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That's nothing, there's already two reviews up.

I'm excited as hell now, to me, this DEFINITELY looks like it was worth the price of admission. I see a lot of people saying they are going with Mafex instead, easy pass for me, both the Mafex figures I ever owned fell apart on contact, and as far as detail and sculpt goes, I'm not seeing what they've shown as any better then what Figuarts have put out, I think the only thing I like about the Mafex is the mini Hot Toys like Iron Man sitting inside the Mafex Hulkbuster, other then that, meh, not as shiny, no diecast, paint isn't as impressive.

Posted (edited)

Well I didn't run across those during my searches.

Not that I'm interested in or will use the light up gimmick I find it odd that everything but the hands light up. It just seems kinda off looking with everything else able to light up.

Edited by Mommar

thanks. i'm not in a hurry, so this is just perfect.

not familiar with the shop though.

anyone here done business with them?

I got the Figuarts Cap and Hulk from them last summer. They took forever to ship the items and charged quite high for shipping but they came through with the products.

Posted (edited)

Okay guys, just got my Hulkbuster open. Quick preliminary review.... HOLY EFF THIS THING IS AWESOME. The Hasbro Build-A-Figure does not make a good substitute at all. Will play with it more and get a full review asap.

Now I know why it's a X Chogokin release because it's fricking metal. HEAVY. Ine thing I noticed neither of the Posted teviews showed was that the legs have the same extension gimmick as the smaller Iron Man figures to gove the thighs more clearance.

I know some people complained you couldn't put Iron Man inside the cockpit and the articulation in the torso would have suffered for that additon.

Edited by Mommar

Okay guys, just got my Hulkbuster open. Quick preliminary review.... HOLY EFF THIS THING IS AWESOME. The Hasbro Build-A-Figure does not make a good substitute at all. Will play with it more and get a full review asap.

Now I know why it's a X Chogokin release because it's fricking metal. HEAVY. Ine thing I noticed neither of the Posted teviews showed was that the legs have the same extension gimmick as the smaller Iron Man figures to gove the thighs more clearance.

I know some people complained you couldn't put Iron Man inside the cockpit and the articulation in the torso would have suffered for that additon.

Does the extension gimmick on the hips click into place or is it just friction based?


Sadly the hip gimmick is friction-based. That was a bad call on the little Iron Man figures and a source of concern for this given it weighs between 1 and 1 1/2 lbs.



Sadly the hip gimmick is friction-based. That was a bad call on the little Iron Man figures and a source of concern for this given it weighs between 1 and 1 1/2 lbs.


Interesting, I wonder how well that gimmick will hold up over time. I wish they implemented the pull down gimmick from SOC Gaogaigar that locked in place when pulled down and included and extra latch to keep it there.


Got mine yesterday, I haven't even taken the bubble-wrap off of the brown package yet.

Glad to know that so far everyone feels Hulkbuster is worth the $$$.



Got mine yesterday, I haven't even taken the bubble-wrap off of the brown package yet.

Glad to know that so far everyone feels Hulkbuster is worth the $$$.


Dude, there's like four boxes within boxes on that thing. It's ridiculous.


Dude, there's like four boxes within boxes on that thing. It's ridiculous.


Well I'm sure that accounts for some of the weight - the box is indeed pretty heavy.



Sadly the hip gimmick is friction-based. That was a bad call on the little Iron Man figures and a source of concern for this given it weighs between 1 and 1 1/2 lbs.


That sucker looks amazing!!! Slightly jelly over here! :wub:


so those that opened up teh hulkbuster...is it worth it? or should i sell/scalp (its going for over retail by quite a bit) it and wait for mafex?

No idea, none of us own the Mafex one.


Posted this in the new general purchase thread in the toy section, thought I'd post it here too.


Said it before, I'll say it again. Worth. Every. Penny. I don't get the interest in the Mafex version, the paint isn't as flashy, mold detail appears about the same, articulation can't be any better or worse then the Figuarts, plus from everything I've read, no die cast metal. The 43 suit inside gimmick is the only thing that interests me, and it looks as boring as the Hot Toys version, it's just a little bust sitting inside with a head that turns, from what I've seen online, the Figuarts version can nearly pull this off just by popping Veronica's head off and popping on a Mk 43s head. I don't know, I can admit I'm biased against Mafex in general, the only two figures I bought from them were hot garbage that literally fell apart, having this Figuarts version in hand I can't imagine anything topping it other then the insanely expensive Hot Toys version.


Posted this in the new general purchase thread in the toy section, thought I'd post it here too.


Said it before, I'll say it again. Worth. Every. Penny. I don't get the interest in the Mafex version, the paint isn't as flashy, mold detail appears about the same, articulation can't be any better or worse then the Figuarts, plus from everything I've read, no die cast metal. The 43 suit inside gimmick is the only thing that interests me, and it looks as boring as the Hot Toys version, it's just a little bust sitting inside with a head that turns, from what I've seen online, the Figuarts version can nearly pull this off just by popping Veronica's head off and popping on a Mk 43s head. I don't know, I can admit I'm biased against Mafex in general, the only two figures I bought from them were hot garbage that literally fell apart, having this Figuarts version in hand I can't imagine anything topping it other then the insanely expensive Hot Toys version.

Good to know about MAFEX, I was tempted to order Boba Fett and/or Iron Man but something told me to hold off. Mostly because no one here really talks about them.

I can save my money now.



Good to know about MAFEX, I was tempted to order Boba Fett and/or Iron Man but something told me to hold off. Mostly because no one here really talks about them.

I can save my money now.


I mean, I wouldn't say their products are necessarily terrible, the sculpts are pretty solid usually, paint is hit and miss, it's essentially a Figuarts-like take on characters Figuarts can't make, but I've found their QC to be lacking to say the least. Their Hulkbuster looks pretty good, so does their newly announced Mk 45 Iron Man, it's just, with Figuarts already mastering both those figures I'm just seeing them as too late to the party to even consider. I remember when my Batman and Joker were on the way I decided to look up reviews of both, and sadly, I should have done that in the first place. It seems for everything Mafex has made, at least half of the Youtube reviews for said figure have to mention a glaring QC issue, something is super loose, an entire limb keeps falling off, big red flag right there in my opinion. I learned my lesson, it sucks too because their Dawn of Justice figures don't look half bad, I just don't want to buy the Holy Trinity and have them fall apart. Some people swear up and down about Mafex, but my personal opinion, just save your money.



Yeah, it's a case of where Bandai SH Figuarts have impressed me enough that I now have a pretty good collection of them and a competing line would have to be amazing to get me to double-dip. In the case of MAFEX it's an unfortunate case of them being not-Bandai combined with having mixed, none (at least here on the boards) or bad reviews.


Posted (edited)

Bandai display with Figuarts Black Panther and Ant-Man. ITS HAPPENING PEOPLE!


Plus apparently this guy is the next release in the Star Wars line, I'm obviously in.


Edited by Tking22

i need that luke, hte BS farmboy luke coming out doesn't look good at all.

i also need that panther and ant man and black widow.

as far as mafex...its funny. i've had the opposite experience. every figure i've gotten from some here. their vader is hands down the best 6" vader... i have the BS, SHF too as comparison. i also have their dark knight trilogy batman...and its really good. their joker is great too. its almost at the point where if i like the character i just preorder it. for me...SHF is a little up and down. some releases are awesome, some are just so so to bad. naruto for isntance....just so so. origial trilogy storm trooper...great sculpt but crap articulation for an SHF. bruce lee....awesome headsculpts and articulation but the body musculature looks odd because of the jointing (btw its way better overall than the figma even if the figma's body looks better...i was soooooo wrong about that comparison...in hahnd the SHF murders the figma) anyway SHF and mafex are the two figure lines that do the most for me recently. I've preorderd their boba fett (both) and their droid set of r2 and 3po.

as a side note figma was up there but has fallen for me some partially do to their characters selection/properties and partially due to how slow they are, and the super disappointing bruce lee..


Where is that Avengers pic from? I wonder if there are better pics of the new figures floating around online somewhere.

I found the new Avengers and Civil War Figuarts pics at Tag Hobby, not sure about the true original origin though.


Looks good. Is it the original or reissued King Ghidorah?

The reissue. Alot of my Gfan friends warned that the wings will break if you look at them, but I think they were ham fisted. From what I've read they re engineered all the joints EXCEPT the wings, but from messing with it (and the diagram on the instructions) you easily get a feel for the limits. So I have no issue with the wings. I don't like the graviton beams being colored like Mecha Ghidrah's though. I will say this is currently my favorite Monsterarts/Ultract/figuarts figure.

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