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C3+AFASG 2017 with May’n – 24th to 26th November 2017


This year, the Premier Anime Event on this side of Asia,  Anime Festival Asia had partnered with another popular Anime related event C3 (Chara Expo), combining the 2 popular events into one, making it into one big enjoyable event. This is the 10th year May’n has been making her appearances at AFA events (since 2008 and one of the Original AFA artist) and we managed to get an interview with her (with various other media groups) and attended her other public appearances during the festival.


Interview with May’n

Q          : Recently you have a collaboration with Wake Up Girls! for the song ‘One In A Billion’, which was the OP song for ‘Isekai Shokudou’. How did this collaboration came about and how do you feel performing with them?

May’n  : I was a fan of Wake Up Girls! When I saw their performance, I was thinking, they look so cute and cool and was hoping I could one day perform  with them. Then one day, I got an invitation from them and that’s how this collaboration came about.


Q         : You’ve recently released your new album ‘Peace of Smile’, what sort of messages have your put into this album?

May’n : The key word is Smile – to have fun. It has been 10 years, so Instead of producing something that is cool and so on, I wanted to produce   something that everyone can listen to everyday and that can excite and motivate everyone. Usually when we do recording, we have the head set and the mic infront of you. But I really like performing LIVE and in concerts and so we recreated that same environment when we recorded this album.


Q          : How do you feel coming back to Singapore?

May’n : Every year I’m back in Singapore and it has become like a second home to me. So much so that it feels like ‘Taidama!’ – which roughly translate to 'I'm Home!!'


Q         : Another new thing you’re trying is ACTING in – FANTASIA – Princess Kaguya, can you tell us about this venture? Did you get to sing in the production?

May’n : I like musical, so every now and then I would go and watch them. So when the opportunity came, it was like fulfilling another one of my dreams. It  was an eye opening experience for me and will incorporate some of it into my future performances. FANTASIA incorporated dance and electro music, though it looked like a modern poduction, but if you look into the Kanji characters, some of them are no longer used today. So it’s a fusion of traditional and modern elements. And YES, I got to sing in it.


Q       : In the ending part of the tale of Princess Kaguya, she returned to the Moon. So how was it depicted in the play? Did they have wires that they can lift you up to depict your character flying off?

May’n : They had a big picture of the Moon as the backdrop and I slowly walked towards it. As Princess Kaguya, she was hesitant to return to the Moon,  but at the same time she cannot stay on the Earth. So while I was walking, I have to show what my character was feeling hesitant and kept looking back.


Q         : As you are approaching ‘ARASA’ (30 years old), other than acting, do you have other goals that you would like to achieve?

May’n : In Japan, the number 30 is not a very positive figure, but when I was young I always wanted to be an adult. Now that I’m 28, I feel I’m more   mature. There is nothing for the time being that I feel like I would like to achieve before reaching the age of 30, but I do look forward to the new things or challenges that I will face when I reach 30.


Q         : How do you feel about the current Macross franchise which feaured Walkure?

May’n : It’s very amazing with what they’re doing which is singing and dancing. It was very hard for me. When I was doing Macross Frontier, most of the      time we (Megumi Nakajima) were doing solos. Now, they’re Seiyuus and singers, and they’re dancing in a group and I enjoyed watching them when I have the time.


Q         : What made you decide to change your stage name to May’n instead of using your real name?

May’n : When I first debut, I used my real name (Mei Nakabayashi). I was struggling to think what to do with my career when Macross Frontier came      around. So it was like a new chapter in my life, a new challenge and opportunity and I decided to change my stage name to May’n. When I first changed my name, I didn’t expect to perform overseas and now looking back, I am glad that I did as May’n was much easier to remember.


Q         : How was your experience collaborating with Wake Up Girls!

May’n : The age of all the members of Wake Up Girls! are a little bit different, they are all still younger than me. When I was collaborating with them, I    noticed they have the strong will to improve and even when they have a little bit of free time, they would still practice to improve themselves. So, it was an experience to see their strong wills and motivation to collaborate with me.


Q         : Among all the tracks of your new album, are there any outstanding tracks?

May’n : Hmmm…one of the songs on the Album - ‘Kimi to no Kyou, Watashino Koi’ (My voice with you today) featured in Aquarion Logos was a sentimental  and motivational song for me as I wrote it before I went for surgery. There was a lot of worrying, anxiousness and scared…of course. So this song was like, marking a revival and motivating me to go forward after my surgery.


 Q         : Sheryl Nome got a new song – Gorgeous as part of macros 35th Anniversary Celebration. How do you feel about this?

May’n : When this new song came about after 10 years and everyone was so excited not just in Japan, I’ve got people messaging to congratulate me. So I  was really amaze and happy that so many people still remembered Sheryl Nome.


Q         : Since you are active worldwide and have many fans overseas, do you have anything to recommend to your fans in terms of Japanese culture or  tourist spots?

May’n : Hmmm….as an Ambassador of Taiyaki, if you all have the opportunity to come to Japan, please try Taiyaki and try the stall at Azabujian, which  has a 100 years of history  and you can see it making it infront of you.


With that, the interview drew to an end but her public appearance has just began.


Isekai Shokudou themed Food Stalls

This year, some of the food stalls at the event has a theme – Isekai Shokudou (Restaurant to Another World). The participating stalls has one or more posters displayed on their wall and some items on their menu mimic those in the Anime. At around 1.45pm May’n appeared with some ushers and video cameramen just before the food stalls. They walked down to the crowded food stalls to introduce the food sold there, surprising the stall owners and the public alike. After completed her walk, she went over to Aniplus (who is streaming the Anime) signed on the poster and went over to TV Tokyo’s booth to sample the food in front of the vid-cam. Once completed, she signed on the poster also before retiring back stage to prepare for her next public appearance. Fans flocked to these two booths to take photos of her signature. Incidentally, Isekai Shokudou’s OP was done by May’n and Wake Up Girls! while the ED was done by Kiyono Yasuno (Kaname Bucaneer of Macross Delta, she also voiced one of the characters in the Anime)

Stage Appearances

At 4.00pm May’n made an appearance at the main stage – introduction to the performers that will perform at the Anisong Concert tonight, which include Luce Twinkle Wink (girl group), Frip Side, Egoist Exhibition and Mashiro Ayano. At 4.50pm May’n came over to the Akiba Super Stage and performed LION, much to delight of all those who were there. Unfortunately, though it is a free performance, no photography and video recording was allowed. A friend whom I met in October was at the Creator’s Hub (quite some distance away), she heard May’n singing and practically ran like hell, zipped passed us and squeezed into any space she can find just to see her perform.

Anisong Concert

Setup took ahwhile, but not as long as Frip Side’s. Once the music started playing, those with their tired feet immediately stood up. May’n has brought with her 2 dancers and a four piece band. The concert started off with a crowd favorite – Vivid (OP from Blood Lad). The concert floor came alive and started vibrating from the fans jumping in unison. However, there was something amiss with the sound system – can’t quite pinpoint it but it’s like a feedback loop.

Next up was something we always wondered - whether there’s a May’n only version of ‘One In A Billion’. And that night the Galactic Fairy answered our question. Just as in the MV version she danced gracefully.

A short break and May’n informed that the next song is a very precious to her. Just as the music began to play, anyone whom recognized her from her Macross Frontier days would know this song – Diamond Crevasse! Some fans sang with her, while others listened intently. Once she finished, a big round of applause can be heard. May’n gave us a long humble bow! I think many of us in the audience were taken by surprise as we have elevated her to some goddess status and for her to do something like this, we certainly felt a little more humbled by the experience.

Song no. 6 was something I have not heard for some time now, but remained one of her fan’s favorite as well as ours – Northern Cross! It sure brought back fond memories of Macross Frontier and Sheryl Nome! Judging from the reaction of the fans, we were not alone.

Once she finished the 7th song – Taboo Tattoo, she informed that the next song will be the last song. The crowd moaned as the time with her felt really short. May’n decided to sing the lead song from her lastest album Peace of Smile - ‘Shine A Light’. We really hoped that she would sing for us and just then our wish came true! The stage was beautifully lit with the colors of the rainbow. The sound improved and the crowd was really happy with the presentation. She gave us another long humble bow as the applause and cheers continued. Once it died down, May’n called her dancers and her band members to the front of the stage. She gave a quick intro and when it came to vocal, she shouted her name ‘May’n!’ and the crowd responded in kind. With a big smile, she held hands with her band members and dancers and they formed a straight line. The stage camera zoomed in to her face as she was preparing for the final act. Just as always, the crowd got excited and you can see her surprised smiling face. She then gestured to the crowd to be silent. May’n shouted at the top of her voice ‘ARIGATO GOZAIMASHITA!’ without the mic and they then bowed in unison and raised their arms high into the air, and the crowd loved it! With that, the concert drew to an end as well as C3+AFASG 2017.

Hope to see everyone here again, because next year is AFA’s 10th Anniversary!

Song List

1. Vivid

2. One in A Billion – May’n ver. (OP for Isekai Shokudou)

3. Itoshisa to Setsunasa to Kokorozuyosa to (Ultra Street Fighter 2)

4. Diamond Crevasse

5. ? A song from her New Album – Peace of Smile

6. Northern Cross

7. Taboo Tattoo

8. Shine A Light (Lead song from the ‘Peace of Smile’ Album)


We would like to take this opportunity to thank May’n, SOZO Pte Ltd and members of Asia PR Werkz Pte Ltd for arranging the media passes and the interviews.


Edited by VF25-F
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Saw those headphones on her Twitter feed. Unfortunately 1) they're white and 2) they're on-ear headphones. On-ear headphones hurt after a while, I really don't like them.

Posted (edited)

28166968_2025776744115473_1215032066688219448_n.jpg.e09141f992ef06e543561951fb6af4e3.jpg28058958_2025776780782136_5154389828766231107_n.jpg.45eb41fa90995965eb1250207f029944.jpg28277045_2027874713905676_5040595788618962489_n.jpg.afeb65dec5b663c7830f36f20e937381.jpgI was away in Tokyo to see the Macross exhibits at Sky Tree, watch the movie and catch the Walkure concert on sunday. I was hoping May'n would appear on Sunday since Megumi appeared on Day 2 last year but, as everyone could see she came on Saturday! My only hope is that they will include her performance in the Blu-ray for the Walkure 3rd LIVE.

According to a fellow fan who attended the Saturday one, you can see Walkure has a lot to catch up to May'n level of performance.


Edited by VF25-F

Been a while since I've seen May'n perform live but I have no funds for this because I've been buying a lot of Macross goodies (and others too) :lol:Maybe I can save enough to go again to Singapore for next year. Though mostly I've been wanting to go to Taiwan...

  On 2/28/2018 at 11:57 AM, hachi said:

Been a while since I've seen May'n perform live but I have no funds for this because I've been buying a lot of Macross goodies (and others too) :lol:Maybe I can save enough to go again to Singapore for next year. Though mostly I've been wanting to go to Taiwan...


The performance is FREE! Entrance is also Free! (You only need to pay an entrance fee if you enter the Flower or Cloud Dome) The concert is open air and in the Super Tree Grove area.

  On 3/1/2018 at 1:56 PM, VF25-F said:

The performance is FREE! Entrance is also Free! (You only need to pay an entrance fee if you enter the Flower or Cloud Dome) The concert is open air and in the Super Tree Grove area.


Is my air plane ticket free? :p You folks in Singapore have it easy...you get to see May'n every year! Or even twice a year!


  • 2 weeks later...

This is definitely on my wish List - Sheryl X Mikumo (perform LIVE by May'n & Junna - Ikenai Borderline) till then I guess I'll have to settle for UTA Macross ver.



Sorry for taking so long. Had to take care of some other stuff first.


If you have been around the Gardens by the Bay, you’ll would noticed there’s quite a lot of stone Lions lying around. As I walked passed one, I suddenly heard ‘Psst! Song Request!’ I was like Wha? Wutt….? As I moved closer to one of the Stone Lions, I heard it again….. ‘Song Request!’ Obviously it was requesting THAT song! ………. OK, BACK TO REALITY! I was telling my friend it would make a nice opening to this article but little did I know, LION was actually sung this night!

The concert stage was set at the Supertree Groove and it’s absolutely FREE! At around 4.30pm people started lining up in front of the outdoor concert stage, in spite of the hot weather. Fans wanted to get the best viewing position. Concert started at 7pm with Mika Kobayashi. After that, there was a break as the musicians set up their instruments, the Gardens Rhapsody began playing (a light show on the Giant Trees). The band had completed their setup and was waiting for the light show to end, some of the audience got bored and amused themselves by humming along with the of popular movies theme songs being played. Some waved their light sticks as if were a concert. (I think May’n snuck out the back, and took a few pictures of the light show!)

As soon the light show ended, everyone focused back to the stage and began to chant ‘May’n!, May’n!... A few seconds later she came on stage and immediately the band began to play! 1st song of the night – Vivid! Even though the music was a bit too loud and almost drown out her voice, the crowd recognized the song and they were waving their light sticks and jumping to the beat. The start of an electrifying concert!

By the time of the 2nd song, the people in the sound dept. managed to equalize the audio. By the 3rd song, May’n decided to do something different. She explained that though she’s Japanese, she will perform for us a Mandarin song – much to the delight of the audience and her pronunciation was spot on! It was the theme 

A short break as she spoke to us. This is her first LIVE in an outdoor concert in Asia and she’s loving it! Immediately the concert pace goes into overdrive with Taboo Tattoo! Next is the ever popular LION and you can hear fans singing along with her and light sticks moving in unison.

I was hoping that she would sing her new song ‘YOU’ – the 2nd OP for Mahoutsukai no Yume and she DID! This is the first time this song was sang LIVE outside of Japan and all those who attended were indeed fortunate! Already some in the audience had memorize the song and sang along with May’n.

A sip of water, and the band began playing in the back ground. Judging from the reaction, many already knew the name of the next number – ‘Shine A Light’ I would say this is one of her more memorable songs that are not Anime related. She tells us that she’s been performing in Singapore for 10 years and she loved it! Also this will be the last song for the night. A loud sigh came from the audience. She informed that she’ll be back and that lifted the spirits a little bit. It was a really a fun song and you can tell she’s enjoying herself presenting it to us as much as we were enjoy listening, watching & waving our light sticks to the beat.

The end came and with her Band she thanked everyone for coming and walked to the back of the stage, occasionally waving to the audience. As usual, the audience didn’t want to leave. It felt sooooo… short, even though she had already performed 8 solid songs, (same as Mika Koyabashi) they started chanting ‘Enkoru! Enkoru! (Japanese word for Encore!). The MC had to come out on stage to confirm that the concert was indeed over.

May’n performance was top notch but unfortunately no video or photography was allowed. It would have been a fantastic edition to share with the rest of her fans around the World. When I got back to my hostel, I asked my hostel mate who had come from Indonesia whether he and his wife had attended the concert (never been to an Anime concert before) and the first thing he said ‘Wow! That singer - May’n was fantastic!’

Song List :

1. ViViD (OP Blood Lad)
2. Love, setsuna and reassuring
3. Little Luck (Theme song from a popular Taiwan movie)
4. If You Wish For (Valkyria Chronicles 3)
5. Belief (OP Taboo Tattoo)
6. Lion (May ' n ver.)
7. You (OP2 Mahoutsukai no Yome)
8. Shine A Light


  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Another Taiyaki adventure with May'n! What's different with this one? 

This one will leave you laughing as she fails to make a Taiyaki big time! - May'n laughing too! XD



This looks like it's was shot at the same location but looks like just additional footage but quite entertaining - first time seeing Bucho shy away from the camera! XD


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