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  Roy Focker said:
Look under your bed I'm hiding under it or am I?


Hey....get out from under my bed...that's my hiding spot.



Seriously though id love to learn a martial art though, not for the sake of fightiing or being violent but as a hobby... unfortunately I dont know of any good dojos around where I live but Judo or taekwondo is my preference.

  transfan52 said:
Seriously though id love to learn a martial art though, not for the sake of fightiing or being violent but as a hobby... unfortunately I dont know of any good dojos around where I live but Judo or taekwondo is my preference.

I hope you find what you are looking for. It tis wonderful exercise and great at helping to relieve stress. It's like sex...but kicking a$$.


Posted (edited)

I practice/teach Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. I am a BJJ Black Belt.

I also practice/teach some wrestling, kick boxing, and MMA.

Edited by kuzushi
Posted (edited)

Practiced Kendo for two years in high school. Haven't been practicing for 10 years after graduating, for I can't find a dojo or training centre for such since then.

Also trained in Kickboxing for 1 year and a half, and stopped when the gym near my place have to move back to it's HQ, which is WAY out of reach.

A year ago I went to this martial arts centre where they offer various martial arts(wushu, aikido, Capoeira, kendo, among others). Before this, I never did signed a contract to train in kickboxing for the last gym I was in, and never knew the consequences of such action, so I signed up, and the guy(lets called me Mr.B) who helped sign me in told me I could pay by cash monthly when I asked. But apparently a few weeks after I signed up, problems in regards of the contract began popping up.

The classes were great, but a few weeks into the thing, I was asked to pay a fee of 6 months in advance, which shocked me. When I asked the lady why the sudden change, she told me it was gym policy. When I told her I signed a contract with an assurance that I could play monthly, she told me she hasn't heard of such thing. It was a back-&-forth affair, so I asked her to refer to Mr.B about this.

Next day, I talked to Mr.B and reassured me that I could pay monthly. I was relieved... until the next day I got a call from ANOTHER guy saying I have to PAY 6 MONTHS in advance, and by CREDIT or ATM bank card. Reason is they don't want to deal with cash.



God's Name?

I've been getting different stories every time I go there, and honestly I was so befuddled with this management crap, I couldn't enjoy the classes, and wanted to terminate the contract. WANTED to, but can't, for it states I have to complete 6 MONTHS of payment no matter what. That I knew, and I wanted to stay on those 6 months and more until all this fee crap felt like a macronized Zentradi was nuclear-farting at my general direction.

On my second-to-last month, another guy helped me clear up everything, and apparently this wasn't the first time it happened. Mr.B was the main reason for those horrible, horrible mess-ups, misinforming people about the payment scheme. My situation was the last straw, and he's no longer working there. Thank God.

And I didn't continue after that because of the actual payment scheme(pay by bank card or credit, no cash. Pay lump sum of 6 months in advance. Sheesh). All that crap overshadowed my enjoyment with the capoeira and wushu classes that I attended, and that feeling prevents me from going back. I mean, whenever I try to go back in, all I get is this feeling of dread not from the sessions, but from the management. I'm sorry, but for those 6 months, it got to me, and I dread it. How am I suppose to attend this classes if the terms and conditions of paying keeps slapping me in the face?!?

I don't own a credit card and I prefer to keep my budget in check, and the terms and conditions there was something I can't keep up with payment-wise. Hell, if I give them my account number, God knows how much they'll take out.

Possible situation if I give account number:

"Oh, to make it easy for you, we decided that you'll pay for a YEAR in advance."


TL;DR I was misinformed about the terms and conditions of joining the martial arts centre, contract terms prevented me from getting out, different stories about how I should pay keeps going back and forth, giving me a massive headache and makes me dread going back there. A good guy clear things up for me, and was given the clear cut truth. And no thanks to Mr.B, the culprit who signed me in and screwed me over. Good luck finding another job.

Never again will I ever sign another God forsaken contract.

Edited by MangledMess
  Dervish said:
I've heard Tae Kwon Do mentioned, and one nice thing about it is that a great deal of dojangs market it to children. But I wouldn't just consider one style before making a final choice. I see you're in the Bay Area, which should have no short supply of variety. Of course, I am partial to kendo. See if any of these are near you, and above all, if they have childrens' classes. The con is, kendo equipment can be pricey; but the good part is, the vast majority of kendo dojos are not for profit, so you wont be paying as much for dues (it's usually just to pay cost for the space used as a dojo). I marvel at how kendo can cultivate the spirit and wish I had started at an earlier age.

Kendo might not be a great idea because as you mentioned, the equipment is a big cost. With kids being as finicky as they are, you'd hate dropping $500 on equipment and then have the kid stop wanting to go.

I think the best advice is to open up the yellow pages and just call around or visit. Within any given styles there's a lot of different philosophies, so it would really pay off for you to spend some time and try and get to know the mentality behind each school. Keep in mind how long the teacher has been studying, and see what they're like with students. If someone spends a lot of time talking about belts or some such, they're probably full of it and not worth your time. There's a lot of karate and tae kwon do schools that basically reward patronage with belts, so if a guy brags about getting a black belt in a few years don't waste your time.

Alternatively, check out local rec centers and what not for classes. They won't be as much of a money making business as a lot of the schools you'll find and enrolling your kid in some classes there might be a good test to see if it's something he wants to commit to.


I'd recommend Aikido, but there are a lot of crappy styles/schools out there, which may be hard to filter, and it may be a bit complicated for a 3 year old to understand. Judo may be a good bet due to its philosophy and the heavy involvement of working with a "partner," rather than against an "opponent."

But a bit of Kung Fu or karate never hurt either, or some jujutsu. Research has to be done before entering any school for any martial art. Equipment is very cheap for these martial arts as well.

I'd recommend BJJ too, but it depends on two things, 1. if you are wanting your child to do it for self defense or for sport and 2. the club you train at. BJJ with a heavy sport emphasis is not that great for self defense, but if mixed in with the consideration of striking is great. I trained with a great club while i was in Sweden, they were all friendly and real helpful and great sport. There was no ego involved. Get back to Australia and I found that most of the schools were full of meatheads wanting to be the next Fedor Emelianenko. Very unfortunate. Find out what it is like at the school before you decide to join. One BJJ Teacher who whom I respect a lot is a guy called Roy Dean. One of my friends studied under him for a bit, and what he taught was great.


Shito Ryu and Shotokan Karate while kid/teenager.

Been doing Kendo (ZNKR, sankyu) and Iaido (Seitei Iai, nikyu; Muso Shinden Ryu) for 6 years, but stopped training around middle of last year due to business travel. Stopped traveling but am in a sort of hiatus meanwhile. Plan to get back next year.

I must say I'm happily surprised that a good percentage of the folks around here have had any approach to Kendo, Iaido or both. :)


10 years (WTF) Tae Kwon Do. 2nd Degree Black Belt. Haven't had time to training for awhile now. Had a falling out with my old studio and it's been hard to find a studio that will lwt me teach in exchange for working out. I too am not one for contracts.

  spiderman said:
10 years (WTF) Tae Kwon Do. 2nd Degree Black Belt. Haven't had time to training for awhile now. Had a falling out with my old studio and it's been hard to find a studio that will lwt me teach in exchange for working out. I too am not one for contracts.

WTF ATA STF Basically all the same organizations. I had a falling out with my dojo as well. Annoying is it not.



The comment about politics is so true. Stay out of it if you can.

There is studio near my house that I keep meaning to go to. They also have Kendo, which is why I wanted to check it out. Just not enough time in the day when you have young kids.


i don't do martial arts, but i break dance, which is very similar to capoeira.. :huh:

  • 2 weeks later...

A friend of mine is taking Krav Maga.. Anyone else doing this. He seems to think this puts all other martial arts to shame.

  cyde01 said:
i don't do martial arts, but i break dance, which is very similar to capoeira.. :huh:

lol it is to an extent. Now come let us watch the terrible film ONly the Strong!!!

  Agent ONE said:
A friend of mine is taking Krav Maga.. Anyone else doing this. He seems to think this puts all other martial arts to shame.

Alot of people that study that form think that. The truth is....it does'nt. Krav is a take off of Kapap which is actually a more hardcore style.


Posted (edited)

Well it is the style of hollywood at the moment since that's what they taught for Batman and the Bourne franchise and a few other films. I am surprised that Capoeira has been sneaking in more and more lately though. I think they should remake (which i hate remakes really but.....) that movie The Quest and show off more styles from around the world. I want to see more of things i never heard of. lol. It is how i got into capoeira, because of hollywood and video games, Eddy Gordo for the win!! Plus Lateef Crowder from The Protector is on tap to play him in the movie which we all know is going to suck hard but oh well.

Edited by kanedaestes
  kanedaestes said:
I think they should remake (which i hate remakes really but.....) that movie The Quest

OOOOOOOHHHHHHH!!!!!! YES!!! You said it brother! I love my man Van Damme! ^_^

But really....I do like some of his movies....okay okay....MOST of his movies...but by far the best is what.....



  Agent ONE said:
A friend of mine is taking Krav Maga.. Anyone else doing this. He seems to think this puts all other martial arts to shame.

Krav Maga is really a mix of other martial arts. It's used by the Israeli Special Forces. Most of their stuff seems to be weapons based from what I've been introduced and fought against. Their grappling is not that good though, but their conditioning is not bad.

Human Weapon has done a feature on it. Five parts on Youtube.


  misterryno said:
Alot of people that study that form think that. The truth is....it does'nt. Krav is a take off of Kapap which is actually a more hardcore style.


Does anyone practice this? How do you train for it?


Technically Krav Maga is not a Martial Art but a Fighting Art.

It doesn't teach you humility,spirit or friendship.

It only teaches you how to fight.

Posted (edited)
  MilkManX said:
Technically Krav Maga is not a Martial Art but a Fighting Art.

It doesn't teach you humility,spirit or friendship.

It only teaches you how to fight.

And how to kill within seconds.

EDIT----> That's Kapap that I am speaking of.


Edited by misterryno
  Agent ONE said:
Does anyone practice this? How do you train for it?

There are certain places you can go to be trained. It is an intense training course that usually lasts like a week(I think). I am not sure how you find it. I know that my old roomie who is now or already has become an instructor for it knew some people and that's how he found out. He is also an retired marine and everyone except for like 2 people in the class he took were retired military. One of the 2 that were not retired military was a professional kickboxer.


  misterryno said:
There are certain places you can go to be trained. It is an intense training course that usually lasts like a week(I think). I am not sure how you find it. I know that my old roomie who is now or already has become an instructor for it knew some people and that's how he found out. He is also an retired marine and everyone except for like 2 people in the class he took were retired military. One of the 2 that were not retired military was a professional kickboxer.


Sounds like its right up my alley.


Didn't that Fight Quest show do an episode on it? It looked pretty intense, all about how not to get killed and kill fast and a lot of 1 versus a group type fights, it was pretty interesting. When one of the guys hit the mat, all the other fighters jumped in and started kicking and hitting the poo out of him... the lesson, don't fall down in a street fight.


Last martial art I studied was Arnis (Philippine stick and knife fighting, plus some open hand). Got to red belt, but stopped in 2004 when my son was born, due to lack of free time.



I did 10 years of TKO (WTF), five years of Judo, four of Jui-Jutsu, quite a lot of gymnastics and major track & field while in highschool. Then I got waylaid by early-onset arthritis when I was 17

I can't even so much as jog any more or kneel for more than a few minutes before getting layed out with pain.

Much suckage, I tell you.

  eugimon said:
the lesson, don't fall down in a street fight.

Just curl up in the fetal position.....you'll be alright :unsure:


Posted (edited)
  misterryno said:
Just curl up in the fetal position.....you'll be alright :unsure:


lol yeah.... sure. ;)

just off track a little, did anyone see that Cuban taekwondoist pansy-kick that Olympic referree in the head?? XD ROFL, that's just... dumb. :p

I've started to go full time again, working on my kicking strength first, worry about upper later. Feel 100% better for it!

Nothin like thrashing those tai-round whip-kicks at the 3 heights, feeling sore in the morning and kick ass the next day. :-P

The nurai-bun-sen are getting lethal again been a whole year since i got stuck into it. Now after i get real fit i gotta look for a club again to train with,

all my other clubs that i was involved with have long gone, don't know where any "respectable" Muay Tai clubs are locally anymore.

Got mUch more energy to annoy the wife with now. haha She wil beg me to be content with macrossworld soon. :p

Wana get kick ass for the Macrossworld Aussie con next year! :)

Edited by ruskiiVFaussie
  ruskiiVFaussie said:
lol yeah.... sure. ;)

just off track a little, did anyone see that Cuban taekwondoist pansy-kick that Olympic referree in the head?? XD ROFL, that's just... dumb. :p

I've started to go full time again, working on my kicking strength first, worry about upper later. Feel 100% better for it!

Nothin like thrashing those tai-round whip-kicks at the 3 heights, feeling sore in the morning and kick ass the next day. :-P

The nurai-bun-sen are getting lethal again been a whole year since i got stuck into it. Now after i get real fit i gotta look for a club again to train with,

all my other clubs that i was involved with have long gone, don't know where any "respectable" Muay Tai clubs are locally anymore.

Got mUch more energy to annoy the wife with now. haha She wil beg me to be content with macrossworld soon. :p

Wana get kick ass for the Macrossworld Aussie con next year! :)

I've been starting to train at home again.....but it is hard to do so without a studio to go to and with no one pushing me to work harder <_< .


  ruskiiVFaussie said:
just off track a little, did anyone see that Cuban taekwondoist pansy-kick that Olympic referree in the head?? XD ROFL, that's just... dumb. :p

doood that was some funny ish.

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