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Glad to hear they are at least fun...I nabbed the TC SD for a Revoltech price, which is around where I see them being appropriate anyways... I wouldn't pay $50 for a Revoltech, so why would I pay $50 for a Revoltech-esque figure from another mfr? As for holding poses, do you mean simply balance issues on extreme angles, or as in sagging joints?

  promethuem5 said:

Glad to hear they are at least fun...I nabbed the TC SD for a Revoltech price, which is around where I see them being appropriate anyways... I wouldn't pay $50 for a Revoltech, so why would I pay $50 for a Revoltech-esque figure from another mfr? As for holding poses, do you mean simply balance issues on extreme angles, or as in sagging joints?

The legs are great for extreme posing and it holds. The arms, especially at the elbows are a bit floppy.


Floppiness is a relative thing. I don't think the elbows are really floppy, it's just that some of the guns are really heavy. If you don't put anything in the hands, the arms will hold poses fine. Of course, where's the fun in that? :D

Posted (edited)
  Shaggydog said:

Keep in mind that the Yamato isn't 'weathered' at all, it's more like an unpainted PG gundam kit. Not necessarily a bad thing, just something to be aware of.

I need to weather my yamato Votom. Its too toy-like. So Im just going to copy the weathering pattern off my takara one.

If anyone's intrested, they (Yamato) are making a Fyana figure along with a generic soldier to put in your votoms. I forgot which forum I got this pic from..but it aint mine.

IPB Image

Also, yamato USA is having a sale on their whole Votoms line til April... accessories packs and votom variants galore!!

Edited by holytoledo69

Glad to see a Fyana figure... I just finished Uodoo city, and got Kummen Jungle Wars in the mail to start, so now along with the RSC w/ weapons Scopedog, I really want a Brutishdog... poo... these things are expensive and take up alot of space... glad to hear about a generic AT Pilot as well... now that the RSCw/wepons is comming out, I wanted someone else besides Chrico to pilot my v1 Scopedog w/ Round Mover... whcih I ahve decals for and need to weather up still.


I'm pretty much spending all my free time watching Votoms, it's much better than I was expecting. I'm especially amazed by how infrequently it seems to be recyling animation.

Um, is it just me or do the boobs on the Fyana figure look wrong? Must fight desire to start collecting Votoms toys...

  promethuem5 said:

The boobs on the Fyana figure do look wonky... they are like, too outwardly angled, and have a huge cleavage gap :lol:

Bad boob job? :ph34r:

I don't buy Yamato toys anymore but its good to see the new figures. And Votoms is a great underrated show. I think I like it more than SDF Macross... :o


Not to start a whole debate, but I know you aren't buying Yamato bc/ of the valks, but the VOTOMS stuf is really nothing like the Macross Yamato offerings... they're big chunky mechs with tons of fine detail that hold together amazingly... I strongly believe that Yamato can make some amazing toys, and the biggest problems they face are the limited space on valk designs compared to the massive playground of space avaliable to work on something like a Scopedog.

Posted (edited)
  promethuem5 said:

Not to start a whole debate, but I know you aren't buying Yamato bc/ of the valks, but the VOTOMS stuf is really nothing like the Macross Yamato offerings... they're big chunky mechs with tons of fine detail that hold together amazingly... I strongly believe that Yamato can make some amazing toys, and the biggest problems they face are the limited space on valk designs compared to the massive playground of space avaliable to work on something like a Scopedog.

I used to own the 1/12 Scopedog, Chirico figure, parachute pack and weapons set #1. I had no QC problems at all. I was impressed with them. I got out of the toy hobby (for the most part) last year. Too many hobbies was eating up my money lol. I sold off my Votoms and Macross 1/48 stuff. Every once in awhile I'll buy something though.

That diecast GITS tachikoma has me interested or maybe the megahouse PVC version.

Edited by dejr8bud
  dejr8bud said:

That diecast GITS tachikoma has me interested or maybe the megahouse PVC version.

My reccomendation is to wait for the Diecast Tachikoma. I have the megahouse one.. its nice but not great. The joints are too loose and hardly stands on its own. Definitely not worth the $80-$120.


Awesome, I was just thinking yesterday that Yamato should release a Fyana figure.

I've been spending most of my free time watching Votoms, too. I'm half-way through the whole series now and it's damn near become my favorite anime.

  eriku said:

Awesome, I was just thinking yesterday that Yamato should release a Fyana figure.

I've been spending most of my free time watching Votoms, too. I'm half-way through the whole series now and it's damn near become my favorite anime.

Yeah. Its in my top 5 easily after I got it. Great story and charicters and damn it just is put together so well!


Was ep 20 (Fyana) supposed to be a flashback episode? The entire episode is essentially a Uoodo rerun and it happens without warning just before the big jungle attack. Why not segue by showing Chirico sitting on the boat first just thinking back? I watched like 10 minutes and then skipped it when I found I knew the words... hope I didn't miss some interest new tidbit they slipped in.

  Graham said:

I really wish all the various Votoms OVAs would get an official English language release. I'm dying to see them.


You,me and a few others. I have emailed CPM about it a few times but no response.

  jenius said:

Was ep 20 (Fyana) supposed to be a flashback episode?

Yes. They did a few of these during the series to save money.

  MilkManX said:

You,me and a few others. I have emailed CPM about it a few times but no response.

CPM doesn't have the VOTOMS license any more, it expired last August.
  MilkManX said:

You,me and a few others. I have emailed CPM about it a few times but no response.

Count me as one of those few. Have been seeing all these cool toys of more advanced Dog designs, but all I know is the main TV series.


Hell, I'd be happy if one of the old school fansub groups picked up the slack left by CPM and subbed the various OVAs. Just as long as it's not Live Evil, that is.

  jenius said:

Was ep 20 (Fyana) supposed to be a flashback episode? The entire episode is essentially a Uoodo rerun and it happens without warning just before the big jungle attack. Why not segue by showing Chirico sitting on the boat first just thinking back? I watched like 10 minutes and then skipped it when I found I knew the words... hope I didn't miss some interest new tidbit they slipped in.

It happens a few times in VOTOMS - theres another episode like that somewhat further in. I can only guess that they were either having production problems, or there was some sort of holiday in Japan at those times. A couple of the flashback episodes do show events that were skipped over earlier, such as Chiricos almighty punch-up with the Uoodoo City police when he tries to acquire a Scopedog at the Battling Arena.

  Graham said:

This Votoms OVA Clip on YouTube looks fantastic. It's great to see the Turbo Custom in action.


Wow, that looked really good. I want more now. :(

Hopefully the OVAs will get some love soon.


Looks like all the old OVAs were rereleased on DVD in Japan in February this year. Scroll down to the bottom of this page from the official Japanese site.

I may order them, even though they are only in Japanese.


  dejr8bud said:

Ya I went and looked them up at Amazon JP and CDJapan. They around 4000 yen each, about 35.00 each. No HK DVDs floating around?

Not yet that I know of, but HK bootleg anime DVDs are getting harder and harder to find here in HK, due to the extensive crackdowns and raids by Customs. It seems most HK bootleg DVDs are shipped overseas for sale rather than sold locally for retail.



That OVA fotage was Awesome! Please please please someone sub them!

On another note, BBTS is having a sale, and you can currently grab the Yamato 1/12 Strong Bracchus for about $130... I'm tempted to grab one, but I just got a big HLJ order (I hate HLJ) of books and the MF Turbo Custom figure, and some concert tickets, so I dunno if I'll get one. I really just want a CHirico figure, a generic AT jockey figure once it is unveild, and the new RSCw/ Weapons set when it comes out.

  Graham said:

This Votoms OVA Clip on YouTube looks fantastic. It's great to see the Turbo Custom in action.


Now you've done it, I really want to see those. :(

  dejr8bud said:

Holy poo! :blink: What OVA is that footage from? I knew they existed but I have never seen any of them.

Here's small clip for the new ova? or is this old?


Maybe it's just me but that kinda looks like old animation just being used for a teaser?


I'm totally psyched for new VOTOMS stuff, but yeah, the clip looks like at least partially recycled stuff... at least one quick clip looked like a bit from the OVA clip Graham posted.

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