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Since No body started this topic (mostly about movie, MSG, VF-`s & etc...), let`s see what`s your most beloved videogames from diffrernt categories and your best game company :D

For me :

Shooter :

1- Salamander [favorite shooter of all time] (NES, SS, PS, MSX)

2- Gradius-II (NES, SS, PS)

3- Gradius (NES, SS, PS)

4- Contra (NES, GB)

5- Axelay (SNES)

Platform :

1- Super Mario Bros. 2 (NES, SNES)

2- Castle Vania-IV (SNES)

3- Super Mario World [Mario 4] (SNES)

Fighting :

1- Street Fighter 2 Turbo (SNES, SS, PS)

2- Street Fighter Alpha 2 (SS, PS)

3- X Men vs. Street Fighter (SS)

4- Samurai Shodown 1 (NG, SS)


1- Legend Of Zelda : Link to the Past (SNES)

2- Final Fantasy VI (PS)

3- Final Fantasy VII (PS)

4- Final Fantasy IX [don`t ask me why ... Moogles :D ] (PS)

5- Valkyrie Profile (PS)

Favorite videogame company of all time till now :



Gotta agree with you on Konami being such an awesome company. It seems like they've had their day, though. If only they'd go back to shoot 'em ups...

Posted (edited)

For me:


-Thunder Force V (Techmo soft for PS)

-Einhander (Square for PS)

-Parodius (Konami for SNES :lol: )

-Area 88 (Capcom for SNES)

-All Contras except the ones for PS

-Ikaruga (Treasure for GC and DC)

-Panzer Dragoon Orta (Sega for Xbox)

-Giants: Citizen Kabuto (Interplay for PC)

-Half Life (Valve for PC)


-Yoshis Island (Nintendo for SNES and GBA)

-All Castlevanias except Castlevania 64

-Sonic Adventure (Sega for DC)

-Megaman 2 (Capcom for NES)


-Guilty Gear XX (Sammy for PS2)

-Marvel Vs Capcom (Capcom for DC)

-Street Fighter Alpha 3 (Capcom for PS)

-Garou Mark of the Wolvers (SNK for DC)

-Last Blade 1 and 2 (SNK for PS and DC)


-All Zeldas

-Prince of Persia (don't know who makes them)

-Otogi Myth of Demons (From Software for Xbox)

-Terranigma (Enix for SNES)

-Secret of Evermore (Square for SNES)

-Secret of Mana 3 (Square for SNES)

-Demons Crest (Capcom for SNES)

Survival Horrors/RPG:

-Silent Hill and Silent Hill 3 (Konami for PS and PS2)

-Resident Evil Rebirth, 0, 2 and 3 (Capcom for GC)

-Breath of Fire V: Dragon Quarter (Capcom for PS2)

-Onimusha (Capcom for PS2)


-Star Ocean 2 (Enix for PS)

-Final Fantasy XI (Square for PC)

-Chrono Trigger (Square for SNES)

-Dragon Quest VII (Enix for PS)

-Fallout 1 and 2 (Black Isles for PC)

-Super Mario RPG (Nintendo/Squre for SNES)

-Grandia (Game Arts for SS)

-Phantasy Star 4 (Sega for MD)


-Homeworld 1 and 2 (Sierra for PC)

-Super Robot Wars Alpha (Banpresto for PS)

-2nd Super Robot Wars Alpha (Banpresto for PS2)

-C&C Red Alert 2 (Westwood Studios for PC)

-Final Fantasy Tactics (Square for PS)


-Ace Combat 4 (Namco for PS2)

-Mobile Suit Gundam: Lost War Chronicles (Bandai for PS2)

-SD Gundam G Generation F (Bandai for PS)

-Actraiser (Enix for SNES)

-Viewtiful Joe (Capcom for GC)

My favorite companies are Konami, Capcom, Square and Nintendo.

Note on Square.... they are one of my favorite developers.... during the SNES age though. So far... they have yet to impress me in the past 2 generations.

Edited by Abombz!!

All time favorite game would be Star Controll II for the PC. Nothing else comes close.

Other favorites would be:

Mechwarrior II (PC)

Jedi Knight II Jedi Outcast (PC)

Halo (X-Box)

Soul Calibur (Dreamcast)

Soul Calibur II (X-Box)

Super Castlevania (Super Nintendo)

Starcraft (PC)

Fallout (PC)

Half-Life (PC)

Homeworld (PC)

Unreal Tournament (PC)

Aliens vs. Predator II (PC)

Master of Orion (PC)

Master of Orion II (PC)

X-Com UFO Defense (PC)

Master of Magic (PC)

Full Throttle (PC)

Hope I didn't forget any :)


it's only for console video games :


-Thunder Force 3 (genesis)

- Axelay (snes)

- R-type


- Sonic 2 (genesis)

- mario all star (snes, nes, gba )

- quackshot donald (genesis)


- Street Fighter (all expect for the movie version)

- Real Bout 2,special (snk)

- soul edge/calibur 2


- final fantasy 7 (psx)

- final fantasy 5 (snes)

- final fantasy 9 (psx)

- secret of mana (snes)

- castlevania symph of the night (psx)

- zelda 3 (snes)

- landstalker (genesis)


- vandalheart (psx)

- final fantasy tactics (psx)

favorite compagnies :

- square

- capcom

- nintendo

- konami


My favorite game is Megaman 3. Period. But I love Megaman games in general. So, um...

I'm not going to cram these games into different catagories. Basically, my favorite games are:

Megaman, NES (Capcom)

Megaman 2, NES (Capcom)

Megaman 3, NES (Capcom)

Megaman V, GB (Capcom)

Megaman X, SNES (Capcom

Megaman X4, PSone (Capcom)

Megaman Zero, GBA (Capcom)

Megaman Zero 2, GBA (Capcom)

Onimusha, PS2 (Capcom)

Ace Combat 4, PS2 (Namco)

Fatal Frame, PS2 (Tecmo... looking forward to playing FF II)

Time Crisis III, PS2 (Namco)

Need for Speed Underground, Multiple (EA)

Halo, Xbox (Bungie)

Dead or Alive 3, Xbox (Tecmo)

Dynasty Warriors 3 or 4, PS2/Xbox (Koei)

Super Smash Bros Melee, Gamecube (Nintendo)

Sonic Adventure, Dreamcast/Gamecube (Sega)

Sonic Adventure 2, Dreamcast/Gamecube (Sega)

Samba de Amigo, Dreamcast (Sega)

Street Fighter Alpha 3, PSone (Capcom)

Wario Ware Inc, GBA (Nintendo)

Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, PSone (Konami)

Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow, GBA (Konami)

Final Fantasy II (aka Final Fantasy IV), SNES (Square)

Secret of Mana, SNES (Square)

Super Mario World, SNES (Nintendo)

Super Mario Bros. 3, NES (Nintendo)

Super Dodgeball Advance, GBA (Atlus)

Legend of Zelda, NES (Nintendo)

Dragon Warrior III, NES (Enix)

Hands down, my favorite company is Capcom. If Nintendo's first party games on the Cube and the N64 were as good as their first party games of yesteryear, they would have been in the running. Much love also goes to Sega, Namco, and Konami. Even though more of their games didn't make my list, I love a lot of their games. This list is just the best of the best. As for Square... they've got to be the most over-rated developer in the history of gaming. Each new Final Fantasy game has people acting like it's the second coming of Christ... and while I've enjoyed most of the Final Fantasy games, they're not THAT great. And we conveniently forget that 90% of the non-Final Fantasy games that Square has delievered are crap.


Favorite games.


Thunder Force 4



Super Street Fighter II Turbo

King of Fighters 98

Samurai Shodown IV

Virtua Fighter 4 Evolution


Final Fantasy IV(2 in the USA)

Phantasy Star 1,2,4 and PSO

Legend of Zelda(series)

Platform /Adventure

Super Mario World

Super Mario 64

Sonic the Hedgehog 1,2

CastleVania Symphony of the Night

DraculaX Chi No Rondo(import PC Engine Duo)




Jedi Knight


Favorite Company

SNK / SNK Playmore(Not as good as the old SNK though)


Posted (edited)

After so many years of playing games.... but here it goes:


Einhander (PS One)

Combat (Atari 2600)

Zaxxon (From Sega on Coleco Vision)

Ace Combat 02 (PS One)

Macross DYRL (PS ONE)

Macross (PS2)


Donkey Kong Country (SNES)

Sonic Spinball (Sega Genesis)

Sonic the Hedghog 1 & 2 (Sega Genesis)

Sonic Adventure 1 (Sega Dreamcast)


Tekken 2 (PS ONE)

Street Fighter Alpha 1 (PS ONE)

Vampire Chronicle a compilation of the Darkstalkers/Vampire series(Dreamcast)

Guilty Gear X & XX (PS2)

Soul Calibur 1 & 2 (PS2)

Soul Edge/Blade (PS ONE)

Bushido Blade 1 & 2 (PS ONE)

Kengo (PS2)

Eternal Champions (Sega Genesis)

Mike Tyson's Punch Out lol (NES)


Tenchu 1 (PS One)

Tenchu 3 (PS2)

All of the Castlevania games except the N64 games

Ikari Warriors (NES)


Trojan (NES)

Vagrant Story (PS ONE)

Way of the Samurai (PS2)

Pitfall (Atari 2600)

Streets of Rage series (Genesis)

Survival Horror RPGs

Resident Evil 1 & 2 (PS ONE)

Devil May Cry (PS2)

Onimusha (PS2)


Chrono Trigger (SNES)

Secret of Mana (SNES)

Final Fantasy 7 (PS ONE)

Xenogears (PS ONE)

Suikoden 1 & 2 (PS ONE)

Wild Arms (PS ONE)

Sorta an RPG, Shenmue 1 & 2 (Dreamcast)


Turbo (Coleco Vision)

Excite Bike (NES)

Ridge Racer (PS ONE)

Ridge Racer 4 (PS ONE)

NASCAR Thunder 2004(such a huge improvement over past NASCAR games)

Grand Turismo (PS ONE)

WipeOut series PS ONE PS2

favorite companies, publishers etc.

Capcom, Konami, Namco, EA, Activision, Nintendo, Sega.

Edited by dejr8bud

Bah, you young un' and all your fancy-shmancy games.

Good'ol games:

Archon I & II for C64.

Any of the old console games - Zaxxon, Pacman, Pong, Congo Bongo, Tron: Deadly Discs, SW:ESB...etc. (Intellivision & Atari 2600)

SpaceQuest, KingsQuest, Leisure Suit Larry. (Roberta Williams - Sierra)

Hmmm.......think I'll go rummage on eBay and see if I can grab some of these old games again. :D

Oh yeah:

Shooter: Original DEFENDER

Fighting: Street Fighter II Turbo

RPG: Zork.

Racer: GT3, SSX3


Any coin-op in the Aladin's Castle at the mall near my old home in Nevada between 1982 and 1986.

Those are the days that I remember fondly, when games could do no wrong. They were simple plumbers fighting apes... little ships getting kidnaped and rescued so you could have two little ships... cussing orange pipe-snooted hopping things... inflatable underground dwelling creatures... and all the genres where born in the arcades of the '80s... from Pac Man, Dig Dug and Centipede to Double Dragon, Operation Wolf and NARC...

Sigh... those were the days...


Favorite Console Game:

VASTEEL (TG-16 CD-ROM)- My friend imported this from Japan a long time ago, way before the English version came out. It took us the longest time to figure out what the Japanese symbols meant. But it was one of the funnest strategy/fighting games of all time!!! The primary gameplay has you controlling your army of robots and hovertanks in a turn-based, hex-grid system to conquer all of your enemies cities and bases on a gamemap (and then, of course, move to the next level). But once you moved onto an opposing player's unit, it moved to a 45 degree angle camera view of both your units where you would fight it out arcade style, with movement in all four directions. One button used your main weapon, more powerful, but longer reload times. The other button would either 1) Shoot your smaller, secondary weapon if you were far away from your enemy, or batter him with a fist or club weapon if you were close).

It was the bomb!!!

Favorite Arcade Game:

GALAGA- Like you had to ask.

Posted (edited)

best company ever, MICROPROSE!

Best Game Ever: Pirates and X-Com


Edited by Ladic
Favorite Console Game:

VASTEEL (TG-16 CD-ROM)- My friend imported this from Japan a long time ago, way before the English version came out. It took us the longest time to figure out what the Japanese symbols meant. But it was one of the funnest strategy/fighting games of all time!!! The primary gameplay has you controlling your army of robots and hovertanks in a turn-based, hex-grid system to conquer all of your enemies cities and bases on a gamemap (and then, of course, move to the next level). But once you moved onto an opposing player's unit, it moved to a 45 degree angle camera view of both your units where you would fight it out arcade style, with movement in all four directions. One button used your main weapon, more powerful, but longer reload times. The other button would either 1) Shoot your smaller, secondary weapon if you were far away from your enemy, or batter him with a fist or club weapon if you were close).

It was the bomb!!!

Favorite Arcade Game:

GALAGA- Like you had to ask.

Vasteel? Is that the name for the japanese version of Thunder Force? :blink:




R-Type Series

Raiden 1

Strikers 1945 II



Macross (Arcade)

Whip Rush


Mario 1-4, 64

Yoshi's Island

Sonic 2

Sly Cooper

Viewtiful Joe


Rage Racer


Daytona USA 2: Battle on The Edge

SF Rush 2049

Metropolis Street Racer


Street Fighter II Turbo

SamSho II

Fatal Fury 2, MOTW

Mortal Kombat II, Deadly Alliance

World Heroes 2

Marvel vs Capcom 1

SF Alpha 2, 3

Virtua Fighter 2, 4 Evo

Tekken 3

Soul Edge


Lunar Series


Chrono Trigger

Dragon Warrior 1, II


El Viento

Valis Series

Earnest Evans

Zelda 1-3, OOT, WW

Kingdom Hearts

Castlevania IV, SoN, CoM, HoD, AoS

Contra III

GTA 1, 3, VC

Prince of Persia SoT

Phantasy Star Online (1 & 2)


NBA Street Vol 2

NBA Jam (Midway Version)

NFL Blitz

Tecmo Bowl



WWF WrestleFest

WCW/NWO Revenge

Def Jam Vendetta


Bust a Move: Rhythm and Dance Action


Favorite Developer: Nintendo, Capcom

Favorite Independant Developer: WolfTeam (Circa 1993-1996), Treasure, Game Arts, Factor 5

Posted (edited)

I'm not much of a gamer.. but

Favorite games ever -

Grand Theft Auto III (PS2)

Grand Theft Auto III - Vice City (PS2)

King's Quest I- whatever (Old Skool PC)

Tomb Raider (PS1)

Spiderman 1 & 2 (PS1)

Legend of Zelda & Adventures of Link (Nintendo)

Doom II (PC)

Duke Nukem (PC)

Most of the other games I've had and played I got bored with. These I either solved or played them until the console went the way of the buffalo.

Edited by Blaine23
Posted (edited)

All time favorite? Probably the Descent series and Battlezone (the new version).

Other favorites:

Halflife + Opposing Force + Blue Shift (PC)

007 Goldeneye (N64)

Perfect Dark (N64)

Freespace 1 and 2 (PC)

TIE Fighter (PC)

X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter (PC)

Wing Commander III (PC)

Gran Tourismo 3 A-spec (PS2)

Il-2 Sturmovik and Forgotten Battles (PC)

Battlezone 1 and (to a lesser extent) 2 (PC)

Colin McRae Rally 2.0 (PC)

Sim City 2000 (PC)

Test Drive Offroad (PC)

Sonic the Hedgehog (all games, Genesis, Game Gear, etc.)

Mechwarrior II and Ghost Bear Legacy (PC)

Final Fantasy XI (PC)

Homeworld (PC)

Need for Speed: Porsche Unleashed (PC) (best NFS EVER)

As you can see, most of my gaming experience is on PC :(

Vostok 7

Edited by Vostok 7
Posted (edited)
best company ever, MICROPROSE!

Best Game Ever: Pirates and X-Com

Ah, a blast from the past!

Back in the 1980s, Origin Systems reigned supreme until they sold out to EA.

This game was one of the classics they released:


Edited by Jolly Rogers

I'm not gonna go into the whole genre thing....

Favorite game: Gran Turismo 2 (PS One) - 3 has better graphics, but the physics are unchanged, and 2 had better tracks (Red Rock Valley, Grindelwald) and more cars.

-Battlefield 1942 (PC) - A good game in its own right, it provides an incredible basis for mods, some of which make the game one of the best ever made.

- Tom Clancy's Rogue Spear:Black Thorn (PC) - BT was a standalone game based on the Rouge Spear system. BT had an immense variety of real world, realistically portrayed, weapons, and some of the best map design of all time, and the best in the series. Raven Shield, while capturing much of the previous games' feel, leans a little toward the arcade aspect, instead of the straight mil-sim attitude of the previous games. And both it, and the Rainbow Six series' semi-sequel, Ghost Recon, suffer from less than brilliant map design.

-Goldeneye 007 (N64) - Possibly the greatest FPS of all time. While games since have exceded it, Goldeneye was such a leap over anything that had come before that it deserves a place in any FPS fan's library. For many gamers, it was the first time a game had involved anything more than mowing down leigons of monsters or ailens. And, while it was exceeded in some areas by its true successor Perfect Dark, most notably multiplayer, PD was still just Goldeneye with improvements, not the revolutionary game Goldeneye was.

-Final Fantasy VI (III in the US) (Super Famicom / SNES) - Anyone who has played it knows why.

-Gran Turismo series (PS One, PS2) - The. Greatest. Racing. Game. Ever. It truly has no competition. Realistic tracks, physics, real cars, great graphics, the deep modification and purchase system. Nothing has ever come close. Sure, there have been games that were slightly more realistic, or looked better. But as an overall package, nothing can touch GT.

-Metal Gear Series (Famicom, PC Engine, Super Famicom, PSone, PS2, XBOX, GameCube, PC) A series that needs no introduction. The series, especially MGS and MGS2 introduced a deep story (albeit a little too deep in MGS2) that made MGS closer to an RPG than to an action game. In fact, there is argument that MGS is an RPG. After all, it has an inventory system, a deep story, increases in levels, and more. And aren't those what define an RPG?

-Microsoft Flight Simulator series (PC) - Another game that really doesn't have any competiton. MSFS's realistic physics, great graphics, huge add-on library, and thousands of airports mean that there's really nothing to compare it to.

- Su-27 Flanker Series (PC) - Some may argue that Falcon 4 is better. And it is slightly more realistic. But there's a level of unmatched coolness about flying a plane that can launch from a carrier under its own power, and fly while pointing backwards. The F-16 may be a Lotus Elise, with its small size and nimble handling. But the Flanker is the fighter equivelant of a Muscle Car. Or maybe Falcon lets you fly the aircraft equivelant of a Glock. But the Flanker is a double barrelled shotgun. Maybe it's a bit less refined, but dammed if it doesn't blow a hole through anything you point it at. And plus, it's just an awesome game.

- Half Life (PC) - This is another game that requires no explanation.

- Battle Gear series (Arcade) - What GT is to sim racers, BG is to arcade style racing games. It blows Initial D's door off and leaves it coughin gin the dust. With a library of licensed cars, a multitude of tracks, and just the right balance of sim and arcade, it's at the top of the heap. And the newest version even allows users to buy a key that acts as a memory card, allowing them to earn money and customize cars, play online with players in other arcades, and even organize and join racing teams.

- Kidou Senshi Gundam : Renpou vs. Zeon (Arcade). While lacking in the graphical area, and not the greatest game based on the franchise, FvZ still manages to be a areat arcade experience.

- The Elder Scrolls 3 Morrowind, Tribunal, and Bloodmoon. Morrowind is a contender for the best RPG ever made. While the beginning is a little slow, as the game progresses, the amount of freedom the game gives you is unparallelled. And it's great in that the game actually rewards you for your effort. From seeing a town spring up gradually as you do quests so allow it to happen, to getting your own personal fortresses, and just gaining the admiration of the people of the game's world, the game gives you a real reason to keep on going. And the vast library of addons, from weapons to whole continents, makes the game's potential almost limitless. The graphics are great, and in some of the more picturesque locations, can be breathtaking. And the suspension of disbelief is also great. Unlike the horrible D&D based system of so many games (Baldur's gate, Neverwinter Nights), which requires so much attention to statistics and micromanaging skills and spells, Morrowind actually lets you have fun. And you can actually have fun doing smoe of the most seemingly mundane things. I've had occasions where I spend an hour arranging objects in my houses, just to make it look cool. And even things like travellign from town to town buying and selling goods are a lot of fun, too. And in addition to the great main quest, there are nearly endless side quests. And even when those end, you can make your own! One of my pastimes in the game has been seeking out vampires and killing them!


To many good games to list. But if I a gun was placed to my head and I had to choose my favorite game company and game, Black ISle (RIP) and Fallout 2

Posted (edited)

I'll have to limit myself to 5 titles per category :p


Phantasy Star 1-4 (SMS, Genesis)

Valkyrie Profile (PS1)

Shining in the Darkness (Genesis)

Final Fantasy VII (PS1)

Xenogears (PS1)


Soul Calibur (DC)

Virtual On Oratorio Tangram (DC-anyone still got their twinsticks?)

Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike (DC)

Street Fighter Alpha 2 (PS1)

King of Fighters '98 (PS 1)


Einhander (PS1)

Ikaruga (DC)

R-Type Delta (PS1)

Raiden Collection (PS1)

Thunder Force III (Genesis)

2-D action

Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (PS1)

Metal Slug (PS1)

Shinobi 3 (Genesis)

Guardian Heroes (Saturn)

Gunstar Heroes (Genesis)

3-D action

Armored Core: Master of Arena (PS1)

Resident Evil 2 (PS1)

Omega Boost (PS1)

Tenchu 2 (PS1)

Armored Core 3 (PS2)


Front Mission 3 (PS1)

Final Fantasy Tactics (PS1)

Shining Force 1 (Genesis)

Shining Force 2 (Genesis)

Herzog Zwei (Genesis)

Light-Gun games

Time Crisis 1 (PS1)

Time Crisis 2 (PS2)

Elemental Gearbolt (PS1)

Point Blank 1&2 (PS1)

Vampire Night (PS2)

Favorite Game Company: Tough choice, but I say SEGA

Edited by Valkyrie Hunter D

There's no way I'm creating a list like some of you had. I'll keep this brief:

Fav game of all time: A tie

Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past

Chrono Trigger

Fav game company of all time: Konami (they have the biggest majority of games I love)

Hell, I'd even fund a Snatcher updated remake out of my own pocket if they asked me to.

Posted (edited)

my collection


-Unreal tourniment

-soldier of fortune

-contra 1

- zoen of enders


- Castlevania 2

- super maro brother 3

- supe rmario sunshine

- ninja gaiden


-Street Fighter 2 (snes)

-tobal #1 ps

-tobal 2 ps

-samurai shwodown (snes)

-naruto (cube)


-zelda 1(nes)

-zelda 3(znes)

-zelda (cube)

-Prince of Persia


-out of thsi world(pc)

-brave fencer musashiden(ps)

Survival Horrors/RPG:


-Resident Evil 0(Capcom for GC)

-prasite eve 1l (ps)


-xenogears (ps)

-xenosaga (ps2)

-Star Ocean 2 (Enix for PS)

-final fantasy VII (ps)

-final fantasy VI (snes)

-final fantasy IX (ps)

-final fantasy X (ps2)

-Final Fantasy XI (Square for PC)

-Chrono Trigger (Square for SNES)

-Dragon Quest VII (Enix for PS)

-Grandia (Game Arts for ps)

-Lunar silver star stories complete(ps)

-golden sun (gba)

-golden sun lost age (gba)

Strategy turn and real time:

-rise of nations (pc)

-Super Robot Wars Alpha (Banpresto for PS)

-2nd Super Robot Wars Alpha (Banpresto for PS2)

-C&C Red Alert 2 (Westwood Studios for PC)

-Final Fantasy Tactics (Square for PS)

-Age of empires 1 and 2(pc)

-C&C tiberian sun(pc)

-SD Gundam G Generation neo (Bandai for PS2)


-fed vs zeon (psw)

- intial d special sctage (ps2)

-one pice treaser battle(cube)

Edited by Ali Sama
Posted (edited)


FF Tactics

Chrono Trigger

Chrono Cross



Zelda, Link to The Past

Zelda, Ocarina of Time

Zelda, Wind Waker

Metal Gear Solid

Metal Gear Solid 2

Zone of Enders 2

Pefect Dark

Wrestlemania 2000

Fallout 2

Fallout Tactics: Brotherhood of Steel

NCAA Football 2003


Operation Flashpoint

.....i guess thats about it.

Edited by Isamu Atreides 86
Posted (edited)

Top 3 Games on My Favorite Systems


Gunstar Heroes


Thunderforce IV


Contra III

Zelda: LTTP

Macross Scrambled Valkyrie


Guardian Heroes

Psychic Warlock Assassin Taromaru

Darius Gaiden


Castlevania: SOTN


Gunners Heaven


Soul Calibur

Power Stone 2

Zero Gunner 2

Favorite Game Companies: Capcom, Konami, Sega, & Treasure

Edited by sidearmsalpha
Posted (edited)

I've played too many games to list anything less than "top 50 for each genre" so I'll just list those with the best story, IMHO.

Not in order:


Ace Combat 4 (short but very good)




Chrono Trigger

Valkyrie Profile (must..have..sequel...)

Ninja Gaiden (hey, for 8-bit, it was deep)

Shooters that are simply cool: Thunderforce 5, Darius Twin, Panzer Dragoon Zwei

Edited by David Hingtgen


Tomb Raider II

Legend of Zelda: The Ocarina of Time



Shin Samurai Spirits (Samurai Shodown II)

Soul Calibur

Street Fighter Alpha 3

Tobal 2


Final Fantasy VII

Final Fantasy VIII

Star Wars: KotOR

Hero's Quest: So you want to be a Hero....




Final Fantasy Tactics

X-Com: UFO Defense

X-Com: Terror From the Deep

Civilization 3

I can't believe no one's mentioned StarCraft yet. It's definitely an online multiplayer classic. Blizzard knows what they're doing.


I beleive I mentioned it. First page my friend.

All time favorite game would be Star Controll II for the PC.  Nothing else comes close.

Other favorites would be:

Starcraft (PC)

I can't believe no one's mentioned StarCraft yet.  It's definitely an online multiplayer classic.  Blizzard knows what they're doing.


I beleive I mentioned it. First page my friend.

All time favorite game would be Star Controll II for the PC.  Nothing else comes close.

Other favorites would be:

Starcraft (PC)

Oops! My bad! :)

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