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I'm thinking about buying one of these, Does anybody have one who could tell me about it? I don't really know much about Votoms, But I think the mecha are awesome.

Sorry if this is in the wrong forum, I didn't know if I could post a Takara toy in they toy forums. I figured it'd be ok because I want to know about the series too. I saw the opening theme for the show on youtube, and thought it was great. Coments on the series? Anything you want to tell me?

I searched for old threads most looked pretty short or old.


It is being re released and can be found on the net fairly cheaply in non bootleg form. It is an awesome show I just finished the kummen story arc and I can't wait untill more comes out in june.

It is about a man named Chirico Cuvie who is sent on a secret mission against friendly forces he knows no details about. After seeing a mysterious woman during the attack he is tricked by his own unit and left for dead. He is then captured by his own military who now believe him to be a traitor due to his unit attacking a friendly base. From here on he enters his own personal hell as he tries to figure out the reason for the attack, why he was set up, and who the mysterious woman was.

well my explaination is kindof crappy, but it really is a good show I would highly recommend it.

As for the toy I have seen good reviews for it, and some people say it is a good alternative to the Yamato Scopedog if money is an issue. I was thinking of picking one up myself eventually.


If you really like gritty, militaristic real robot shows from the early 1980s, VOTOMS is for you. It's got a great story, good mecha designs, and an atmosphere completely different from the standard "genki teenager accidentally becomes robot pilot" shows. I've reviewed the whole series, along with the side story Mellowlink. Read some reviews to get an idea about the show, but don't read too much to spoil yourself. :blink:

By the way, if you pick up the first new collection, which covers the Uoodo City arc, you'll find it's the weakest part of the show. Not to say it's bad, but the rest of the arcs are far better.

VOTOMS reviews:



Is there an English dubbed release of the series?

And I 100% recommend the Yamato 1/12 Scopedog if you've got the cash... such an amazing and detailed toy, and a blast to mess around with.


Just wondering has anybody picked up the Takara 1/18 scale Scopedog toy that was released late last month and if so, how does it compare with the Yamato 1/12 scale version?

Although I haven't handled the Takara version yet and it sold out pretty quickly at shops here in Hong Kong, from what I can tell it has the advantages over Yamato of having a cheaper price point, comes with a Chirico Cuvie microman pilot figure and has a weathered paint job.



I just picked mine up but haven't opened it yet. I'll post and compare as soon as I do.

My one thing is that I'm pissed that they released the microman pilot figure first. I assumed the Scopedog wouldn't come with Chirico so I bought one but since it comes with one I have an extra. Punks!


Awesome! I really wanna hear what you think about it. I didn't really want the yamato because it was more expensive and didn't come with a figure. :( Also, I really like the weathered paint job.


I was eyeing up the Micromster one myself... the inclusion of a pilot and really nice paint job are pretty slick. I want to hear about the tightness of the joints personally.... the Yamato is a little floppy at the ankles if the weight isn't distributed well enough, and the elbox ratchet isn't tight enough to hold the gun out at a 90 degree angle unsupported. I'm painting, decalling, and weathering up my Yamato anyways, so bigger is better, and aside those two little issues, I LOVE it!

Noone answered my question tho, about subs versus a dub of the series....

  promethuem5 said:
Is there an English dubbed release of the series?

No. When the new VOTOMS box set was announced years ago, it was stated it would be dubbed. But it disappeared off the radar for more than a year, and the new box set out now is subbed only. I guess CPM figured there was no need to spend money dubbing such an old series that would have limited retail appeal.


Don't know about the Takara 1:18 Scopedog. But people usually refer it as a modern day Dual Model, which I got both the vintage one & the reissues. The Duel Models are great, with generally tight joints and very solid construction. The re-issue Red Shoulder is awesome quality and loads of goodies. So I am thinking the 1:18 won't be too far off. The Chirico microman, which I have, doesn't look that hot though. His face sculpt is pretty bad.

The TV show is awesome. As long as you are not looking for pretty & smooth animation, Votoms is a very good show to pick up. Too bad the OVAs never got any domestic releases. I wanna check those out too. :(

Posted (edited)
  promethuem5 said:
Aww really?  I thought that I had read that CPM was gonna dub it too.... oh turd.


That was one of the "ifs" that CPM put out there about this new release. About a month later, they made it official that there would be no dub. In addition, they also ditched the Scopedog-head DVD box idea.

Edited by haro genki

I thought the ending of the series was really bad...

Ryousuke Takahashi has a knack for making endings to otherwise plausible shows that just infuriate you.

I mean, have you noticed the commonality?

Votoms has a "Huh, that doesn't make any sense!" ending, as does Gasaraki, and to a lesser extent, Blue Gender aswell. All have similar mecha designs, all are portrayed as fairly realistic, yet all have endings that don't make a shred of sense.

Some creators just /can't/ write good endings! Because they can't, they attempt to cover this up by making a trippy 'out there' ending. After all, if no one can figure out what the heck is going on, they can't really diss the content, right? **coughMacrossZerocough**



I don't know dude...I think you're reaching. The ending to Gasaraki is certainly pretty strange, but I think VOTOMS was pretty straightforward. As for Macross Zero, I "understood" exactly what it was: trippy nonsense. :D


M0's ending was very obviously (to me anyway) done as a part of the fact that the show is an adaptation of 2001. In that way, it makes perfect sense.

Blue Gender's ending made sense; it was just a premise used much better by Miyazaki 15 years earlier and with a lot of utter stupidity thrown on top of it.

Got bored with Gasaraki, so never finished it. Should borrow it from a friend sometime and watch the rest.

  • 2 weeks later...

Apparently anime news network just put out a story about CPM laying off the majority of their employee's. Apparently the company hasn't gone bankrupt, but they're also not in good shape.

For all those who pre-ordered Votoms, cross your fingers, hopefully we'll get the last volume before they go under (if they do).


This is like some sick cosmic joke. Four measly DVDs...just four of them....and CPM goes under half-way through the series. If we're really lucky, volume 3 has been pressed and is in a warehouse waiting to be shipped to stores. Even then, we're only 3/4 of the way through. <_<

Oh well, maybe in another 10 years somebody will try marketing Votoms again.


Volume 3 is pressed, I got mine last weekend direct from CPM since I did the presale. Retailers should (in theory) get theirs too, but that still leaves volume 4 in limbo. Supposedly the company is going to make a statement tuesday, so hopefully we'll have good news.

Posted (edited)

The 1/18 Scopedog is a really good deluxe TOY as compared to the 1/12, which is more of a deluxe display model. The 1/18 has less intricate detail (e.g. no opening covers for mechanicals like the 1/12), but feels arguably more sturdy, and is surprising poseable: It will easily hold its AT rifle arm-outstretched while maintaining a backwards-leaning pose.

The microman pilot is a mixed bag - love the options but hate the flimsy feel. BTW, the sold-separately Chirico comes with additional weapons like a bazooka and landmine - great for use as additonal ground troops. In the cockpit, the figure is a tight fit, luckily the front access panel flips up so you can manipulate the pilot's feet into place. Some owners feel the pilot's hands collide with the top of the hatch when it is closed... I haven't had that problem myself. My only real beef is that the dome-head falls off too easily during play. I also wish the antennae were made of more pliable PVC/plastic.

Other notes: the side panels on the torso can be removed, as can the magazines on the side skirt armor... meaning that optional parts for a Red Shoulder Custom are definitely planned for. Question is: will the parts be sold separately or will they only be available as a bundled RSC exclusive. Looking at Takara's stunt with the upcoming Masterpiece Convoy WITH TRAILER set... I guess it's more likely to be the latter case.

Check out this thread on Toybox DX for more comments:


edit for "1/18" scale :p

Edited by drifand

Reviews seem pretty good all around, I was a little worried about the bright joints, but I don't think it's a big deal. It stinks that you have to cut the Chirico figure out. The decals are waterslide right? Were they hard to apply?

I hope the weathering quality varies from figure to figure.


There may still be hope for Votoms Vol. 4!!

CPM Cuts Staff

Due to Musicland Bankruptcy

May 30, 2006

Anime and manga producer Central Park Media has cut a substantial number of jobs.  A statement we received from CPM managing director John O'Donnell read as follows:

"As our business has been significantly impacted by Musicland's bankruptcy filing, we are facing tightening sales conditions and are currently focusing on a cost cutting program which will structure the company for future growth without our largest customer.  A number of very talented and dedicated employees have unfortunately lost their jobs through no fault of their own.  CPM will be happy to assist these fine staff members find employment opportunities, so any company seeking experienced and professional employees are requested to email CPM at HR519@teamcpm.com for further details."

A variety of rumors about CPM have been floating around the Internet over the last few days; O'Donnell said that this statement is the extent of what's accurate.

So its not so much a bankruptcy, as it is a severe belt-tightening.


Excellent, since the Nutek release 4th box is damned near impossible to find, and I don't even want to know what an HK copy of a hardsubbed series looks like (it's out there).


Just got it. It's beautiful. everything works just fine, the paintjob is fantastic, the joints don't stick out at all. The amount of accessories is great, especially the rifle. the chirico figure is fine, looks good. The amount of detail in the cockpit amazes me. This is my first 100$ toy, and I love it. I didn't even have to put decals on it, it had so much detail already. Now on to a 1/48 (It's gonna be awhile).


Abnolds, you got the 1/12 Yamato Scopedog? Isn't it awesome? Oooh, one question... can yours hold its rifle outstretched and elbow bent? I find that the elbows aren't tight enough to hold the rediculously big rifle... I'm wondering if the Scopedog can hold the shorter gun from the weapons pack with the elbow bent.

Posted (edited)

I just bought the damn thing (1/18), couldn't resist.

I love it. When I lifted it out of the box the first time it felt more like a completed and pre-painted model kit. Its pretty light. And the plastic used is very model kit like (e.g. the opening panels and stuff are pretty thin like in model kits, not the thick chunky Bandai 1/60 MSIA DX Sazabi type). The cockpit is nice. Working rudder pedals and tilting control column, mock hydraulic lifters. The 3 scopes can rotate, I can't stop playing with it for now.

The joints are tight and ratchet well. Oddly the hip joint is much looser then the rest of the joints. But its enough to hold the poses. Honourable mention should go to the ability of the hip joint to 'Yaw'. That is, besides the swinging forward and sideways commonly seen, the hide can 'Yaw' sideways, giving it a semblance of 3D movement. Love the detailing and movement of the feet too. Its got deployable spikes on the foot but I don't see how one can deploy it for display unless you put the toy on soil.

The head dome falls off rather easily. But a bit of Blu-Tack on the inside will fix it.

Paint job is nice. Again it feels more model kit like. I think none of the parts were cast in colour. The whole thing is painted. Only nitpick is that the 'chrome/silver' wear is done with random brushes of silver paint over the main colour rather then using the silver as a base coat.

Wish it came with more weapons though. Where is my missile rack

?!? Gatling gun?!? Hyper Cannon?!? Grenade Launcher?!?

If you see it for 90 bucks or less, I say go for it. I'd definitely buy the Fatty or Red Shoulder Custom if they release it.

Edited by Retracting Head Ter Ter
  • 2 months later...

For some reason I have gone Votoms crazy.

I think it started a few months ago when my local Comic Shop got a Yamato 1/12 Scopedog. Then I watched some episodes I had on my Laptop. Then I saw the re-release set. I ordered that yesterday online. Then I went to my Comic Shop and he is blowing out a bunch of toys and I got the Scopedog for $60! Now I must find a Chirico Cuvie pilot figure. Anyone got a bead on a cheap one?

Can wait till my DVDs get here. Anyone else watching this latley?

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