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I think they're really pushing the Kickstarter disclaimer that the site is not a store to its limit with all the add-ons they've been promising with each stretch goal they've passed.


I decided to make the leap and subscribe at the Battle-Cry Level.

As off right now that means 75 Macross models for less than $2 each.

I can't say if the rules will be any good but I'm in it for the models.

Heck, half a dozen 1/200 Gnerls and NosJGs off Shapeways were going to cost over $100 with shipping. I call this a good deal.


Oh god someone on that site commented that the Dreamcast Macross game was one of the best Macross games...... :o-_-

Well, it had a good story.


Posted (edited)

Looks like it's headed for over $1 000 000.

There will be close to 100 models in the "BattleCry" pledge too.

Very cool. I've never been able to source more than nine 1/200 Bandai Regults - now I'll have plenty of the 1/285 Regults to wargame with!

OK. It's "Robotech". And yes, Palladium and HG get a cut.

At least Palladium is waving the flag and trying to raise Macross' profile.

And I want those models, Dammit! I've wanted to wargame Macross for nigh on 25 years!

Edited by DestroidDefender

Just three days left! If you're just a bit interested in this game, don't hesitate about pledging now. You won't find a better deal later! And you don't want to wait until the last two days, because this thing might be so popular that the pressure breaks the connection to Amazon, as it has before.

Even if the game might not necessarily be so much fun to play, I think just painting the figures in new and existing color schemes will be very fun. And the collector in me is thrilled that it will most likely be the most complete range of SDF Macross mecha figures ever released!


I'm sure the VF-1s will be available separately. It looks like there will be a pack with B G and F models and A, J, S, and "R" type heads. The R is from the video game IIRC.


A friend and I are splitting Battle Cry. our intention is to march right into Yellow Submarine and play it on their tables and with any luck pull in a few Japanese gamers with how kewl the minis look.

Of course, when we explain that its *ACTUALLY* a Robotech game from America, we run the risk of rolled eyes and evaporating interest, but if the game is fast and fun, we might be able to start a local scene, even if it is just people playing with our mini's. Having more than 1 person to play with would be worth it! Still, I could see a macross fan's eyes lighting up at the prospect and importing it, HG and Robotech be damned...

If not, the minis will still look kewl on my shelf between bouts with my friend!


I will also be getting Battle Cry and splitting it with a friend. Yellow sub has a arena membership card that you pay dues for that allows you to use their gaming tables. I previously used it to play Babylon 5 Wars there.


Battlecry. Pfft. My brother and I are splitting Showdown, baby! With extras and bonuses and more toys, oh my!

... now, I wonder if his wife realizes that we'll be taking over their living room to assemble and paint these... ;)


I happily pledged & Battlecry level. I think it's an excellent looking product. The miniatures are designed by a designer in Australia who goes by the handle "Insane Kangaroo". I recalled seeing these CG renders on his blog a number of months ago along with a rough rules set, but he later took them down due - as I believe he put it - to his involving the designs with a larger, unnamed game maker.

Studio Ninja is handling the product development for Palladium, it seems. I liked the look of their Soda Pop sf minis. It sounds like they're a good studio & have a good handle on getting things to market. Like any publisher, the product may be Palladium's but the design and manufacturing can be handled by another vendor. (You'd be surprised how often this happens. Plex, anyone? Matsushiro?)

Good looking stuff! The ongoing re-alignment of Robotech property elements back to their original Macross roots by Robotech licensees has always been a positive factor in the property, IMO. Returning the Destroids to their proper names, burying the "Veritech" term into little more than a technical classification as generic as 'mech', bringing out more Macross wordmarks into the Robotech IP, all shows the designers and authors know where the real identity of the property originates. The brand is just the colorful logo on the box.

And such a huge pile of fun plastic Macross mecha! Wheee!


We are limited by the potential play area. Houses in Japan are tiny and using more than one table at YS might not be possible sometimes. Plus I'm moving soon, and can't dip too deeply on top of my Macross Crusade habit. BTW, Bariaburu Faita is the friend I was talking about, just didn't want to out him on something Robotech related, lol! Man, we are gonna throw down SDF style (once the stuff arrives and is painted....hahahahahaha)

Posted (edited)

Also, derf!

Bariaburu Faita and I are splitting Showdown too.

You would think I could remember which one with how often I have been checking the page, LoL.

Come on baby, daddy needs a new trio of Q-Raus! (each!)

Edited by Hebime

Just a reminder:

The Kickstarter ends at ~10pm EST on Monday, May 20th... So if anyone else wants in you are down to the last 25hrs.

Just for those wondering a bit, the Battle Cry pledge is $140 but includes 86 miniatures (1/285th scale) although 12 are Valkyrie sets (36 miniatures, where they are Fighter, Guardian, and Battloid). So you could argue you only get 62 "unique" miniatures. Stretch goals coming up include the SDF-1 as a resin objective miniature (not to 1/285th scale of course) at $1.18M (they are at $1.08M now).



They've added even more stretch goals. Now they have what they term "experimental Battloids" which are the VF-1/Orguss joke machines.


Fascinating. We will be getting YF-4 (VF-X-4) miniatures. That's pretty cool in and of itself, that's the first I've ever heard of that being made anywhere. Whatever form of Guardian and Battroid they take the fighter mode is at least a small part of Macross proper that's never been produced before.


Good looking stuff! The ongoing re-alignment of Robotech property elements back to their original Macross roots by Robotech licensees has always been a positive factor in the property, IMO. Returning the Destroids to their proper names, burying the "Veritech" term into little more than a technical classification as generic as 'mech', bringing out more Macross wordmarks into the Robotech IP, all shows the designers and authors know where the real identity of the property originates. The brand is just the colorful logo on the box.

Respectfully, I have to disagree. I can accept that 25-30 years of time has made for some bumpy transitions, and Robotech was never the most cohesive cartoon around, but I liked what we were given because it was what made Robotech its own story, funky mecha names and all.

Macross has done well over the years, far better than Robotech has languished, but despite the commonality between the first generation of animation, it's a vastly different story and feel. Much darker, much more of a downer ending in each story than in Macross/Southern Cross/Mospeada. Add to that all the childhood nostalgia of growing up with the Veritech/Excalibur/Radar-X names and all the stories my brother and I and our friends would make up...

Dammit, I'm old(er) and you kids get offa my lawn! *rock rock rock* ^_^


To be fair, the only brand confusion was with Matchbox when they summarily invented names and Palladium ran with them. The original Macross names are used commonly throughout Robotech; Valkyries are called Valkyries, Defenders called Defenders, Regults called Regults...

regarding the YF/VF - technically aren't all the prototypes called YF before becoming production VF?


I stuck with Battle Cry but I'm going to add on when the pledge manager comes out. I'm adding Armored Valks, Zentran Infantry and VF-4s for sure. And more Defenders!

People who want these for Battletech are going to be surprised if they expect them to match BT scale. The BT (Battledroids at that early stage!) models based on VFs were only 20 tons while the ones based on Destroids were 3 times the mass at 60+ tons - but we know the Valks will be taller than the Destroids! I think the designers were using Macross models in different scales....

  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

This game is right up my alley. I have been into Warhammer since I was a kid and discovered Robotech about the same time. It was actually these forums that helped me understand the difference between the bastardation that is Robotech and the original SDF Macross. But if it wasn't for Robotech I never would have discovered Macross. So I gotta love it for that and other nostalgic reasons.

I love miniatures. Other than valkyries, they are my other drug of choice. Definitely the best of both worlds. I'm super stoked to get my package in the mail (whenever that may finally be, projected Dec 2013).

The game seems to play similarly to turn based tabletop games like Warhammer and from the videos I've seen it looks well thought out. The Palladium RPG was always a blast to play. Palladium has always had a pretty good system.

The kickstarter prices are actually extremely reasonable. Especially considering all the free add-ons they granted as they reached more stretch goals. It finished at a whopping 1.44 Million of its original 70k goal. People really want to see this made.

In comparison to warhammer, there is a box set out there still for 5 pewter vampire knights on steeds for a ridiculous $90.00! I have a love hate relationship with the company that makes Warhammer, Games Workshop.

If you're skeptical because its a Robotech product I would say don't be. Palladium will get almost all of the profits and they are not a terrible company and HG will only get some royalties. And the Gaming company, Ninja division, is just a small miniatures studio and they make some pretty kick ass stuff. Plus you can always just use the Macross names and terms and paint the minis anyway you want!

Sorry for the rant, but I love this stuff. This kickstarter helped revive my obsession for Macross and Valks. I had to kind of put it aside when I was in college with no money and only time for Maya and PhotoShop.

Edited by r_hunter85
  • 3 months later...

I would not be too concerned about it. Palladium has been making Pen and Paper RPGs for decades. If there is a delay it will be because of the book and not the figures IMO. Siembieda has a habit of over extending himself on work and micromanaging to much IMO.

Also Palladium has been running crowd funding on their own website to release products for a year or two now and while they have a tendancy to be late they have always released the product. So if they are saying Dec. 2013, I wouldn't be too worried about it just don't be surpriesed if they are 6 months late. Hopefully the Kickstarter means Siembieda has his crap together though as now he has a fixed deadline he has to try and follow up on.

I don't know, I thought this might be relevant.


Kickstarter update 9/25:

We are still shooting for a December ship date, but we don’t know yet if that’s a sure thing. What we do know is that Kickstarter backers will be shipped goods BEFORE we ship to distributors. What’s more, you’ll receive everything all at once, while the initial retail release will only include the main game and the first six expansion packs, with the rest coming out in waves throughout 2014. But you, wise Kickstarter backer, will already have all the things.


So this is the official Robotech version of the YF-4 that Rick was playing with at the end of the First Generation:


Now then, aside from the fact that it's Robotech (which is verboten around these parts) what do you people think of this design? Personally, I like it. It looks like an advanced version of the VF-1, while not being so brand new that it doesn't look as part of the original lineage. Looks like a logical next step in Veritech design.

Now, the see the next intermediary between this and the VF-6 Alpha... :)

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