mikeszekely Posted September 7, 2018 Posted September 7, 2018 On 9/7/2018 at 6:11 PM, no3Ljm said: Anyone here stayed up the whole night playing PS4 Spider-Man game? Mine will arrive next week even though they shipped it last Tuesday. FedEx is taking their sweet time for a Free Shipping method. Expand Stay up playing it? I just picked it up this afternoon. And now that I'm home I'm installing and updating it. Maybe I'll finally be able to play it after dinner... Quote
kajnrig Posted September 7, 2018 Posted September 7, 2018 So I finally finished all the episodes of Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep, and the last "game" remaining on the 1.5+2.5 HD Remix is Kingdom Hearts Re:coded. I wasn't looking forward to it in the slightest - it was an iOS game (I think) that was basically just a retread of the first game - but the twists and turns in this story are frakking bananas, it's amazing. The premise is that King Mickey et al find a mysterious entry in Jiminy's journal (the one he uses to keep track of all your stats in KH1+2), decide to digitize it for analysis, discover glitches in the data, and create a digital Sora to troubleshoot those glitches by beating them with a digital Keyblade. Simple enough, until BOOM Mickey and them get sucked into the digital landscape too, including a digital recreation of the very computer room they were in. And then BOOM they have to jump from their digital world to the journal's digital world, and then BOOM digital Sora has to jump into digital Riku's digital world because there's a second journal's worth of glitches to fix, and while I'm sure it would be a chore to basically backtrack through the same content, this version of the "game" is just cinematic so you don't get any of the fatigue. It's a trip. Quote
David Hingtgen Posted September 8, 2018 Posted September 8, 2018 Yeah---after I finished the HD remix version of re:coded I got the impression from reading about the original, that it was very tedious. I have only ever played them all on the PS2/3/4----but I have by now played just about every KH game there is. And I think it's true for most all the mobile/handheld ones etc---the HD remake versions, cut out a lot of the "fluff" of monotonous repeat battles/worlds, and just give you the "core" stuff with the main battles and cutscenes. (though I think 358/2 loses a bit---that one I think would have worked better as an actual game, and not just the movie they give) My overall feelings of the series so far: They're focusing on the wrong protagonist. This isn't Sora's story---it's Ventus and Roxas's. They are far more interesting/compelling characters. I decided I will always utterly side with Axel from now on. I demand some sort of super Xion/Ventus/Roxas/Sora fight in the end, with multiple endings. Quote
no3Ljm Posted September 8, 2018 Posted September 8, 2018 On 9/7/2018 at 8:35 PM, mikeszekely said: Stay up playing it? I just picked it up this afternoon. And now that I'm home I'm installing and updating it. Maybe I'll finally be able to play it after dinner... Expand I'm just assuming there might be some members here who purchased it digitally since it was available to download 12 midnight EST last night. Quote
kajnrig Posted September 8, 2018 Posted September 8, 2018 On 9/8/2018 at 1:16 AM, no3Ljm said: I'm just assuming there might be some members here who purchased it digitally since it was available to download 12 midnight EST last night. Expand I'll probably pick it up come the next paycheck. I didn't really care too much for it, but it does look like a genuinely good game, and the kids have been clamoring for it. 1 hour ago, David Hingtgen said: And I think it's true for most all the mobile/handheld ones etc---the HD remake versions, cut out a lot of the "fluff" of monotonous repeat battles/worlds, and just give you the "core" stuff with the main battles and cutscenes. (though I think 358/2 loses a bit---that one I think would have worked better as an actual game, and not just the movie they give) Expand Agreed, and agreed. Aside from having the absolute dumbest title, 358/2 Days turns out is... well, it's still as ridiculously convoluted as anything else in KH, but it also has one of the more engaging stories isolated from the larger narrative. You can feel the universe straining at the seams to accommodate all of this melodrama, but said melodrama is wrapped around a sweet story all the same. The only way it could be better is if they NEVER EVER EVER mention her again. But they will (and indeed I think they already have), because this is Kingdom Hearts, and EVERYONE has to have their saccharine sweet ending. Even literally nothing. 1 hour ago, David Hingtgen said: My overall feelings of the series so far: They're focusing on the wrong protagonist. This isn't Sora's story---it's Ventus and Roxas's. They are far more interesting/compelling characters. Expand Sora gets the shaft because he was tasked with being the audience surrogate, the blank slate upon whom you project yourself. Over the years they've added as much as they can to him to make him stand out, but he's still something of a Gary Stu because he "has" to be. He embodies what the "ideal hero" of this world should be: really overbearingly sincere. And I mean all the characters embody this to a point, but he really takes the Gary Stu cake. Which is fine, I guess, but building a story that revolves around such a character is tricky as heck... not that they haven't given it their best stupidly-convoluted shot. I feel bad for Aqua. Of the three playable characters in BBS, she's easily the least literally dumb one. She's not nearly as gullible as the other two, she is about as mobile as Ventus is barring the ability to glide, and her moveset makes me want to pull my eyes out of their socket the least. Story-wise, she's also the least "tainted" by the KH universe. She suffers from "anime melodrama syndrome" - ie people, just TALK TO EACH OTHER - to an extent, but otherwise she's mostly a level head trying to do her job chasing after the two crap kids and cleaning up their messes. She's the most down-to-earth of all the KH characters, and unlike the other two who merely react to the events around them, she actively gets stuff done. She saves Ventus, she saves Terra, she sets the worlds up to have any chance of surviving at all... she truly is the hero this world needs but doesn't deserve. I don't know if I'd vote for her to be the focus of the story - I agree that Roxas and Ventus are more key (heheh) to KH than she is - but I definitely want to see more of her and less of everyone else. 1 hour ago, David Hingtgen said: I decided I will always utterly side with Axel from now on. I demand some sort of super Xion/Ventus/Roxas/Sora fight in the end, with multiple endings. Expand I still can't bring myself to like Axel. Dunno why. Maybe it's the whole Organization XIII thing. I thought they were the least interesting antagonists ever, on par with the Aerial Knights, and I still do. They'd have been more interesting the less we knew about them. Plus the "Real Name + X" thing is just... just the worst. Anyway, can't wait to start up 2.8! Yeah, so hype! Quote
kajnrig Posted September 8, 2018 Posted September 8, 2018 okay so coded kind of shits the bed halfway through when it becomes about not-sora and this universe's weird dumb metaphysical bs but it's only a small turd so that's okay i guess??? and we're moving past it as i write this so it's fine Quote
JB0 Posted September 8, 2018 Posted September 8, 2018 (edited) When people start talking about Kingdom Hearts, I can never tell if I missed something amazing or dodged a bullet by not getting into that series. Edited September 8, 2018 by JB0 Quote
kajnrig Posted September 8, 2018 Posted September 8, 2018 ...eh bit of column a, bit of column b? Quote
Mommar Posted September 8, 2018 Posted September 8, 2018 Has anyone tried the demo for Mega Man 11? I feel like the detection on some of the platforms feels like it’s slightly off. When trying to quickly slide through certain narrow gaps it feels like you can get caught up on edges a little too easily. Quote
mikeszekely Posted September 8, 2018 Posted September 8, 2018 On 9/8/2018 at 8:17 PM, Mommar said: Has anyone tried the demo for Mega Man 11? I feel like the detection on some of the platforms feels like it’s slightly off. When trying to quickly slide through certain narrow gaps it feels like you can get caught up on edges a little too easily. Expand I haven't yet, but I saw that when you try to jump through a Wily gate the gate opens but Mega Man drops and runs through. That's just wrong. Quote
Mommar Posted September 8, 2018 Posted September 8, 2018 On 9/8/2018 at 8:51 PM, mikeszekely said: I haven't yet, but I saw that when you try to jump through a Wily gate the gate opens but Mega Man drops and runs through. That's just wrong. Expand That’s a minor nitpick compared to the gameplay issue I have. I’m wondering if it feels that way on other consoles since I an only play in the Switch. Quote
kajnrig Posted September 8, 2018 Posted September 8, 2018 Played through "Kingdom Hearts 0.2 Birth By Sleep -A fragmentary passage-" (spelled exactly that way oy vey) in a little under 3 hours on Proud Mode. Still hold that Aqua is the best character to come out of this whole mess of a franchise. And it's frankly ridiculous that they're managing to actually bring everything together finally. Or maybe I'm just finally acclimated to all the BS now. The graphics are phenomenal, and I can't wait to see them fully polished for KH3. The combat feels waaaay more like KH2, finally. None of the long, drawnout animations with their long, drawn out cooldown timers that plagued BBS, and an actual attack that tracks downward in the air. I can't tell you how many times my launcher attack sent me sailing ten heads higher than my enemy and then either 1) my followup stabs into the air above them or 2) I wait to drop down to their level but by then I've gotten trapped in the falling animation's recovery frames and can't cancel out of it. Here you almost never sail above an enemy in the first place, and when you do you have a beautiful downward slash that brings you to them in quick time. Now it's on to Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance HD. Let's do this! oh also megaman 11 is it good? aside from those bugs i mean Quote
JB0 Posted September 9, 2018 Posted September 9, 2018 On 9/8/2018 at 8:51 PM, mikeszekely said: I haven't yet, but I saw that when you try to jump through a Wily gate the gate opens but Mega Man drops and runs through. That's just wrong. Expand What the crap! Definitely done by someone that doesn't understand the blue bomber. Quote
kajnrig Posted September 9, 2018 Posted September 9, 2018 So within the first half-hour of Dream Drop Distance I get introduced to something like ten separate gameplay systems. This will not be fun, methinks. The World Ends With You characters showing up was pretty cool, though. And the writing/dialogue has certainly gotten better in recent games. Quote
mikeszekely Posted September 9, 2018 Posted September 9, 2018 On 9/8/2018 at 9:00 PM, Mommar said: That’s a minor nitpick compared to the gameplay issue I have. I’m wondering if it feels that way on other consoles since I an only play in the Switch. Expand It's not a gamebreaking issue, no (not the way the Mega Man X Legacy Collection forced me to buy an 8bitdo SN30 controller), but it's the kind of little detail that makes me feel like the developers don't really understand what it was they were supposed to develop. Anyway... yeah, Spider-Man is pretty good, you guys. Combat took me awhile to get used to, as a ton of Assassin's Creed, Arkham, and Mordor games had me wanting to press triangle to counter, and that's just not how Spidey works. Once I did get used to it, though, I think of all the Spidey games I've ever played (and I really think I might have played all of them) it's definitely got the most fun combat and the one that feels the most like how Spidey actually fights in other media. The open world Manhattan setting isn't exactly new, but I think that the developers did a good job of sprinkling stuff to do into their sandbox (which I think is my jam; I'm the guy that runs around playing Assassin's Creed, Skyrim, Fallout, etc running around and looking for everything to do that isn't the main quest stuff before doing the main quest). But rather than simply collecting a bunch of doo-dads for collecting's sake Insomniac ties all the non-quest activities to various currencies, and you spend those currencies unlocking suits, suit mods, and gadget upgrades. Oh, and the story, when you stop ignoring it, is pretty decent. So far it seems to be loosely based on the "Brand New Day" story from the Amazing Spider-Man comics, but a lot of the stuff that was setting up future story arcs has been replaced with other stuff that may or may not be setting up later events in the game, DLC, or potential sequels. If you have a PS4, if you like open world games, and if you have even a passing like for Spidey the new Spider-Man game is definitely worth picking up. Quote
kajnrig Posted September 10, 2018 Posted September 10, 2018 KH3D's in media res story is unnecessarily confusing, and its pet-raising system is headache-inducing, but what won me over was the first boss fight with Sora. It takes place in a wide open town square with plenty of walls and rooftops for you to run on, and the very first thing the boss did was hit me all the way across the square, with the camera zooming way out to show the entire level. Then in like three seconds I've closed the distance, and we turn it into a fight, and then the boss suddenly does a slam move that breaks the ceiling and we continue the fight inside the house. My face could not have been any bigger. Coming from the older games with their confined stages and low fields of view, this was a revelation. Not even KH2 had expanded the fights to this level. At first I thought 3D had introduced destructible environments to some degree, which would have been a first, but even when I realized it was a scripted event, still none of the earlier games had dabbled in those, either, not even KH2. The 0.2 "A fragmentary passage" prologue game shared this wide open gameplay style, but I chalked that up to it being a dedicated current-gen game indicative of where they wanted to take the series in KH3. I had no idea they had already given it a trial run in this game. That was... that was a rush. Quote
dizman Posted September 10, 2018 Posted September 10, 2018 (edited) 20 years....has it really been that long....... Edited September 10, 2018 by dizman Quote
kajnrig Posted September 10, 2018 Posted September 10, 2018 ^ I was wondering why all the MGS stuff suddenly, then realized it was the 20th anniversary a week ago. (Japanese release 9-3-98.) Man, how time flies. I remember not being able to get past the loading dock and dismissing the game because I didn't know how to pay attention. Quote
JB0 Posted September 10, 2018 Posted September 10, 2018 On 9/10/2018 at 5:10 AM, kajnrig said: ^ I was wondering why all the MGS stuff suddenly, then realized it was the 20th anniversary a week ago. (Japanese release 9-3-98.) Man, how time flies. I remember not being able to get past the loading dock and dismissing the game because I didn't know how to pay attention. Expand I remember realizing how dumb the AI was, and then I abused it to keep a soldier walking around a single crate for a half-hour following footprints in the snow as I walked right behind him. Then I got bored and tapped him on the shoulder. Tapped him on the shoulder TO DEATH. Quote
Tking22 Posted September 10, 2018 Posted September 10, 2018 On 9/7/2018 at 6:11 PM, no3Ljm said: Anyone here stayed up the whole night playing PS4 Spider-Man game? Mine will arrive next week even though they shipped it last Tuesday. FedEx is taking their sweet time for a Free Shipping method. Expand I launched mine at 9pm Thursday, that's concurrent with the midnight release on East coast, that's how all games release now, played until about 2am. I took Friday off work to play, over this weekend I put in about 29 hours, really no-lifing it, and I love it to death. This game has in my mind, dethroned the Arkham series as best superhero game ever, this game is pretty damn fantastic. Not without it's flaws of course, but really killer overall. Fun combat, traversal, solid if predictable story, lots of things to do, beautiful graphics, it's honestly a solid GOTY contender. I was worried combat would be a copy and paste of Arkham, which a lot of games feel fine with, but Insomniac very intelligently only used that for a base, Spidey doesn't fight like the Dark Knight, he is far more hit and run, less standing and countering anything and everything with zero issue. I love it, there's enough twists in the story to keep my interest, and since I didn't spoil anything for myself, a few nice surprises as far as side missions go, including one of the better boss fights. Quote
no3Ljm Posted September 10, 2018 Posted September 10, 2018 On 9/10/2018 at 4:50 PM, Tking22 said: I launched mine at 9pm Thursday, that's concurrent with the midnight release on East coast, that's how all games release now, played until about 2am. I took Friday off work to play, over this weekend I put in about 29 hours, really no-lifing it, and I love it to death. This game has in my mind, dethroned the Arkham series as best superhero game ever, this game is pretty damn fantastic. Not without it's flaws of course, but really killer overall. Fun combat, traversal, solid if predictable story, lots of things to do, beautiful graphics, it's honestly a solid GOTY contender. I was worried combat would be a copy and paste of Arkham, which a lot of games feel fine with, but Insomniac very intelligently only used that for a base, Spidey doesn't fight like the Dark Knight, he is far more hit and run, less standing and countering anything and everything with zero issue. I love it, there's enough twists in the story to keep my interest, and since I didn't spoil anything for myself, a few nice surprises as far as side missions go, including one of the better boss fights. Expand Thanks Tking22 for your initial though on this game. My excitement kinda waned down a little bit since my copy hasn't arrived yet. I ordered the Collector's Edition and since it's Free Shipping from Target, I will get it this Friday. Though they started shipping it last Tuesday, I thought I will get it last Friday only to double-check that it's this week's Friday. Quote
Tking22 Posted September 11, 2018 Posted September 11, 2018 On 9/10/2018 at 6:04 PM, no3Ljm said: Thanks Tking22 for your initial though on this game. My excitement kinda waned down a little bit since my copy hasn't arrived yet. I ordered the Collector's Edition and since it's Free Shipping from Target, I will get it this Friday. Though they started shipping it last Tuesday, I thought I will get it last Friday only to double-check that it's this week's Friday. Expand Just stay offline until you receive your copy, a-holes have seem to have made a game out of spoiling things in the story in articles not even remotely related to this game. I was browsing IGN, my fault I know, reading an article about Ozark season 2 and some random dipshit plopped a pretty large spoiler right in the comment section :(. Quote
no3Ljm Posted September 11, 2018 Posted September 11, 2018 (edited) On 9/11/2018 at 2:31 PM, Tking22 said: Just stay offline until you receive your copy, a-holes have seem to have made a game out of spoiling things in the story in articles not even remotely related to this game. I was browsing IGN, my fault I know, reading an article about Ozark season 2 and some random dipshit plopped a pretty large spoiler right in the comment section :(. Expand Thanks for the headsup. I've been doing some great job ignoring anything posted online. So no spoilers so far. Though I've seen some glimpse of the other costumes available but that's it. Also, a friend of mine offered yesterday a digital copy for employee price so I took it. Can't wait for my copy. Hahaha! But I didn't able to play it last night since it took hours to download it so I just left it overnight. My PS4 is very much farther from the router and I don't have long LAN cable so I just DL it via wifi. So hopefully tonight I can swing around New York and level up the character first. Edited September 11, 2018 by no3Ljm Quote
no3Ljm Posted September 11, 2018 Posted September 11, 2018 (edited) Quick question though. And not sure if this was already been asked or discussed. So I'm waiting for my preordered 'deluxe' game that includes some preorder bonus content. This order was placed before release. Since I can't wait for it, I bought a regular digital copy after release. (I know it's kind of wasting some money but let's say I got the digital copy discounted. ) The question is would I be able to use any codes that came with the Collector's set? And if so, let's say in the future, I erased the digital copy installed game and re-install it again via the physical copy this time. Can I still use the digital content I downloaded it to have it installed in the physical game installation? For this game release, I wasn't quite sure if the preorder bonus content is a separate code or bundled in the first installation. Anyways, sorry for my ignorant question. I always get the physical copy and this is the first time I purchased a digital copy so I don't know the workaround for the codes. Thanks in advance. Edited September 11, 2018 by no3Ljm Quote
Tking22 Posted September 11, 2018 Posted September 11, 2018 On 9/11/2018 at 3:59 PM, no3Ljm said: Quick question though. And not sure if this was already been asked or discussed. So I'm waiting for my preordered 'deluxe' game that includes some preorder bonus content. This order was placed before release. Since I can't wait for it, I bought a regular digital copy after release. (I know it's kind of wasting some money but let's say I got the digital copy discounted. ) The question is would I be able to use any codes that came with the Collector's set? And if so, let's say in the future, I erased the digital copy installed game and re-install it again via the physical copy this time. Can I still use the digital content I downloaded it to have it installed in the physical game installation? For this game release, I wasn't quite sure if the preorder bonus content is a separate code or bundled in the first installation. Anyways, sorry for my ignorant question. I always get the physical copy and this is the first time I purchased a digital copy so I don't know the workaround for the codes. Thanks in advance. Expand You would only get the pre-order content for a game purchased before release, if you got your digital after release you won't get content for that. But if you bought physical before release, from what I've read, you should have received a code via email, or if bought in a store instead of being shipped to you, a code printed onto the receipt itself. I pre-ordered the digital deluxe so all of my stuff was bundled together and downloaded at once. If you happen to have a physical code for the content you should be able to redeem it for whatever version you have, physical or digital there is no difference. The content itself is just tricky to find for some people, most that ordered a physical copy online were supposed to get codes emailed to them, but a lot of folks are reporting they haven't gotten codes yet, and if you bought physically in person, it should be on your receipt. Honestly though, the pre-ordered content is all basically early access. The costumes you get early can just be purchased in game with earned in game currency later, and the extra skill points are just that, some early skill points without leveling up, the max level is 50, I'm beyond 50+, the extra skill points were kind of a nice start, but you'll be rolling in skill points from leveling up naturally quickly and early enough. Quote
dragonstar1982 Posted September 11, 2018 Posted September 11, 2018 The dlc code downloads to your account, so you can use it on the disk or digital copy Quote
no3Ljm Posted September 11, 2018 Posted September 11, 2018 On 9/11/2018 at 8:14 PM, Tking22 said: You would only get the pre-order content for a game purchased before release, if you got your digital after release you won't get content for that. But if you bought physical before release, from what I've read, you should have received a code via email, or if bought in a store instead of being shipped to you, a code printed onto the receipt itself. I pre-ordered the digital deluxe so all of my stuff was bundled together and downloaded at once. If you happen to have a physical code for the content you should be able to redeem it for whatever version you have, physical or digital there is no difference. The content itself is just tricky to find for some people, most that ordered a physical copy online were supposed to get codes emailed to them, but a lot of folks are reporting they haven't gotten codes yet, and if you bought physically in person, it should be on your receipt. Honestly though, the pre-ordered content is all basically early access. The costumes you get early can just be purchased in game with earned in game currency later, and the extra skill points are just that, some early skill points without leveling up, the max level is 50, I'm beyond 50+, the extra skill points were kind of a nice start, but you'll be rolling in skill points from leveling up naturally quickly and early enough. Expand On 9/11/2018 at 8:17 PM, dragonstar1982 said: The dlc code downloads to your account, so you can use it on the disk or digital copy Expand Thanks for this guys! So let's say I deleted the game and reinstall it, all of those existing codes (the preorder code) added to your account is still accessible, yes? Meaning that extra skill points will show up again, correct? Quote
dragonstar1982 Posted September 11, 2018 Posted September 11, 2018 If I'm right You can delete your install, just dont delete your save data Quote
no3Ljm Posted September 11, 2018 Posted September 11, 2018 On 9/11/2018 at 8:58 PM, dragonstar1982 said: If I'm right You can delete your install, just dont delete your save data Expand Cool. Thanks. And no, I don't delete save data. I just want to know regarding this before I change my external hard drive. Just want to make sure everything works out again esp those codes. Again, thanks! Now I'm not so ignorant anymore. Hahaha! Quote
mikeszekely Posted September 12, 2018 Posted September 12, 2018 Does anyone know how many DLC costumes are planned for Spider-Man? There's a ton of costumes missing that they could have used. Off the top of my head... Reveal hidden contents House of M Spider-Man Symbiote Spider-Man Spider Armor Mk. I Superior Spider-Man Scarlet Spider (not the one in the game, the hooded one he had for all of three issues) Scarlet Spider (Kane) Iron Spider (not the one from Infinity War, the one from the comics) Spider-Man (Ben Reilly) Spider-Man (Miles Morales) Spider-Man (Future Foundation) Bag-Man Captain Universe Spider-Man Unlimited I'm complaining because some of those suits are really cool, but at least they put my favorite suit in the game. Reveal hidden contents That'd be the black and white Spider-Man 2099 suit. Quote
azrael Posted September 12, 2018 Posted September 12, 2018 On 9/12/2018 at 5:56 AM, mikeszekely said: Does anyone know how many DLC costumes are planned for Spider-Man? There's a ton of costumes missing that they could have used. Off the top of my head... I'm complaining because some of those suits are really cool, but at least they put my favorite suit in the game. Expand Looks like there's space for 3 more suits from the screens I've seen (1 for each DLC). From the walkthroughs I've seen, the other suits might be saved for the sequel given the stories they've setup for another game. Quote
mikeszekely Posted September 12, 2018 Posted September 12, 2018 On 9/12/2018 at 6:24 AM, azrael said: Looks like there's space for 3 more suits from the screens I've seen (1 for each DLC). From the walkthroughs I've seen, the other suits might be saved for the sequel given the stories they've setup for another game. Expand That's a bit disappointing, considering what popular suits didn't make the cut and what obscure ones did... not to mention how many of the suits are originals for the game. The first DLC suit is apparently another Insomniac original (although it does kind of remind me of Spider-Man UK). Quote
Shadow Posted September 12, 2018 Posted September 12, 2018 On 9/10/2018 at 5:10 AM, kajnrig said: ^ I was wondering why all the MGS stuff suddenly, then realized it was the 20th anniversary a week ago. (Japanese release 9-3-98.) Man, how time flies. I remember not being able to get past the loading dock and dismissing the game because I didn't know how to pay attention. Expand I still have the demo disc that came with my Playstation that had the MGS demo on it that I got for Christmas. Played the hell out of it as well as the full game. Good times. I still would love to see a modern day remake of MGS or any of the previous titles. Quote
TangledThorns Posted September 12, 2018 Posted September 12, 2018 I'm still waiting for that FF7 remake we keep getting teased with every four or more years. Quote
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