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Posted (edited)

getting ready to watch this film mostly thanks to you guys generally giving it the thumbs up. I grew up watching the 90s X-men cartoon so I'm a fan, but the movies have been a mixed bag for me.

X-men- good at the time, but hasn't aged well

X2- meh just meh

X3- what is this f**** repugnant sh**?

First Class- good film but cheesy at times

Origins Wolverine- whhhhhhhooooooahhhh YOU SUCK!

The Wolverine- film makers you have embaressed your ancestors and should fall on your sword.

Edited by renegadeleader1

X-men- good at the time, but hasn't aged well

X2- meh just meh

X3- what is this f**** repugnant sh**?

First Class- good film but cheesy at times

Origins Wolverine- whhhhhhhooooooahhhh YOU SUCK!

The Wolverine- film makers you have embaressed your ancestors and should fall on your sword.

LOL! That's my take on all of those films, except 80% more positive.


Thank you Golden Arms. I have to admit that I didn't really didn't delve into the film with regards to some of the very important social issues you brought up. I think because I don't really expect it from these types of movies, for better or worse.

I also fall into an ethnic minority demographic and I expect a certain "treatment" in all forms of news and media and at this point in my life it just doesn't vex me anymore, again for better or worse.

With regards to the movie I tip my hat to Mr. March as he added insight in a much more eloquent manner than I could. You both bring up really valid points, I just think I'm of the mind that "it is what it is" and with that I'm happy that even at a shallow level they addressed the idea of living harmoniously with those that are different.

Also credit to Bryan Singer who I didn't have much faith in before seeing this (regardless of any other issues going on).


Posted (edited)

I'm a minority as well, but I don't want a story being conceived in such a way that it's "designed" to have a static quo of women, gays, colored people, handicapped persons, Mermaids, ponies, guinea pigs, etc. "I" am probably in the minority, but I don't need my "minority-ness" thrown in the public's face in a quest for equality and some delusional, misguided, vain demand to be seen and heard. If a story is conceived and designed in a certain way then it should be presented that way; true to the vision of the creator, not catering to the hyper-sensitive, attention-needy masses. If a story is unpalatable then the individual and then the public can ignore it on their own free will and choice; IMO it's equally disturbing to force the "minority/equality" agenda onto others. In this day and age people need to stop projecting their own feelings of inadequacy onto society and crying discrimination and inequality when they see something that doesn't line up with their own views or expectations. Sometimes, "it is what it is, things are what they are..."

Edited by myk

So...uh, I hope that they introduce one of the spawns of Summers in the next film. Always liked Nathan and Rachel.



Mr M, My critique of some of the elements in the film weren't meant to bash it. I didn't intend to come across as overly critical. This has been the best summer film to date by a long shot. I tend to get overly invested in things I enjoy and this film was one of them. I think Singer should be applauded for attempting to add voice to some real world problems in such a medium. He hasn't beaten the audience over the head with obvious social commentary and nor should he. So I don't think we are in too much disagreement. But I do think there have been some missed opportunities with the franchise in general and I think this latest iteration has gone leaps and bounds to fix some of those problems.

However, going forward I would like to see more minority/female characters more prominently featured in the films. I think with what they've done with Mystique, Jennifer Lawrence could handle a solo film depicting the character. Ditto for Black Widow in the Marvel films. Singer really took the character and added depth that Vaughn wasn't able to bring out in First Class.


I'm 50/50 on Wolverine: Days of Future Past.

Although I'm now 100% sure, I'm ready for the Fassbender/McAvoy stories, I'm seriously over Stewart and Mckellen.

No offense to them, but it seems less corny with the newer actors. I wasn't thrilled, but I wasn't let down. I guess I give

this Movie a firm "Meh".

Typical Singer movie.


Saw it, thought Godzilla was better.

Yes, any scene with Quicksilver is *awesome*. But there's only 2 of them. Doesn't make the movie awesome overall.

Really, just give me a Quicksilver-Scarlet Witch-Fassbenderneto movie next. It'd be awesome. Family-comedy-drama-politi-thriller.


See, I would say Xavier wants co-existence thru peace vs. Magneto as co-existence thru dominance.

The above (taken as a whole in myk's post) is kind of like those folks that want to cram their religious/political/socio-whatever views down your throat by debating you to death or always flaunting their cause or ideology to get your attention.



I don't know if anyone noticed this, but... where are the toys for this film?

Honestly, hadn't noticed (not an action figure guy). Besides the Hot Toys/Sideshow items were there any toys for Captain America: The Winter Soldier?


Posted (edited)

Mr M, My critique of some of the elements in the film weren't meant to bash it. I didn't intend to come across as overly critical. This has been the best summer film to date by a long shot. I tend to get overly invested in things I enjoy and this film was one of them. I think Singer should be applauded for attempting to add voice to some real world problems in such a medium. He hasn't beaten the audience over the head with obvious social commentary and nor should he. So I don't think we are in too much disagreement. But I do think there have been some missed opportunities with the franchise in general and I think this latest iteration has gone leaps and bounds to fix some of those problems.

However, going forward I would like to see more minority/female characters more prominently featured in the films. I think with what they've done with Mystique, Jennifer Lawrence could handle a solo film depicting the character. Ditto for Black Widow in the Marvel films. Singer really took the character and added depth that Vaughn wasn't able to bring out in First Class.

I understand and I'm really glad to hear your thoughts. We are mostly on the same page, I just wanted to promote being critically cautious for the reasons I've stated. And yes, there were missed opportunities in this film. Modern popular culture is mostly missed opportunities, lol. But I agree what social relevance Singer adds to his films is a welcome change to what is a very oppressive media culture. Which is no small feat for a major summer movie considering that merely trying to talk about such social injustice is often met with people trying to shout you down or dismiss you outright.

What I think is so great about the X-Men films is the opportunity to explore such a diverse array of characters. The Professor X = Martin Luther King and Magneto = Malcolm X are very interesting analogies, but it's having female mutants and minority mutants that makes for some interesting stories that one might not get elsewhere. I was hopign Star Wars would do the same with their new trilogy and so far it looks like there are some really encouraging strides in the right direction being done there. Mystique is a great character and there's so many more of them that we could see in future films. What I also like about the Singer X-Men movies is how most of the characters are given something, even if it's just small moments. Cyclops has been terribly mismanaged for sure and Marsden in particular has seen his comedy talents wasted on the role, but plenty of the smaller mutants have been treated really well. Pyro, Iceman, Nightcrawler and Quicksilver were all amazing additions to the X-Men films and it would be awesome if that tradition were continued in the next movies.

Oh, I just wanted to add that I think Channing Tatum is going to be great as Gambit. I know he has caught a lot of flack for a lot of bad movies he's done, but his work in films like "21 Jump Street" and "Side Effects" have really won me over. I have a feeling he might be another showcase mutant in the next film that gets a big moment :)

Edited by Mr March

Honestly, hadn't noticed (not an action figure guy). Besides the Hot Toys/Sideshow items were there any toys for Captain America: The Winter Soldier?


Yes, there are toys for the current Captain America and The Amazing Spider-Man films, but just like First Class, there are none for this film.


However, going forward I would like to see more minority/female characters more prominently featured in the films. I think with what they've done with Mystique, Jennifer Lawrence could handle a solo film depicting the character. Ditto for Black Widow in the Marvel films. Singer really took the character and added depth that Vaughn wasn't able to bring out in First Class.

I noticed a lack of minority & female characters in predominate roles. They had minor roles in the future but the main story that took place in the past centered around white guys and one white girl. Beast & Quick Silver wasn't a essential support character and could have been replaced with actors/mutants of a different ethnic background.

Another strong female character joining them in the past would have been nice but could have lessens the importance of Mystique as a rift between Xavier & Magneto's friendship. It would really stupid for them to still be fighting over a girl all these years when there's a second strong female character. Actually maybe there was such a character that appeared before the movie took place. Beast introduced her to Xavier but Professor X was in such a moody state she said "I hope you rot in hell" and left prior to Wolverine arriving.


Oh, I just wanted to add that I think Channing Tatum is going to be great as Gambit. I know he has caught a lot of flack for a lot of bad movies he's done, but his work in films like "21 Jump Street" and "Side Effects" have really won me over. I have a feeling he might be another showcase mutant in the next film that gets a big moment :)

Sorry to edit your comments Mr. March, I just wanted to quote your thoughts on Channing Tatum - you know for posterity's sake. :p

Yes, there are toys for the current Captain America and The Amazing Spider-Man films, but just like First Class, there are none for this film.

Odd, I would have said that maybe the thought is that DoFP is too adult, but Captain America had some pretty gritty moments and tones as well.



I don't think the X-men stuff sells very well for Hot Toys. I know the last wolverine figure they made is on sale at HLJ.


I don't think the X-men stuff sells very well for Hot Toys. I know the last wolverine figure they made is on sale at HLJ.

Perhaps, I think A7 was referring more to mass produced toys like 3 3/4 action figures and the like.



I just got back from seeing it.

Couldn't they have used a mutant with time powers instead of Shadowcat? It doesn't even make sense in the movie canon. The movie was much like First Class: Solid but too little action. I also like how you guys claim X3 was retconned when the same thing also happened to the first two movies and very likely The Wolverine. Bryan Singer undid his own stories! Stop this nonsense already for frick sake! Had no issues with anything else. I admit the abdomen turbine on the mark 1 sentinels was a tad eyebrow raising, but it made sense.

So here is where I rank the movies:

X3 > The Wolverine > First Class > Days of Future Past > X-Men Origins > X2 > X1

The only reason I rank this movie over Origins was because of turning Deadpool into Weapon XI while here everyone is in character from the comics.


I just got back from seeing it.

Couldn't they have used a mutant with time powers instead of Shadowcat? It doesn't even make sense in the movie canon.

Won't find out for sure until the commentary, but I have a theory about her tethered time travel ability. Her mutant power is intangibility. My guess is she achieves this by spreading her physical form over several moments while maintaining her focus on the "present". Through physical contact, she allows others to piggyback along on her time shift. So now, through experience and age, she's able to do all the kooky stuff in DoFP.


Won't find out for sure until the commentary, but I have a theory about her tethered time travel ability. Her mutant power is intangibility. My guess is she achieves this by spreading her physical form over several moments while maintaining her focus on the "present". Through physical contact, she allows others to piggyback along on her time shift. So now, through experience and age, she's able to do all the kooky stuff in DoFP.

That's a pretty interesting theory, I hope that they do expand upon that in some companion material as I agree that particular "ability" irked me when I first learned about it before the movie came out and a little during (but not enough to take me out of my movie-going bliss).



The film blog headlines should read; "Ratner shafted by Singer, no lube" :):D

If you believe that one kid, Singer is into that sort of thing at parties. :ph34r: Which is probably more seriously why there's no toys, either, I'd imagine. Of course, maybe Playmates or whoever let the license slip?

Saw it today. It was pretty good. I liked First Class (minus the cheese moments, of course), better. I don't know the comics well enough to appreciate the end credits scene, though think I know enough from the 90's cartoon to figure out what they're doing. I did read a funny article about the continuity problems somewhere where I guess Trask was in a previous movie (X2?) as the bald black dude from Predator and Commando. Good luck explaining THAT one. :lol:

Posted (edited)

This is pretty amazing :D


That's awesome. :lol:

Edited by Uxi

So can I add that I really liked the song playing at the end of the film by called "Hope (Xavier's Theme)" by John Ottman? It might be because it reminds me of "Time" by Hans Zimmer off of the Inception score.

Been listening to it today, kind of nice soothing melody to help on what's been a fairly "blah" day outside of MW Forums.


Posted (edited)

Saw it, thought Godzilla was better.

Yes, any scene with Quicksilver is *awesome*. But there's only 2 of them. Doesn't make the movie awesome overall.

Really, just give me a Quicksilver-Scarlet Witch-Fassbenderneto movie next. It'd be awesome. Family-comedy-drama-politi-thriller.

agree 100% on all points.


oh, also, blink was super cute.

Edited by anime52k8

Are there really no figures for this film???!!! I collect mostly robot stuff and I want a past and a future sentinels so bad.


The implementation of Blink's mutant powers in this film was fantastic. The special effects looked really good and they were quite imaginative as far as implementation. I liked the way in which she used the portals such that the sentinels attacks hitother sentinels. Very cool.

Her death was also really tragic as well, involving her power :(

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