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Macross Models 3D colelction


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Mirage is much easier on the eyes now 😁

IMO the Roidlings actually look better than Roid's actual unit. The squid head and simpler stripes look more knight-like. The cleaner pattern with those much more realistic Ba wings make the fighter mode look kind of like a regal space shuttle too. It's the Royal NASA shuttle lol.

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The Royal Roidling Shuttle, I like it! 😉

I'm with you that the Elvis valk isn't too appealing. When I get a little time I might try a "real" map for a 262, like the 31A colors. Probably will just make it look like a real world Saab, could be interesting to see one without all the bling.  I was tempted to try Bogue's red livery, but couldn't get much enthusiasm for it.  I like it better than the white and gold, but that wasn't a high bar to clear. 😉

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While I doubt there's a clear canopy in the files, it would be interesting to see you try to paint a glass canopy on if you are going for the full realistic paint job look lol. The official clear canopy looks kind of odd to me tbh. It's all glass and no frame, and lacks a color tint that makes it stand out with the rest of the fancy colors on the plane.

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Surprise!  The clear canopies ARE actually part of the maps in the game, just not used for the most part (I guess?  Never played the game, so don't know if they get used or not).  Here's the Roidling with the canopy remapped to the clear version.

2024-09-05 07_49_30-Window.jpg

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I feel like it showed up in the anime somewhere as well, didn't it?  I seem to recall someone blowing off the shield and having a transparent canopy for one scene, but maybe I'm making that up.  Anyway, here is a very quick try at a "real" 262 in all grey.  I had an idea to do full Swedish air force colors, but it turns out that's actually pretty close to the normal Delta Draken colors, so I went with military grey instead and removed some of the sensor ports on the canopy.  It could definitely use some panel lines, but those will have to wait until I get more time (and patience to trace all the polygons across the billion and one seams they built into this model, I seriously don't think there's any part of this model that doesn't split apart and move from one mode to the next).

2024-09-09 16_46_04-Blender_ [C__Users_eguy_OneDrive - Baltimore Aircoil Company_Desktop_Objects_Mac.jpg

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14 hours ago, PointBlankSniper said:

Removing the canopy sensors and painting the other ones in darker colors really gets rid of the barnacle infestation look imo

GL doing the panels lines. It looks and sounds like insanity lol, but I'm sure it will make the details pop.

I have done some basic Panel lines for the VF-31A


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Whoa, that hanger looks great in that render!  I'm used to seeing it in the Blender screens, it really pops with the right lighting.  If that's a WIP, I'm looking forward to the finished product!

I also really like the color scheme on the 31A.  The VF-1D was my favorite from the original show, the tan and red scheme just caught my eye and was different than most other plane liveries you see, and this feels a lot like that.  Nice work!

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