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Guest davidwhangchoi

i'm glad they're starting clean:

movies = canon

everything else = not


Where does Shadows of the Empire stand in all of this? I can't remember if that was actually declared to be within the canon or not (I want to say yes it was), but would they potentially be able to use material from that story in the new movies?

  On 4/27/2014 at 2:57 AM, Chronocidal said:

Where does Shadows of the Empire stand in all of this? I can't remember if that was actually declared to be within the canon or not (I want to say yes it was), but would they potentially be able to use material from that story in the new movies?

At one time in the mid to late 90s Lucasfilm treated all the EU as official canon going so far as to have press conferences declaring the next official work. Then the prequels came out and the EU was left scrambling to do retcons to make everything fit. Then Lucas declared only his films are canon, but that didn't keep him from tinkering with the novels(see Anakin Solo's fate in the New Jedi Order) to fit his only vision of the universe. Lucasfilm itself never officially took that stance and continued churning out garbage like more NJO and Legacy of the Force. Only after Disney has bought out Star Wars that anything has been officially declared non-canon. That most likely includes Shadows of The Empire, as Disney has straight out said the movies, clone wars cgi series, and the new rebels series are the only canon right now. Then again Dash Rendar's Outrider appears in the special edition of A New Hope, so who the f*** knows at this point.

  On 4/27/2014 at 3:20 AM, renegadeleader1 said:

At one time in the mid to late 90s Lucasfilm treated all the EU as official canon

Some, not all. Shadows of the Empire once was, but hasn't been a long time.


Hamill, Ford, and Fisher are all confirmed to be in London. The start of principle photography on Episode VII is very close!

Interesting tidbit: Hamill is sporting facial hair.



"Duel why are you so upset about this?"

Ladies and gentlemen of Macross World I am about to show you something that happened four years ago and part of my past! And it is not pretty!


Skip to page 2, but long story short I got in a fight with someone who can be considered Renegade Leader 1's snobby twin about whether or not EU was canon in Star Wars. For probably the only time ever (not really, but its the only topic un-pruned), I was the one considered correct in the subject in a debate. And now JJ Abrahams has waltzed in and declared that "the cinemaphile is correct and what you think is wrong" after so many years. One of the very few times I actually had people agreeing with me in a debate! My correctness, gone, given away to someone who kept defeating me over and over again. And now he wins.

F**K. MY. LIFE. :(

Guest davidwhangchoi

n64 was cool i consider it canon.

Posted (edited)

Denial is not just a river in Egypt.

The EU has not been "film canon" in a long, long time--if ever. I have been conscious of this fact since atleast the mid 90s. This really is much ado about nothing.

Considering how much of it comes off as little more than poor fanfiction (and it's a whole hell of a lot more of it than some people are willing to admit), this is no great loss. Even though it's really not a loss, since it wasn't canon to begin with.

Edited by Duke Togo

Not a serious loss for a lot of it, no. But I'll never stop hoping that someone somewhere will someday base a next-gen X-Wing game off of the novel series. Corran Sue aside, those books are some of my favorite novels period, and I've wanted to play simulator missions based off the storylines since I read them. Would be a nice tidy complete circle, what with the books being based off the original X-Wing/Tie Fighter games in the first place.

Who knows really.. with these movies set 30 years after, I bet there's going to be all kinds of attempts to wedge (hah) the stuff directly after the OT into the new canon as well.


What a coincident. I started read an old copy of Heir to the Empire (the book is from 1992) and now this news about the EU. Well I better finish the book before Episode 7 comes out. ^_^


So only the 6 movies, Clone Wars and this new Rebels series are canon.......which means that if Darth Maul can be brought back....a return of Darth Sidious in not entirely out of the realm of possibility? :ph34r:

Seeing that one of his "dark side talents" was the extension/creation of life....I actually would not be surprised.....I think it would actually be pretty good.....The Emperor as depicted in ROTJ was probably the best thing about that movie....and arguably one of the best things of the entire 6 movies combined.....I think as someone who killed his master, he probably may have feared the same from Vader....if so, he may have had a "Dark Empire"-style backup plan...

  On 4/28/2014 at 7:25 PM, Duke Togo said:

Clone Wars may or may not be canon. It contradicts the prequels at certain points, and the films trump everything.


"While Lucasfilm always strived to keep the stories created for the EU consistent with our film and television content as well as internally consistent, Lucas always made it clear that he was not beholden to the EU. He set the films he created as the canon. This includes the six Star Wars episodes, and the many hours of content he developed and produced in Star Wars: The Clone Wars. These stories are the immovable objects of Star Wars history, the characters and events to which all other tales must align."

"On the screen, the first new canon to appear will be Star Wars Rebels. In print, the first new books to come from this creative collaboration include novels from Del Rey Books. First to be announced, John Jackson Miller is writing a novel that precedes the events of Star Wars Rebels and offers insight into a key character's backstory, with input directly from executive producers Dave Filoni, Simon Kinberg, and Greg Weisman."


Yes, I understand that, but the films trump everything else--including the contradictions in the Clone Wars. In a way TCW is already somewhat non-canon.

  On 4/28/2014 at 2:11 AM, Duke Togo said:

Considering how much of it comes off as little more than poor fanfiction (and it's a whole hell of a lot more of it than some people are willing to admit), this is no great loss. Even though it's really not a loss, since it wasn't canon to begin with.

I was always surprised Lucasfilms allowed their IPs to be used so poorly. I tried reading some of the EU novels and they were simply terrible.

  On 4/28/2014 at 5:22 AM, Chronocidal said:

Not a serious loss for a lot of it, no. But I'll never stop hoping that someone somewhere will someday base a next-gen X-Wing game off of the novel series. Corran Sue aside, those books are some of my favorite novels period, and I've wanted to play simulator missions based off the storylines since I read them. Would be a nice tidy complete circle, what with the books being based off the original X-Wing/Tie Fighter games in the first place.

They would have made a much better television series too...

Posted (edited)
  On 4/28/2014 at 5:05 PM, jvmacross said:

So only the 6 movies, Clone Wars and this new Rebels series are canon.......which means that if Darth Maul can be brought back....a return of Darth Sidious in not entirely out of the realm of possibility? :ph34r:

Seeing that one of his "dark side talents" was the extension/creation of life....I actually would not be surprised.....I think it would actually be pretty good.....The Emperor as depicted in ROTJ was probably the best thing about that movie....and arguably one of the best things of the entire 6 movies combined.....I think as someone who killed his master, he probably may have feared the same from Vader....if so, he may have had a "Dark Empire"-style backup plan...

I'd like to believe that the team making ep.7 are planning on making something that isn't awful.

Edited by anime52k8
  On 4/28/2014 at 1:19 AM, DuelGundam2099 said:

I wonder if the Gendy Tarokavsky Clone Wars microseries is considered EU or not.

I don't think it is. I'm fairly sure Lucas or someone confirmed it around the time the newer Clone Wars cartoon started. That was one of the things that upset me during the time between Episodes 2 and 3. And the first sign that LucasFilm management didn't know what was going on with their stories. You had that cartoon showing the battle before Episode 3 and the lead up book as well. Both showed characters doing different things. That microseries even though it was good had the Jedi way overpowered. And if you read the leadup book it does a good job at fixing how bad the Jedi looked during Episode 2. And that they were getting close to catching the Sith.


Once they start that, there's no stopping it. It's one reason prequels themselves and filling in every single section of the timeline is ... ill advised and things like TotJ going back a good ways is the best idea.

I'll give half odds on whether VII-IX will be "real" canon since it's after the sale.

Posted (edited)
  On 4/29/2014 at 10:31 AM, Black Valkyrie said:
I'm not buying that. Current word going around is they're having their first cast script reading soon.


Edited by Duke Togo



by modern Hollywood tentpole standards, anyway. Now, we just have to wait and see which – again, ifany -of these younger people areactually going to be sharing the screen with the older versions of Luke, Leia, and Han Solo.

Speaking of Han – theDeadline report also claims that Ford has a“gigantic role” inEpisode VII; he’s still the biggest-name star of the originalStar Wars trilogy cast trio and has perhaps remained the most active over the years, as far as live-action acting is concerned. Based on that and the ongoing possibility thatIndiana Jones 5 could happen down the line (with Ford reprising as the eponymous archaeologist), this rumor doesn’t sound altogether unreasonable.


In regards to the discarding of the EU, it really is the best way that Disney/LF could go with pursuing future movies. The EU canon has gotten way too convoluted, especially post NJO, where I stopped reading. Timothy Zahn put up a very good post on facebook about the issue as well. In reality what will probably happen is much like what Star Trek did when it started the films and later series, they will pick and choose from the EU novels to decide what is canon. The writers of said books will then be given the option, maybe, to retcon/rewrite their material to fit into the revised canon.

Let's just hope these movies are good and JJ doesn't piss all over them like he did with Star Trek.

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