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Best action scene in a train I’ve seen in years. Cool Samurai robot. Great after credits commercial. That is it. The rest is a snore fest. Save your money.

The character progression of Logan is basically the same he had in the first X-men film. This time it is done in a Lost in Translation meets the Kenshin movies road trip along Japan that tries to sound deeper than it actually ends up being. I liked seeing Japan but the story was predictable, Mariko as love interest does not hold a candle to Jean Grey and the Wolverine action got old fast (mindlessly charge-get shot-kill.. rinse and repeat). Furthermore, he only fought yakuzas and two Samurais, Wolverine only exchanged blows with ninjas for maybe 10 seconds and then just got beat from a distance.

It is not BAD, it’s just a forgettable movie that does not deliver as a character deconstruction nor as a superhero action film. Serpent mutant chick deserves a price for most boring villain of the year.


I didn't understand why Logan said he killed Jean. That he had to kill her because she was hurting people. In the movie continuity, she died in that lake in Canada when that dam broke. He did not kill her. Did that allude to some off-camera Phoenix storyline that was to have occurred between X2 and this film?


I didn't understand why Logan said he killed Jean. That he had to kill her because she was hurting people. In the movie continuity, she died in that lake in Canada when that dam broke. He did not kill her. Did that allude to some off-camera Phoenix storyline that was to have occurred between X2 and this film?

Logan killed her in X3 because, as you said, she was hurting people...


I didn't understand why Logan said he killed Jean. That he had to kill her because she was hurting people. In the movie continuity, she died in that lake in Canada when that dam broke. He did not kill her. Did that allude to some off-camera Phoenix storyline that was to have occurred between X2 and this film?

He killed her in X3 after she came back to life as Phoenix.

Here is the scene from X3:



I think redlettermedia make a great point. Wolverine is great because you don't know much about him. Similar to the way Boba Fett grew in popularity originally. Mystery.

I remember when I read xmen as a kid their wasn't a wolverine origin yet, and that's what made him so much fun.

With the movies you've got 3 or 4 movies that focus on Wolverine because he's popular. He should be in the background as something that drives the plot and let the XMEN themes carry the movie. Wolverine shouldn't be the leading character, ever. He is the guy in the background doing the dirty work the other xmen can't do. Getting the job done, holding the line, and kicking asses.

But yeah, I also agree that his motivations are just all over the place and make the movie fairly pointless. Why did he fall in love? (When he left her anyway) Why did he care about this japanese guy? Why did he stick around to fight? Meh?


If Wolverine really wants to die, it's been established there are several ways to kill him, i.e. a simple touch by Rogue, the mutant cure in X3, or injecting himself with liquid adamantium a la end of X2. Anyways, my point is, it makes no sense whatsoever that Wolverine is miserable because he can't die, because that's not true.

Posted (edited)

If Wolverine really wants to die, it's been established there are several ways to kill him, i.e. a simple touch by Rogue, the mutant cure in X3, or injecting himself with liquid adamantium a la end of X2. Anyways, my point is, it makes no sense whatsoever that Wolverine is miserable because he can't die, because that's not true.

It is a normal life he wanted, not death. (I'm not defending it as a great movie, but it was decent)

Even the normal life he didn't really want, he only thought he did.

Edited by Dynaman
  • 2 months later...
Posted (edited)

I'm halfway through the Unrated cut of The Wolverine. So far...

- It's not as bloody as expected.

- There's a ton more dialogue. Unfortunately, my copy doesn't have subtitles.

- The love hotel scene is almost a different story here. While seeing hallucinations of Jean, Logan is ambushed by the Yakuza, who throw him off the balcony before they taze and shoot him. He is saved by Mariko-chan.

- The final ninja fight is also a different story, as it involves Yukio using a snowplow to mulch some ninjas.

Edited by areaseven

Cool. I enjoyed this movie but felt the climax was pretty weak. The first 2/3rds of the film were great! "Silver Samurai" was a huge let down...

  • 3 weeks later...

I just saw the unrated version and was mostly bored or facepalming for the whole 2:15 hours. The claw castration at the end was shocking and the following robot claw-stump-raping was just more than any Wolverine fan should be able to stomach.

Thanks to James Mangold and the team of brilliant writers at the helm of this hundred millions dollar waste.


I just saw the unrated version and was mostly bored or facepalming for the whole 2:15 hours. The claw castration at the end was shocking and the following robot claw-stump-raping was just more than any Wolverine fan should be able to stomach.

Thanks to James Mangold and the team of brilliant writers at the helm of this hundred millions dollar waste.

Agreed. What a waste of a movie. The story was so uninspiring that you couldn't help but be bored watching it...


Guess I need to hurry up and watch the copy I bought on Blu ray as I honestly don't remember it being that bad. Agree with the criticism leveled towards the end of the movie, especially towards Silver Samurai but I thought that the movie all-in-all was OK.

Kind in the same vein as my feelings towards Man of Steel (that it was the best Superman movie - certainly not the best comic book movie) I think that this was the best Wolverine and maybe even "X" movie (have to re-watch X-Men First Class though to be sure of that opinion).



Initial criticism of the film on a personal level is the villains: I didn't care about the summersaulting, cart-wheeling, ninja star throwing evil foot clan soldiers, the lame chick with the molting skin and bad breath, or the old guy in the Shredder suit. I was just not impressed. I truly enjoyed the first Wolverine movie though..


Initial criticism of the film on a personal level is the villains: I didn't care about the summersaulting, cart-wheeling, ninja star throwing evil foot clan soldiers, the lame chick with the molting skin and bad breath, or the old guy in the Shredder suit. I was just not impressed. I truly enjoyed the first Wolverine movie though..

I can't believe I'm seeing these two sentences back-to-back. The only possible reason I could have enjoyed the first Wolverine movie is because of the girl I was laying with on the couch at the time I watched it... and I wish I had skipped the movie and gone right to other things with her.

  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)

Got this from Netflix earlier this week. The story is pretty nonsensical, but Wolverine being Wolverine is pretty kick ass. Plenty of moments where you think "Man, you shouldn't have done that, Wolverine is going to frak you up, now"; sure enough, Wolverine does. The character felt right to me. I was entertained. I wish I could have seen the director's/unrated cut.

I hate to say it, but this may be the best of the X-Men movies (you could debate First Class with me, and I might not disagree).

Edited by Duke Togo
  • 1 year later...

I think people are reading into tweets from fan favorite celebrities just a bit to seriously. Whenever Stephen Amell posts something that's vague people flip the hell out thinking something horrible is going to happen.
I think Jackman is a good fit for this character, it'd be sad to see him go, but it's understandable. He's a really nice guy, great charisma, well rounded actor who's done more than just flash some claws and yell in his career. He really doesn't need to be the Wolverine forever and he certainly can't.....he doesn't age slow enough!


I think Jackman is a good fit for this character, it'd be sad to see him go, but it's understandable. He's a really nice guy, great charisma, well rounded actor who's done more than just flash some claws and yell in his career. He really doesn't need to be the Wolverine forever and he certainly can't.....he doesn't age slow enough!

It's unfortunate, but age is certainly catching up to these actors who have played a certain character for a while. Even though Robert Downey Jr. is a perfect match for Tony Stark, he knows he can't play him forever, and hence no standalone movies on the horizon for Iron Man. No one can do 1 thing forever.


I think he could pull of 1-2 more at the current look and then come back later and do Old Man Logan. That is just me though. He should stop when he feels he cannot do justice to the character.

  • 10 months later...

I don't understand why people are excited for Old Man Logan. It was another horrible hero-killing side-story by comic-book hating Mark Millar.

Isn't that reason enough?


Old man logan was terrible and stupid. 90% of the story is also stuff that won't make any kind of sense to a movie audience and involves material that 20th century fox doesn't have the rights to anyways.

  • 3 weeks later...

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