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YF-29: 30 Anniversary Version "VF-1S Scheme"


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A classic inspired yet very unique scheme. Not the prettiest Valk, but definately cool. A great way to celebrate the 30th.

And i hope all you that are hating will NOT by buying this so the pre-orders will last at least 30 seconds longer then the last few releases = more for us.

You know that's not how it will work. Some of the people that are saying it sucks will be the same people who'll claim they just ordered one from three different sites to make sure they get their preorder, and then say they just ordered three from HLJ. Haha

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So, is this an exclusive (meaning made to order) or a regular release? I'm actually hoping for exclusive, because I might actually get one that way. :p I'll gladly jump on this one since i couldn't get the "normal" scheme.

Still though.. what dingbat do they have coming up with these schemes? It's just another palette-swap of the original, and it still has the dumb tiger stripes I wanted gone from the first one. I mean, it still looks awesome don't get me wrong, but when I think "VF-1S Scheme" I think of the tribute schemes in the Master Files book.. not this. <_<

If I could get ahold of the original, I'd swap out the forward fuselage too.. painting the entire upper half black just looks... dumb.

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Well, it was nice dreaming I might get one. You know, I'd love to see a comparison of numbers between orders for things like the super and armor packs, and numbers of VF-25s actually produced.

Actually, who knows. It seems Nippon Yasan has a pretty good relationship with Bandai as far as getting stock of things, so I'll see about ordering with them once the preorders show. Heck, they still show the Alto YF-29 as being in stock.

Then again.. eh, I don't know if I like it enough to justify the price. Guess we'll see when the preorders roll around. I've spent too much in the past month already. :p

Edited by Chronocidal
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wow i'm not a huge yf-29 fan (the battroid of the alto din't do it fo rme, i actually sold mine to a friend), but this thing looks GODLY in battroid (whereas teh alto looked better in fighter mode). Roy Focker colors! "Hheros never die I Roy Focker can never be conquered!" Ok i made that up and partially quoted a different franchise. lol. Wish it had the skull and crossbones on teh the tailfins though!

Edited by Mechapilot77
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Bored at work and looking at the photos again, I'm realizing that scratching the black paint around the cockpit areas on the 25 and 29's during transformation is one of my biggest issues with these toys, so the all black front end on this scheme will no doubt be a nightmare. Get your black touchup kit ready for this valk.

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I'm sure the rule of MW will strike again. The more we complain about something, the more of a holy grail it will become after it comes out.

Hell, it'll probably become a holy grail regardless. Especially when you consider how Bandai releases DX Frontier items, exclusive or not.


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It's not the best paint appeal out there, but it's appealling enough. It'd be strange if I get this one but not the Alto version. I wish they would've spent time on making the damn YF-25 Prophecy instead.

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The black nose on this one makes me wonder actually.. are those pieces molded in black, or would I have the option of sanding it off? I mean seriously... if it weren't for the half and half paint on the nose, I'd be all over this. If I had both, I'd be tempted to swap the cockpit/nose areas to give this one the white nose.

Actually, I admit.. I'd be tempted to strip the paint entirely off this thing. The nose is the worst part I think, but the yellow intakes make me think some guy just got bored and started randomly clicking spots with the "dump" tool on photoshop to see what looked interesting. It's not quite as facepalm-worthy as the Doublenuts and BoP YF-19s were, but it still doesn't make sense.

Well.. not that Bandai has ever shown any understanding of why certain parts of aircraft are painted certain colors, but still. The intakes just look gaudy.

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Yup, just like how rare and highly sought after the entire V1 DX line is. :)

nope. The v1 DX was celebrated when it came out. There was wild joy that finally bandai was going to ride in on their white horse and save us from the evils of yamato. The few of us that didn't like it were branded as yamato-tards and partisans. People were praising how the should joint was busted and how you had to raise the entire arm assembly. People said it was more faithful to the line art than anything yamato had done and at the same time, better than the line art. People said it fixed glaring flaws in kawamori's design. People were saying how easy and intuitive it was to transform and how it brought the fun back into macross toys.

So the MW rule stands firm.

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Not at all crazy about the black and green nosecone. Maybe it is just the green that looks so out of place. I'd prefer a nice yellow or gold for the clear parts.

Maybe if the canopy was clear... The nose looks like it belongs on another scheme. Two different schemes stuck together. The white to red of the original didn't have that even though this is basically a color swap. Colors are weird.

It's growing on me. But if this isn't an web order exclusive who gives a $hit, preordering a Bandai MF is a part time job.

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So it's ok to hate the forums and whine about it, but not the toy. Again... another person that can't separate a few posts for the whole collective.

what? the 1/48 low vis, the 1/60 stealth, the yf-29... they're all toys that we complained about endlessly before it came out and after it came out we all freaked out and sold body parts to get one. Jesus fvcking christ dude.

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what? the 1/48 low vis, the 1/60 stealth, the yf-29... they're all toys that we complained about endlessly before it came out and after it came out we all freaked out and sold body parts to get one. Jesus fvcking christ dude.

Yes. because we just want to see the positive posts or else it the whole site that's responsible. Just because the majority doesn't believe things as you doesn't mean you have to peg the whole board as whiny... grow up. Speaking of whiny...

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The colors aren't bad, it's the rather haphazard arrangement and insistence on following Alto's YF-29 pattern (with tiger stripes) that is making look just weird to me. It really does look like someone at Bandai just went nuts with the pallette swapping.

A real "VF-1S" color scheme should be more along the lines of the VF-0S or that pimp custom YF-19 someone did awhile back.

Sometimes less is more.

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I agree, this needs more white. In battroid the little chest cover flap should be black with the jolly roger not the section above it. Its a neat scheme... I'll try to get it, but I think it could be better.

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Maybe I'm blind but where's the purple (other than that tiny part below the cockpit)?

Edit: I see em now but they're pretty insignificant.

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