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Transforming VF-1 in Arma II!

Aurel Tristen

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Sorry for all the exclamation points, but I was so excited to get my hands on this finally. This guy modeled textured and rigged a VF-1S for ARMA one and so many people bugged him that he finally ported it over to Arma II / Operation Arrowhead.

It has a full 3D cockpit with working gages. You can take off like any other jet, use the gunpod, fire missiles, shoot the head laser, lock on to targets, but the real interesting bit is when you switch into 'auto hover' mode. It actually transforms into G mode (complete with sound). Responsiveness is a bit sluggish, as its probably got a flight model similar to a helicopter at that point, but it is just way to much fun. You can download it here.


And for people like me who simply need a video of it in action, here ya go.

Rant warning -

I'm kinda angry its been, what, 27 years now, and this is the first time I've been able to fly (and fight) in a VF-1 with interior views? We had some attempts, like Robotech (GASP!) Crystal dreams (Canceled), buggy, horrible looking untranslated ports of Japanese PC games, a PS2 game that was again Robotech, not Macross, and also quite terrible, a PSP game that is... well, a PSP game (What is the point?) and a few odd ball Flight Simulator mods. I can't die happy until I've had access to a Macross flight game that is at least simulator-ish (With a cockpit view). - End of Rant

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Very nice, but it just hits home harder how little of this type of sim we've seen with Macross. If MS Flight Sim would ditch their stupid method of defining collision points, and use something that allows for moving parts, I'm pretty confident I could do a complete 3-mode transformation... but alas, you can't have anything bigger than the landing gear actually move and register properly really, so landing on the engines or walking is pretty much out of the question.

Anywho, as nice as it is to have gerwalk mode, the landing made me laugh pretty hard to see it bouncing like that. :lol:

Now, someone go replace his sounds with actual ones, and it'll be golden. That gunpod sound was.. weird.

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He was keeping with the Arms tradition of having horrible sounds.

Im looking into the Crytech 3 engine for a Macross game. The worlds are big enough, and Mechwarrior: Living Legends has already shown us that mechs with IK can be done (well).

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I'm going to say again what I posted over in the Games forum - unless you plan to pay through the nose for a license from Harmony Gold, you'd better make original designs to be the "stock units" for any game you might make, and leave adding Macross designs (including enemies) to "unofficial" add-ons/mods.

- dNN

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Or, you know, never actually tell anyone what you're making until it's done, and released, and it's too late for them to tell you to sop. ^_^ It could maybe work, it's just not the way things usually go, because very rarely do you ever see anything that fancy developed by a small enough group to keep things truly under wraps.

If you must actually release something, making junky placeholder mechs/planes wouldn't be a bad idea though.

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I've always wondered why mod builders and composite artists insist on putting the fast packs on the fighters in an atmosphere. Outside of the "Coolness" factor, they would make the fighters nearly impossible to fly in an atmosphere...

Is it just me who sees this?

Be that as it may, the video and mod work to put the Valkyrie in any game engine is always an effort that deserves the highest praise! Such things are never easy.

Amazing work dude!! B))

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I've always wondered why mod builders and composite artists insist on putting the fast packs on the fighters in an atmosphere. Outside of the "Coolness" factor, they would make the fighters nearly impossible to fly in an atmosphere...

Is it just me who sees this?

Be that as it may, the video and mod work to put the Valkyrie in any game engine is always an effort that deserves the highest praise! Such things are never easy.

Amazing work dude!! B))

Concur, first thing I thought was min airspeed would be pretty high and tactically it would be a pig to fly, too much drag, but props to the modder for the effort! Probably a limitation of the host programming (Arma), no Space maps...

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I also thought about this as soon as I saw the mod (Note: I'm just a fan, had nothing to do with its creation), and I requested a non fast-pack version, but the guy likes the way it looks, so not much I could do. I don't like the drastic reduction of my FOV either, but I'll tell you that this thing is sluggish as all hell in G mode, so it kinda fits.

I could be totally wrong, but I don't think there are enough American SDF-Macross fans out there to make a Macross mod popular enough to catch the attention of the eye of Mordor- er, I mean Harmony Gold. Such a project would be so small scale that I doubt a final version would ever see full servers. I'm resisting the urge to go on an all out rant about IP and draconian copyright laws limiting innovation and freedom >_<.

Anyway, this Arma mod is a good bit of fun, and if you and a friend both have it, you can set up your own missions and go tank killing in teams.

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  • 3 weeks later...


I'd always imagined the Valk would move/behave a bit like a helicopter in GERWALK mode--at least, in atmosphere--so it doesn't really disappoint or anything. Well--maybe not that sluggish, though. The landing strip waggle was kinda funny.

ed: how does a Harrier compare to a helicopter in terms of speed and maneuverability, I guess when it's in "transitional" flight stages?

Edited by reddsun1
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