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Posted (edited)

Anime on DVD has posted Bandai's official English cast list for Gundam Seed. Not a whole lot of recognizable people. A lot had some parts in X-Men Evolution, Hamtaro :blink: , TF: Armada, Soul Taker, and a few from Ed, Edd, and Eddy :blink:. I have not seen Soul Taker so I cannot judge performances from there. With a lot of these guys having relatively minor rolls in a lot of stuff, or nothing I could find of use using IMDB, it's really hard to judge it yet. Guess we'll have to see when it comes out. First glance looks like I'll be sticking with the Japanese track again. A few decent cast choices can be seen so far at least. Here is the list, with anything notable I could find these guys did added after their character.

Bandai Lists Gundam SEED Voice Cast


Directly from Bandai, here is the cast list for the 2004 release of Gundam SEED was announced:

Alison Matthews - Narrator

Matt Hill - Kira (Carlos in TF: Armada, Havok in X-men Evolution, Ryo in Ronin Warriors)

Mark Oliver - Rau (Misc voices in gundam Wing)

Trevor Devall - Mu (Shesta in Escaflowne, Shiro in Soul Taker)

Lisa Anne Beley - Murrue (Relena in Gundam Wing)

Sam Vincent - Athrun (Edd (double-D) in Ed, Edd, and Eddy :unsure: , few other small anime rolls)

Vanessa Morley - Cagalli

Brad Swaile - Dearka (Quatre in Gundam Wing, Mousse in Ranma)

Anna Cummer - Miriallia

Richard Cox - Tolle (Inuyasha and Ranma themselves)

Tabitha St. Germain - Flay, Birdy, Haro (Alexis in TF: Armada) Note: translated BIRDY instead of TORI FYI.

Bill Switzer - Sai (Hathaway Noah in Char's Counterattack)

Keith Miller - Kuzzey

Sarah Johns - Natarle

Michael Adamthwaite - Yzak

Philip Pacaud - Neumann

Chantal Strand - Lacus (Maggie in Gundam Wing don't remember who she was)

Gabe Khouth - Nicol (Orko in CN's He-man)

Simon Hayama - Chandra

Matt Smith - Tonomura

Brendan Van Wijk - Pal

Ward Perry - Murdoch

Don Brown - Siegel Clyne (Balgus in escaflowne, Cyclonus in TF: Armada, Jaken in Inuyasha)

Andrew Kavadas - Patrick Zala

Michael Dobson - Ades (Starscream in TF: Armada, Fuse in Jin Roh)

Adam Henderson - Kisaka

Brian Drummond - Andy (Zechs in Gundam Wing, Allen in Escaflowne)

Ron Halder - Sutherland

Andrew Francis - Azrael (Dilandau in Escaflowne)

Edited by Anubis
Brad Swaile - Dearka (Quatre in Gundam Wing, Mousse in Ranma)

Something about that doesn't seem right...

They should have gotten Murai's (from GTO) voice for Dearka.

I agree, he sounds way too young and weak to play Dearka. Give him Nicol maybe, but I think in general that voice actor has been in way too many Gundam series.

Posted (edited)

Oh my... there sure are a lot of wrong people used for the cast. Matt Hill for Kira? Too funny. TOO funny. Actually, Edd for Athrun is the funniest of the lot.

Edited by rikiryou

I'm alwayys surprised how much of a fanbase the English voice actors have nowadays... A lot of them seem really popular at conventions.

Pretty cool I think, it's a shame dubbing is still held in such a negative regard by so much of aniem fandom.


Judging from her performance as Alexis in Armada, we are at least assured Fllay will sound bitchy enough. <_< :lol:

I'm undecided about Kira, I think the guy did all right as Havok. Potential at least. We'll see when he starts crying.

I haven't really been disappointed by a Gundam dub yet personally, so I have hopes this crew will do decent. If a couple of episodes pass and I'm not impressed, or am annoyed I'll switch back to the Japanese track, per my usual procedure.

I'd like to know who the lady doing Natarle is, I found Natarle way more annoying than Fllay, and am curious how she may come out.

I can't help but chuckle that Athrun is played by double D. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt for now, but I keep envisioning double D in my mind saying "You said you'd shoot too, Kira!" :lol:

Dillandau's craziness would fit well with Azrael, just I hope the guy mans his voice up a little this time, and he should sound fine.

Heh, I don't actually know who any of those people are. It must be at least 10 years or maybe longer since I watched an English dubbed anime.


I have no clue who these people are either, that's why I had to use IMDB to try to find some roles they each did that I can recognize.

Somehow Crispin Freeman and Richard Cox are the only two names I can remember without looking up.

Posted (edited)

Brian Drummond, I remember he played Vegeta in the Saban release of DBZ back in the mid 90's. His voice is very regconizable by far of any of the cast. He has a very raspy like voice and does infact play bad guys rather well. If you watch some of the last few episodes of Gundam Wing while Zechs is mad as hell, he pulls off the emotion rather nicely in my opinion.

Brad Swaile, no no no no, while he's decent, Dearkka is a very strong character and very "mature"...he's gonna sound like he's in puperty all over again now...I wouldn't even recommend him for Nikkol's role either...

Lisa Anne Beley, hmmmmmmm that's sorta tough...I think her voice is too delicate even for this character...not too mention she really began to bite the big one after playing Relena in Gundam Wing...not too mention, the Narrator and Murrue the captain are one in the same, why would you want two completely different voices?

Bill Switzer, listening to him play Hathaway right now (most of these guys I got DVD's too...so I know how they sound), not a great choice personally, Siie seems like the eldest of the bunch...Bill's voice might be to high toned for such a role...I might of gone for hmmm......gosh that guy who plays Tenchi, I don't know...

Matt Hill, god I REALLY don't know...I really never saw Ronin Warriors to comment...but sounds fimilar, I can almost hear him in my head but it's the damn carlos voice...I say Bandai would need to release some clips...

Sam Vincent, uh did he play the one edd with the beanie hat? 0_o I don't watch the show it seems pretty lame...I say he wasn't a good choice...maybe someone else...llllllliiiiiikkkkeeeeee hmmmmm, maybe the guy who played Tai from Digimon or something?

Gabe Khouth, GOD NO!!!! I would go for the person who played the brainy kid in the first season of Digimon...that's who I wanted to atleast play Nikkol...

Tabitha St. Germain, this one might be okay, and for information, I thin Torii means Bird in Japanese..., but playing 3 roles, 2 of the 3 shouldn't be difficult, and I'm not saying Fllay is one of the 2 :p

Mark Oliver, his name REALLY rings a bell...maybe I'll find out who he is if I feel like it and let ya guys know...but him and Matt Hill sound REALLY fimilar like I know other roles they've played...

Richard Cox, overused, overworked...I would not use him at all for this series, he doesn't even fit the character...much like many of the others really...

That's all I can actually make something of a comment for...hmmmmm someone who watches alot of dubbs...

Edited by Hikuro
Posted (edited)

Cam Clark probably would have been a better pic for Azreal, I mean he did voice Liquid Snake.

All I can say is that I'm quite disappointed at who they got...

Edited by Druna Skass

Who is that voice actress dubbing Lacus... :(

Lacus is the most important character in the story. She better not screw Lacus up.

who cares about dub... Japanese voice all the way! :D


Hmmm don't think it's THAT difficult to screw up Lacus part....she's pretty spacey thru most of the show....

She doesn't get good till near the end which was such a waste...oh wwwwweeeell.

Posted (edited)
Hehehehe, now we'll hear the Toonami crowd fight over whether Wing is cooler or Seed is cooler, never mind most of the characters are voiced by the same people anyway.

Actually we'll have to listen to the Zeta comparisons first. Then a 3 way when Seed comes out. No one's mentioned G lately, or will again probably.

I'll give the dub a try and probably switch back to the Japanese track, like usual. I think the last dub I watched was Mahoromatic. Everything else lately I have watched in Japanese. I might have watched FMP in dub, except Sosuke's VA didn't sound right at all, the rest did ok.

Edited by Anubis

Yes, after watching several dubs and comparing them to the original Japanese track, I've lost all faith in English VAs. Compare CCA original track to the dub. Big big difference in acting, Amuro sounds how he should compared to a fourteen year old in puberty, Char is an intense character with emotion compared to a guy reading his lines, Gyunnei has emotion compared to another guy just reading his lines. Basically after that I lost faith and stopped comparing.

Posted (edited)
How can you watch mahoromatic dubbed? That's insane!

I was doing essays at the same time, and since Mahoromatic wasn't that serious a show to begin with (mostly), I said what the hell and listened to the dub. I thought it was at least tolerable, especially for a B level show like Mahoromatic. That was just for season one, season two is all Japanese. Though I do have to say I liked Slash, and Belldandy's VA did pretty good as Mahoro. Shigure's voice got a little grating, pitching his voice like that had to hurt after a while.

It usually has to be a really good dub for me to watch it that way. I even turn on the subtitles to check how accurate the translation is on the English track when I experiment for an episode or two.

With 3 night classes I had to compromise on that one. My backlog is so high right now, anime wise.

I still need to watch Noir, Captain Tylor, Vampire Princess Miyu, KOR OVA's, RahXephon, YUA boxes one and two, and Gasaraki, and a couple Ghibli movies. I will be taking advantage of no classes until Jan 26th, and go back to my days of marathion sessions and try to catch up with the backlog I built up this semester. No time to do anything. I will be so happy once finals week is done.

Edited by Anubis

I don't think that Sam Vincent will sound like Edd when he plays Athrun. I've heard a few other voices he's done and he didn't sound like double-D.

Of course, when we get the series on DVD I'll be listening to the Japanes track anyway.


[Rant mode]

You know, I don't know why anyone bothers putting up a list like this.... all anyone ever does is bitch about how they aren't good enough.... damn people, just listen to the damn Japanese track if you can't handle it seeing as how most of the whiners on this thread won't even give the english one a shot. Quit whining or buy out the damn company and do a better job yourselves.

......wow, forget being thankful that it's getting a release stateside or something... just for spite, I hope they voice-cast the same group that did Robotech for Macross Zero, just to piss the whiners off.

[/Rant mode]

[Rant mode]

You know, I don't know why anyone bothers putting up a list like this.... all anyone ever does is bitch about how they aren't good enough.... damn people, just listen to the damn Japanese track if you can't handle it seeing as how most of the whiners on this thread won't even give the english one a shot. Quit whining or buy out the damn company and do a better job yourselves.

......wow, forget being thankful that it's getting a release stateside or something... just for spite, I hope they voice-cast the same group that did Robotech for Macross Zero, just to piss the whiners off.

[/Rant mode]

Why do a better job myself, if the Japanese already have!

Dub does not equate being grateful for a u.s. release, including the original Japanese with english subtitles equates to being greatful for a U.S. release. Nobody's whining, just pointing out the idiocy that goes on in english dubs. If you can't take it, go watch something that's meant to be spoken in English, and leave the Japanese productions alone.

Posted (edited)
You know, I don't know why anyone bothers putting up a list like this.... all anyone ever does is bitch about how they aren't good enough.... damn people, just listen to the damn Japanese track if you can't handle it seeing as how most of the whiners on this thread won't even give the english one a shot. Quit whining or buy out the damn company and do a better job yourselves.

Yes exactly...

I really don't see why people have to piss anf moan so much about this. I mean the option for English or Japanese is there so it's not like you're locked into one language. Yes I have my gripes with some dubs as well but I'm going to bother to go and blast all things dubbed. Would the market for anime in the U.S. have gotten to this size in this amount of time if EVERYTHING was ONLY subtitled? Would Cartoon Newtork have picked up some anime series? Somehow I doubt it. And besides, it's a bitch watching something subtitled while you eat.

Edited by Druna Skass

Even if it's a crappy dub, if it gets the show into more homes, then it's all good. If it's a good dub I'll watch it, if it is not up to par, then straight to Japanese. I have known a few poor souls that could not stand subtitles, and admitted they would rather watch a bad dub. More power to them. This is the beauty of DVD's: we can watch whatever language track we want.

That's why I'm trying not to judge the Seed cast yet, just relaying who's in it for the interested parties. There is potential for them to do good. They could bite. I'll wait until I watch the show. Even good actors can sound bad if they do the script wrong. **cough**With Hunter Robin**cough**.


I truly believe Dubs are PART of the reason why Anime is so low priced nowadays. I'm from the School that experienced having to pay $40-$45 for 30-45 minute subbed Anime on VHS tape. And that meant a lot of money to a 14-15 year old who's source of income were $20 monthly allowances. Add in the $10 black and white 40 page anime magazines at the time, and the fact that this is before Net shopping existed (I had to mail my payment with a handwritten letter of what I wanted to the companies themselves) you got a pretty down on his luck kid. I can only imagine how much the DVDs would cost had it been like the way JP release their DVDs (2-3 TV episodes, or 1 ep OVA). And it scares me.

Personally, I rather watch a good dub than a poorly translated Sub (And it DOES happen on a few occasions on legit releases). There are VERY few instances when the dub outclasses the sub (Golden Boy is a personal example).


There was never any good reason for $30-$40 per subtitled tape, aside from anime companies "knowing" we'd pay it. Scalping bastards!

And no, dubs aren't the reason why anime is popular, pokemon, dragon ball z, yu-gi-oh, zoids, etc, are the reason why anime is such a mass market. Dubs are the reason why releases take so freakin' long to come out.

Bottom line, if enough effort was made to educate the masses on why fullscreen movies are bad, and why subtitled foreign stuff is good, this would be a much less ignorent world.

Posted (edited)
And no, dubs aren't the reason why anime is popular.

Nope. They're PART of the reason.

And I stand behind my opinion

Edited by JRock
Posted (edited)
And no, dubs aren't the reason why anime is popular, pokemon, dragon ball z, yu-gi-oh, zoids, etc, are the reason why anime is such a mass market. Dubs are the reason why releases take so freakin' long to come out.

Bottom line, if enough effort was made to educate the masses on why fullscreen movies are bad, and why subtitled foreign stuff is good, this would be a much less ignorent world.

Uhh, would kids even bother watching those to begin with if they had to read words that flashed (in some cases quickly) across the bottom of the screen? I mean my friend's nephews/neices always bitch to him to change it or to put the dubs on if he's watching something subtitled (one time it was Char's Counterattack). And these kids are about 4-12, and 4-12 is the target audience of pokemon, dragon ball z, yu-gi-oh, and zoids right?

"Much less ignorant world"? OK I'm sorry if this is stating to cross the line into the realm of flaming, and if that's the case Mods I apologize, but isn't that statment a bit arrogent, I mean if people don't agree with you on a topic, like their personal preferences happen to be diffrent, are they completly and utterly wrong or something?

Edited by Druna Skass
Posted (edited)
And no, dubs aren't the reason why anime is popular, pokemon, dragon ball z, yu-gi-oh, zoids, etc, are the reason why anime is such a mass market. Dubs are the reason why releases take so freakin' long to come out.

Bottom line, if enough effort was made to educate the masses on why fullscreen movies are bad, and why subtitled foreign stuff is good, this would be a much less ignorent world.

Uhh, would kids even bother watching those to begin with if they had to read words that flashed (in some cases quickly) across the bottom of the screen? I mean my friend's nephews/neices always bitch to him to change it or to put the dubs on if he's watching something subtitled (one time it was Char's Counterattack). And these kids are about 4-12, and 4-12 is the target audience of pokemon, dragon ball z, yu-gi-oh, and zoids right?

"Much less ignorant world"? OK I'm sorry if this is stating to cross the line into the realm of flaming, and if that's the case Mods I apologize, but isn't that statment a bit arrogent, I mean if people don't agree with you on a topic, like their personal preferences happen to be diffrent, are they completly and utterly wrong or something?

Cropping nearly a 3rd of a film from its original aspect ratio isn't a preference, it's hacking it up.

The same goes for dubbing something into another language!

Kids & ignorant people who request such things only do so because they're uninformed. If you teach people about things, they'll widen thier horizens. If you let the perpetuated idiocy continue, that's all that they'll get.

Edited by Keith
"Much less ignorant world"? OK I'm sorry if this is stating to cross the line into the realm of flaming, and if that's the case Mods I apologize, but isn't that statment a bit arrogent, I mean if people don't agree with you on a topic, like their personal preferences happen to be diffrent, are they completly and utterly wrong or something?

You must not have read many Keith posts B))


blah, I still can't get Love hina dub out of my head, Why oh why did they get one person to do all the voices of the female characters. SUX :angry:

Sub is still the best. :D

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