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  On 10/14/2019 at 5:22 PM, ErikElvis said:

Is anyone here getting Unicron.


really wanted to. But I'd just picked up the SoC Golion reissue, a few 3P figures, the Siege Omega Supreme, and I've got the SoC Dairugger next month. There was no way I could work another $600 in there and stay married.

  On 10/14/2019 at 6:04 PM, derex3592 said:

Are you going to review it??? Cause I'd love to see that! 


Probably not... I'm actually debating selling off all my Transformers as I'll be moving soon. I might not be reviewing anything for a good stretch there which would include the time when Unicron hits mailboxes.


Quick question, you guys.

As I mentioned in my review, Siege Barricade is based on Guido Guidi's art of a G1 Barricade as a repaint of Prowl/Smokescreen from way back in 2012.


Promotional art depicted the Siege figure following this color scheme pretty much to the letter (left), but when the figure was released he was missing some black on his waist and forearms (right).


I want to correct this.  I already painted his "belt."  I also grabbed a second Prowl to replace his purple translucent light bar with a clear one.  I painted the second Prowl's gun gold and gave it to Barricade.  I also painted the barrels of the ones that came with Barricade.

I think doing his arms might be a little trickier, though.  For one, I think I'm a lot more likely to handle the painted spots.  Two, the black I have is noticeably glossier than the plastic (although I have a totally matte black I could try).  Three, I can pop his arms off, and I can pop the hands off the arms, but I can't separate the biceps from the forearms.  An alternative to painting would be to take the arms from the second Prowl and swap them, but that'd give Barricade black biceps.  Out of curiosity, what do you think would work/look better?  Using all-black arms, using all-purple arms, or trying to mask the purple biceps and painting the forearms black?

Posted (edited)

Is a rivet holding the bicep and arm together or a pin?

I'd rather go for a part-swap than painting parts, so I say go for the all black arms if you can't separate the bicep from the forearm.

Edited by Valkyrie Hunter D
Posted (edited)
  On 10/15/2019 at 1:36 AM, Valkyrie Hunter D said:

Is a rivet holding the bicep and arm together or a pin?


It's a rivet at the elbow.


EDIT: In other news, while we know what's coming in the next wave of Studio Series figures (set to hit very late this year or early next year), we have some rumors for the wave after that.  Leader-class Overload, which is kind of a no-brainer since he and Voyager-class Scrapper are all that's left after Mixmaster and Scavenger hit in the next wave.  But the rumor also includes three Deluxes: Roadbuster from Dark of the Moon, Shatter with her Harrier mode, and jeep Bumblebee.  And that last one seems likely to me.  After all, by the official US numbers Bumblebee has appeared in the Studio Series nine times (01, 15, 18, 19, 20, 24, 25, 26, and 49) making him alone nearly 20% of the first 50 Studio Series figures some version of Bumblebee.  So not only am I expecting Jeep Bee, I'm sure we'll get '60's Camaro Bee and Age of Extinction Bee before the line is over.

Edited by mikeszekely

Well, while I figure out what to do with Siege Barricade, he and Mirage have one other wave mate: Deluxe-class Impactor.


Impactor joints Universe Darkmount (Straxus), Generations Jhiaxus, and I suppose Combiner Wars Scrounge as toys based on Marvel G1 characters.  Can I get an Emirate Xaaron next, please?  While technically not the first Classics/Universe/Generations figure Impactor received, it's the first time he's got a proper figure instead of just slapping a new head on a "close enough" figure like Fall of Cybertron Onslaught or Combiner Wars Rook.  He's got his basics from the Marvel comics, with his red eyes, generic crested head, flat chest with recessed yellow squares, and shoulder cannon with a barrel shaped like Shockwave's head.  There are some touches, though in the yellow/orange biceps and extra molded details that do evoke his IDW appearance.  I do wish his generic head had more of the IDW-style Spartan helmet.  Hasbro is releasing a version with that head and a little extra paint, but only if you're willing to shell out for a translucent blue Mirage (meh) and a repaint of Cog as a Powerdasher (and, ugh, that's the worst one... if they'd put the black and yellow drill tank repaint of Brunt in there instead I'd have bought that pack instead of complaining about it).

Impactor's a big Deluxe, towering over Barricade and coming in only half a head shorter or so than Voyager Springer.


Impactor comes with two accessories.  The first is a rifle.  The other is something like kind of looks like a serrated pistol.  Unlike Mirage or Hound, Impactor's shoulder cannon is fully attached to his body.


Impactor's head is on a mushroom swivel, so he can rotate it but he can't tilt at all.  His shoulders can rotate and extend laterally beyond 90 degrees.  His shoulder cannon has a hinge so it'll move out of his shouder's way.  His biceps swivel, and his elbows bend 90 degrees.  Due to his transformation he doesn't have a swivel at the waist, but in keeping with the Siege mandate for waist swivels as closely as he can he does have a swivel in his torso, where the purple chest his the yellow abdomen.  Then, also do to transformation, if you unlock his midsection he has an ab crunch.  His hips can go forward or backward about 90 degrees, and laterally 90 degrees on a ratchet (or some kind of geared hinge).  His thighs swivel just above his knees, and those knees can bend 90 degrees.  His toes can tilt down, and his ankles can pivot around 30 degrees.

While Impactor can hold both of his accessories in his fists, folding his fists in will reveal a 5mm peg at the wrist.  You can plug the "pistol" into the peg to give Impactor his signature harpoon.  Impactor also has 5mm pegs on the outside of either shoulder, on top of his shoulder cannon, one on the outside of either forearm, three on his back, one on the outside of each lower leg, and one on the bottom of each foot.  Plus, he's got one on either side of his rifle, plus a peg on either side of his rifle and on the front of both forearms near his wrist.


Impactor's transformation is one of the more enjoyable ones.  His chest lifts up so the arms have space to tuck in, forming the turret.  And while his lower legs form the front of the tank, the sides of his legs swing around with his feet to cover and enclose his thighs and pelvis and make the rear half of the tank.  His shoulder gun flips over to stay on top of the turret, and his rifle becomes the tanks main gun.  There are two small molded guns on either side of the tank, and some gnarly-looking hooks on the front.  I'm not sure exactly how they came up with this design; I don't recall him having an alt-mode in the Marvel comics, and while he did turn into a tank (and later and SUV) in IDW it didn't exactly look like this one.  That said, I think it works really well.


His rifle his held in place by pushing the pegs on his forearms into the peg holes on the back of the rifle.  This allows the tanks main gun to swivel up and down, and that mid-torso swivel allows the turret to rotate.  The only issue here is that rotating the turret does expose his thighs.  With his rifle forming an integral part of the alt mode you're just left looking for a place to put the harpoon.  He's got plenty of options, though.  Again, there's a peg hole on top of the shoulder cannon on his turret, three on the back of the turret, two on the front of the turret on either side of the main gun, and one on either side of the tank, just behind the molded guns.

It's easy to say that Impactor does have some flaws.  There's the aforementioned thighs peaking out when you rotate the tank turret.  Deeper ankle tilts and the ability to look up and down would have been nice.  You may also notice that his lower legs are extremely hollow, for no purpose than Hasbro's desire to save plastic.  Yet, despite his flaws, he's an extremely fun figure to transform and mess with, and a great representation of a minor Marvel character who gained a lot of newfound popularity due to his appearances in IDW.  This is one of the few molds I've picked up where I'm actually curious to see what they might remold him into, because I'm really enjoying this one.  I definitely recommend picking Impactor up.


Recommendations wanted:

I realized I have 9 combiner limbs.  May get another one or two before HasTak stops making them.  I only have one torso, SkyLynx.  Who should I get as a second torso?  While I'd somewhat prefer a Decepticon to balance things out (and they traditionally have way more combiners than the Autobots), I still have more 'bot limbs than 'con limbs, so I "should" get another Autobot torso to best use the limbs I have.  

Price is very much a factor,  not going to spend like 2x retail to acquire a rare/popular one.   (I came very close to getting HotSpot quite a while back, but he was already rare and expensive, just one wave after his release)

::edit::  Hmmm, Elita-1 seems pretty readily available still around MSRP----thoughts?  

  On 10/17/2019 at 2:05 AM, David Hingtgen said:

Recommendations wanted:

I realized I have 9 combiner limbs.  May get another one or two before HasTak stops making them.  I only have one torso, SkyLynx.  Who should I get as a second torso?  While I'd somewhat prefer a Decepticon to balance things out (and they traditionally have way more combiners than the Autobots), I still have more 'bot limbs than 'con limbs, so I "should" get another Autobot torso to best use the limbs I have.  

Price is very much a factor,  not going to spend like 2x retail to acquire a rare/popular one.   (I came very close to getting HotSpot quite a while back, but he was already rare and expensive, just one wave after his release)

::edit::  Hmmm, Elita-1 seems pretty readily available still around MSRP----thoughts?  



  On 10/17/2019 at 2:44 AM, Valkyrie Hunter D said:

How about Inferno?


I'll second the suggestion for Inferno.  You can grab him on Amazon for under $25.  You'll basically be getting a red Hot Spot then, except he comes with PotP-style Combiner feet.

TFSource also has the solo release of Scattershot for $20.  Or if you want Decepticons they still have Onslaught for $20.

BBTS has Onslaught for $18, and for $28 you can get a "Combiner Wars Voyager Wave 5 case" which is one Onslaught and one Scattershot.  They also have Silverbolt for $19.

I can't really comment on Elita-1, since started to quit collecting official Transformers halfway through Titans Return due to Hasbro's shoddy distribution.  I guess it could work... I think the mold works better for her than Starscream, anyway.  Just, whatever you get, stay away from the Optimus/Motormaster mold.  It makes the worst torso.


Onslaught for $18 is dang tempting.  Ironically, despite being "less important", I think Elita has really good robot and alt-modes.  Not super fond of her torso mode, which is the main reason I need another Voyager!  But I am overall trying to avoid "traditional" combiners---as in, I have no more than 2 members of any "established" team, in my CW combiner collection.  It's like I don't want to "overlap" with 3P/G1 combiners.  I have zero Combaticons, so Onslaught would be fine, but he is "an incredibly iconic torso".  Versus, you know, SkyLynx or Elita...

Inferno--good mold, but somehow I just don't see him as Inferno at all?  He is literally 'red HotSpot' and that's all I can see.   

Gotta LOL at how Onslaught+Scattershot is $27, but Onslaught+SkyLynx is $50 and sold out...  (I bought the only SkyLynx I ever saw, at the Target I go to the least)  

::edit::  Elita-1 has an *awesome* Reprolabel set.  Interesting, becase IMHO their SkyLynx set, is the best one they've ever done.  It's like "late CW torso era" was peak Reprolabel design skills.  

  On 10/17/2019 at 4:20 AM, David Hingtgen said:

Inferno--good mold, but somehow I just don't see him as Inferno at all?  He is literally 'red HotSpot' and that's all I can see. 


This is true, but don't look at him as Inferno.  Think of him as Fire Chief, who literally was a red Hot Spot and the torso of Guard City. Reprolabels even has a set for that very purpose.

Just a suggestion, mind you.  Ultimately do what makes you happy.


And I like Firechief even less than Inferno. :p  But, Reprolabels again---I decided to order Elita 1, and the Reprolabels set.  Part of the decision was based on the cheapest Ebay seller also being the closest, with "guaranteed arrival Friday" via free shipping---which is before most other sellers would have even boxed it up.


So like I said to David, I tried to quit collecting official Hasbro stuff (or, more accurately, I tried to quit CHUGs) during Titans Return.  I'd picked up all the Deluxes in the first two waves, then about half of waves 3 and 4, and none of the last three waves.  Aside from Kickback, Wheelie, and Seaspray I avoided the Legends.  I grabbed Prime, Megatron, Blitzwing, and Octane, but none of the other Voyagers and none of the Leaders.  By the time Power of the Primes rolled around I picked up just the Dinobots and the Terrorcons, just to finish off my combiners (despite having never bought Computron).  I think part of it was frustration with distribution; at the time I still liked going to my local Target, Walmart, and TRU to find new toys instead of preordering everything six months in advance (that's not an exaggeration; I have preorders for the newly-announced Earthrise figures with estimated ship dates in April of 2020), but stores in my area would skip entire waves or not stock anything bigger than a Voyager.  Part of it might have been a lingering dissatisfaction with Combiner Wars.  I mean, as cool as it was to finally get combiners I was super sick of buying my fifth or six version of that one car mold.  And four trucks, despite only needed First Aid for an actual combiner.

Regardless, you guys I'm sure have noticed that I've been really enjoying the Siege stuff, so you know quitting didn't stick.  And in hindsight, the Titans Return line was actually pretty good.  So just like how David was looking for a combiner torso from a bygone line, I'm spending time and money looking for Titans Returns figures (and, maybe at some point, a Computron).  Previously I'd picked up and talked about Fortress Maximus, Trypticon, Overlord, Sixshot, and the Monsterbots.  Tonight, I'm giving you guys a three-fer of Deluxes from three different waves (and only one of which I'd ever actually seen in stores): Triggerhappy, Misfire, and Slugslinger.


These guys remind me of the Monsterbots in how they're all basically the same figure, but some remolded parts and slight tweaks in engineering helps keep them both visually distinct and surprisingly accurate to three G1 toys that, AFAIK, weren't remolds of each other.  These guys all have the same legs, hands, and biceps.  They all have similar transformation hinges and shoulder joints.  On the whole, I think they look really good.

Triggerhappy has eyes and a mouthplate like both the US and Japanese cartoons.  The front of his torso is molded to look like the cockpit and nose of a jet (despite the bulk of his nose sitting on his back.  And while the gold and silver details aren't totally accurate to either the toy or the cartoon, they do evoke details from the G1 toy's nose.  His shoulders have the big gold engine nozzles.  His arms are a little more streamlined, with the guns folded onto his forearms instead of kibble on the back of his bicep.

Misfire has painted detail on his chest that's pretty accurate, as well as paint on his knees and tampoes on his shins that match the G1 toy.  The new shoulders and molded details on his torso are pretty spot on.  Really, the only gripe I have with him is that they used the Sunbow/Headmasters head, but they gave him a blue visor instead of red.

Slugslinger's head is based on "The Rebirth," (which is similar to The Headmasters).  Also, the Decepticon emblem is on the white part of his chest, where it is in both cartoons, instead of above it like it is on the toy.  However, he's primarily the same shade of aquamarine as the G1 toy versus the bluer color of The Headmasters and the super dark blue used in "The Rebirth," and he's got some tampoed details on his chest, shoulders, and shins that emulate the G1 toy's stickers.  Cartoon purists might not like it, but I think it helps him stand out from Triggerhappy.  His chest is molded with the same details as the G1 toy/'toon, but disappointingly they're left unpainted.  The G1 toy had silver chrome there (in the States), and gold in The Headmasters (and apparently the Japanese G1 toy). 


Being part of the Titans Return toyline means two things- they're Headmasters now instead of Targetmasters, which I'm cool with, and they have a pair of guns with ugly hollow spaces that combine to make a little seat for their Headmaster.  All three have the same Headmaster, just in different colors with different faces.  Credit where it's due, though, they all have unique weapons.  Slugslinger's aren't even mirrored like the other two.


Due to similarities in engineering all three are going to have the same basic articulation.  Their heads are the usual ball-jointed Titan Master head, which is good for swiveling but provides minimal tilt.  Their shoulders rotate, and hinges move their shoulders laterally about 90 degrees, but for all three the swivel is between the shoulder and the hinge, so they can't raise their arms and move their shoulders laterally at the same time.  They all have bicep swivels and elbows that bend 90 degrees.  They all have waist swivels and ball-jointed hips that can go about 90 degrees in any direction.  They all have mushroom-cut thigh swivels and knees that bend far beyond 90 degrees.  Their feet can tilt up and down, but they don't have ankle pivots.  Or wrists swivels.

One thing to note with Triggerhappy is that those guns folded on his forearms are going to collide with his wings when you rotate his biceps.  On the other hand, you can fold in his wrists and flip out those guns for some Destroid-style arm-gun action.  There's even a 5mm peg hole on the base of the arm guns, plus a hole for a rivet in his shoulder is about 5mm, so you've got places to stash his guns for extra barrels on those arm guns.


There's nothing really to add, articulation-wise, regarding Misfire and Slugslinger, except that they don't have arm kibble to bang into their wings.


One cool thing, if you've been collecting Siege Battlemasters, is that you might actually have their Targetmaster buddies.  Blowpipe (who belongs to Triggerhappy) was in the first wave, and Aimless (who belongs to Misfire) was in the second (and they're both more accurate if you swap their arms, BTW).  Caliburst, who belongs to Slugslinger, was supposed to be in the third wave.  I say "supposed" because I've only seen the first two waves in any stores, and online prices for Caliburst are in the $30s and $40s.  It seems that some places are taking preorders for another batch, though, so I should be able to finish the group.

Bonus: Spinister will be out in the next wave of Siege Deluxes (although I wish he were a Voyager).  If you picked up the pack with Skywarp then you'll already have Shrute, who is supposed to be Hairsplitter.  Meanwhile Singe, Spinister's other Targetmaster buddy, will come out in the next (and final) wave of Siege Battle Masters, so the Decepticon Targetmasters are pretty taken care of.


I think what I like best about these three is that they transform into three cool-as-heck space jets.  I've got no real complaints here, either.  Again, despite sharing a lot of engineering and some parts, they manage to be visually distinct and fairly accurate to the G1 versions.


Of the three, only Triggerhappy has any kind of landing gear, and that's just the one under his nose.  Instead of landing gear Misfire and Slugslinger have two little ridges on their chests to hold up the front of their alt modes.  For the rear, instead of landing gear all three have ridges that are exposed when you transform their pelvises.

All three jets have 5mm peg holes or slots under their wings for mounting their guns.  Triggerhappy also has the pegs on the insides of his the guns that are part of his forearms.  All three also have cockpits that open for their Headmasters to ride inside, although on Slugslinger it's actually a space on his back and not either of the twin cockpits on the twin noses.  Since they were released without Targetmasters (in the US) long before the Siege Battle Masters were a thing there's no place on them to plug those Battlemasters into (in the US; I understand that the Takara Legends versions did have Targetmasters and places to stow them).

These guys are three solid releases that I definitely would have recommended picking up at the time.  Unfortunately, if you missed them like I did, all three can still be found without a ton of effort, but expect to pay a premium for Misfire and Slugslinger.

Side note: I'm probably not going to talk about him here, but I ordered Krok, too.  With Misfire and Krok in hand, Flywheels/Skytread having already turned up in Siege and Spinister on the way, we'll just need Crankcase and Fulcrum to complete the Scavengers from James Roberts' excellent More Than Meets the Eye comics.


Thanks for the detailed review! I'm a sucker for those Cybertronian alt modes. ^_^ I'm going to poke around and see if I can find the Legends versions. It'll be nice to have the Targetmasters to go along with these three. 

  On 10/19/2019 at 2:03 AM, technoblue said:

Thanks for the detailed review! I'm a sucker for those Cybertronian alt modes. ^_^ I'm going to poke around and see if I can find the Legends versions. It'll be nice to have the Targetmasters to go along with these three. 


TFSource has all three, but they'll run you around $150 for all three, $40 each for Slugslinger and Triggerhappy and $70 for Misfire (and they're down to their last Misfire).

BBTS only has Slugslinger in, but they're a bit cheaper at $34.

The other big US stores are just flat out out of stock.  I saw a few on Amazon, but they were going for even more than TFS.


Triggerhappy is one of my most fondly, best-remembered G1 toys.  Don't know why, but that one just really "clicked" for me.  And with no figure of him ever since, official nor 3P, I was ecstatic that Hasbro made this one---and that he turned out well, with an interesting transformation.  

His Reprolabel set is also notably good, though the awesome-looking engine stickers are basically impossible to get to fit perfectly, as the gap between the upper and lower engines is only about 1.9x the thickness of the labels, and they need to be applied back to back...


Got my Elita-1.  One day late, but no biggie.  Anyways----a "first" for me---I believe I have an un-pinned rivet. (the front little bits of the wings that rotate about 160 degrees)  Rivet is present, but the piece comes off if I tug it a bit.  Not sure why it's riveted, as it could easily just be screwed/glued on---doesn't rotate/pivot there, it pivots at the other joint. So currently letting it dry while being superglued in place. 

Also currently soaking the combiner feet in rubbing alcohol---the coral color is neat, and almost unprecedented for a TF--seems a huge waste to mold them in that, then completely cover them in black paint.   So, seeing how stripping the paint goes.  If it works well---coral feet!  If poorly---will paint over them with silver.    


Picked up this toy for my 4 year old, and I have to say, it looks pretty sharp.




I thought the silver paint application for weathering affects was a little overdone.


So I figured it couldn't make it any worse by adding some panel lining.









I may have gotten a bit carried away.


Nice panel lining job! I like how the dark lines help to blend in the stock weathering effects, especially the 'smudge' spots (or whatever those are on the tetra wings out of the box). IMO, it completes the look. 

  On 10/21/2019 at 6:26 PM, technoblue said:

Nice panel lining job! I like how the dark lines help to blend in the stock weathering effects, especially the 'smudge' spots (or whatever those are on the tetra wings out of the box). IMO, it completes the look. 


Thanks :)


@peter First off, great job on the SS work there, and secondly I have to admit that it took an embarrassing amount of attempts of trying to tag you as "SMS Squadron Leader" to get your name, right.



  On 10/22/2019 at 5:14 PM, Kuma Style said:

@peter First off, great job on the SS work there, and secondly I have to admit that it took an embarrassing amount of attempts of trying to tag you as "SMS Squadron Leader" to get your name, right.




Thanks :)  and that Prime is AWESOME.


Silly question for you all. I suspect most of you save the boxes for the higher end stuff like the masterpiece line and 3A figures, but does anyone here bother saving the packaging on the mainline transformer toys that you can just go down to walmart and buy? Since hasbro started making more collector friendly packaging for the studio series figures I have been saving it. I guess its just my collector instinct to do so, even though I am 90 percent certain if I ever wanted to sell any of my studio series figures it really wouldn't make any difference in the price I'd get for them considering that they are all opened. What are your thoughts?

  On 10/22/2019 at 5:44 PM, GobotFool said:

Silly question for you all. I suspect most of you save the boxes for the higher end stuff like the masterpiece line and 3A figures, but does anyone here bother saving the packaging on the mainline transformer toys that you can just go down to walmart and buy? Since hasbro started making more collector friendly packaging for the studio series figures I have been saving it. I guess its just my collector instinct to do so, even though I am 90 percent certain if I ever wanted to sell any of my studio series figures it really wouldn't make any difference in the price I'd get for them considering that they are all opened. What are your thoughts?


I started saving the studio Series boxes, because they have those backdrops, but after 40-some releases they were taking up too much room so I tossed them.

Honestly, I don't really save 3P/MP boxes anymore, either. Unless I think there's a chance I'll sell it or unless it came with a lot of accessories I need to store is the same thing, they were just taking up too much room.

  On 10/22/2019 at 9:03 PM, mikeszekely said:

I started saving the studio Series boxes, because they have those backdrops, but after 40-some releases they were taking up too much room so I tossed them.

Honestly, I don't really save 3P/MP boxes anymore, either. Unless I think there's a chance I'll sell it or unless it came with a lot of accessories I need to store is the same thing, they were just taking up too much room.


Thanks, that makes it easier for me to find the will to actually toss out a lot of the boxes I've been hoarding. When figures come blister packed its of course easy to dismiss the packaging if one just intends to rip em open. I just find it hard to toss out resealable boxes, even though I am certain saving the packaging really won't impact the value of the toy if I ever decided to resell it.


Apparently there have been sightings of Siege Ratchet in DC.  Good for those heading to TFCon, I guess.  Meanwhile, a Walmart near Harrisburg PA set up an endcap display for Siege that's stocked with both regular figures and their exclusives.  Those sorts of endcap displays are usually based on seasonal plan-o-grams (based on the stores' square footage), so don't be surprised if such a display turns up at a Walmart near you.

No such luck at my local Walgreens or Walmart, of course.

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