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I was gonna wait for the crowds to die down, but if the current rate of people walking up and just blurting out spoilers continues, I'm gonna have to see it soon before someone just narrates the entire dang film to me.

Posted (edited)

Saw it with my 7 year old yesterday and that exact thing happened on my way out of the theatre. A group of boys ran out to meet their parents after the movie was over and blurted out all sorts of spoiler stuff. Had I not just seen it, I'd have been livid.

Loved the movie. Loved the characters. Loved the feel. So, so good.

Edited by mickyg

That's exactly why I went to see it Friday... my wife is less interested and wanted to wait for next Wednesday when we're both off work, but I wasn't about to go into hiding online and IRL for 5 days. I don't mind at all seeing it a second time, now that I've got a few things to look for from this thread.

I will say, the movie grabbed me with a "whoa" moment about every 10 minutes between throwbacks to the originals and well-written, thought-out scenes. The reveal when Rey was sitting in the shade of some junk that turned out to be an AT-AT foot was beautiful.

This movie did subtlety extremely well, which I believe is the key to good sci-fi entertainment. Facial expressions on the actors, movement styles, the condition of props and costuming... literally everything tells a story, and that makes fans like us want to dig deeper, discuss and find out what all those stories are.


I'm loving the discussion, very enlightening for a movie that left me hungry to understand more of it. However, I had a minor quibble:

On the same character:

I loved the scene with the terrified officer letting him know they'd lost their target. It painted such a different picture versus how Vader would have reacted.

I didn't enjoy that scene one bit. Our new master-villain for the new generation of Star Wars lore is a temper tantrum throwing brat, as far as I'm concerned. Instead of reeling in fear against this new "dark lord," the audience was laughing because Ben/Ren is just not deserving of anything else. Once Snoak/Snooki/Sudoku, or whatever that guy's name is, recovers Ben/Ren I can imagine that he was sent to his room without dessert.

Just got done seeing it, few things slightly bugging me, but still overall awesome. Really can't express how happy I was with the characters themselves, they were fun and funny when they needed to be, something that the prequels never seemed to figure out.

As far as the loss of Han, I guess I saw that coming, and it really wasn't a surprise, but the way it happened did set the tone for the next few movies, I think.

Up to that point, Kylo Ren definitely came of as dangerous, but the way people treated him behind his back was both telling and hilarious. The way he tended to go into hissy fits over not getting his way made him come off rather Anakin like, but the fact that even his own troops knew to leave him alone kind of made it work, and felt like a tongue in cheek backhand at Anakin's character.

The thing that did feel weird was that Han seemed so eager to eat up his words, and hope to bring him home. I understand it, but it felt out of character for Han to be that trusting.

I'm looking forward to the next ones, and finding out where Rey came from. It wouldn't surprise me if she actually is Ben's sister, but I still wonder if she's Luke's daughter instead. Unless Ben was gone when Rey was born, I have a hard time thinking he wouldn't remember having a sister that close in age.

It was, and yet it wasn't out of character for Han Solo, and this is my take on it: one of hte things Episode 7 got right was reintroducing us to familiar people, yet showing us how they've grown and gotten wiser over the years. Han Solo is still a scoundrel, driving Leia crazy and whatnot; but you can see on Harrison Ford's face and eyes that he realizes the grand mistakes he's made, Ben/Ren being one of them. This was a poignant theme in the film; well done in that I didn't expect it from a Star Wars movie since it was sorta deep.

I'm with you on the possible relationship between Rey and Ben; it would make so much sense. However, that also brings up my primary complaint about Episode 7 and the possible direction the new saga could be taking: ripping the OT and not coming up with anything too original.

After having seen this three times, I have a question about something which I think I observed in the very last scene:

Maybe it's just me, but there's something slightly suspicious about one of the stones near where Luke is standing. It almost looks like a grave marker.

Anyone else pick up on this? It may be absolutely nothing other than my imagination.

Also, a few slight nitpicks/curiosities:

Why are Finn's boots black once he arrives at Rey's outpost? Shouldn't they still be white? Even if he did step into the flames of the wreckage for a very few seconds, it wasn't long enough for them to be scorched black. And walking through sand isn't really going to make them that dirty... I looked briefly in the new Visual Dictionary today while in the bookstore, and they look like exactly the same boots - just colored differently.

Is BB-8 really the only one of his kind? If so, how in the world did a pilot wind up with him? If he's one of a kind, how does anyone in the First Order know what a BB Unit is? Maybe "one of a kind" is more an aesthetic thing or a personality/options thing?

I wonder why Luke seems to have downgraded his prosthesis? Maybe as some kind of reminder?

Poor Constable Zuvio appears only in a flashback, and even then, bites the dust. Wonder what that was all about? It certainly didn't look like Jakku - what with the pouring rain - where that scene was occurring.

I really regret that the long-ago rumors that the Resistance had access to a superweapon of their own didn't pan out. I'd have preferred that quite a bit to another "hey, let's fly our fighters at this massive thing and pray that we can blow it up." No bombers, either. Damn shame, as I still really love the Y-Wing.

Speaking of, how the hell many torpedoes do the new X-Wings carry, anyway?! Like, 24 or so...? (I have a terrible movie habit of trying to count shots.)

I'm thinking the "one of a kind" statement for BB8 was in reference to his personality? I'm just guessing on that one. As for the fighters, that's another one of my criticisms about Episode 7: not only did they not come up with new designs but then they didn't even copy all of the designs that would have made sense in that final battle with the not-Death-Star. How much more difficult would it have been to bring back the Y-wings or some other form of bomber? That would have been a great treat for those of us who love the machinery as much as the characters. I mean, the movie is dedicated to stroking SW fanbois but they missed that opportunity. Ah well, maybe episode 8.

I saw it this morning with my wife, and greatly enjoyed it.

I didn't happen to notice Finn's boots for color change, although I remember his stepping in the flames, but they remained white in that scene, IIRC. I didn't notice a grave near Luke, being so captivated by the actual location shot. But, I'm also thinking Rey is Luke's daughter, hidden away anonymously to protect her, echoing Leia's life. Chances are, Luke could see the potential in her and the potential danger to her through the Force. Han's impending demise couldn't have been more apparent as he stepped out on the catwalk, esp since they're setting Ren up to be the next Sithlord, who wants to quell his conflict with the light side. What better way to take that step than patricide? Still, I think it would have been a little less jarring if Han had been mortally wounded, but escaped and lived long enough to say his goodbyes. Falling into an abyss just didn't seem a noble end to such a great character.

But overall, this movie felt like Star Wars. The dialog was good, just the right touch of humor, some great creatures, and some cool aerial/space battles. I loved the all the MF acrobatics in the chase scene. Threepio's line about possibly not being recognized b/c of the red arm made me laugh. The R2 situation was kinda odd, but whatever.

Yeah, getting stabbed and falling off of a walkway was very anticlimactic, especially for a character that was one of the pillars of the Star Wars universe, but oh well. Abrams is desperate to show us how desperate Ben/Ren is to complete his walk to the Dark Side.

Posted (edited)

I am going to address this again because there continues to be a fundamental misunderstanding about what the Resistance is and how it operates in this thread.

The Resistance is NOT the Republic. It is a private, paramilitary group whose actions violate a 30-year old treaty between the New Republic and the remaining Imperial Forces. They are essentially a guerrilla group that operates outside the law. Any funding and support they get is under the table, and they do not enjoy wide-spread support throughout the Republic. They don't have capital ships, and they don't have A-Wings and B-Wings and what have you. They have their base of operations, they have a few squadrons of the new X-Wings, and they have some smaller transport ships. That's it.


It's safe to say the situation in the galaxy and the standing of the Resistance is going to change greatly after the events of Awakens.

Edited by Duke Togo

Something just dawned on me regarding future directions they can take one of the lead characters:

Canonically, Finn has a history as one of Cpt. Phasma's most promising troopers. Considering the slight amount of direct interaction we see between the two in the film, along with her ambiguous whereabouts (and the actress reportedly returning), I think Finn v. Phasma will be a future scenario, similar to Han v. Fett but with more direct personal conflict.

That possibility in the bigger picture would satisfy my earlier quibble about Finn getting too much of the Sam Witwicky treatment in this first film, and would be a good complement to the inevitable Rey v. Kylo conflict that is sure to be a centerpiece of the sequel trilogy.

It does beg the question though, if pre-sequel canon established Finn as the Ace Stormtrooper, why does he claim to be a sanitation specialist (i.e. bottom of the totem pole) in the film?


Um, Finn

was in sanitation, and had never seen combat before the opening of the movie. That was made pretty clear. I'm not sure where you're getting this Ace Stormtrooper thing from.


Something just dawned on me regarding future directions they can take one of the lead characters:

Canonically, Finn has a history as one of Cpt. Phasma's most promising troopers. Considering the slight amount of direct interaction we see between the two in the film, along with her ambiguous whereabouts (and the actress reportedly returning), I think Finn v. Phasma will be a future scenario, similar to Han v. Fett but with more direct personal conflict.

That possibility in the bigger picture would satisfy my earlier quibble about Finn getting too much of the Sam Witwicky treatment in this first film, and would be a good complement to the inevitable Rey v. Kylo conflict that is sure to be a centerpiece of the sequel trilogy.

It does beg the question though, if pre-sequel canon established Finn as the Ace Stormtrooper, why does he claim to be a sanitation specialist (i.e. bottom of the totem pole) in the film?

Um, Finn

was in sanitation, and had never seen combat before the opening of the movie. That was made pretty clear. I'm not sure where you're getting this Ace Stormtrooper thing from.

According to what I've been able to figure out, Finn (FN-2187) was commended for having an excellent kill rate in simulation, but was generally held back due to his compassion for teammates who fell behind. Essentially the First Order doesn't believe in "no man left behind" and rather sticks to "a chain is as strong as its weakest link". In particular, he saved the trooper that would later go on to bleed on Finn's helmet. (FN-2003) This all comes from the novel, Before The Awakening, apparently.

So, not really an ace, but not bad at his job either.

Posted (edited)

One thing that does occur to me about Ren, and might explain a little about his goals.. He's clearly not incredibly skilled with a lightsaber, but I'm wondering if Snoke is leading him down more of a manipulation and information path in the force, more like how Palpatine seemed to manipulate events and people to accomplish his goals.

While I thought the awkward stare torture scene went on a little long, it's clear that he likes getting inside people's heads, and it actually makes me wonder if he was pulling mind games on Han too, telling him just what he wanted to hear.

I really want to see this again soon, but I'm more wishing I had a way to freeze-frame a lot of the small details to confirm them, especially that vision Rey had when she touched the lightsaber. I know I recognized the room on Bespin, and there were a lot of quick flashes about Kylo Ren, but I need to watch that a few more times to pick up all the material it showed.

Edited by Chronocidal

Saw it Friday night in 2D with my son. We both loved it. Saw it in IMAX 3D on Saturday and really glad we did that. The first time it was all about discovering the mysteries of the plot that have been so well hidden by the press and media. The second time we got to look at the details and enjoy the experience especially in IMAX 3D which is such an immersive way to enjoy a film with a massive screen, seat shaking sound system and the 3D was very enjoyable for us. My boy is going to see it for his third time this week with my mom when she comes to visit. I personally was impressed and it did exceed my expectations. I think they did a wonderful job and the new characters are fantastic.

Posted (edited)

One thing that does occur to me about Ren, and might explain a little about his goals.. He's clearly not incredibly skilled with a lightsaber, but I'm wondering if Snoke is leading him down more of a manipulation and information path in the force, more like how Palpatine seemed to manipulate events and people to accomplish his goals.

While I thought the awkward stare torture scene went on a little long, it's clear that he likes getting inside people's heads, and it actually makes me wonder if he was pulling mind games on Han too, telling him just what he wanted to hear.

I really want to see this again soon, but I'm more wishing I had a way to freeze-frame a lot of the small details to confirm them, especially that vision Rey had when she touched the lightsaber. I know I recognized the room on Bespin, and there were a lot of quick flashes about Kylo Ren, but I need to watch that a few more times to pick up all the material it showed.

I took it as truth, what Kylo was saying to Han. I believe he is conflicted, as evidenced by his "conversation" with Vader's Helmet. I think he IS being Torn apart as he said to Han....he just knew he wanted to side with the dark, while Han was thinking he may come back to the light. He MAY have had a moment of consideration....but once the sun died and the light faded...it was all over.

I completely disagree with MYK about Ren being a whinny brat. He really seems light a mentally disturbed person to me. He doesn't just kill his subordinates the way Vader did, but instead releases his rage in other ways. I am really looking forward to learning more about him. While Anakin may have started good and then been suduced by the dark side, Ben may have started out as a troubled person that is being called to the light. Han said he thought there was too much Vader in him....not Anakin, but Vader.....and Leia regretted sending him to Luke for training. Now whether that is because she knew he wasn't mentally/emotionally ready for that or because that decision lead to him running into Snoke remains to be seen. I truely believe that the next movie....like Emipre....will start fleshing out these things. He just seems like a completely different take on the "fall to the dark-side" instead of a good person being seduced by the dark, I think he is a bad/troubled person being seduced by the light.

Edited by Dobber

I have a theory about Ren.

I'm not so sure Ren was ever trained by Luke to be honest. Leia mentions she wanted Luke to train him not that he actually did. Snoke may very well have been one of Luke's apprentices who corrupted Ren and led the slaughter of the new jedi order. Yes Ren was there in the flashback, but there's no hard confirmation he actually killed anyone except maybe constable zuvio.

There's also the way Han speaks of Snoke, almost like he knows him personally and not as just the head of an Imperial faction or some whispered about sith lord. Something just doesn't seeim right, like we aren't being told something big about the whole reason why Luke went into exile. I guess you could say the million dollar question is how did Ben come into contact with Snoke and come under his influence in the first place?


Judging on scale of grey instead of black & white could the First Order be the "good guys" or at least partially justified in their actions?

I still haven't seen the movie and I'm sure they've done some very bad things in it. Look at it this way. First we have an ineffective Republic that can't get its act together to stop a special lobby group of businesses (Trade Federation) from invading a member planet. Things get so bad that many member planets try to breakaway from the Republic using an armed revolt (Clone Wars). Plus the Republic and Jedi don't give a crap about the slaves on Tatoonie. Jedi are the defenders or peace and justice my ass! More like if it's not part of our Republic that means it is not our problem. Evil dark side master or not the Emperor's/Empire's rise to power was a legitimate change in government. He didn't take the Republic over in an armed coup like Mace Windu failed to do. The events of the time (that the Emperor manipulated behind the scenes) led the Senate to allow him to create an Empire. He later used that power given to him to dissolve the Senate.

The Alliance took it upon themselves to wage war against the legal Governing body. All because they disagreed with their own planetary representatives in the Senate who agreed to have an Empire. Yes the Empire were a bunch ruthless evil bastards but the galaxy was nearly torn apart with prior armed conflicts. Is it any surprise that a new government would try ruling with an iron fist? Sure the Emperor had his hand in secretly creating all this trouble but the galaxy need the stability that an Empire could give it.

By ending the Senate and showing a willingness to use a Death Star to blow rebellious planet was enough motivation to gain more support for the Rebellion. Everything they warned about with him being an evil tyrant was true. Although if you consider the fragile state of the galaxy before the Empire took over you could almost see the reasoning in blowing up one rebellious planet. Better to blow one planet to keep the others in line than risk a revolting conflict that could be even greater than the Clone Wars.

Once the Emperor was removed from office they brought back the Senate to discuss what do next. They could have appointed a new Emperor but instead decided have a return rule by a republic. They then made a treaty with those in favor of an Empire where the former Emperor's loyalist could still legally have an "Empire" as long as was confined to one corner of the galaxy. The Rebel Alliance returned authority to the senate by removing an evil dictator and the former legal government (Empire) was still allowed to exist. There was peace in the galaxy.

Perhaps the Rebel Alliance/Senate shouldn't have accepted a peaceful settlement. Maybe they should have perused for the total destruction of the Empire. Maybe they just thought there was already too many Star Wars going on and ending it this way seemed like a better idea. Then you have people like Princess Leia and her resistance who continue to warn of the dangers of an Empire and maintained an armed force to counter it. With the rise of the First Order from the Empire's remains perhaps she was right. However, was not the formation of the First Order a legal movement that occurred within the legal recognized boundaries of the legally recognized Empire? The New Republic recognized the Empire's legal right to exist and self-govern. Leia's resistance was directly violation of the Republic's treaty with the Empire. Yes she's right about the First Order's intentions but her Resistance and likely support within the Republic gave the First Order a possible Justification to star another star war. From a legal standpoint perhaps the Resistance shouldn't have interfered. The Republic could have just waited for the First Order to leave their boundaries to go on the march. That would have given the Republic the legal right to end the remains of the Empire once and for all. I read about the Republic disarmed many of its forces after the treaty. They might not of even have the strength to stop the First Order's ambitions.

Luckily the Resistance is already in place to resist them. A Resistance whose interference probably encouraged the First Order rise in power.

"You are part of the Rebel Alliance and a traitor!" - Vader.

Daddy Darth was right. Princess Leia was a traitor to the Imperial Senate and the New Republic. She's a rebel through and through. Whatever government is in charge Leia is going to lead an rebellion against it. The only Government she's in favor of it armed anarchy! Someone stop that crazy old lady before it is too late!

"All hail Supreme Leader Snooki you're our only hope!"

Posted (edited)

2 cents worth...

Hated it in IMAX 3D, its the sort of movie that doesnt really benefit from 3D and you can focus in more detail without it.

Planets going boom can't be seen from other solar systems as it happens. Light just isnt fast enough.

Ren and Rey are the polar opposites of each other, and she is Lukes daughter which is why she is also so strong in the force even untrained.

The Stare scene was so long to demonstrate just how strong she was as she resisted Rens probing then realized she was resisting and became even more focused.

She is waiting for her "family" to return for her because Luke would have planted that memory in her mind. To stay, never leave, and wait, whether he would return or not was irrelevant as long as she remained hidden from everyone and herself.

Ren is a raging brat because hes trying to live up to Lukes and the Solos expectations in training and snapped and failed and went dark. As he said "ahhh the daughter I have heard so much about" he is on a mission to be no.1 and the more he grasps, the more he fails, the more he rages. Then Rey arrives and matches him with no training, therefore he simply can not BE No.1 while she exists.

Another clue to Reys origins is the fact she has an innate affinity with machines, same as Anakin. She can look at and understand machines quickly and repair them as a result, even though never having seen it before.

Snoke will be neither Sith nor Jedi but something older.

Having Melee weapons that can repel a Saber has been long overdue given the Greivous bodyguards had them and Mandalorian Armour is "supposed" to be resistant to them as well.

Phasma needed more action. It should have been her swinging the power mace against Finn and not Joe Random Trooper.

The movie also hints at Clones still being about as an option to the Stolen Baby Troopers. Hoping the 501st are still about too.

Imagine if Finn is the stolen baby of Calrissian...

Edited by NZEOD
Posted (edited)

Just came back from seeing Force Awakens. Wow!!! It's really all I can say, I was really impressed with it. My brother who saw the Original six times in theaters in 1977, said this was like seeing New Hope all over again. Given my age it was like seeing ESB again.... meaning maximum feelings of excitement!

Just in case for those who haven't seen it yet:

As I have avoided every possible spoiler & this thread til today. It was sad to lose Han...he'll be missed. Seeing Luke at the very end was worth the ride, he doesn't say a word and he didn't need too (His facial expression said it all for me). Admiral Ackbar is back!! One of my favorite scenes was when Rey & Finn are trying to get off Jakku and she says "Let's take the trashed one".... Pan over to the Millennium Falcon, so awesome!! The first scene with Kylo Ren, The Officer & Supreme Leader Snoke... Anyone else get that Britai, Exedore & Dolza DYRL vibe?

Edited by 505thAirborne

2 cents worth...

Hated it in IMAX 3D, its the sort of movie that doesnt really benefit from 3D and you can focus in more detail without it.

Planets going boom can't be seen from other solar systems as it happens. Light just isnt fast enough.

Ren and Rey are the polar opposites of each other, and she is Lukes daughter which is why she is also so strong in the force even untrained.

The Stare scene was so long to demonstrate just how strong she was as she resisted Rens probing then realized she was resisting and became even more focused.

She is waiting for her "family" to return for her because Luke would have planted that memory in her mind. To stay, never leave, and wait, whether he would return or not was irrelevant as long as she remained hidden from everyone and herself.

Ren is a raging brat because hes trying to live up to Lukes and the Solos expectations in training and snapped and failed and went dark. As he said "ahhh the daughter I have heard so much about" he is on a mission to be no.1 and the more he grasps, the more he fails, the more he rages. Then Rey arrives and matches him with no training, therefore he simply can not BE No.1 while she exists.

Another clue to Reys origins is the fact she has an innate affinity with machines, same as Anakin. She can look at and understand machines quickly and repair them as a result, even though never having seen it before.

Snoke will be neither Sith nor Jedi but something older.

Having Melee weapons that can repel a Saber has been long overdue given the Greivous bodyguards had them and Mandalorian Armour is "supposed" to be resistant to them as well.

Phasma needed more action. It should have been her swinging the power mace against Finn and not Joe Random Trooper.

The movie also hints at Clones still being about as an option to the Stolen Baby Troopers. Hoping the 501st are still about too.

Imagine if Finn is the stolen baby of Calrissian...

That last one never occurred to me. That would be an interesting turn of events. But, it would also be too coincidental. One of the things that ruined the Prequels was Lucas' attempt to try and relate so much to what was in the OT. Esp the Threepio and R2 stuff. He could easily have waited until the third movie in the Prequels to introduce them as Bail Organa's droids, show them being sold to Captain Antilles of the Tantive VI, and been done with it. Just my opinion.


I love the Top Gun style camera angle we get to see, with the camera mounted on the side of the X-wing for some combat scenes. You can almost hear Iceman yelling in the comm background.


I found the movie alright, maybe because I am not a big JJ Abrams fan. The new characters are interesting and wished they had a little more time to develop. The special affects are great and the aerial combat scenes where enjoyable to watch,


Saw it twice on December 17th, once in the morning with my 11.5 year old son (his first time to see a Star Wars movie at the cinema). Then saw it a second time with friends in the evening.

Loved the movie, I'll likely go to see it a third time after Christmas.


I've now seen it three times since Thursday, each time I feel like its getting better and I pick up more on small details I might have missed. I'm really enjoying going with friends and family seperately and seeing how each one reacts differently. :)


So... No one agrees with me that the first spoken line of the movie was too arch and self-referential?

I actually don't remember what it was, or I probably would. Maybe my nostalgia filter blocked it out?

Given how self referential the entire plot was to the other movies, it doesn't really surprise me though.


I've now seen it three times since Thursday, each time I feel like its getting better and I pick up more on small details I might have missed. I'm really enjoying going with friends and family seperately and seeing how each one reacts differently. :)

I'm going for a third time tomorrow. Can't wait!


Loved the movie, but one thing truly bothered me.

That stupid Warcraft trailer!

But seriously, what bothered me is Luke throwing The Force out of balance again by trying to teach pure Jedi. Of course sh!t was gonna go fûcked again. I seriously hope he went to the first Jedi temple to discover the secret behind being a balanced Force user, neither Jedi or Sith.


Loved the movie, but one thing truly bothered me.

That stupid Warcraft trailer!

But seriously, what bothered me is Luke throwing The Force out of balance again by trying to teach pure Jedi. Of course sh!t was gonna go fûcked again. I seriously hope he went to the first Jedi temple to discover the secret behind being a balanced Force user, neither Jedi or Sith.

We don't know that, Keith. Plus, JJ and Kasdan were pretty open about disregarding the rules laid out in the prequels, and sticking with the feel of the Force in the original movies.


We don't know that, Keith. Plus, JJ and Kasdan were pretty open about disregarding the rules laid out in the prequels, and sticking with the feel of the Force in the original movies.

I always thought that was the natural course even before the prequels. But, we'll see.


Why do the Jedi always...

runaway and become hermits whenever they make a mistake? Obi-Wan, Yoda and now Luke. They each have one major failure. Instead of trying again to fix things they'll rather just wait 20 to 30 years for some new Jedi to fix things.


Why do the Jedi always...

runaway and become hermits whenever they make a mistake? Obi-Wan, Yoda and now Luke. They each have one major failure. Instead of trying again to fix things they'll rather just wait 20 to 30 years for some new Jedi to fix things.

Well, Yoda got knocked around pretty hard, in addition to losing his light saber. It could very well be that Palpatine beat all of tye fight oit of him, or critically injured him. Obi-Wan in a similar vain seemed to lose the will to fight after maiming Anakin. Plus, he probably knew damn well he coulen't go toe-to-toe with the emperror. Things may be along those lines.


Saw it today, so relieved can surf the net freely again without worry abt spoilers!

TFA has its emotional moments that carry it through as part of the SW saga...

definately merits a second, or perhaps third watch.

highpoints off the top of my head from first screening;

- The falcon first flight scene! sleek, quick and stylish to the max.

- multiple X-wings to the rescue, just when u needed them!

- Luke's saber first re-light-up by finn, giving you the assurance the light side is back!

- R2's wake up, he is alive!

- Kylo stopping the beam in mid-shot, his insane slashing of the terminals and not to mention his dastardly act!

- BB is so damm adarable (chicks really dig everytime he appears/runs)

- daisy's amazing performance as rey, will get you rooting for the light side even though you might be an empire fan.

- Finn's character gives welcomed comedic timing, not to mention animosity of being branded a traitor.

and lastly;

I had the most heartfelt noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo in a movie screening, ever.

luke's cameo didnt pack so much of an emotional punch as han.

i hope they will have an blue-ray extended cut showing leia and chewie comforting each other after the falcon lands.

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