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I found them to be quite poor, honestly. Poor adhesion, transparent ink. I'd use them as literal stickers, like on a 3rd-grader's paper instead of a gold star, but little more.

Have you already ordered the Ocean stickers? They are all dry transfer decals right?


is Mania King MP-sized? ie. how does it look next to MP-10 Prime?

Nope, Voyager-sized. If you look at the third pic in my post about him, from left to right, that's voyager Classics Prime, Mania King, Deluxe Universe Galvatron, and Voyager Age of Extinction Evasion-Mode Prime. MP-10 is in truck mode behind them.

So, two vastly different opinions on TF Kingdom's stickers...


Well, I got a rather nice bonus check from my boss yesterday, I don't wanna use it all up before the weeks over so I decided to knock a third party down I've wanted all year and that was Warden. No idea where I'll put him!


Have you already ordered the Ocean stickers? They are all dry transfer decals right?

I have, but haven't tried them yet. Printing is CRISP though! Better even than actual G1.

Yeesh! I admit that they do look really nice, but I was already thinking that the Reprolabels are too much when I really only want two stickers.


Despite being a total parts-former he is one of my favourite 3rd party TFs. Looks so good.

He'll just be kept IDW'ish on my shelf, not planning on playing with any of his transformations.


I like Soar's TV color scheme. Having so many companies manufacturing the Dinos is nice because of the choices. If Takara makes more official MP Dinos, then that will bring even more choice (and make my buying decision incredibly difficult). I do like the changes that GigaPower has made to their prototype molds. I might wait for them just to get more info and read up on any comparisons made by early adopters.

That, and my wallet would appreciate it. :p


Not Abominus:


And BBTS already has the first one up for pre-order (NotBlot) with color pics:


And it says October!

Based on a LOT of design cues, it seems very much like UT hired the guy that designed Feral Rex for MMC. (MMC then tweaked it a lot, but the basic design remained)

The "non-traditiona" configuration (Blot and Cutthroat swapping places) certainly gives me pause, but I am considering that it "may be for the best"---mainly because in G1, Blot made for a very fat, stumpy arm---wider and thicker than it was long! If it turns out anywhere near as good as Feral Rex, it may be the best Abominus we get. Strange, I remember UT teasing Piranacon not too long ago---but here we have Abominus ready to go?


The FT Swoop looks pretty with colors but I can't get over how simple it is. That the cartoon used the same design as the toy does not mean you can charge so much for what is basically a deluxe level transformation. At least the Bullsfire Swoop has more going on in terms of engineering.

Now that UT Abominus looks HOT. Looks like it was made to go with FR, probably a Cassy design too. Only thing is that the preorders so far look a bit pricy considering that UT is not yet on the same level as MMC. Hope they do nail this one.


I will wait for MMCs offering if there is one. My Feral Rex isn't even finished so I need some time to breathe before I start with another combiner. Oh and Fansproject M³ is on its way to me. ;)


for right now I'll just sit back and wait...UT's version isn't grabbing me right now. I wanna see what MMC or if Maketoys does anything. I finally paid off enough on my CC to make my purchase on Quatron.


Do I want a poorly articulated version of the Jar-Jar of Transformers? Pass.


I like the colors but too much cooler stuff coming.


Talk about supersized! I thought Prime came up to Grimlock's shoulder blades? This KO MP-08 seems a little too tall next to KO MP-10. I hope one of the third parties will be able to find a happy medium between short and tall Grimlock. I can wait for that.


Do I want a poorly articulated version of the Jar-Jar of Transformers? Pass.

exactly. although if he was like a $12 deluxe in retail stores, i'd buy it just so i could pose him as a corpse being stepped on..

Posted (edited)

My black Toy World Orion has arrived today. He is a cool little toy. I'm not sure if I'll ever have the courage to transform him but he is mighty nice. It has a few QC issues I could make out like paint overspray and a small stress mark on the armature that holds the bumper. It has a lot of ratcheted joints of various quality from buttery soft to plastic-grinding tight. The thing I don't like is the inability to snap the head into a fixed position. With all the taps all over the place it looks like a oversight to me. Also the head on mine can only turn left and right. I don't know if he can't look up or down by design or if the joint is stuck.

Overall I like having him in my Black Convoy collection. It is something different from the default Convoy transformation with the fake grill we come to accept. The transformation is daring from what I've seen. So maybe I should transform him to see if the transformation was worth it.

[edit:] I really need better faction stickers. The one from Reprolabels are not doing it for me.

Edited by Scyla

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