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  On 6/14/2013 at 2:12 PM, Duke Togo said:

Even for all the hub-bub, I still find this all rather shocking.

  On 6/14/2013 at 2:33 PM, Beltane70 said:

Even with the bs, you know there' still going to be some people that really don't care.

People want their Halo.

  On 6/14/2013 at 11:46 AM, Duke Togo said:

Standard PS4 has moved ahead of Day One Xbox. I should have pre-ordered two PS4's, and sold the second one on eBay.

Anyone wanna bet on how many PS4s we'll see on eBay on launch day?


I'm hoping Sony realizes the demand it has and gets enough ps4s out on the street.

Do you guys remember the gunfights the broke out over the ps3 on launch day?

Guest davidwhangchoi
Posted (edited)
  On 6/14/2013 at 7:19 PM, Archer said:

I'm hoping Sony realizes the demand it has and gets enough ps4s out on the street.

Do you guys remember the gunfights the broke out over the ps3 on launch day?

i waited on line for 48 hours for the ps3 launch bc there was a bestbuy by my house and they had a sign in list to check just once in the morning (opening) and once at closing and we all got to home and sleep at night and go take showers and come back by next morning.

sold it for 1500 after shipping and fees. i would've got double but my friend didn't put it up in time as he was scared bestbuy wouldn't deliver. the crazy things you would do for a console launch. never again... unless it's black friday or a bandai pre-order..

Edited by davidwhangchoi

Definitely leaning PS4 but not enough to preorder or stand in line. When I can conveniently buy one, I probably will.

  On 6/15/2013 at 1:10 AM, Uxi said:

Definitely leaning PS4 but not enough to preorder or stand in line. When I can conveniently buy one, I probably will.

I'm with you on that. I'm even willing to wait for a year for a price drop.

Posted (edited)

What the hey-I placed an preorder for a PS4 although I will understand if I don't get it right away because of new-launch-mania. In all honesty I can't remember the last time I played a game on my PS3-I think it's been years, but it has served as the heart of my entertainment center since I bought it new in '06. As far as I'm concerned that fugly black box really DOES do everything, and a refresh in the form of the PS4 at a VERY excellent price makes it a winner IMO; I didn't think twice about placing a preorder...

Edited by myk
  On 6/15/2013 at 1:14 AM, Benson13 said:

I'm with you on that. I'm even willing to wait for a year for a price drop.

Me, too. Besides, I don't see any games I like yet coming out at the same time as the PS4. SW BF4 and FF XV won't be released for a while yet. Even then, I'll probably buy the games first and wait for the price of the PS4 to drop.


i have a backlog of a dozen games or so, and i only get to play one game a month (if i'm lucky), so it may be a while before i switch to PS4.

unless they release ZOE3 within the year...

Guest davidwhangchoi

the only reason i pre-ordered it was i can always cancel it if i change my mind. i remember regretting it during the ps3, wii holiday rush. so now i'm not taking any chances as i can back out this way but can't get back in if i end up waiting and there's a shortage before christmas.

  On 6/15/2013 at 1:10 AM, Uxi said:

Definitely leaning PS4 but not enough to preorder or stand in line. When I can conveniently buy one, I probably will.

I think I'm with you on this. I don't even mind the price tag, I just don't feel like putting up with the launch drama. I'll do like I did with the Wii U: if I walk into a store, there's one on the shelf, and I've got the money to burn, I'll buy it. Otherwise it's not that big of a deal.

You only stand in line if you go to the midnight launch. Personally, I'll wait to stroll into the store until the next day.


Amazon pre-orders for launch day systems are back. They even have a couple of bundles now which give you $10 off a year of PS Plus. It's the only "bundle" I've seen that gives you an actual discount. The bundle isn't obnoxious too, like the previous gens which made you buy an extra controller and like three titles. They have Battlefield 4 or Killzone with a year of PS Plus for $499.

Great thing about Amazon is the free shipping, no sales tax for me, and not charged until it ships.

Guest davidwhangchoi

Oh man, Amazon is going to start charging tax in the state of NJ starting July 1st, including any pre-orders taken prior to July will be charged tax when shipped. I should've just kept my gamestop credit and pre-ordered there, at least i wouldn't had to pay tax.

oh well, i guess i'm happy that i'm not paying any expenses out of pocket and using all trade-in credit.

  On 6/17/2013 at 5:06 AM, davidwhangchoi said:

Oh man, Amazon is going to start charging tax in the state of NJ starting July 1st, including any pre-orders taken prior to July will be charged tax when shipped. I should've just kept my gamestop credit and pre-ordered there, at least i wouldn't had to pay tax.

oh well, i guess i'm happy that i'm not paying any expenses out of pocket and using all trade-in credit.

Sometimes, living in our state sucks, doesn't it? Though from what I've been reading, a lot of states are starting to collect sales tax on internet purchases even if made out of state.

Guest davidwhangchoi
  On 6/17/2013 at 6:23 AM, Beltane70 said:

Sometimes, living in our state sucks, doesn't it? Though from what I've been reading, a lot of states are starting to collect sales tax on internet purchases even if made out of state.

So far amazon collects from 5 states and nj will be the 6th... and Newegg always charges in NJ, yeah, if that happens and they charge out of state i'm just going B&M.

damn that extra 28 tax could've went towards a game. yeah, Toyko game show hopefully will show some more development of the brand new ip's Sony has

Guest davidwhangchoi
Posted (edited)

Update on Xbox One (not that i will buy one anyways) From "Major Nelson" Larry Hyrb' Answering questions from Reddit:

"Hyrb was also asked if Xbox One games will still be playable if Xbox One servers shut down at the end of the generation's cycle. He responded that it is certainly something that Microsoft will not do and that is not the way the Xbox One system is designed."

so there you have it folks your games will still be playable after the the servers shut down (extinct).

but he dodges almost every other question:

interview below


Edited by davidwhangchoi
  On 6/17/2013 at 1:39 PM, davidwhangchoi said:

Update on Xbox One (not that i will buy one anyways) From "Major Nelson" Larry Hyrb' Answering questions from Reddit:

"Hyrb was also asked if Xbox One games will still be playable if Xbox One servers shut down at the end of the generation's cycle. He responded that it is certainly something that Microsoft will not do and that is not the way the Xbox One system is designed."[/size]

so there you have it folks your games will still be playable after the the servers shut down (extinct).[/size]

but he dodges almost every other question:

Which means they'll patch it when it nears End-of-Life to act as a local authentication server. Or the next Xbox will also use the same style of authentication so that it accepts the next Xbox and XBone.

  On 6/17/2013 at 1:39 PM, davidwhangchoi said:

Update on Xbox One (not that i will buy one anyways) From "Major Nelson" Larry Hyrb' Answering questions from Reddit:

"Hyrb was also asked if Xbox One games will still be playable if Xbox One servers shut down at the end of the generation's cycle. He responded that it is certainly something that Microsoft will not do and that is not the way the Xbox One system is designed."

so there you have it folks your games will still be playable after the the servers shut down (extinct).

but he dodges almost every other question:

interview below


He never answered that question. That answer doesn't clarify if he's talking about the servers or if he's talking about the games.

Guest davidwhangchoi
Posted (edited)

he's taking about the games.

servers for console games will get shut down. is happens in every console generation.

he's answering the question if the games will be unplayable when they do and larry is saying that not something Microsoft will do.

and i agree that's similar to if steam were to end their service, they'll prob put out a patch to be able to play offline permanently.

Edited by davidwhangchoi

Since Steam already works offline anyway, I don't see why they'd need a patch. But I kind of doubt MS is planning ahead for that type of thing. Doing so would undermine their entire goal of being able to manage the licenses of the games.

If they someday had a kill switch that just said, "Ok, you can stop checking for licenses now," not only would they probably tick off a lot of developers when they do it, but it also means that they've got a built in backdoor waiting to be exploited by console modders (not that I doubt we'll have mods that enable to consoles to play offline within weeks of release anyway).

If they're planning to use the same authentication network for future consoles, I can see that coming back to bite them in the backside, but it might be a while before it becomes a problem.


The full quote, "I'll just say this we haven't even started this generation so it's kind of a really urr. to talk about the end of the generation, I mean it is certainly something that Microsoft will not do and that is not the way the Xbox One system is designed it is designed for flexibility but let's get this system out there first."

Doesn't sound like a response to me of someone that's even thought about gamers and the playability of older games at the end of the generation and it sure sounds to me he's talking more about the Xbone infrastructure more then he's talking about the games.

Guest davidwhangchoi
Posted (edited)
  On 6/17/2013 at 4:12 PM, Dangard Ace said:

The full quote, "I'll just say this we haven't even started this generation so it's kind of a really urr. to talk about the end of the generation, I mean it is certainly something that Microsoft will not do and that is not the way the Xbox One system is designed it is designed for flexibility but let's get this system out there first."

Doesn't sound like a response to me of someone that's even thought about gamers and the playability of older games at the end of the generation and it sure sounds to me he's talking more about the Xbone infrastructure more then he's talking about the games.

xbox one has 300,000 dedicated servers. one can theorize because the xbox one is on x86 and most likely the next next gen console is going to remain on x86 (i can't see why they will get off it), the servers will not get shut down, but eventually they will get shut down even if it takes longer. i can't see 300,000 servers dedicated to a dead console in 20 years. just as dreamcast, ps2, xbox have all been closed down. which lead to the question and concerns of having an always online console with the penalty that the games will not be playable without the check.

that question which shot up the boards on reddit was what happens when the the servers do eventually go off.. so i think he understood the question and flexibility means they can take off the DRM (the always online, play where ever you want, trade in used games infrastructure) if they choose. giving them a chance to backpeddle in the future.

Edited by davidwhangchoi

Main issues with your argument

1st paragraph

"Theorize" - speculate

2nd paragraph

"I think he understood"

these are the conclusions based on your interpretation of what he said. I'm not seeing him saying anything that's a concrete answer that games will be playable after the servers go down. Will it be a bad move by MS not to put out patches, like Azrael said? Of course but it's not a definitive answer from MS because they didn't say it. He's using corporate speak to infer the conclusions you(we) want to see but our desired conclusion that seems obvious may not be the conclusion they want to implement.

Guest davidwhangchoi
Posted (edited)
  On 6/17/2013 at 5:32 PM, Dangard Ace said:

Main issues with your argument

1st paragraph

"Theorize" - speculate

2nd paragraph

"I think he understood"

these are the conclusions based on your interpretation of what he said. I'm not seeing him saying anything that's a concrete answer that games will be playable after the servers go down. Will it be a bad move by MS not to put out patches, like Azrael said? Of course but it's not a definitive answer from MS because they didn't say it. He's using corporate speak to infer the conclusions you(we) want to see but our desired conclusion that seems obvious may not be the conclusion they want to implement.

he's answered the question. "I mean it is certainly something that Microsoft will not do"

you're saying because he didn't specify the word games you think he could be referring to servers. i "theorized" servers to help you in your argument as i like to see other's point of view.

using "i think" is a friendly way of inputting my point without stepping on toes. its doesn't mean it's a faulty argument. it's me respecting your opinion :)

"i think" if you see the evidence, he was addressing the games won't be rendered unusable after this console cycle is done. but i can see how he was insensitive to the question and seemed so nonchalant about addressing it. Microsoft should make a emphasis of better public relations to addressing these points more seriously.

Edited by davidwhangchoi
  On 6/17/2013 at 5:49 PM, davidwhangchoi said:

he's answered the question. "I mean it is certainly something that Microsoft will not do"

you're saying because he didn't specify the word games you think he could be referring to servers. i "theorized" servers to help you in your argument as i like to see other's point of view.

using "i think" is a friendly way of inputting my point without stepping on toes. its doesn't mean it's a faulty argument. it's me respecting your opinion :)

"i think" if you see the evidence, he was addressing the games won't be rendered unusable after this console cycle is done. but i can see how he was insensitive to the question and seemed so nonchalant about addressing it. Microsoft should make a emphasis of better public relations to addressing these points more seriously.

I'm going to agree we're going to be disagreeing. Except that MS needs better PR people.

  On 6/17/2013 at 5:57 PM, MilkManX said:


It just writes itself..

"Please go to funnyjunk to view this image." I don't get it. :p

  On 6/17/2013 at 6:01 PM, Dangard Ace said:

I'm going to agree we're going to be disagreeing. Except that MS needs better PR people.

Yeah, it's PR speak for "No comment". As for PR people...I think last week showed us Microsoft should seriously consider layoffs in the PR department.

Guest davidwhangchoi
  On 6/17/2013 at 6:21 PM, azrael said:

Yeah, it's PR speak for "No comment". As for PR people...I think last week showed us Microsoft should seriously consider layoffs in the PR department.

True... and why am i defending an Xbox PR Man???? what's wrong with me???


So, now that Sony has confirmed that all ps4 games that don't require camera peripheral will function via remote play on the vita, anyone else a bit more happy they bought this thing. I've had a vita since launch, and excluding the one off game like persona 4, there really hasn't been much to keep me interested.

I took it out for the first time after a few months to get blublaze free from ps plus. I'm so happy it's becoming a great 250 dollar accessory now :)

Sarcasm aside, I'm excited it will have some use, and people might actually go buy it, and thus, people might even go make games for it!

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