consider posing, while the last one clearly is "playing" for me. Just my oppinion, of course. Concerning the imitation of a "real" transformation: I tried that, but it turned out to be very hard with the 1/48s, especially the part where the torso folds while the legs swing down, the heatshield extends, the head is put through the hatch etc., and all of this should be done SIMULTANEOUSLY, while holding the toy in an upright position with the feet on the ground (and ultimately while imitating the sounds of the motors )... Nope, I won't do that. But I still consider it playing, because I do it for fun, not for a different pose. Many times the toy goes back on the shelf in the exact same pose as it was (if I still like it). And to add a footnote: the one Valk that gets transformed all the time is my Low Viz. Yeah, many of you might say that I should really keep at least THAT ONE at the shelf, while playing with the other one. But nah, I love the LV, and if something should really break (BP hinge?), there is still enough time for it to stand on the shelf, maybe fixed to fighter mode with the broken part glued back on. It's a toy, after all. To me, transformation is what it's all about. Otherwise I would have bought the Hasegawas, as they are far more detailed. And although I have transformed the LV about 40 or so times now, there are still no stress marks on the BP hinge. And the hinge flips easy as pie, on both of my Valks, with no force required at all. Still, the BP holds up in Battroid mode without the clip. From what I have read about that hinge, I must be very lucky Phew, that was a long one... Sorry for the book-sized post, but I just had to share that -- Pointer Quote
Godzilla Posted December 16, 2003 Posted December 16, 2003 I do both. I transform it, making jet noises and whoosh sounds of missiles launching and such. (No wonder I am still single. <_< ) Why do you think I *try* buy two of everything? One in MIB and one to play with. Ok, the low vis is an exception and not the rule. Max FP will be same as well. :-D Quote
Skull 001 Posted December 16, 2003 Posted December 16, 2003 I'll put mine in fighter mode and fly it around a little then I keep them in Battroid on a shelf. Quote
pfunk Posted December 16, 2003 Posted December 16, 2003 PLAY!!! I play with my toys and models, cause thats what they are Its all play people, Pose, paint, detail, put on a shelf and admire, zoom around the room, blow up with firecrackers, whatever..... If Im childish, Im glad to be that way, I drive like crap (all things with wheels and some without) act silly and stupid. That brings out the kid in my freinds and acquantences. I show my car buddies all the time the models and other things Im working on. It sometimes sits on the kitchen table (much to the dismay of my financee). Its about being youthfull and having dreams and imagination, face it, none of us would be here talking about a "cartoon" that started in the 80's in Japan if we didnt do all those things or at least feel them,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,wipes tear from eye and steps off podium,,,,,,,,,,flips off croud(jkbtw) Quote
Phren Posted December 16, 2003 Author Posted December 16, 2003 As I said, I left the definition of "Play" up to you. It was more a question of "are you too big to play with your toys" kinda thing. LOL at McBride Thanks for the responses! Quote
VF Strike Valk Posted December 16, 2003 Posted December 16, 2003 I play with all my Valks...except for the MPC's. <_ Quote
Phren Posted December 17, 2003 Author Posted December 17, 2003 Why? Don't you like your ugly friends? Very un-PC of you. ------ I just got My 1/60 VF-11B w/ FP's today! That thing is awesome! Thanks, V-E! Quote
VF Strike Valk Posted December 17, 2003 Posted December 17, 2003 Why? Don't you like your ugly friends? Very un-PC of you.------ I just got My 1/60 VF-11B w/ FP's today! That thing is awesome! Thanks, V-E! The Max and Miriya are actually okay...but I poop on the Rick and Roy... Quote
Chowser Posted December 17, 2003 Posted December 17, 2003 I usually have mine on display also, but a few times a week, I'll grab a couple and transform them and redisplay them in different modes. I still haven't figured out how to transform my YF-21FP yet. It's still in fighter mode sans FP right now.... Quote
Chowser Posted December 17, 2003 Posted December 17, 2003 The Max and Miriya are actually okay...but I poop on the Rick and Roy... they are, i'll have to break them out of the box, I've only taken # 1 and 2 out of the boxes and put armors a and c on them. all the others are still in their boxes. i like them for the bookcase display Quote
Aile Warheit Posted December 19, 2003 Posted December 19, 2003 Toys are meant to be played with, not trapped in a prison of plastic and cardboard with twisty ties! Quote
Jin_Kune_Do Posted December 21, 2003 Posted December 21, 2003 Hey All Well, when i first got my 1/48 i "tried" with it....but it felt like i was DogFighting and the fighter in my hand was a new born!!! Yeah, i know it may sound odd but its true I mean it was just too perfect and it feels so fragile that it would be crazy to do all those unhindered plays and at the same time knowing HOE expensive these babies are hehehe While also wanting to keep them in a minty condition was kinda hard too. So i just decided to collect two, one for "Play & Display" and one for Collection. I donno think i have "dont play with Yamato 1/48 syndrome" hehehe....everytime think&/try to get into a real kids play with my Valkyries, it scares the sh%t outta me to just u know to play and then accidentally breaking, snapping of something in the "heath of battle" or just suddenly lossing grib and seing my 1/48 take a curving dive to the floor like a Cannon Fodder yikes...i think that is what is keeping to just seing them on the reol, as i have a stupid smile on my face. I think the thrill of this addiction is: 1. reading about the new 1/48 2. pre/ordering 3. Waithing for the it to arrive 4. unpacking it 5. applying stickers 6. transforming it once 7. looking at it on the shelf 8. earning more money to buy more -Jin Quote
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