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Holy crap does this thing have shelf presence! I'm waiting for my regular release to come in and then I'll have to do a full video review in full anymoon style.

Posted (edited)

Retail. Wasn't comfortable giving 500 for the weathering six months out. Which turned into 8 months? I've never had a 3zero before too. Kind of wished I had, but I go back and forth on if I'd want the weathering over the original as it's more iconic.  The weathering looks beautiful as a weathered custom piece, but it doesn't quite look like the hero mecha either.. so Idk. Tough call at that price point.

I will say the QA is pretty top notch other than my right shoulder is a little loose compared to the left. Hands are super tight. Gun has a nice flip insert to go into the hand that you use a small included tool to pop out. Knees and waist are super right.

I had a little bandai stand and threw the ammo boxes up there for Chirico to chill on. Get the most bang out of my display.

HLJ did a great job packing it too. Box inside a bubblestuffed box.


I really hope they continue the line.










Edited by Capedbaldy
Posted (edited)


My honeymoon with this guy was cut very, very short. The loose arm issue got much worse. It won't even hold a pose. If you hold it out it flops right back to the ground.

I emailed customer support at 3zero, and they sent me a diagram to fix it.. so obviously it's a known issue, or enough people are reporting it for them to make a document to mail to people. I guess their QA is crap after all.

It is pretty disappointed for a 500+ dollar toy that is frakking huge and not easy to mail back to japan to have issues out of the gate.


Their solution is to mail me a new arm with a tight ball joint, and then have me preform surgery to fix it. I asked many questions to clarify and I have to pull the arm out, pull the arm cover off with pliers (ouch) clean the old glue, then reglue the cover with the new ball joint inside. They said the old ball joint is just faulty and it can't be fixed.

One, I'm not comfortable ripping the arm cover off and potentially damaging the paint, and two I'm not even sure what glue would work best. They said any super glue would be fine.

I told them I wasn't happy and I would want a new one that isn't "operated on".  They said they would ship a new one if the replacement arm doesn't work.

Based off all this I doubt if I will ever buy another 3zero product again. How hard is it to a ball-joint to a high standard?? It is one of the simplest mechanisms in toys? Again, based off the size and price of these guys, if they can't nail it in the first go it's just not worth the risk.


Edited by Capedbaldy

Is it a ball joint and socket and they're telling you to replace the original socket? Would the old clear nail polish in the socket trick solve the problem?


I asked if it could be repaired and the rep said that they would send one that isn't broken instead. But I haven't taken it apart to look at it yet. Maybe it didn't occur to them to fix it that way.. but I assume this was a flaw they knew of since they responded so quickly.


Damn sorry to hear about the problems with such an expensive piece. I was on the fence with this one and decided to jump off as it's not really a part if my core collecting. Don't get me wrong I still want a Votoms toy badly, but maybe I should wait it out.


I'm waiting on Arcadia to restart their 1/12 VOTOMS line.

With the necessary ratchets and other improvements from the yammie-v2s, and with some detailing/panel-lining at last.

I want a Melquia v2 for my figma Sumika to pilot...



My honeymoon was also short-lived, I had a foot break right off :(. They seem pretty cool on the customer service side of things though. It sounds like if I mail it back (at my own expense) they will refurb it for me (and presumably mail it back to me at their expense).

I'm working on my review now but a spoiler... this toy is pretty awesome in all respects except durability. It's gorgeous and fun... provided nothing breaks. The part that broke on my toy seems like it should be made of metal... it's a plastic U that takes pressure in every possible direction. If Arcadia or anyone else ever revisits Votoms I hope it gets done in 1/24 or 1/18 scale. 

Posted (edited)

I like the Takara 1/18 and would like them to revive it with few improvements (moar diecast, double-jointed elbows, etc).

Arcadia doing a 1/18 would be very interesting, but I still rather they re-visit and redesign their 1/12 yammie-moulds and make the necessary improvements like the redesign tweaks they did on their Macross Zero line  (minus the exploding hip-joints, of course).

As such, got some 1/18s some time ago to keep with my 1/20 kit some company...

VOTOMS, de geso!








Edited by treatment
  On 8/14/2017 at 9:17 PM, Capedbaldy said:




maybe I'm weird but I don't see the problem. It looks like any easy 10 minute fix and they're sending you all the parts and instructions you need to do it.

  On 8/15/2017 at 5:35 PM, anime52k8 said:


maybe I'm weird but I don't see the problem. It looks like any easy 10 minute fix and they're sending you all the parts and instructions you need to do it.


Ya know... spent $500 on a toy and instantly had a loose part... kinda sours the experience. Also, ripping a glued on part with pliers could prove unfun and then, what if he screws up gluing on a new part? Who wants to perform surgery on a new toy let alone a $500 one? I mean, if he's a modeler in his spare time this might not be too stressful but otherwise it sounds pretty lame. Yes, it's still a whole lot better than being left high-and-dry like he would be if this were a Macross toy.


I have t o agree with Jenius on this one. I mean if you spend that much you usually expect better quality and materials. Not saying treatment is noob by any means, but it sounds like there is a discomfort level there that I wouldn't really want to deal with. Sam with Jenius's case, he would have to eat shipping 2 ways to get it refurbed which adds to an already pricey piece.

Other than those issues, it's definitely a beautiful toy to have in your collection.

  On 8/15/2017 at 6:48 PM, Loop said:

I have t o agree with Jenius on this one. I mean if you spend that much you usually expect better quality and materials. Not saying treatment is noob by any means, but it sounds like there is a discomfort level there that I wouldn't really want to deal with. Sam with Jenius's case, he would have to eat shipping 2 ways to get it refurbed which adds to an already pricey piece.

Other than those issues, it's definitely a beautiful toy to have in your collection.



"treatment"== fix  or "treatment" == me ?

At any rate, I don't own the ThreeZero toy but Capedbaldy and Jenius both do.




  On 8/15/2017 at 5:35 PM, anime52k8 said:


maybe I'm weird but I don't see the problem. It looks like any easy 10 minute fix and they're sending you all the parts and instructions you need to do it.


If it's easy or not isn't the point. My toy isn't really new anymore, it's used and repaired. Would you pay full price for a new toy if you knew you had to repair it?
At that price point there should be zero QA issues. It's not like 3Zero/A is a newb company or has no experience with this kind of stuff.

I have some experience fixing up things, but what if you have none? You could wreck the thing and then have to pay to mail it back, which makes your cost even higher in the end. I am glad their customer service is being helpful, but if they did it right the first time they wouldn't need to be. But everybody is different I guess.

  On 8/15/2017 at 7:34 PM, treatment said:


"treatment"== fix  or "treatment" == me ?

At any rate, I don't own the ThreeZero toy but Capedbaldy and Jenius both do.





My bad, I just scrolled up and saw the pic and thought it was you.


I messaged them too. I got an email that they are on holiday. I'm going to try to do the repair and if i damage it or it doesn't work I'll ask for HLJ to replace/refund depending on how I feel.


Going to insist either company pays return shipping though. i shouldn't pay extra for their mistakes.


Be careful with HLJ's return policy, you have 10 days to pack it up and get it out or they'll tell you to go fish. You might be better off since you've already reached out to them but they're strict on that generally. I don't think the'll wait for you to get a replacement part and then attempt surgery and then send it back to them.

  On 8/15/2017 at 11:04 PM, jenius said:

Be careful with HLJ's return policy, you have 10 days to pack it up and get it out or they'll tell you to go fish. You might be better off since you've already reached out to them but they're strict on that generally. I don't think the'll wait for you to get a replacement part and then attempt surgery and then send it back to them.


Well I got it saturday, put the request in on sunday and got an email about an obon holiday until the 17th. 


Per your review, great sculpt and stuff, but fatal issues.

The u-joint breaking issue on your copy and the quickly-loosening/broken/needing-repair-right-away shoulders-joint issue on Capedbaldly's copy make this new and very expensive ThreeZero 1/12 version behind both the older DMZ-1/18 and the Yammie-1/12 in purchasing/ownership worthiness.

Maybe ThreeZero was just way bit optimistic pricing this in the 49.8k-yen range with those issues.

I think the DMZ is still the best of the big Scopedogs.


Posted (edited)

Ill check it out.  I have to wait 4 weeks for the replacement. Still waiting on HLJ to respond haha.

HLJ got back to me:




We're sorry to see that the item has a problem; unfortunately, it is not possible for us to provide replacement parts for these items.

You are welcome to return the figure to us, complete in its packaging with all its parts, for a replacement figure that would be shipped free of charge; we would also reimburse you for shipping the defective item back to us.

If you didn't want a replacement item, you could ship the defective item back for a full refund--the cost of the item, the cost of shipping it from us to you, and your cost to return it to us.

Or, if you'd rather keep the item, we could give you a refund of 10% of the item's price, which would be 4,980 yen, as store credit which would be automatically applied to your next payable transaction.

Please let us know which you would prefer; if you want to return the item for replacement, we will send instructions for an authorized return at that time.

Thank you for shopping with HobbyLink Japan!

Best Regards,



Trying to decide if I should do a return and hope I win the lottery and get one that isn't broken, or work with the replacement. 
or just go full refund and not bother with threezero again haha.



Great review Jenius. I do agree that since it is mostly a display piece that I probably won't fiddle with that often it's the best version out there. It clearly looks the best. That doesn't mean I don't want a whole working toy that isn't broken though haha.


Also, my problem with the DMZ toys are the hands. They are some of the worst hands on a toy I've ever had. I like that smaller scale but.. Yeah.

Edited by Capedbaldy
Posted (edited)

Tough choice you got there.

Would be nicer if ThreeZero agrees to pay for the return-shipping directly instead of going thru HLJ.  Heck! Be even nicer for them to just send you a complete figure free of charge!

Oh, well.  Your call.

As for the DMZ hands, indeed they suck the way they are compared to the ThreeZero's. Then again, they're from an older design and not really as bad for me.

I rather just consider it as an extra weapon: rocket thumbs!  :bump:

Takara's articulated fingers on the Melquiya was a little better. but not really by much. Prolly be better if they were of the later more secure MP-11 Starscream-esque hand/fingers instead.


Edited by treatment
  On 8/16/2017 at 4:21 PM, jenius said:

My review is up!


check it out on anymoon.com. Thanks!


Great review as always, Jenius!  :good: 

I want one but I'm still happy and content with my 2 DMZ 1/18 figures. ^_^


Posted (edited)

I decided to ship it back for a replacement to HLJ. The 3Zero support process is a joke. 



Dear Customer:

Please kindly note that we need to apply for the replacement from our maintenance team and it will take few weeks , we will inform you the tracking number once available. 



It takes a few weeks for them to get the part? and a few weeks to ship it? I can have a new one and mail the old one back to HLJ by then.  Hell I remember when the 3rd party voltron had some joint problems, they mailed me replacement parts in the same week.

If that one is broke I'll consider just ending it and sending it back for a refund.

Edited by Capedbaldy

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