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  On 2/14/2015 at 7:40 AM, Valkyrie2008 said:

No stress mark on mine and i've transformered it several times already. That guy over at TFW2005 must've missed transformed and cause that piece to break. If you transform it carefully, that piece swing smoothly, it's not too tight and it's not too loose either. He must've tried forcing that piece upward before lifting the chest part up (the matrix chamber).

Yeah. I don't have any stress marks either. I admit, I haven't transformed Ultra Magnus back and forth as much as that guy has. The news has made me aware that I need to be careful around that piece, though. My anxiety should fade in time, especially if these breaks with mp-22 are uncommon user error.

  On 2/14/2015 at 10:51 PM, Dangard Ace said:

Does that minibot come with UM? Cause that's just stupid. A car carrier comes with a car that it can't carry cause it's a mini.

I have no idea about Combiner Wars and the shenanigans involved in it, but the minibot apparently goes inside UM's chest per pics on Seibertron...


  On 2/14/2015 at 11:11 PM, treatment said:

I have no idea about Combiner Wars and the shenanigans involved in it, but the minibot apparently goes inside UM's chest per pics on Seibertron...

I'm okay with that as if I remember the comics correctly UM was the Tyrest/Tyrol(?) accord enforcer but died. Replaced by religious zealot Star Sabre. To cover that death up they made an UM armor and stuck a spy robot in the chest. Didn't know spy robot turned into a car. Still find it funny that his alt mode won't fit in the carrier.


Not too shabby for a Hasbro mainline UM, and no butt-flap, at that. And the knees seem to have more articulation than the MP version. <_<

Still, I don't regret getting MP UM. CW UM would be too small to be displayed with the other MP figs.

  On 2/15/2015 at 4:08 AM, Gakken85 said:

It's like the Dread pirate Roberts.

Exactly, best way I know to describe the situation to people unfamiliar with "current comic Magnus".

  On 2/15/2015 at 5:49 AM, mikeszekely said:

That Magnus is a must buy for me. I think he looks better than the MP.

Not hard to do. Looks pretty solid for sure.


Oh, and I hear CW Devastator is going to be $150. At $100 I might have bit, but more than that and I think I'd rather spend the extra money and get Giant.

Guest davidwhangchoi
  On 2/15/2015 at 5:49 AM, mikeszekely said:

That Magnus is a must buy for me. I think he looks better than the MP.

that's crazy...

well tbh, i had kid trama of finding g1 ultra magnus, rodimus and metroplex's original rubber tires being downgraded/replaced to cheap plastic wheels in later versions. now, i have a habit of looking at the wheels of a TF first. (even in the reissues, that was my first concern, and i would've skipped a TF if he didn't have the right wheels)

i hate the black wheels... looks like someone robbed him.


I was just perusing the official Constructicons pics, and all but Bonecusher and Scavenger look like they're the products of about 20 years of design regression. Scrapper has no elbows, Hook and Mixmaster's lower arms are tiny and barely hanging on by a small linkage, and Long Haul's bot mode barely resembles his G1 look, as well as having stubby forearms that hinge laterally instead of fore and aft like normal elbows. I really wish they'd put in the engineering to make the individual bots better, at least with the minimal articulation that's become standard for each figure. I was planning on getting the whole set, but I want and expect better, esp with these figures who've been long overdue a modernized design to bring them up to today's engineering standard. Such a letdown, but more money to spend on the Protectobots and Stunticons, who all look to have superior designs.

Also disappointed to see that Cyclonus is a retconned Silverbolt.


Are the length of the stacks in UM accurate? I always get the feeling that they are too long in proportion to the rest of the body. Even on MP Magnus they are a bit too long. I think only the FansProject add-on set got it right.

I just realized that my UM stacks length OCD is the same one that David has on colors. ^_^


Definitely going to get all the Protectobots! And Devastator, who looks much better this time around.

I'm not going to like how empty my wallet is going to be at times... But such is the life.


I think Computron and Bruticus may end up being the best of them, so I plan to wait for them. I'll buy the odd good-looking limb or torso, but do not plan to complete any currently-revealed team.


If I find them, I'll complete Superion and Menasor, and I'll probably grab Optimus Prime, too. Defensor isn't really doing anything for me, and while I don't think Devastator looks bad for a Hasbro toy, the individual Constructicons do, especially at that price.

If/when they get around to the other combiner teams, I'd love a Bruticus, Predaking, and Abominus, could be tempted by Computron or Piranacon, and have no interest in Monstructor.

The fan combiner entirely depends on whether or not it's a new combiner made of existing characters I want, or if it's all new.

As for non-combining CWs or CWs that will have the ports but aren't members of a team, I want that Ultra Magnus, I might be tempted by Armada Megatron, and that's about it.

  On 2/16/2015 at 4:48 AM, mikeszekely said:

... have no interest in Monstructor.


True story: Monstructor is the only Transformers combiner I ever owned.

But he has an awesome name, and I think the design was pretty cool. Toy would've rocked if he'd been in a larger scale. A micromaster combiner just doesn't quite bring the house down. Even if he isn't exactly suffering for articulation next to his older brethren.

The Transformers combiners mostly have pretty good names, though. This is higher praise than it sounds, given the high quality standards Transformers names so rarely apsired to. So many characters are just dictionary words, and then you get the likes of Superion and Predaking. Predaking is such a great name. It just FEELS powerful when you say it.

But name-wise, none of them quite rise to the heights set by Machine Robo with Devil Satan 6. That's mostly irrelevant, though. I only mention it because I wanted an excuse to point out there's a toy robot out there named Devil Satan 6(Spoilers: He's evil). Pity he's an isolated incident. I could really get behind a toy line where EVERYONE had such an overblown name.


Soo... What happened to Devil Satan 1 to 5? Weren't they evil enough or something?

And yes, while Defensor has loads of nostalgia value for me, Predaking was my favorite. As soon as Takara announced they were reissuing it back in 2004, I jumped on a pre-order and got him just before Christmas. I don't know why they feel they need to play with the colour mixes in the more recent reissues. Wasn't the Orange, Red, Yellow and Black colour scheme good enough?

  On 2/16/2015 at 4:18 PM, VF-19 said:

Soo... What happened to Devil Satan 1 to 5? Weren't they evil enough or something?

Sady, the story is more mundane than that. It's a six-bot combiner.

Seems like the TEAM is Devil Satan 6 as well as the actual robot. Because the name was too awesome to use just once, almost certainly.


And yes, while Defensor has loads of nostalgia value for me, Predaking was my favorite. As soon as Takara announced they were reissuing it back in 2004, I jumped on a pre-order and got him just before Christmas. I don't know why they feel they need to play with the colour mixes in the more recent reissues. Wasn't the Orange, Red, Yellow and Black colour scheme good enough?

Man, I'd love me a Predaking set. I just don't think I want to pay what it costs to GET one.
Posted (edited)

I need help from someone who has the most recent Takara reissue of MP-10 (came with a lame display stand). I've noticed that Hasbro upgraded the front supports on the trailer (the supports that allow the trailer to stand flat when not attached to Convoy) to have a little lip which makes them much easier to pull down. On the first TT MP-10, they don't have this lip so getting those supports down is a total pain in the butt. Does the reissue of MP-10 that came with display stand have the Hasbro lip added? I would assume it does since MP-10 Eva has the lips added. I'll try to get pics up later if anyone is confused.

Edited by jenius
Posted (edited)

I'm confused. Do you mean the Hasbro Asia re-issue of MP-10 in the Takara colors??

The Takara Re-issue isn't out yet.

Edited by Gakken85
Posted (edited)

Takara MP-10 Gift-set (Japan), September 2011, 22,000YEN
Hasbro MP-10 Gift-set (USA TRU exclusive), November 2012, $119.99
Takara MP-10B Black Prime, March 2013, 12,800YEN
Takara MP-10 Gift-set (Asia), September 2013, 22,000YEN (included Display Stand)
Hasbro MP-10 YOTH Gift-set (USA), March 2014, $119.99
Hasbro MP-10 Gift-set (Asia), November 2014, $159.99 (included Vector Sigma)
Takara MP-10A Bathing Ape Prime (Japan), November 2014, 18,144YEN (includes tax)
Takara MP-10 Evangelion (Japan), November 28, 2014, 25,000YEN (includes tax)
Takara MP-10 Gift-set (Japan reissue), May 2015, 22,000YEN

Found a link to the toy at BBTS:

Looks like we were discussing it here around page 60. This was when the exchange rates sucked so this toy cost nearly $300 shipped... ouch!

Edited by jenius

that magnus looks awesome BUT again...another large magnus with no waist joint! gah!! still it looks awesome for a mainline figure. mp magnus is very plain in comparison. it honestly may BE the better toy..we'll see i guess. i'm still butthurt at no white prime plus armor. lol. the leader class seems to be a great interpretation of idw magnus


  On 2/17/2015 at 5:23 PM, Mechapilot77 said:

i'm still butthurt at no white prime plus armor. lol.

LoL! I'm right there with you, Mechapilot77. I've been thinking of picking up the KO MP-10 in white Magnus colors to ease the pain. MP-22 is okay, but it isn't what I've come to expect from most Transformers. Even the Prime and Generations toys that I have are engineered with better articulation. Oh well...


  On 2/17/2015 at 5:13 PM, technoblue said:

I have the Asia reissue MP-10. Here's a quick and dirty shanpshot.


The "landing gear' for the trailer appears to have the upgraded lip. It's pretty easy to pull them down.

Yeah I sold mine or I would help. It was super expensive.

I did a review on it though:

I don't think I ever got the trailer out.

Posted (edited)
  On 2/17/2015 at 8:00 PM, Gakken85 said:

Yeah I sold mine or I would help. It was super expensive.

I did a review on it though:


I don't think I ever got the trailer out.

Nice job on the video review, Gakken85. ;)
I hope the upcoming MP-10 reissue matches the quality of the Asia release. Even though the price was high, I was impressed with the quality of my figure. The upcoming Takara reissue is a double dip for me, something I usually try to avoid.
Edited by technoblue
  On 2/17/2015 at 5:13 PM, technoblue said:

I have the Asia reissue MP-10. Here's a quick and dirty shanpshot.


The "landing gear' for the trailer appears to have the upgraded lip. It's pretty easy to pull them down.

That was perfect, thanks.
  On 2/17/2015 at 8:48 PM, technoblue said:
Nice job on the video review, Gakken85. ;)
I hope the upcoming MP-10 reissue matches the quality of the Asia release. Even though the price was high, I was impressed with the quality of my figure. The upcoming Takara reissue is a double dip for me, something I usually try to avoid.


The Asia release is a great release in terms of fit, tight joints and finish. It's better than the original bright Hasbro release. My original Hasbro had pretty loose feet. With the coin and stand it's a decent value. I think I sold my Stand Separately for $30, and the coin goes for close to that too.

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