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I wonder where this 88 second clip will be showing? I want to see it, but also don't. I like going into a movie knowing as little as possible. Other than some idea of the story, of course.

  On 11/25/2014 at 2:47 AM, renegadeleader1 said:

Or considering the "zoom lines" are green, a TIE fighter just shot something.

I was intentionally trying to ignore the obvious answer. :p


WOW. I know they really showed us almost nothing, but I have a feeling this is not going to be another Episode 1.


First impressions:

The bit with the Falcon was cool.

The bits with the new Storm Troopers showed promise, looked like a can of whoop was about to get opened.

I definitely called how the new X-wing's S-foils openned.

Overall, nice build up.

Still hate that X-wing S-foil design, maybe it will grow on me when I see more.

Really hate that republic pilots helmet, why is it digging into his cheeks like that?

That speeder thing Daisy Ridley ride, WTF? That is hideous.

What was the ridiculous looking protocol droid? The head looked like it wasn't even connected to that ball body.

Light saber with light saber saber guards? That looks far more dangerous to the wielder than any other saber design yet.

I will hold out hope that the story is good. The single bit of dialogue has me intrigued, could we be seeing an awakening of multiple new force users, en-mass? That could be interesting.

Posted (edited)

It's certainly looking like a far different film than the prequels, both in tone and technique. Which we knew to expect, but I will say some of the shots felt slightly jarring just to my eyes as a long time film fan. I still associate Star Wars with a 1970's style of filmmaking. The inclusion of more modern camera shots (especially the tight-in hand held) definitely stands out. Not saying it's bad, it's just a very noticable visual departure that you can't help but recognize when you know the style of the original films so well (and the dated camera work of the prequels).

What little was shown is very promising as far as visuals, but there is again (as is his bad habit) a fixation upon iconic visuals of the film eras of the past that Abrams adores. Yes, it certainly looks, sounds and feels like Star Wars, in most ways even far more than the prequels ever did. And therein lies my greatest concern about these new films: a slavish reverence to the past. Abrams did it with "Super 8" and with "Into Darkness", both of which suffered for it. I'm really concerned this is going to be another of Abrams fan fiction-like film, where all the iconic nostalgia of classic Lucas and Speilberg is recreated so perfectly that the entire film feels exactly like something we've already watched, right down to the story and character beats. I just hope this Star Wars film doesn't fall prey to Abrams worst tendencies. I want this to stand on it's own.

In order to avoid being another internet critic, I'm going to try to remain positive about this. I did like what I saw. I want to be hopeful about this. The visual look of the film is great and plenty of what is teased intrigues me. What is Boyega doing in a stormtrooper suit? Who is the droid? Why is there so much imagery of the Imperials? Who is the black robbed figure with the sith-colored lightsaber? The mystery is certainly there and the teaser definitely succeeded in getting me to ask questions and start to get invested.

I also just have to say this; it was an awesome statement that the first moving image we see of the new Star Wars is John Boyega. THAT was bold. A real break from the norm and an excellent cultural shot in the arm.

Edited by Mr March

Holy Farking SCHNITT!!

Confirmation on the S-foils is sweet. I called how the housings would extend forward on the upper wing and aft on the lower, thus giving room for the lower landing gear, and not split like the s-foils.

SOOOOO EXCITED for this now! Not to mention new models, toys, ect.



At least no 'effin lens flare.

The pilot suits, X-wing cockpit, stormtrooper guns feel....fanboy amateur-ish.

And yes, that lightsaber with the short-blades on the cross-guard are dangerous. The whole concept of the cross guard was to protect the hand, not potentially injure it at the same time.

Posted (edited)

Wow, just Wow!!

Good critique Mr M. I definitely like that it seems to have more human elements than the prequel. I hope that the film focuses more the human characters and keep the CGI alien characters to a minimum. Definitely feels Star Wars.

The light saber is impractical but cool nonetheless. Kind of reminds me of the Quincy crosses in bleach.

Edited by Golden Arms
  On 11/28/2014 at 3:40 PM, Mr March said:
Trailer is up

Not bad. Better than I was expecting.

I can't imagine what you were expecting, because that was absolute garbage.


I like the new aesthetic. And I'm curious about the differences. Visually, the trailer is promising Star Wars, and I think that is fantastic. :)

But the story is my concern. Abrams has had mixed results with the two neo Star Trek films. Personally, I thought the first one was okay, but the second was a complete disappointment. And that hit/miss ratio has me hesitating here. I'm conflicted, hoping that we get another fun film next year instead of another Phantom Menace.

Posted (edited)

Already?! Can't wait for the wife to get home from shopping to watch it on the big tv, not gonna watch it without her! (This is the gal that had SW action figures in her dorm room 18 years ago. Knew she was a keeper)

Story wise, I'm positive. Instead a Orci & Kurtzman, he's got Lawrence freakin Kasdan. It might not be truly great, but likely better than Into Darkness.

Edited by Kelsain

I don't dig this. I don't dig it at all.

I'm with Azrael. A lot of the stuff looks fanfilm. Tight shots with that kind of lighting scream "low budget, amateur cinematography". This trailer doesn't have any of the atmosphere I associate with Star Wars. It just feels like generic scifi.

It's like every trailer for a 2015 movie I see, I get less and less excited for next year's film lineup. This is definitely not an exception.

Posted (edited)

Woah, is this the real deal? I heard there was a pretty impressive fan-film floating around out there. Either way, I think I liked it. Millenium Falcon's really maneuverable. X-wings flying in atmo over water is interesting. As a sword practitioner, yeah, laser sword guards will result in self-amputation. They looked effin cool, despite being very dangerous for the user.

Haha, the Falcon has a new radar dish :)

Edited by peter

That cruciform light saber just screams Claymore. It looks dangerous and kind of cool in a medieval kind of way, and equally silly and impractical to wield for reasons already mentioned. It's also a marked departure from the Katana, and staffs (Maul and Inquisitor), inspired aesthetics from previous films and series... not completely sold on it yet.


Any doubts I had are now gone, He nailed the look, the CGI is nearly seemless in the Trailer of all places!

Not to mention the more modern camera angles, that give a better feel of Speed.

The force has awakened... in my pants!

Guest davidwhangchoi

fanfilmquality > any episode I-III

damn, looks like the original trilogy settings. im so hyped seeing an x wing and the falcon.

tie fighter green lasers are long and too quick for my eyes. i liked the mike and ike sized lasers

  On 11/28/2014 at 7:22 PM, aerocombatpilot said:

As long as Lando is flying the Falcon; I'm in!!!!

Considering we already know that Billy Dee Williams isn't in the movie, I think you'll be disappointed. Anywho, I see the nitpicking has already begun but whatever, I ENJOYED THE HELL OUT OF THIS. I don't give two flying craps about a crossguard on the lightsaber, the X-Wings look DAMN AWESOME and it's great to see the Falcon flying again. :3

I don't think we have anything to worry about where Abrams is concerned. Into Darkness sucked because of the writers. Sure, Abrams probably could have cared a bit more that they were making a crappy rip-off of Wrath of Khan but that's likely what Paramount wanted, so can we really blame him?

But man, those X-Wings! I wanna see 'em flying around with Vipers and Starfuries and Valkyries now!


Quite Impressive for a teaser, indeed it is Star Wars. The person speaking sounds like Max Van Sydow, which is definitely. what I can say Stormtroopers, X-Wings :wub:, Tie Fighters, The Falcon and the new bulky speeder.

The new Lightsaber looks ancient and very dangerous (TFA ?!). We all know that JJ mentioned that he is more a SW fan, than ST.

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