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Bandai 1/72 fully transform able VF-1 plastic kit for Macross 30th Ann

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You know, if that pivot gimmick on the upper legs was right below the intakes it would probably work out pretty well and not look nearly as goofy.

I would put absolutely no stock in any rumor that Bandai ignored Kawamori. That sounds like fanboy rage.


I think the pivot point at the intake is taking quite some room, so they have to move it down further from the ball joint at the hip.


I get the feeling I'm the only non-Japanese Macross fan who actually likes this kit. Here's a thought: It's Macross gunpla, not a high-detail rigid kit. You lose detail and screen accuracy to accommodate gimmicks like no-swap transformation and poseability. I'll admit I don't think it's perfect, but it's pretty good for not being Bandai's main IP.

I never thought I'd see people in such an uproar over a re-take on a model kit of a fictional transforming robot plane. The neckbeard is strong with this thread.

  On 5/18/2013 at 3:50 AM, jenius said:

You know, if that pivot gimmick on the upper legs was right below the intakes it would probably work out pretty well and not look nearly as goofy.

I would put absolutely no stock in any rumor that Bandai ignored Kawamori. That sounds like fanboy rage.

Funny from some one that puts a lot of silly rumors and suppositions out there.

  On 5/18/2013 at 4:06 AM, SchizophrenicMC said:

I get the feeling I'm the only non-Japanese Macross fan who actually likes this kit. Here's a thought: It's Macross gunpla, not a high-detail rigid kit. You lose detail and screen accuracy to accommodate gimmicks like no-swap transformation and poseability. I'll admit I don't think it's perfect, but it's pretty good for not being Bandai's main IP.

I never thought I'd see people in such an uproar over a re-take on a model kit of a fictional transforming robot plane. The neckbeard is strong with this thread.

I like it... :unsure:

Posted (edited)

Sorry, not for me. I like lineart accurate models and toys. This VF-1 looks completely wrong, it's hideous.

This is the best bandai can do with the VF-1 mold? Really?

Edited by Ignacio Ocamica
Posted (edited)
  On 5/18/2013 at 4:06 AM, SchizophrenicMC said:

I get the feeling I'm the only non-Japanese Macross fan who actually likes this kit. Here's a thought: It's Macross gunpla, not a high-detail rigid kit. You lose detail and screen accuracy to accommodate gimmicks like no-swap transformation and poseability. I'll admit I don't think it's perfect, but it's pretty good for not being Bandai's main IP.

I never thought I'd see people in such an uproar over a re-take on a model kit of a fictional transforming robot plane. The neckbeard is strong with this thread.

This isn't rage over losing details due to accommodating transformation gimmicks, at least not for me. This is just facepalming over Bandai pretty much flaunting their refusal to follow established line-art for the design, and inventing their own nonsense panel lines, etc because they seem like they just can't be bothered to care. They don't have any effect on posability, transformation, or whatever, they're just flat out wrong for no good reason.

I can't deny the changes to the legs and such are good for extra posability, I just don't personally care for them.

Edited by Chronocidal
  On 5/18/2013 at 2:57 AM, >EXO< said:

Hideous, right?

Honestly, I think it would be more offensive if a resin kit that is so expensive was this ugly. Truth be told though, Expertens respect the lineart more even with all the shortcomings of the material.

Take this for what it's worth but rumors are the froating head's notes were ignored to rush this into final production. IMO, Yamato couldn't and wouldn't dream of getting away with that, but this is Bandai we're talking about.

Sounds like BS. Japanese companies don't go around disrepecting highly respected figures in the anime industry. Certainly I don't recall Bandai ever having a history of doing that. And logically speaking why would Bandai want to jepardize their relationship with Kawamori when Macross F is a money making franchise for them? I recall hearing this same conspiracy theory back when the DX Chogokin V.1 was released to much disappointment

  On 5/18/2013 at 5:05 AM, Vifam7 said:

Sounds like BS. Japanese companies don't go around disrepecting highly respected figures in the anime industry. Certainly I don't recall Bandai ever having a history of doing that. And logically speaking why would Bandai want to jepardize their relationship with Kawamori when Macross F is a money making franchise for them? I recall hearing this same conspiracy theory back when the DX Chogokin V.1 was released to much disappointment

I respect that. I thought the around the same line myself. That's why I said take it for what its worth.


TBH, I think Kawamori is significantly more laid back and cool with people taking liberties with his designs when translating them into physical form than the fans are.

  On 5/18/2013 at 4:06 AM, SchizophrenicMC said:

I get the feeling I'm the only non-Japanese Macross fan who actually likes this kit. Here's a thought: It's Macross gunpla, not a high-detail rigid kit. You lose detail and screen accuracy to accommodate gimmicks like no-swap transformation and poseability. I'll admit I don't think it's perfect, but it's pretty good for not being Bandai's main IP.

I never thought I'd see people in such an uproar over a re-take on a model kit of a fictional transforming robot plane. The neckbeard is strong with this thread.

My care level for this is pretty low to start and I suspect its the same for a lot of the more dedicated modellers on here. The outcome is an even bigger meh. There was a a very low chance I would buy this model, unless they pulled something amazing here... and they certainly didn't do that (yet).


If you want screen accuracy, buy a Hasegawa. I, personally, am glad to see a new take on a 30-year-old design. The VF-1 is no spring chicken and it's had more variations in physical form than I care to count.


Hi everyone...

I don't know what to say about this thing. It's just.... Wrong...

We could talk a lifetime about this or that gimmick, and I'm ok with that.... but the whole, the Valkyrie itself... It's poorly done.

Oh, Yamato, why do you have to leave us ???

Posted (edited)
  On 5/18/2013 at 6:00 AM, anime52k8 said:

TBH, I think Kawamori is significantly more laid back and cool with people taking liberties with his designs when translating them into physical form than the fans are.

One thing to note - back last Fall when the Bandai Hobby's VF-1 kit development blog site was first put up, the main entrance page's note from Kawamori does seem to infer that he wasn't going to strictly follow the linearts.


This entrance page is still there.

Edited by Vifam7
Posted (edited)

ANy upcoming events that you guys know of, that Bandai might show us some more photos? I'm still undecided on whether to cancel my HLJ order or not. :blink:

Edited by Checkmate

I wish Hasegawa would repop the crap out of the Battroids. The Bandai kit also looks too SMALL. Its 1/72 in name but it seems smaller than that to me. Especially the picture with the hand behind it. Their VF-25 kit suffers from the same smaller than 1/72 scale feeling. The pilot in that is TINY. Gimme a Hasegawa battroid any day now...

  On 5/19/2013 at 7:55 AM, Black Valkyrie said:

I have a feeling the DX ver. is not far away.

I'm hoping it's at least a year away so they can get some feedback from people who adopt this kit. Then again, if Arcadia really is making 1/60 V2 toys later this year then it would seem unlikely.

  On 5/18/2013 at 12:50 AM, anime52k8 said:

Serious question: if this was a super expensive, limited run resin kit from someone like Experten, would you guys have the same level of hate-on for this?

I think it's a cool alternative take on something that's been done a million times in a million different ways already.

there's a difference between a product made by a bunch of fans in their garage of a design that has zero chance of being made commercially because there's only 5 guys in the world who actually like it and 4 of them helped to make it AND a product made by the biggest toy company in the entire world with the resources of a small island country at their disposal including feedback from the guy who actually designed the thing.


I've got at least 2 sets on order, I was intending for my girlfriend to have one for herself since she's a collector. But she knows nothing of model building or the patients. I may just end up using the 2 sets I have with the packs to build an A and S variant for myself. While I think the mechanical side of this is brilliant, the overall appearance is mediocre at best.

  On 5/19/2013 at 11:00 PM, HWR MKII said:

I wish Hasegawa would repop the crap out of the Battroids. The Bandai kit also looks too SMALL. Its 1/72 in name but it seems smaller than that to me. Especially the picture with the hand behind it. Their VF-25 kit suffers from the same smaller than 1/72 scale feeling. The pilot in that is TINY. Gimme a Hasegawa battroid any day now...

Is this going to become another tiny hands vader flamewar?

I kid.

Seriously though, I have to wonder how well the battroids have sold when my japanese LHS has quite a few of them still in stock.

  On 5/18/2013 at 4:06 AM, SchizophrenicMC said:

I get the feeling I'm the only non-Japanese Macross fan who actually likes this kit. Here's a thought: It's Macross gunpla, not a high-detail rigid kit. You lose detail and screen accuracy to accommodate gimmicks like no-swap transformation and poseability. I'll admit I don't think it's perfect, but it's pretty good for not being Bandai's main IP.

I never thought I'd see people in such an uproar over a re-take on a model kit of a fictional transforming robot plane. The neckbeard is strong with this thread.

Nah, I like it too. I shaved the neckbeard off many years ago. I love Macross, I love seeing new Macross kits and toys made and I get a kick out of how many differences there can be with every new version of the VF-1. Parts of this look a little wonky in photos, sure, but I don't give a crap. I'll buy every new incarnaton of the VF-1 just like I buy every new incarnation of G1 Optimus Prime.

The only thing I'm slightly concerned about, and I use the word 'concerned' very lightly (this isn't an EKG readout I'm looking at here) is that the size and number of little fiddly bits may cause me some frustration during the build and subsequent transformations, but eh, first world problems.

  On 5/20/2013 at 4:01 AM, Noyhauser said:

Is this going to become another tiny hands vader flamewar?

I kid.

Seriously though, I have to wonder how well the battroids have sold when my japanese LHS has quite a few of them still in stock.

Im sure the Japanese market is saturated so they wont sell as well there. But im on the hunt for an affordable regular and STRIKE battroid from Hasegawa.

No it isnt going to become a vader hands thing. But comparing the Bandai pilot to other brands including Hasegawa, Tamiya, and Monogram. The Bandai Pilot is HO scale (1/87) in size. One has to wonder how much larger the Hasegawa VF-25 will be once made.

  On 5/18/2013 at 4:06 AM, SchizophrenicMC said:

I get the feeling I'm the only non-Japanese Macross fan who actually likes this kit. Here's a thought: It's Macross gunpla, not a high-detail rigid kit. You lose detail and screen accuracy to accommodate gimmicks like no-swap transformation and poseability. I'll admit I don't think it's perfect, but it's pretty good for not being Bandai's main IP.

I never thought I'd see people in such an uproar over a re-take on a model kit of a fictional transforming robot plane. The neckbeard is strong with this thread.

Look at my "uproar". Cancelling my order, looks like crap especially battroid and gerwalk mode.


Well, I, for one, will be buying it as soon as funds permit. It's going to the front of the backlog. My 1/48 Angel Bird is lonely on my shelf, surrounded by Gunpla, old zoids, and some transformers.

As for when it gets built... I still have a bit of construction backlog before I should even be buying a new kit. Ah, well, we'll see. I think, knock-knee hips aside, it looks pretty good.

Posted (edited)

Nahhh, i do not think so.

i mean, no offense to this thing's fans around here, but it nearly makes the TOYNAMI 1/55 look good by comparison, IMHO.

seriously; at least that turd has some serious HCM old-school vibe going on for it to half-excuse it's multitude of physical disabilities.

nope, no way, no-how; 'ol BANDAI's going to have to try one hell of a great deal harder to give the 1/60v.II any sort of run for the money. Easy Pass... :angry:

Edited by Shaorin

Not one to start trouble, but did it dawn on anyone that maybe Bandai have the 1S in that goofy pose to show off the leg articulation, especially in the ankles? Because by moving the hips in like that you're centering the weight, and maybe they're just trying to show the legs and ankles can easily hold it up while posed.

There's a lot of debate on this about lineart, Yamato, etc. and some really good points. I for one am getting this, and not only because I like the design. I see people keep bringing up lineart, but ask yourselves this: At what point do we let go of 30 year old lineart, and embrace a new take on the design? Isn't it in some ways, whether you like the end product or not, refreshing to see an alternate take on a classic mecha that very few people care about anymore? At least Bandai is trying, and whether you hate it or not, you have to give them that much credit. They've tried over the years, with Macross frontier, the classic 1/55 reissues, Hi metals, etc.

No company has "nailed it". They all have problems. You can't compare a flawed product to a flawed product to a flawed product (Yamato vs. Bandai vs. Hasegawa). Point is, even if you don't buy it, just be glad Bandai is still paying attention to a remote, small corner of the mecha community when they didn't really have to. I'm sure Gundam, evangelion, and all the other stuff make them enough money as it is.

  On 5/22/2013 at 9:19 AM, Excillon said:

There's a lot of debate on this about lineart, Yamato, etc. and some really good points. I for one am getting this, and not only because I like the design. I see people keep bringing up lineart, but ask yourselves this: At what point do we let go of 30 year old lineart, and embrace a new take on the design? Isn't it in some ways, whether you like the end product or not, refreshing to see an alternate take on a classic mecha that very few people care about anymore?

I think the real issue in this case is that you're basically crossing the fanboy streams. You've got a mashup of aircraft and robot fans involved.

Robots get redone all the time. They get re-rendered, re-detailed, redesigned so they look up-to-date.

That doesn't happen with aircraft in the real world, barring actual upgrades. An F-14 will always be an F-14, and it will always look exactly like an F-14. When Kawamori designed the aircraft for Macross, he designed them as if they could be realistic aircraft, and fans of real aircraft latched onto that.

So, now you have this clashing of people who see the original lineart as art to be reinterpreted, and those who see it as a schematic for an aircraft that shouldn't change.

Where it gets ugly though is that whether Bandai intends it or not, a lot of the things they're changing don't look like an "artistic interpretation," they look like lazy mistakes. If they're doing it on purpose, fine, but when you have something that's been repeatedly produced in nearly the exact same form for 30 years, and you go and decide, "I think I'm just gonna change this stuff," and you don't say that outright, it looks like you're just doing it wrong, and don't care.

Either way, Bandai still has no excuse for not bothering to research at least something about how aircraft work. It doesn't take that much work to look at a picture of a real plane and copy it, but apparently they can't even do that.


I've been flip-flopping on this one after seeing the pics. But the unreasonable hate for Bandai here makes me wanna go buy one and make it look good.

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