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What is the most that you've spent on one single toy/model kit?


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Macross: VF-4G

Non Macross: EX-Chogokin Shin Getter-1

(Interestingly, the most expensive toy I have in possession now may be the Tamashii Festival Limited Metal Build Gundam OOR.)

To my wife:

I've never, never bought anything mentioned in this thread. OK, maybe I bought them at 10% of the price these guys just mentioned.

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Macross Toy---Either the SDF-1 or the VF-4G. Don't remember which was technically more. Both around $380 I think. Totally worth every penny though.

Non Macross...1:1 Master Replicas Luke Skywalker ROTJ ELITE Edition Lightsaber #327/750. $850 (and that was used but like new 5 years ago)....and I will be buried with it. :wub:

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Hmm tough call..
I'm a cheap bastard, so I got most of my Valks at pretty good prices.
The VF-19P would usually cost the highest in my collection, but I got it on some really heavy discount of 162+ USD, maybe the VF-19Kai a close second as it was only a few bucks cheaper. Also I had to get the sound booster for it.
Otherwise, I'd have to say the YF-29 30th Anniversary colour is the most expensive at the moment, weighing in at 182 USD.

For non-Macross toys, ThreeA's Metal Gear Rex pretty much takes the cake at $490

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You guys are insane :ph34r:

Thanks to psychology, now that I'm seeing numbers as high as 900 flying around, every body throwing out numbers like 400 - 500 have me going "meh", even though that is the cost of a new iPad/TV/computer/month of college tuition/etc.

The things one must pay for transforming plastic :blink:

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Macross related, single item? Toss up between the YF21 and VF17S. I think I paid about 210 USD shipped for the YF21 and around 217 for the VF17S.

Macross related, bundle? Very first macross items, 1/48 VF1A Kakizaki with Strike parts, paid around 200 or so USD for the pack and about 140 euros on top of that for customs.

Anime, non macross related? Probably the SOC set with the rider and the horse, around 230 USD shipped at the time.

Sci-fi in general? Close to 300 USD plus for Hot Toys BD Predalien back in 2008.

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I'd have to say it was the Yamato SDF-1 it was like $400 the day it came out. Close behind would be the Project BM! Kaneda's bike. I got the Kaneda figure too at the same time, but the thread says single toy. I could not buy the bike without Kaneda :) .

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SDF-1 from HLJ, think it was still more than my VF-4G. yeah, tuition cost me as much as a car a couple of years ago... now my budget is seriously constrained 'cause of all the gear & software i have to buy to make money. paid $600 for an Ableton Push and just found out it won't be in for 3 months... coulda gotten some nice valks with that dough.

this would be a question for the younger crowd but; does anyone here consider just stopping (or not starting) collecting so that they can use the money to pay off debt/further their carreers so that one day in the future they can buy what they want even though the prices will likely be very much inflated?

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wow, you still have it?

Yes, I still have it.... and will never sell it.

Ooof. Chunky monkeys? haha. Couldn't you just get a Jetfire for $150?

Uhhh NOT the same! You know the box art is one of the main things for these old 1/55's.....

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Around $300 for the VF-4G. After that, about $225 for the 1/3000 SDF-1.

Non-Macross: About $220 for the 1/144 scale GP03 Dendrobium mobile armor.

I'm also kind of a cheap bastard and ~$200 is my upper limit for any toy. Made an exception for the VF-4G because it seemed like a once in a lifetime opportunity.

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Guest davidwhangchoi

Around $300 for the VF-4G. After that, about $225 for the 1/3000 SDF-1.

Non-Macross: About $220 for the 1/144 scale GP03 Dendrobium mobile armor.

I'm also kind of a cheap bastard and ~$200 is my upper limit for any toy. Made an exception for the VF-4G because it seemed like a once in a lifetime opportunity.

$220 for the 1/144 scale GP03 Dendrobium mobile armor (my favorite gundam), i looked at that everyday and said that's too expensive. but then i buy a yf-29 alto for 230 and think i got a deal...

Edited by davidwhangchoi
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I've yet to spend more than $300 on a single toy purchase. Worst hemorrhage of money was buying a VF-19S on launch day for $293USD and ordering a 3A rothchild and Caesar 2pack for $290USD in the same week

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I've spent $500ish on several Macross toys
1) Bandai VT-1

2) Bandai VE-1
3) Takatoku 1/3000 SDF-1

All were in great shape and wonderful purchases. I also spent about $500 for my Yamato 1/12 TC with Odon Parts giftset.

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For Macross stuff

#1 VF-4G $362 (with shipping)

#2 SDF-1 $320 (with shipping)

Non-Macross stuff

#1 3A Metal Gear Rex - $490

#2 Hot Toys Dark Knight Tumbler - $455.77 (with tax)

However, nothing beats the upcoming Hot Toys 1989 Batmobile which is $600....

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Well, my car is the biggest toy I own and I paid over $31k in cash for that.

What? It's fun to drive :p

If we're talking non-functional toys, it's probably either the assembled version of the 1/3000 SDF-1 or the VF-4G after shipping is calculated in for both. It's hard to tell because the invoice for the sdf-1 was in yen and the invoice for the vf-4 was in USD. I don't recall what the exchange rate was at the time the SDF-1 was released.

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toy, $500 for Silver Rathalos by Hi-Blitz


model kit, $350 for this 1/144 Rebel Transport by Anigrand


this Sheryl Black Kimono version by Banpresto may yet be my most expensive toy purchase though, if i ever manage to find one (not bundled with Ranka, that is)


edit: i think i spoke too soon. just saw this now: http://page18.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/w85849235

in case you're wondering what's inside, it's this:

somebody, please stop me.

Edited by Major Focker
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Sad thing is I can't remember. But I don't call them toys anymore. I call them models. I think the first release Gatchaman God Phoenix from Unifive was expensive. I remember having to buy a bunch of Tron lightcycles from Japan as a set. I believe four of them. I think Medicom made them. They are still the best ones to date.

I'm pretty sure the the Studio Halfeye Dangaio would have been the most expensive. But it was too expensive and I think delicate for the crazy price they were asking. And it wasn't perfect either compared to "toys" I was seeing from companies like Yamato and their valkyries.

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toy, $500 for Silver Rathalos by Hi-Blitz


model kit, $350 for this 1/144 Rebel Transport by Anigrand


this Sheryl Black Kimono version by Banpresto may yet be my most expensive toy purchase though, if i ever manage to find one (not bundled with Ranka, that is)


edit: i think i spoke too soon. just saw this now: http://page18.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/w85849235

in case you're wondering what's inside, it's this:

somebody, please stop me.

What's a divergence meter? Does it function as a clock or something?

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