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  On 4/22/2013 at 2:33 AM, myk said:

Stop-you're making me flash-back to my high school days... :D

Tell me about it. I spent $100 well-earned dollars to buy a mint copy of Shogun, only to have everyone I gamed against leave for University a few months later...

  On 4/19/2013 at 2:20 AM, raptormesh said:

Agree with you , the Tomahawk aka Warhammer is immensely popular with BT fans for instance.

the big problem with that is, you could never use those minis at a official game (like GenCon for example). only home brewed games...

  On 4/21/2013 at 10:57 PM, CoryHolmes said:

Also, the kickstarter has made it's $250,000 stretch goal in just over one day :)

That's kinda interesting... I wonder how much of that is hardcore Robotech and how much is Mech Warrior/Battletech/other..?

Posted (edited)

I used to play palladium's robotech game back in the day. It was silly complcated. Hit tables for every part of the valk, and tons of skill rolls. I never did quite figure out armour penetration for that game.

Its funny, with games workshop and warhammer, you can spend close to 100 dollars unpainted and unassembled figure.

Edited by Gakken85
  On 4/22/2013 at 7:21 AM, Gakken85 said:

I used to play palladium's robotech game back in the day. It was silly complcated. Hit tables for every part of the valk, and tons of skill rolls. I never did quite figure out armour penetration that game.

I'm really hoping that this RPG tactics will make the pen-and-paper RPG more streamlined and thus more entertaining. I love the fluff articles in the books, but the system is almost unplayable... Which has never stopped me from buying every Rifts and Robotech book, mind you :unsure:

  On 4/22/2013 at 9:40 AM, CoryHolmes said:

I'm really hoping that this RPG tactics will make the pen-and-paper RPG more streamlined and thus more entertaining. I love the fluff articles in the books, but the system is almost unplayable... Which has never stopped me from buying every Rifts and Robotech book, mind you :unsure:

The system is pretty convoluted, if only the table checking and dice rolling can be done by some kind of software...

How about a turn based tactical pc game eh.


...people find the Palladium System unplayable? I thought it was fast and easy. And if you don't like something you just throw it out for something more simple.

  On 4/22/2013 at 3:33 AM, Hikuro said:

Well when ya take into consideration this is obviously a multiplayer table top game I mean where in the hell are ya gonna play it? Who's gonna play it with you? I dunno about you guys but it feels to 80's and early 90's for me. I don't even know anyone who knows what Robotech is in my area.

I'll buy this, I got no problems with that, it'd be a good collectors item. But playing it? Completely different story, unless you're doing it over skype! HAH! There's a great idea.

I still have the odd friend or two to play this with.......otherwise I am just buying into this like everyone else....NOSTALGIA! :p

  On 4/22/2013 at 1:25 PM, blackconvoy_D01 said:

<p>On second thought... I wonder if they'll fit on a standard chess board?</p>

Yeah I love the palladium system. Combat can be a bit of a head ache sometimes but it's fun to play. You can play as almost anything in any setting.

The only draw back is the bazzlion books you will buy. ^_^

  On 4/22/2013 at 9:59 AM, raptormesh said:

The system is pretty convoluted, if only the table checking and dice rolling can be done by some kind of software...

How about a turn based tactical pc game eh.

Are you thinking Palldium or Battletech?

  On 4/22/2013 at 7:33 PM, logos said:

Yeah I love the palladium system. Combat can be a bit of a head ache sometimes but it's fun to play. You can play as almost anything in any setting.

The only draw back is the bazzlion books you will buy. ^_^

That's exactly what I meant. It's a good idea and relativly accepting of new ideas, but combat can drag on and on and on and on...

I'm really hoping that I'll be able to use this to streamline the combat while still keeping the ROLE-playing aspects that I like and get a game going at my FLGS.

  On 4/22/2013 at 9:59 AM, raptormesh said:

The system is pretty convoluted, if only the table checking and dice rolling can be done by some kind of software...

How about a turn based tactical pc game eh.

We actually made a program using basic that did most of the dice rolling and table checking for you, it actually made Rifts and Robotech a lot more fun.


Some people like overly complex combat systems, and some people feel it takes away from the flow of story-telling. Just depends on what you like, as with anything else.


I love this idea but I am tired of Robotech:Macross Saga. Call me when we get to Robotech Masters and New Generation. I hope this sells well enough that we get to that point.

I heard this is the first planned set with 2 more Robotech Macross sets though. :(

Palladium is not the best company when it comes to release dates but their products are pretty good once you throw out the rules that don't work for your particular group. I have always house rules most of my tabletop games and this one will be no exception.


Why isn't this a turn based strategy game on a computer? Seems like it'd be pretty easy to accomplish. It kind of reminds me of the Sega CD game Dark Wizard.


You know, I've spent the last 25 year collecting Macross models in 1/200 scale for wargaming. Am I going to switch to 1/285 and use Palladium's rules? I'm really ambivalent about this. I think I'll just wait for the retail version.

  On 4/24/2013 at 6:48 AM, DestroidDefender said:

You know, I've spent the last 25 year collecting Macross models in 1/200 scale for wargaming. Am I going to switch to 1/285 and use Palladium's rules? I'm really ambivalent about this. I think I'll just wait for the retail version.

Do it. Dooooooooo iiiiiiiit. Join the Dark Side (we have cookies and I'll share :) )

Posted (edited)
  On 4/24/2013 at 3:45 AM, CoryHolmes said:

Simple can be good, too. Hopefully that means combat will be fast and frenetic, just like in the show.

I didn't say it wasn't good, it was more in response to people who can't seem to fathom it.

  On 4/24/2013 at 2:55 AM, Hikuro said:

Yep, that's kinda how it feels right now. I NEVER played table top games, so that about sums it up.

They're making fun of the guy thinking Risk is Monopoly in that video.

Edited by Mommar
  On 4/24/2013 at 12:46 PM, terry the lone wolf said:

I don't know if I'll play the game but I really really want those miniatures.. :D

And I thought I was the only one. I know how to play chess!

  • 2 weeks later...

Lurking over on Dakka Dakka forums about this game and saw some info posted that they're intending on introducing VE-1s and Strike Valks to the mix and maybe other rip offs. When did HG acquire rights to DYRL based valks? I thought DYRL was hands off for HG...

As for the game itself... I don't know, it looks like it might be fun at first but then it'll quickly slide into predictability and then boredom. For some reason, this game reminds me of any number of shooter video game where it's awesome for the first month or two but then it gets played out and traded in for something newer and shinier.

  On 5/5/2013 at 4:45 AM, Deadeye_281 said:

Lurking over on Dakka Dakka forums about this game and saw some info posted that they're intending on introducing VE-1s and Strike Valks to the mix and maybe other rip offs. When did HG acquire rights to DYRL based valks? I thought DYRL was hands off for HG...

As for the game itself... I don't know, it looks like it might be fun at first but then it'll quickly slide into predictability and then boredom. For some reason, this game reminds me of any number of shooter video game where it's awesome for the first month or two but then it gets played out and traded in for something newer and shinier.

They have access to DYRL mecha, but not the show. In the recent past they've already released toys of DYRL mecha including strike pack variants.


Wow, that's a little messed up. So HG can make cash sales off mecha that is quite clearly from the real 'Macross' but Big West can't cash in by releasing an English dub of DYRL into North America... Stupid license BS.


New to the forums here so 'Hello" to everyone! After a bit of skepticism (mostly due to my opinion of Palladium products) I've decided to go for it with this game. If for no other reason to have a collection of Macross models in the same scale it is worth it! I'm almost more excited to see the other RT series models- so many of them for the first time ever! I hope most of us can look past any dislikes of HG or other entities and help this project be successful.

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