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I'm still torn on the SoC remake for the same reason, it sure looks pretty and it's nice to see a great game get that much love but with so much detail you lose some of the details and feel the original had. I was watching this video recently and some of the side by sides just feel wrong to me.



The SoTC remake looks gorgeous, especially in the cinematic mode. My one wish though is that they would have thrown in one or two of the removed colossi in as easter eggs.



So I'm finally playing Bloodborne (love it, though that goes without saying), and I keep coming back to this. frakking love me some Plague of Gripes. What's that smell???






"Ishigaki-sensei also contributed by showing what appears to be a drawing overlayed to a prototype of a figure of Fei’s Weltall, alongside the artwork used to create it (third and fourth pictures). He also mentioned that it’s “coming soon,” encouraging fans to wait just a little more."



In other news, I spent the past five hours or so playing DB FighterZ with my friends. I got the hang of it almost immediately and went UN. DE. FEA. TED.

Really awesome game. I won't get in-depth time with it until my copy gets here, though, which leaves me with some time to build up the thirst again.

I also picked up a fightstick alongside the game - Newegg was (is?) having a DBFZ giveaway with certain fightsticks, so I went with a Qanba Crystal. The order was placed yesterday, and showed up this afternoon. How they managed that, I don't know, but I won't look a gift horse in the mouth. It's a nice stick from what I can tell, though I haven't had much experience with them in like fifteen years or so.

I actually got it for SFVAE, not DBFZ. DBFZ played really well on a controller, but I've never been able to play SF well on a gamepad. Something about using the shoulder buttons as regular attack inputs just never sat well with me.

  • 2 weeks later...

If any of you are fans of FF7, Kotaku (of all places) has a guy going through the game exploring the differences between the Japanese and English scripts. One interesting tidbit from the latest episode:

Aeris may have had an unrequited love for Zack in the original script.


Posted (edited)
  On 3/1/2018 at 5:21 AM, JB0 said:

"With Tim Rogers"? That's a name I've not heard in many years.


Is that a name worth knowing? (EDIT: Watch it be the guy's name and I'm a complete idiot.)

Edited by kajnrig
  On 3/1/2018 at 11:03 PM, kajnrig said:

Is that a name worth knowing? (EDIT: Watch it be the guy's name and I'm a complete idiot.)


Yeah, the sidebar on the video's title screen said "With Tim Rogers"


He's been around on and off for years.

Most famously, depending on who you are, on either the original incarnation of Insert Credit or... a godawful terrible Something Awful "parody" that took a generic "arrogant japanophile nerd" tone and slapped his name on it for name recognition(even though their parody was nothing like Rogers' style).


After the last Hokuto no Ken game, I was very unsure this would be any good. Seeing this... I'm still not sure it'll be any good, but I'm also sure I'm going to get it.

I'm playing through the KH series again and right now slogging my way up Castle Oblivion in CoM. Godddddd I hate the card system so much. I thought I'd be able to warm up to it now that I'm an adult, but noooope it's still as annoying as it ever was. It's become bearable now that I'm higher up in the tower and have devoted the majority of my level-ups to boosting the battle deck size, but they could have and should have just stripped the cards away altogether and thrown this into the KH1 combat system.

Which wouldn't even be that much of a stretch, since this game is basically just "KH1 Lite," and the two games already share so many assets.

I'm not sure if I want to replay this to get the other half of the story. I'm half-convinced to just watch one of those cutscene compilations instead and move onto KH2.


Looks like Deviljho/Pickle is coming to Monster Hunter World next week as a free update, he was announced quite a while back so without trying to sound too entitled, it's about time. While I love MHW, and put in over 250 hours already and I'm barely HR 71, the end game is INCREDIBLY boring. Farming tempered elder dragons for hours is a slog, and the only thing that can come from it are hero stream stones, of which you will NOT get the ones you need over and over. The RNG in this game is fairly awful, but what can you do, I'm still having fun hunting random monsters and tempered monsters with friends and very occasionally, random people online. Most people are awful online though, and have zero MH etiquette. I almost instantly ban all dual blade and long sword users because they don't understand the concept of tripping, or aiming for the right target on a monster, 99% of them just mash the attack button, very irritating. If I'm hammerbro and I'm on the head, I WILL send you flying.


I just got through Nier Automata. Despite the melancholy mood it puts out, I'm still looking forward to play it again to learn more of the story.  And hopefully I'll stumble upon the "true" ending that my friend mentioned. Beautiful music, this game has.


I just bought Nier Automata again myself, for the PS4 this time. That final ending was truly something around the game's launch, looking forward to hearing your thought once you get there.

Posted (edited)

It's a scavenger ship... the claw in the front can chew (soon®) entire ships at once.


  Reveal hidden contents


Edited by Gerli

Kiwami 2, Western release in August.



Pull off a wide variety of brutal (and hilarious) Heat Actions, and challenge new minigames such as Golf Bingo, the original arcade release of Virtual On, the return of Yakuza 0’s much-celebrated Cabaret (including the return of fan-favorite Yuki!), Majima’s revamped Clan Creator, and even Sega’s infamous toylets.



Swery is back (again) trying to get some money for his game with Kickstarter this time. Last time he used Fig to try and get over a million dollars for his game, this time he has reduced the amount to a bit more manageable $647,910. Apparently he has some more development partners to fill in the rest. Still looks like a fun game and I'll probably throw some money towards it, hopefully he reaches his goal this time :lol:

Kickstarter Link


Far Cry 5 is VERY pretty on my X, fairly stable too, I've only had a few frame rate hickups and drops, it seems really well optimized. I love me some Far Cry, I know a lot of people aren't into these huge collectathons, but I will always love them, and this one is quite varied in things to do. Plus I like the more organic flow of missions and how new missions and side objectives pop up more naturally instead of just running to the same person and doing their stuff until they have nothing left to say to you.


I picked up Far Cry 5 for my PC, but I probably won't get to play it until my wife gets back from Shenzhen in two weeks. We just moved, so my two year old is scared to he left alone, and that means she won't go to bed unless she can sleep in my bed and I go to bed with her. When my wife gets back she can go to bed with my wife while I stay up late gaming.

On the flip side, she's old enough now that she'll play by herself in her playroom (which is next to the living room, so we can still see each other) while I play a console game. It's too bad Far Cry 5 and God of War couldn't have switched release dates...


Kingdom Hearts progress report: I'm a fair ways through KH2 now. Gonna tackle Pride Rock tonight. I didn't bother with the "second half" of Chain of Memories, just watched a summary online, because fuuuuuudge that card combat.

Now that I understand the story a thousand times better than when the series was scattered across half a dozen consoles, I gotta say: The protagonists are pretty fraked up. They moralize so much, yet had no qualms scheming against an innocent person in order to get her killed; and kidnapping another innocent person, trapping him in a digital simulation of the real world, eventually killing him as well; both of them blood sacrifices in a twisted ritual to resurrect their lord and savior Sora.

Like... at the end of the KH2 prologue, Roxas is just completely mentally and emotionally bludgeoned into submission. He fights to be his own person so hard, yet is absolutely powerless to stop what's to happen to him. And then Sora wakes up and it's just a grand ol' adventure again; that's pretty fraked.

  On 3/15/2018 at 5:05 AM, kajnrig said:

That final ending was truly something around the game's launch, looking forward to hearing your thought once you get there.


I'm gonna try to be spoiler free here, but I was so stubborn in finishing the ending "credits" by myself that it took an hour for me to relent and accept assistance from other players.  What a difference that made!

Overall, a great RPG/brawler nicely packaged with fantastic music and an environment that matched it.  If you wanted to find humor in the game, you would have to stumble on to the alternate endings.  I only found a few, but it made chuckle in an otherwise morose story.  The amount of weapons and pod skills made combat fun even though a player could probably get away with just using two or three combos while spamming the "evade" button.  I hear something awaits if you max out every weapon, but it just seems like a total GRIND to do so.  If I play through again maybe I'll try it, but I need a break from Nier's weird, quirky world.

  On 3/28/2018 at 1:52 AM, Valkyrie Hunter D said:

I'm gonna try to be spoiler free here, but I was so stubborn in finishing the ending "credits" by myself that it took an hour for me to relent and accept assistance from other players.  What a difference that made!


*raises hand* You're not the only one. :D

  9 minutes ago, Valkyrie Hunter D said:

I hear something awaits if you max out every weapon, but it just seems like a total GRIND to do so.  If I play through again maybe I'll try it, but I need a break from Nier's weird, quirky world.


I remember there was a reward for filling out >98% of the bestiary or something, and THAT grind was so obtuse I almost deleted the game. There was one SPECIFIC type of helicopter robot that I needed to encounter in the desert, and the chances of it spawning are something like 1 to 10,000, AND the time it took to load the checkpoint and trek over there was like 180 seconds, which doesn't seem like a lot, but when you're doing it over and over AND OVER...

But yeah, great game, I'm glad you liked it.

  On 3/28/2018 at 12:08 AM, mikeszekely said:

I picked up Far Cry 5 for my PC, but I probably won't get to play it until my wife gets back from Shenzhen in two weeks. We just moved, so my two year old is scared to he left alone, and that means she won't go to bed unless she can sleep in my bed and I go to bed with her. When my wife gets back she can go to bed with my wife while I stay up late gaming.

On the flip side, she's old enough now that she'll play by herself in her playroom (which is next to the living room, so we can still see each other) while I play a console game. It's too bad Far Cry 5 and God of War couldn't have switched release dates...


Dude, that is gonna cause problems. You guys need to have your daughter sleep in her own room. My wife and I keep it strict when it comes to naps and bedtime and it works, children need schedules and routines. I have a coworker that let her son sleep with her and her husband and now their son won't go to bed till they do.

  On 3/28/2018 at 1:43 PM, TangledThorns said:

Dude, that is gonna cause problems. You guys need to have your daughter sleep in her own room. My wife and I keep it strict when it comes to naps and bedtime and it works, children need schedules and routines. I have a coworker that let her son sleep with her and her husband and now their son won't go to bed till they do.


Phew. I thought that last part was gonna go someplace weird, and instead it just went somewhere a little bit unfortunate. I feel like I dodged a bullet there. :D

  On 3/28/2018 at 1:43 PM, TangledThorns said:

Dude, that is gonna cause problems. You guys need to have your daughter sleep in her own room. My wife and I keep it strict when it comes to naps and bedtime and it works, children need schedules and routines. I have a coworker that let her son sleep with her and her husband and now their son won't go to bed till they do.


Thanks for the unsolicited parenting advice, but how about you do what works for you and I'll stick to what's working for me, yeah?

Frankly, it's fine if she stays up until my wife goes to bed. Since she gets up at 5:00 she's usually ready for bed by 9:30-10:00. I'm a night person, though, so after they go to bed is my personal time. The only time that doesn't work is when my wife goes on a business trip, and for those times I just go to bed earlier with her then read in bed after she falls asleep.

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