Hikuro Posted May 12, 2014 Posted May 12, 2014 caught it yesterday, it was okay for the first half but it just feels so rushed after the first 40 minutes. : / think they tried to cram to much to soon. Quote
areaseven Posted August 9, 2014 Author Posted August 9, 2014 The movie was recently released for digital download early this week, with the Blu-ray Disc and DVD versions coming on August 19. No Days of Future Past teaser, though. Quote
areaseven Posted September 3, 2014 Author Posted September 3, 2014 (edited) Edited December 11, 2014 by areaseven Quote
Hoptimus Posted September 5, 2014 Posted September 5, 2014 Meh. I did not like the Amazing 1 that much and I liked this one even less. The ruined Goblin for me. I don't think I will bother with anymore. Quote
Kanedas Bike Posted October 1, 2014 Posted October 1, 2014 ^My vote is for dubstep or the deal between Sony and Disney. -b. Quote
areaseven Posted December 15, 2014 Author Posted December 15, 2014 Amidst the recent hacking of Sony's servers, it was revealed that Sony is in talks of loaning Spider-Man to the Marvel Cinematic Universe for Captain America: Civil War. As it turns out, Andrew Garfield has not been in good terms with Sony, and bringing Spidey into the MCU could mean yet another character reboot. Is Andrew Garfield Already Out as Spider-Man? Quote
JB0 Posted December 15, 2014 Posted December 15, 2014 The INTELLIGENT thing to do would be for Marvel to just cast Peter Parker as they please, and assume at this point in time, pretty much their entire target audience knows who he is and how he came to be known as Spider-Man. Not to re-boot/make/imagine/set the franchise again. If you want a new actor, just change actors. It worked for James Bond, and continues to work for James Bond. It's not like they've painted themselves into a corner here. They can't stop meddling with the script and ruining a perfectly good movie, sure. And they're incapable of recognizing their mistakes, so they blame the actors and directors because "superhero movies are big right now, therefore this should have sold well", fine. But they haven't done anything to hugely inconvenience future sequels like Fox did with XMen 3. They just made a godawful Spider-Film. Again. But regardless of the why, there's absolutely no reason to do ANOTHER origin story. Even if you DO reset the timeline. Peter Parker was bitten by a science-spider and gained super powers. After his uncle was tragically killed due to Peter's arrogance, he learned that with great power comes great responsibility and now fights crime in his pajamas. WE KNOW. Everyone knows. I'm pretty sure the average fetus in the womb knows at this point. Also, it's incredibly backwards that Sony is loaning Spidey to Marvel. Quote
renegadeleader1 Posted December 15, 2014 Posted December 15, 2014 On 12/15/2014 at 10:01 AM, JB0 said: The INTELLIGENT thing to do would be for Marvel to just cast Peter Parker as they please, and assume at this point in time, pretty much their entire target audience knows who he is and how he came to be known as Spider-Man. Not to re-boot/make/imagine/set the franchise again. If you want a new actor, just change actors. It worked for James Bond, and continues to work for James Bond. It's not like they've painted themselves into a corner here. They can't stop meddling with the script and ruining a perfectly good movie, sure. And they're incapable of recognizing their mistakes, so they blame the actors and directors because "superhero movies are big right now, therefore this should have sold well", fine. But they haven't done anything to hugely inconvenience future sequels like Fox did with XMen 3. They just made a godawful Spider-Film. Again. But regardless of the why, there's absolutely no reason to do ANOTHER origin story. Even if you DO reset the timeline. Peter Parker was bitten by a science-spider and gained super powers. After his uncle was tragically killed due to Peter's arrogance, he learned that with great power comes great responsibility and now fights crime in his pajamas. WE KNOW. Everyone knows. I'm pretty sure the average fetus in the womb knows at this point. Also, it's incredibly backwards that Sony is loaning Spidey to Marvel. You make a lot of good points, a lot of them Movie Marvel has shown they are willing to do. Recast a role? Hulk and Warmachine say hello. When Downey Jr finally quits I bet they will just get the actor who played his dad in Captain America to take over as Iron Man or someone else who can do it justice. Skip an origin? Already done with the Incredible Hulk film. The only references to his origin came during a voiceover and short flashbacks during the opening credits. As for this... Quote Peter Parker was bitten by a science-spider and gained super powers. After his uncle was tragically killed due to Peter's arrogance, he learned that with great power comes great responsibility and now fights crime in his pajamas. I can see Peter saying this in the third person to the rooftop gargoyle he always talks to and this would be all the intro origin you need for a Spiderman film. Quote
troyness Posted December 16, 2014 Posted December 16, 2014 (edited) Marvel approached Sony about Cap Civil War/Spidey ..Sony said no is the gist of the emails. It seems that's the end of negotiations. The only thing now is who's gonna be the next spider-man? Since they don't like Leo at the moment...Jonah Hill would be good if he was at "21 Jump St" weight. Lol. Edited December 16, 2014 by troyness Quote
azrael Posted December 16, 2014 Posted December 16, 2014 There's talk that Sony and Marvel scheduled a meeting in January to discuss things. So we'll see what comes out of that. Whether things will change in light of the hack, we will not know for a while. Besides Garfield being out of the Spidey films, the e-mails do indicate that Marvel wants Spidey for CA:Civil War. The Russo Brothers have offered their services to Sony to produce a Spidey film but for them to bring Spidey to Civil War, they know some serious negotiations have to happen. In light of all this info coming out of these e-mails, things could change very quickly. The studios already know what's going on with each other, but likely the people lower down the food chain like actors now have more a lot more info than what they are fed through agents. That's biting them right now as Sony's head, Amy Pascal, is making the apology rounds. edit: Now that I think about it, it would also affect any potential talent (in front and behind the camera) as these likely private communications are being leaked so other studios now know what their hit-makers are doing making them more likely to play nice or play real hardball. Quote
troyness Posted December 16, 2014 Posted December 16, 2014 (edited) I don't think Marvel will ever get Spider- man back from Sony. Sony will just keep making steaming piles of spider movies to maintain the rights. ...plus if Spidey was in Civil War , then we'd have to endure that nausiating "One More Day" storyline(not Marvel comics proudest moment) ...and Sony doesn't have the intelligence to make that work as a movie. If Marvel was smart they find a way to make Spider- man 2099 ..( I know I'm biast because of my avatar Haha) .....@ azreal, I think we were submitting posts at the same time and you beat me Lol. My post was talking in general about Sony's vice grip on Spidey rights...but your right, the January meeting is about the inclusion of Spidey in CA:Civil War ..NOT about who has control over Spider-man.. Just thought I'd clear that up now...If Sony said yes ,could you imagine the brain swell they'd have trying to clean up the mess with "One More Day"? Edited December 16, 2014 by troyness Quote
troyness Posted December 16, 2014 Posted December 16, 2014 This is why I think Spider-man 2099 would work for MCU: Retracable Talons that can cut thru steel, concrete & flesh like Wolverine. Night vision ( sensitivity to light-has to wear sunglasses) No spider sense-but enhanced refexes. Fangs ,, with venom that can paralize his enemy. Organic webshooters from the opposite side of wrist/forearm. No cocky one-liners as spider-man (O'Hara was almost mute as spider-man) ..timetravel..BAM spider-man + Avengers. Quote
Mommar Posted December 16, 2014 Posted December 16, 2014 On 12/16/2014 at 5:42 AM, azrael said: The Russo Brothers have offered their services to Sony to produce a Spidey film This would be a good idea, they would actually KNOW how to make a decent Marvel movie, they've already made one of the best for Marvel. Quote
EXO Posted December 17, 2014 Posted December 17, 2014 They made one of the best movies this century. Quote
areaseven Posted December 17, 2014 Author Posted December 17, 2014 On 12/16/2014 at 1:40 PM, Mommar said: This would be a good idea, they would actually KNOW how to make a decent Marvel movie, they've already made one of the best for Marvel. And knowing is half the battle. Quote
taksraven Posted December 17, 2014 Posted December 17, 2014 Nah. I think that Sony is doing an important job here that must be respected. Showing other studio's how NOT to treat their intellectual property...... Quote
areaseven Posted January 1, 2015 Author Posted January 1, 2015 What Happened? The Tangled Web of Sony and Spider-Man Also, there are unconfirmed rumors of the following: Andrew Garfield is definitely out of the picture as Peter Parker/Spider-Man. Marc Webb will not direct the next film. Emma Stone will return either as a clone of Gwen Stacy, or Mary Jane Watson. Tobey Maguire will suit up once again. Quote
troyness Posted January 2, 2015 Posted January 2, 2015 Thanks for that areaseven! ...I'm soo thankful Sony got kicked in the balls last year, could give Marvel co ownership of Spider-man film rights. ....I don't think Sony would ever give complete ownership back to Marvel. Sony's smart enough to know that all they need is another Spider-man hit to reap profits...and my guess would be that sony would Piggy back off the success of CA:Civil War, strengthen the spider-man brand again...and then play hardball. ....Gwen Stacy as a clone..I don't think so, too much for an audience to absorb.Emma Stone as MJ?...No the audience will be confused and ask " why is Gwen alive and got red hair?" Maguire had his time...fresh spider-blood to move forward. Mark &Andrew gone?..that I can believe. Quote
Black Valkyrie Posted January 2, 2015 Posted January 2, 2015 On 1/1/2015 at 3:36 PM, areaseven said: Tobey Maguire will suit up once again. Rumor or not this will be excellent. For me Tobey is Spider-Man. Quote
Golden Arms Posted January 2, 2015 Posted January 2, 2015 Tobey was too emo for my taste, especially after seeing what Garfield could do with the character. Spiderman was more of a burden for his character and not something he did out of passion. Good article A7, several thoughts. First, IF AG is out as Spiderman, I don't Emma Stone would be back as she was dating AG if I recall. Secondly, I think the best thing for Sony to do at this juncture is to sit tight and do nothing. Their studio is a mess and they need as much time as possible to shift through this. They are getting diminishing returns with this franchise, as much as the studio needs a reboot with the series to get their ducks in order, I think the viewing public would balk at the idea of having to sit through a 3rd restart in such a short order of time. They should take as much time as needed to determine whether to reboot, pony off the rights to Disney, continue as expected, etc. Once they determine what to do with the property, if they decide to keep it, they need to hire the equivalent of Kevin Feige to remap the future of the franchise. Third, if they reboot the series they will need to recast a younger lead. Tobey Maguire is a little too old if the studio plans to do another 2 to 3 films and tie in movies. Maguire only makes sense for the short term i.e. 1 or 2 films max. But I don't even then, as it would be too confusing to the viewing public, so they should just start fresh if the relationship with AG is unrepairable. Quote
Mommar Posted January 2, 2015 Posted January 2, 2015 For one thing, Toby Maguire is way too old to play Peter now. Two, he was okay when he was the only one who ever played Spider-Man but he really wasn't like Peter Parker or Spider-Man at all. Too emo as Peter, and completely silent as Spider-Man. Garfield was way better at both roles, he could still be a better Peter Parker but the energetic, wise-cracking Spider-Man he more than nailed. Quote
Keith Posted January 3, 2015 Posted January 3, 2015 (edited) There is only one "true" spider-man. Edited January 3, 2015 by Keith Quote
Golden Arms Posted January 3, 2015 Posted January 3, 2015 (edited) Keith, I loved watching those as a kid and playing with my Mego Spiderman! It made me want a big budget version of the character so bad. Hammond looked like Parker, but his version of Spidey had no personality. He makes a small cameo in the Raimi Spiderman. Garfield by far has been the best Parker/Spiderman. It's not even a contest. Edited January 3, 2015 by Golden Arms Quote
troyness Posted January 20, 2015 Posted January 20, 2015 Latino review rumours saying that a MCU spider-man will be in Avengers: "Infinity War" Part 1 in 2018. ..Sony/Marvel negotiations apparently were made recently. The negotiations were too slow for Spidey to be included in CA:Civil War.(which must be well into pre-production by now?) Quote
Einherjar Posted February 10, 2015 Posted February 10, 2015 I think the Andrew Garfield era is coming to an end already. http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/heat-vision/spider-man-swings-marvel-studios-772127 Quote
Guest davidwhangchoi Posted February 10, 2015 Posted February 10, 2015 omg spider is coming to marvel http://www.theverge.com/2015/2/9/8010169/spider-man-in-marvel-movies-the-avengers Quote
azrael Posted February 10, 2015 Posted February 10, 2015 Here's the formal announcement from Marvel: Sony Pictures Entertainment Brings Marvel Studios Into The Amazing World Of Spider-Man Quote (Culver City, California, and Burbank, California February 09, 2015) – Sony Pictures Entertainment and Marvel Studios announced today that Sony is bringing Marvel into the amazing world of Spider-Man. Under the deal, the new Spider-Man will first appear in a Marvel film from Marvel's Cinematic Universe (MCU). Sony Pictures will thereafter release the next installment of its $4 billion Spider-Man franchise, on July 28, 2017, in a film that will be co-produced by Kevin Feige and his expert team at Marvel and Amy Pascal, who oversaw the franchise launch for the studio 13 years ago. Together, they will collaborate on a new creative direction for the web slinger. Sony Pictures will continue to finance, distribute, own and have final creative control of the Spider-Man films.... Anyone wanna bet Civil War then oh dear god, One More Day, then Brand New Day. Quote
Guest davidwhangchoi Posted February 10, 2015 Posted February 10, 2015 On 2/10/2015 at 4:59 AM, Einherjar said: I think the Andrew Garfield era is coming to an end already. http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/heat-vision/spider-man-swings-marvel-studios-772127 jk, i read your link but just messing around. Quote
troyness Posted February 10, 2015 Posted February 10, 2015 On 2/10/2015 at 5:12 AM, azrael said: Here's the formal announcement from Marvel: Sony Pictures Entertainment Brings Marvel Studios Into The Amazing World Of Spider-Man Anyone wanna bet Civil War then oh dear god, One More Day, then Brand New Day. ..exactly!....that's why I'm hoping that ASM makes it into "Infinity Wars" so we can skip the whole "One More Day/Brand New Day" marvel comics Train-wreck .....although "Big Time" would be a cool story line for ASM after Civil War....There are definitely conflicting rumours out there but I hope "Infinity Wars" is official. Quote
Mommar Posted February 10, 2015 Posted February 10, 2015 "Marvel, Kevin Feige and Amy, who helped orchestrate this deal, are the perfect team to help produce the next chapter of Spider-Man" I find this line comical. After reading those Sony e-mail leaks it's quite clear Amy Pascal is an immature, unstable moron who will no doubt make poor Kevin's life a living hell to deal with. Quote
EXO Posted February 10, 2015 Posted February 10, 2015 On 2/10/2015 at 4:59 AM, Einherjar said: I think the Andrew Garfield era is coming to an end already. http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/heat-vision/spider-man-swings-marvel-studios-772127 Good riddance to Marc Webb and the british Jay Baruchel Spidey. Quote
renegadeleader1 Posted February 10, 2015 Posted February 10, 2015 Yay no more emo-b**** Spiderman! Quote
Einherjar Posted February 11, 2015 Posted February 11, 2015 (edited) Enough with the foreplay. He's already voiced a version of him on Ultimate Spider-Man. Edited February 11, 2015 by Einherjar Quote
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