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Yamato 1/60 VF-17 Nightmare Diamond Force (Thread no.2)


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Wait, what?

Since when any other valks supposed to be the same height as the VF-1 in battroid mode?

To clarify, I never said they have to be the same height as the VF-1. I said they were out of scale with each other (there's a difference).

I'm just using the VF-1 as a baseline. Now if you compare the VF-19, 21/22, you'll see that they're much much taller than they should be compared to the VF-1. And the VF-19 looks too small compared to the VF-17 and 22 as well.

Also, just looking at the 19 and 17 and 21/22, it's obvious they're way out of scale in battroid mode. Jenius did a clear explanation of this on his anymoon website where the scale of Yamato's/Arcadia's valks change between fighter and battroid mode.

Edited by ArchieNov
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To clarify, I never said they have to be the same height as the VF-1. I said they were out of scale with each other (there's a difference).

I'm just using the VF-1 as a baseline. Now if you compare the VF-19, 21/22, you'll see that they're much much taller than they should be compared to the VF-1. And the VF-19 looks too small compared to the VF-17 and 22 as well.

Also, just looking at the 19 and 17 and 21/22, it's obvious they're way out of scale in battroid mode. Jenius did a clear explanation of this on his anymoon website where the scale of Yamato's/Arcadia's valks change between fighter and battroid mode.

I reckon you'll just have to check the actual official specs (sizes and all) for these respective valks.

Then you can prolly correlate why a YF-19 or YF-21/VF-22 is bigger or smaller than a VF-1 or VF-17.

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Yeah but this just isn't right:


(courtesy of jenius from http://www.anymoon.com)

According to the M³ the VF-19 should be 15.48m tall in Battroid-Mode and the VF-17 15.82m (the VF-22 15.5m).

I know that the VF-19 needs to be that height to get the proportions right and don't have an out of scale Fighter-Mode but it just doesn't look right. The DX Chogokin Valkyries look better together in a group shot.

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The pitfalls of adapting lineart vs CG

You know, a year ago I also believed that.

But after seeing what Bandai achieved with the VF-171 and the VF-19 Advance, they kinda proved that it's possible to get all these battroids at a convincing height with one another. Even if you say it's CG, I don't see any problem in converting Bandai's VF-171 into the VF-17, nor the VF-19 Advance into the VF-19s from M7, and still keep their scale relatively close.

They also scale very well together with the VF-25/27 Renewals, YF-29/30 in both fighter and battroid modes.

So my point is Bandai is more consistent with the scaling of their Renewal valks and onwards.

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You know, a year ago I also believed that.

But after seeing what Bandai achieved with the VF-171 and the VF-19 Advance, they kinda proved that it's possible to get all these battroids at a convincing height with one another. Even if you say it's CG, I don't see any problem in converting Bandai's VF-171 into the VF-17, nor the VF-19 Advance into the VF-19s from M7, and still keep their scale relatively close.

They also scale very well together with the VF-25/27 Renewals, YF-29/30 in both fighter and battroid modes.

So my point is Bandai is more consistent with the scaling of their Renewal valks and onwards.

I don't have any DX Chogokins, but are you saying the VF-171, VF-25/27, YF-29/30, VF-19Advanced all have of the same height specs in battroid mode?

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More or less... The VF-25/27/29 are built on the same initial design so it makes sense they're all the same height. The VF-171 is a hair taller. Does anyone know the VF-19Advance specs? Is the height unchanged from the YF-19? If so the VF-19Advance is 1/65 scale in battroid (The Arcadia is 1/67). The difference between Arcadia and the Bandai is entirely in the ankles though so it's conceivable you can bring the Arcadia ankles down further to get them to be the same size or possibly even have the Arcadia taller... if not bizarre looking.

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I don't have any DX Chogokins, but are you saying the VF-171, VF-25/27, YF-29/30, VF-19Advanced all have of the same height specs in battroid mode?

No, he's saying that Bandai's scaling between different VFs is very consistent since the introduction of the YF-19 and VF-25 Renewals; their relative Battroid heights relate well to each other -- a VF that is supposed to be shorter than some other type in "real" life is shorter in toy form than the toy version of the taller unit, in a way that translates relative to the specs supplied for the two VF being compared. Yamato/Arcadia were/are far less consistent in this regard. In other words, the DX's height differences are very close, scale wise, to what they should be for their "real-life" counterparts (VF-171, VF-25, VF-27, YF-29, YF-30, and even the VF-19Adv are not all the same height, but their respective differences in height are properly represented and within a hair's breath of true 1/60, except for the 19 as the original design predates CG); unlike Yamato/Arcadia, where their height differences almost never agree with specs and are not consistently scaled from VF to VF: some are 1/55-56 while others go down to 1/66.

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No, he's saying that Bandai's scaling between different VFs is very consistent since the introduction of the YF-19 and VF-25 Renewals; their relative Battroid heights relate well to each other -- a VF that is supposed to be shorter than some other type in "real" life is shorter in toy form than the toy version of the taller unit, in a way that translates relative to the specs supplied for the two VF being compared. Yamato/Arcadia were/are far less consistent in this regard. In other words, the DX's height differences are very close, scale wise, to what they should be for their "real-life" counterparts (VF-171, VF-25, VF-27, YF-29, YF-30, and even the VF-19Adv are not all the same height, but their respective differences in height are properly represented and within a hair's breath of true 1/60, except for the 19 as the original design predates CG); unlike Yamato/Arcadia, where their height differences almost never agree with specs and are not consistently scaled from VF to VF: some are 1/55-56 while others go down to 1/66.

I don't get what you're saying.

Jenius explained that since the Frontier valks are pretty much from the same chassis, it should all be the same height in battroid-mode, whether in specs or eye-level toys. Therefore, Bandai's using the chassis for their toys.

Nobody seems to know the specs for the VF-19Advanced.

The Yamato valks are expected to have differences in height since they all don't share the same chassis, with the exception of the YF-21 and VF-22. Ergo, Yamato cannot use the same chassis for their toys unless they're from the same variant.

Like Jenius said, it might be just the ankles or something.

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What Mechamaniac is also correct though. The Frontier toys largely are meant to be the same size in universe and Bandai largely accomplished this. Yamato was building toys that have varying sizes in universe but Yamato's application of "1/60" is inconsistent in battroid (not sure in fighter, I haven't looked in a while... maybe I should do an info graphic at some point). I would say that both companies are 'close enough' and that people really shouldn't sweat the variations, especially since nearly all of these toys have things like the ankle joints which can let you tweak to your desired scale if not, perhaps, at the expense of the ideal look.

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What I'm saying is that the Yamato VF-19 should be larger in Battroid-Mode. Not just in height but in overall mass. It just looks too stunted compared with the other Valkyries from the M7 line. The main reason is that Yamato went for a cohesive scale in Fighter-Mode so Battroid-Mode is a lacking due to the way it transforms. The VF-19 is the odd man out especially with the glossy finish it just fit well with the other Valkyries. Ok that might be a bit harsh but Bandai managed it better to blend the different Frontier Valks together. They look like they belong together when I look at them on my shelf.

Back to topic: Spanner should most definitely buy three VF-17 (one S two D) for his collection. ^_^

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What I'm saying is that the Yamato VF-19 should be larger in Battroid-Mode. Not just in height but in overall mass. It just looks too stunted compared with the other Valkyries from the M7 line. The main reason is that Yamato went for a cohesive scale in Fighter-Mode so Battroid-Mode is a lacking due to the way it transforms. The VF-19 is the odd man out especially with the glossy finish it just fit well with the other Valkyries. Ok that might be a bit harsh but Bandai managed it better to blend the different Frontier Valks together. They look like they belong together when I look at them on my shelf.

Back to topic: Spanner should most definitely buy three VF-17 (one S two D) for his collection. ^_^

That would probably be the only way I'd actually take the plunge and buy them is if I got the three to have the full Diamond Force setup. I am considering it.. kinda.

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I'm am beyond jealous right now. I would buy them all. All the 17's, all the 19's... everything.

That would probably be the only way I'd actually take the plunge and buy them is if I got the three to have the full Diamond Force setup. I am considering it.. kinda.

220 for the 17d, 100 for the 19s and 16 for the 17 super pack. Just saw another shop sold 17s at 100.... Should I grab the 17s too?


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a shop in hk...

yet, I prefer the S more (the head is unique), if you don't mind, I just sell you this at 220 and you take care the courier cost from HK :)

220 for a 17D is a good price!

And yes while you're on a roll you may as well pick up the 17S!

May I ask where you found your 17D?

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Yes, just got it yesterday :)

Don't you like it or you want an "S" instead?

My 17S is already on its way so I should have it by early next week and if I decide if im going to finish Diamond Force or not and if you still have your 17D in a week or two I may be interested in taking it off your hands..

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Don't you like it or you want an "S" instead?

My 17S is already on its way so I should have it by early next week and if I decide if im going to finish Diamond Force or not and if you still have your 17D in a week or two I may be interested in taking it off your hands..

Yes, I like 17s more n dont want this repeated 17d, just tell me if u want my 17d :)

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