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iO9: Why Robotech is the greatest love story of the 20th century


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I'll leave the RT/Macross issue out of my response (plus the comments section of that article has all the RT/Macross talk) and focus of the point of the article.

Greatest Love Story of the 20th Century? I'm somewhere between these 2:



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Reading the comments. Dear GOD.

That's also the same author from topless robot who had the why rt is better than macross list.

I'm not going to link it. just Google it.

Oh, god, I had forgotten about that.


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That's also the same author from topless robot who had the why rt is better than macross list.

I'm not going to link it. just Google it.

I've never heard of that list.. And now I have to hunt you down for making me aware of it! :p

Robotech didn't have silly sounding names? WTF? Because the guy thought Japanese names sounded silly and American names sounded more natural? Holy frakk, what a moron!

And he thinks that someone should tell the Japanese that making up words is silly. Because Robotech has been in the English dictionary for how long? this coming from a guy that writes for the internet... a place were we use words like blog, derp and LOL.

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My problem with the article starts at the first sentence: "Literary types often regard Vladimir Nabokov's Lolita as the greatest love story of the 20th century."

Not true. The back cover of the Vintage paperback edition of Lolita has a blurb from "Vanity Fair" calling Lolita "the only convincing love story of our century," but that was just one guy saying that, not a whole bunch of "literary types"... and moreover, that one guy was either being sarcastic or excessively douchey.

So yeah, not only does the io9 author get his Macross/Robotech wrong, he also gets his Lolita wrong. What a winner.

EDIT: turns out he wasn't being sarcastic OR excessively douchey... he was (possibly) stating a hypothetical:


Either way, it's just one dude.

Edited by Gubaba
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I've never heard of that list.. And now I have to hunt you down for making me aware of it! :p

Robotech didn't have silly sounding names? WTF? Because the guy thought Japanese names sounded silly and American names sounded more natural? Holy frakk, what a moron!

That's nothing -- read this comment in response to his original edit of the article in question:

MRCLEANN and 4 more Her name was Claudia GRANT! Not Black. She was a Black person. :)

He fixed the main text afterwards, apparently.

EDIT- I just noticed that one of my Facebook friends "liked" this article...

Edited by Renato
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io9 is the tabloid "Enquirer" of geek-friendly "journalism" online. They always have been, they always will be. The level of ignorance of the people writing submissions for that website on virtually any geek/genre topic - from trashing Frank Herbert, uninformed film news, failing to know Macross/Robotech - is nothing short of consistently facepalm worthy. I know of no other geek/genre website on the internet that gets it wrong more than io9. The io9 website reads like the writing of a gaggle of beach bums and valley girls coasting on the current pop culture wave of geek chic while never having read a sci-fi novel, played a video game or watched a Christopher Nolan film in their entire lives :rolleyes:

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It's not like people have anything worthwhile and/or realistic to look forward to with the franchise in the future. Let the guy have his nostalgia if he wants.

Sooooooo not true. I cannot believe the ignorance on this forum. RT fans are now looking forward to, and getting, their BOOKENDS!!!!


AND their 2013 calendars........


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