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Saying that people don't like the 171 transformation because they don't know how to handle it because it's too "complex" is an ignorant and arrogant statement to make.

I know exactly how to transform my 171, thanks. Doesn't mean I like it.

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Saying that people don't like the 171 transformation because they don't know how to handle it because it's too "complex" is an ignorant and arrogant statement to make.

I know exactly how to transform my 171, thanks. Doesn't mean I like it.

I agree, I transformed my 171 last night since it had been in the closet for a few months and im getting the CF in the coming weeks and yea it was a pain and this was my 3rd transformation.

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I am planning to rub off the "171" on the fuselage and wings, is it possible and what's the best way to go about it? Thanks.

I bet it is possible. Most toys are painted with acrylics. Use isopropyl alcohol and you can rub off the paint without damaging the plastic.

I am planning to rub off the "no step" markings under the wing, you can try that first.

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I mean, there is only one way to transform it properly. You can do it in a slightly different order than the instructions with the various parts, joints, and sections, but it's only properly transformed one way. It's not rocket science.

Either you take the time to do it, or you don't. Personally, I enjoy a more complex transformation that takes a lot of time. It is kind of like replay value on a video game. Some games you can beat in a few hours, and then you just want to sell it. Others take weeks and you never get bored. I find it relaxing like a puzzle.

Everybody is different. If you don't enjoy it, then you don't enjoy it. Doesn't mean you're less of a collector or less intelligent because of that. Maybe you just have less patience than others, or other things to do.

It's necessary though, on some level. You can't have a high level of detail and articulation without a lot of moving parts in a transformation toy. However, I think Bandai/Arcadia could learn a lot from Takara. They have toys that are, what I would consider, moderately to high levels of complexity in transformation, yet the transformation is still fun and engaging. It also retains a high level of articulation and poseability. Transforming MP-12 for example was a blast. It was complex enough to be a bit of a challenge, but I never got frustrated. When I said that the 171-CF isn't any more difficult than a Masterpiece seeker, I meant that it wasn't nearly as bad as people make it out to be. Obviously the nose and chest section of the 171 is more intricate... but that's the design from the line art.

Bandai could have made different choices and probably designed it to be easier, for sure.

Either way, I think the 171-CF is beautiful, and it's worth the extra time to transform it and display it in Battroid. I might go back in 3 months and spend some time putting it back in fighter for something new.

If I wanted collectibles to just plop on the shelf and never fuss with, I'd buy figurines and be done with it.

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Guest davidwhangchoi

I am interested if anyone is selling

I think I'm selling mine...

if do, i will post in the sales section and pms to avoid highjacking the thread.

the opinions here are very helpful since users are sharing their experiences with the toy and discussing it in a healthy way.

Since this thread gets scoops and news that excite me(and many) to impulsively spend 100-200+ dollars on a pre-order for a toy many have never touched(except those who have alto's) and stay up in sleepless certain nights,

this thread also helps me decide if it's worth buying/keeping/opening/selling/ordering multiple copies based on peoples user experience and opinions. though nothing beat personal experience, sometimes i don't have the luxury with the small pre-order window and limited budget. So i pre-order and then read here to see where my limited money can go or if i need to sell something else to make a budget for this or if it's not worth it and cancel/return/or sell it.

anyways, looks awesome fighter and i believe everyone that says it's hard to transform :)

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Lol' I own an Alto and knew what I was getting in to. I could swear I had a better time getting the Alto to lock together in Battroid mode. I knew the day I had to transform another 3 of the 171 was coming. I love the sculpt on this variant. So I guess I am more concerned with the aesthetics than the transformation. I can transform the things fine,but I don't find it fun for some reason or another.

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That's normal. Bandai hasn't figured out how to make straight wings since they've started producing Valks. :p

...but yes, EVERY single Bandai Valk is like that.

Edited by xrentonx
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Wing warping is endemic of Bandai's Frontier DXs, to varying degrees, with the 29s being the sole exception due to their segmented design... the 25s and 171s both suffer from it. Either Bandai's manufacturer pops these parts out of the molding machine too soon after injection, thereby not allowing the plastic to cool enough, or the injection pressure is not optimal for the plastic used, or the ABS grade is just inferior to what Yamato spec'd, or a combination of these and other factors.

Edit: ABS, not PVC... Derp!

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Saying that people don't like the 171 transformation because they don't know how to handle it because it's too "complex" is an ignorant and arrogant statement to make.

I know exactly how to transform my 171, thanks. Doesn't mean I like it.

If you're referring to my post I apologize if I offended you.

What I was trying to say is that in my own experience I have many transforming toys where I have problems transforming it the first couple of times (say the first 5 to 10 attempts). After I memorized the correct movement and position of parts it becomes easier. Also I get a feeling of how much pressure and force I can apply to certain areas without breaking them.

The first time I tried to transform my First Edition Bumblebee back and forth I had a hard time now I can do it in no time and that is a toy made to be handled by kids. And to be honest during the first transformation of the CF I was swearing a lot about the cockpit support strut, the loose hip assembly and the backplate that refused to lock correctly into place. I had watched transformation guides on YT a million times and tried to memorize crucial parts of the transformation. I thought I know exactly what to do and I was wrong.

Of course the toys that we collect are a whole other world then mainstream toys you can buy at TRU. My Valkyries don't get nearly as much play time then other toys mainly because the fear of breakage. I myself have problems when I transform a complex toy once every month or even more infrequent. I don't get used to it.

Not saying you don't know how to transform your toys just saying that for me it gets easier after several transformations and that complex transformations is one of the trade-offs of highly articulated and screen accurate toys. A convoluted transformation scheme like the one from the VF-171 doesn't become suddenly straight forward but you get used to its quirks. I also can understand why someone doesn't like the toy because of this.

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I don't have mine yet, but all this talk reminds me of the clamor everyone has over Masterpiece Megatron.

I love mine however. The bot and gun (alt) mode are too badass to let go. Same with the 171.

Edited by grymg
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personally, i would NEVER let the transformation scheme affect whether or not i get or buy a toy, but different strokes for different folks. granted it may affect how ofteni take it off display and transform it but I think as a collector, me personally - i don't care if the actual transformation is a little frustrating so long as I don't break it, and so long as I enjoy both modes and I think the 171 looks pretty damn awesome in both modes (because i'm going to be looking at it or posing it alot more than i'm going to be TFing it.) It is probably my favorite battroid mode in the whole frontier series.

In comparison to other high end transforming collectibles, i don't know that i'd say Takara has a "better" balance in terms of playability vs. line art accuracy or whatever but that being said, i do fiddle with my masterpiece TFs (i have basically every mold) more than my bandai dx chogokins WITH the exception of masterpiece megatron (mp-05). tales of his fragility during transformation have relegated him to robot mode permanently. lol. Anyway, i'd say yes bandai could learn something but i do still feel the dx chogokins FEEL like slightly higher end products than masterpiece TF's due to things like the amount of tampo, intricacy of mechanisms, line art accuracy etc. All this comparison does though is make me think of how right yamato got it with their more modern releases (personally i think the V2 Vf-1's are a near perfect balance of accuracy, playabilty etc) and how wrong they got it with some of their earlier stuff. I think we are truly in a golden age of transforming toy and its a wonderful thing as all the guys that grew up with them can now have toys of the level they always thought that their childhood toys could be. The VF-171 is no exception.

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The Girlfriend thinks it's cute that I buy her Kinder Surprise eggs all the time. If only she knew the truth :lol:

Also, who do you think wears the armor pack better? :0



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just got mine, and as i feared, something is wrong.

the small pin on the right wing is broken.


I don't know if i's because of the broken pin, but the wing also wont sit flush against the body.

there is always that small gap you can see in the picture.

the backpack is also a.p.i.t.a! Wont lock in at all!

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Hey guys. I received mine a few weeks back too. This baby's been sitting on the stand in fighter mode. Have been too scared to transform the thing -but I know I will need to soon to see if anything is missing/broken. Has anyone made a detailed 'walkthrough' on YouTube? I know there are walkthroughs for the Alto 171s -is the transformation process identical for both?

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just got mine, and as i feared, something is wrong.

the small pin on the right wing is broken.

I don't know if i's because of the broken pin, but the wing also wont sit flush against the body.

there is always that small gap you can see in the picture.

the backpack is also a.p.i.t.a! Wont lock in at all!

If it's a factory defect you should get in contact with HLJ and ask them if they can send you a replacement unit. Usually they are one of the shops that try to solve such issues.

Duymon I store my extra parts in those small cylinders where film for analog cameras where stored in. :D Don't know if people still know what that is. And I think that a VF-171CF with gray armor plates on its Super Parts would look vastly superior to the Princess Custom.

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If it's a factory defect you should get in contact with HLJ and ask them if they can send you a replacement unit. Usually they are one of the shops that try to solve such issues.

so you say i should ask for a complete replacement, or just the broken part?

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I don't know if you can easily replace the broken part with a new one because the pin seems to be glued into the backplate.

Send them an email where you explain the subject matter and include some photos where they can see the broken part and wait for their response.

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  • First impression. The CF is definitely an improvement of the Alto version. I can actually lock the backplate this time in battroid mode. It still has all the things I hate about bandai's rendition of the vrf-171, but it did improve on the last version.

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I don't know if i's because of the broken pin, but the wing also wont sit flush against the body.

there is always that small gap you can see in the picture.

the backpack is also a.p.i.t.a! Wont lock in at all!

My pin is not missing, but out of the box the wing wouldn't sit flush like yours. After transforming it and then transforming it back, the wing sit flush now. So I think it's got to do more with the positioning of the arms back into fighter mode. Just transform it a second time and battroid mode was easier this time and got everything to lock in place without much problem. However back to fighter mode, I had difficulty getting the black piece with the writing NUNS on one side to fit into position perfectly. It fits but has more gap compared to the other side. Will try transforming it again and see whether I can get it to fit nicely.

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My pin is not missing, but out of the box the wing wouldn't sit flush like yours. After transforming it and then transforming it back, the wing sit flush now. So I think it's got to do more with the positioning of the arms back into fighter mode. Just transform it a second time and battroid mode was easier this time and got everything to lock in place without much problem. However back to fighter mode, I had difficulty getting the black piece with the writing NUNS on one side to fit into position perfectly. It fits but has more gap compared to the other side. Will try transforming it again and see whether I can get it to fit nicely.

A lot of 171's for some reason had the shoulder verniers deployed, which prevented the wings from sitting flush. Trust me 4 out of 6 were like that.

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My pin is not missing, but out of the box the wing wouldn't sit flush like yours. After transforming it and then transforming it back, the wing sit flush now. So I think it's got to do more with the positioning of the arms back into fighter mode. Just transform it a second time and battroid mode was easier this time and got everything to lock in place without much problem. However back to fighter mode, I had difficulty getting the black piece with the writing NUNS on one side to fit into position perfectly. It fits but has more gap compared to the other side. Will try transforming it again and see whether I can get it to fit nicely.

Yeah, the wing sits flush now after transforming it onece from fighter to battroid and back.

The Wing with the broken pin is also in no way looser than the other with the intact pin.

I don't know if it is worth the trouble sending it back to HLJ, or if i just should keep it like it is.

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I'm given to understand that they're pretty good with accepting returns and issuing replacements or credit for defective merchandise, but you have to ship the stuff back on your own dime... the catch 22 of buying almost anything online, and specially true when the vendor is outside your country.

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