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Hm, sounds like more delays from MMC.....I guess that's to be expected. Just kind of tired on waiting for Hexatron if they're already shipping out the gray mold type so quickly.

As for the Rex-cons, I'm not in any hurry over, I can't even afford them right now!


Still waiting for my Hexatron I preordered at the local hobby store.

TBH, I never knew a gray version even existed...not that I'd be interested.


Hikuro---that was "historical" info. All that stuff already happened months ago. But it's an interesting look into what happens "behind the scenes". Some of the things he talks about we never even saw, as they were altered before MMC unveiled them or never got beyond the "shadow" stage.

We've seen the first test shot for Bovis and now the second one. Next step is color then production----the mold is done. They just have to finalize colors and paint-apps.


Next "not-Stunticon" released is Down Force, not Last Chance. They DID seem to listen to fans and make a few tweaks---his face is now "properly" blue with red eyes. (original proto was silver face with blue eyes--very Autobot-esque and unlike any previous incarnation of the character)

Lots of pics: http://www.tfw2005.com/boards/transformers-3rd-party-reviews/932432-fansproject-ca-11-down-force-hand-images.html

A preview:



MMC has completely re-done Tigris' beast-mode-head, and it's *way* better now. It's the best "cat-head" of all figures from all 3 companies making a Predaking---I hope they can re-tool Leo's to match it:


(click for BIG version)

  • 2 weeks later...

Leo is going to be freaking awesome:

Also, Fansproject's new line got hit with the crazy retro stick:


I don't care for boxes (they should go to the recycling bin) but I must admit that the loopy "old" package design is super cool.


Ironically, we still don't have a "proper" comparison pic of how tall Feral Rex is, even with these:



"What? Those look like they show his height just fine to me". Well, due to the transformation, Leo's legs (Rex's thighs) are actually adjustable. The top pic has the shortest possible thighs, the bottom pic has the longest possible thighs. But neither position is the intended "extension" for Rex's thighs as designed. So a properly-transformed Rex will be in-between these two pics. Not as stocky as the top pic, but not as long-legged as the bottom pic. He should look like the renders, with the "best possible proportions".

And yes, his sword really is that huge.

::edit:: Here's the "proper" thigh transformation, though using the previous molds for the arms:



in case anybody hasn't seen this, I think this is the most telling size comparison yet.


yes, that's Unique Toys War Hawk sitting on his arm.


Even thought I'm very pro-MMC, anti-UT, I think that pic is very misleading. That's not arm-mode for UT's, and it's like sitting on top of Rex's back-cannon. Put them shoulder-to-shoulder or wrist-to-wrist. That's like having someone stand on a box when standing next to someone else.

Anways---it does seem FP is listening, at least a little. Just like how Not-Dragstrip did get altered paint apps to be more G1, Not-DeadEnd has also been changed----he now has a gold face and purple eyes, like G1 Dead End did. Also, while it could just be camera/lighting issues, the overall color is more G1 as well. While the ruby-red looks cool on the earlier one, the more brownish red on the newer revision is spot-on how the G1 toy is. Dead End was never straight-up maroon, he's a brown-maroon. I think FP may have tweaked the plastic color to get it "G1 perfect". (I own a minty-mint original G1 set of Stunticons, and have referenced them often in preparation/anticipation of FP's version--they were one of my first ever ebay purchases)


  On 7/1/2013 at 7:34 PM, David Hingtgen said:

Ironically, we still don't have a "proper" comparison pic of how tall Feral Rex is, even with these:


I'm more interested in Not-Arcee on the right side in the background.


She's got a name already? Haven't been keeping up with the news on this fig. Can't seem to find any release date for her, though.

60 USD seems kind of pricy for a fig of that size, but that's to be expected when it comes to 3rd party toys. For what it's worth, Takara's MP car bots are around that same price.


Hmm... buy Azalea, or hope that Hasbro releases and IDW Arcee themselves...

In other news, I guess Fans Toys a releasing a gray "Shackwave" version of Quake Wave. I know Shockwave is supposed to be purple, but the first release was TOO purple for me. Plus, I had the Radio Shack Galactic Man back in the day. I remember being pretty excited to find a toy that was recognizably Shockwave to me at a Radio Shack, enough so that I didn't mind that he was gray instead of purple. Not sure if I'm $200 tempted, but I'm pretty tempted.

  On 7/9/2013 at 8:23 PM, mikeszekely said:

Hmm... buy Azalea, or hope that Hasbro releases and IDW Arcee themselves...

In other news, I guess Fans Toys a releasing a gray "Shackwave" version of Quake Wave. I know Shockwave is supposed to be purple, but the first release was TOO purple for me. Plus, I had the Radio Shack Galactic Man back in the day. I remember being pretty excited to find a toy that was recognizably Shockwave to me at a Radio Shack, enough so that I didn't mind that he was gray instead of purple. Not sure if I'm $200 tempted, but I'm pretty tempted.

I've been tempted on paying for a Quake wave on and off for a month, best to just set that urge a side for a good long while.

I seem to of found release dates for MMC's predaking....sadly we're looking at some long dates. August 15th for Bovis, September 30th for Leo, I can't remember the other release dates but they were going Q4, so that's some time from now.

I'm wondering myself what's going on with Function X project by Fansproject? It was december when they officially released CODE, Quadruple U and Smart Robin have been pushed back every month since April's projected date. I ended up contacting TFSource and telling them I wanted to cancel my prepaid and get something else that's coming in stock which might be MP-12 Lambor or my final Not stunticon piece with a little room to spare.

Good news is 1 week to go before Hexatron is released!


Function X---knowing FP, I wouldn't be surprised if they showed up with cases of Quad-U and Smart Robin for sale at TF Con. Not too likely IMHO, but I wouldn't be shocked.

Also, my vote is that they will have an Initimidator there to show, but using the same "uncolored M3" we've seen before--but all 4 limbs will be finished of course. If we're real lucky, they'll have some sort of "more involved" alternate transformation for the car-shins.


Hope they make some improvements on it, it's pretty top heavy and looks pretty cheap even if it's a prototype. I'm pushing for the best though!


So, summary of biggest recent news:

TFC's Not-Rampage has a torso mode to act as the leader of PCC figures. Note: Rampage, the tiger/arm, not Razorclaw:


TFC's also working on Defensor:




That looks promising, my only hope is that they tackle Defensor correctly as it seems every combiner they've done is met with QC and design issues they later charge ppl more on later.


Not sure about this TFC not-Defensor, I'll have to wait to see the rest of the team members. I used to have the original Defendor, but didn't really like it.

On the other note: there are two different MP scale not-Huffer, right?


I'm starting to see what I consider a bad trend with TFC-----using established movie alt-modes of other characters, as the updated alt-modes of others. As in:

Silverbolt is now an SR-71. Movie Jetfire is an SR-71, and that's pretty well-established at this point.

Streetwise is now a Mustang. A law-enforcement themed Mustang at that. Barricade, anyone?

At this point, if TFC does the Stunticons, I expect to see a Camaro, Solstice, and Concept Vette as the updated alt-modes.

Seriously---don't use another character's alt-mode as an update, that form's already "taken" and makes the character now resemble the other guy, rather than themselves.


You notice that too huh! When I saw TFC Silverbolt using SR-71, I was thinking why are they copying TF live action movie. That's why I didn't jump in on TFC Aerialbots. I will wait for the discount, if not, them I will not get it.


No more combiners! Too much of even a good thing is bad. And this is bad.

I still want a new, updated Punch/Counterpunch. Two separate robot modes and (ideally) two separate vehicle modes tyvm.


I suspect much of the reason for combiners, is that Hasbro/Takara simply can't/won't do them. Not to the size fans desire. And they are quite iconic to the franchise---check the 86/87/88 catalogs for just how high a percentage of the raw number of figures they make up, of the whole. But HasTak *is* making plenty of generations voyager homages---I wouldn't be surprised at all to see a new Punch/Counterpunch, or some Powermaster/Targetmasters from Hasbro fairly soon---they've done the majority of season 1/2 by now, and are going full speed ahead for season 1 Masterpieces.


Combiners are pretty neccessary seeing how they made up a fairly large military force in the series and franchise, not so much for the autobots as they really only had 3 groups, but the Decepticons who had at least 5 groups, Constructicons, Stunticons, Combaticons, Predacons and then Terracons, in that order, they made up the mass majority of the Decepticon army.

Seeing how hasbro really hasn't released squat of any good combiners in forever, it's understandable why 3rd party groups are eating that up. Not only are they making a killing by doing this, they're giving the majority of fans a design concept and styling of the combiners that meets fan approval overall. Not this skinny, lanky, almost non possable slop Hasbro gave us with FOC Bruticus.

However I do believe that these groups, by making so many variations of the same characters, really hurt the fans as they are either torn on what works for their collection, or the amount of money it costs per figure while it can take a couple of months between figures to complete an entire gestalt.

I did like what Maketoys did though, by releasing their constructicons in a 2 pack almost monthly whereas TFC released monthly if not slightly longer.

Not too mention Maketoys only had to make corrections on 2 figures that were rather minor by their final 2 pack release, where it was almost every figure TFC released needed to be fixed I believe.

In either case, MMC has finally shipped out to retail on Hexatron. TFSource stated that if there's no delays they'll have their stock in warehouse by next week which is awesome! Not only will I be FINALLY getting my Hexatron I paid for several months ago, but also my MP-12 Sideswipe!

It would also seem that the first of their Predacon line up will be Bovis who will be released August 15th.

  On 7/16/2013 at 2:12 AM, Hikuro said:

but the Decepticons who had at least 5 groups, Constructicons, Stunticons, Combaticons, Predacons and then Terracons, in that order, they made up the mass majority of the Decepticon army.

Seacons man, what about the seacons? <_<

  On 7/16/2013 at 2:22 AM, anime52k8 said:

Seacons man, what about the seacons? <_<

Weeeeeeeelllllll........if you wanna get technical, seacons, roadceaser, Raiden, Liokaiser, etc etc etc.

But those aren't real G1 to me...that's just Japan G1 that slipped thru the cracks :p

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