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  On 1/31/2015 at 9:46 PM, Valkyrie2008 said:

Here's a couple of shots in bot mode.

Wow, looks nice with panel lines!

Guest davidwhangchoi
  On 1/31/2015 at 9:46 PM, Valkyrie2008 said:

Here's a couple of shots in bot mode.

looks amazing panel lined. the legs look more realistic with the extra detail.

  On 1/31/2015 at 9:46 PM, Valkyrie2008 said:

Here's a couple of shots in bot mode.

Sweet! Really makes those details pop--gives the fig a very cool kind of artwork quality.


Yeah, Magnus is a great figure, just need some TLC. :p

I did notice that the BUTT-FLAP is always in the way everytime I pick him up and also when trying to position is legs. I will try for make it fold and use magnut to make it stay in place, when ever I have time.


And a bigger cab for Mixmaster. Devastator looks like he has a club foot and a shrunken head, plus a bad hangover. I guess symmetry has been struck from the list of design factors, along with complexity beyond 10-15 steps. In the wake of all the third party Not-Devastators, I was expecting something better from a company with 30+ years experience to set the bar, esp on such an iconic character. I erred.

More money for LEGO, my other addiction.

  On 2/2/2015 at 8:25 AM, close313 said:


not sure why all the hate. i get the head is too small and the right shoulder/torso treads should be green (please fix this takara like you are used to making the better release lol) and not purple. also someone needs to give devy a shoe upgrade to mixmaster...but otherwise...its very G1-ish. more so that titan metroplex in fact. for a mass market non 3P release...its seems good. if they fix the purple treads (hue sticking point for me) i'll get it. if hasbro doens't do that i'm confident takara will.

  On 2/2/2015 at 3:19 PM, Valkyrie Hunter D said:

It looks alright, but just from that pic, it's certainly no replacement for Giant. Actually it's not alright, that smaller left foot is nagging me.

Saying it's not replacement for Giant is like saying that a Chevy Sonic is no replacement for a Corvette. If Devy's priced around the same as Metroplex (assuming, since they're both Titan class), you can buy 4 for what Giant costs. You get what you pay for, and outside of the MP line I think it's unreasonable to expect Hasbro's mass-market toys to be on the same level as third-party releases aimed solely at adult collectors.

  On 2/2/2015 at 3:59 PM, mikeszekely said:

Saying it's not replacement for Giant is like saying that a Chevy Sonic is no replacement for a Corvette. If Devy's priced around the same as Metroplex (assuming, since they're both Titan class), you can buy 4 for what Giant costs. You get what you pay for, and outside of the MP line I think it's unreasonable to expect Hasbro's mass-market toys to be on the same level as third-party releases aimed solely at adult collectors.

I was judging solely based on how this new Devy looked like, pricing wasn't a factor. I still gave Hasbro the benefit of doubt that their new Devy would look better than any of the 3rd parties'.

Posted (edited)

I think Devastator looks fine for a non collector toy. However the guy who posed the toy clearly has no understanding of composition or appealing poses. To me it looks much better than the other combiners in the CW line (especially Menasor and Assimilation-Prime).

What I don't get is why the threads aren't molded in black.

Edited by Scyla

Devastator doesn't look half bad for a hasbro combiner, much better than menasor. I'll probably wait for the takara version before I buy it though.


If I buy Devastator, it'll be because I see him in the store. That's something that never happened for Metroplex, a handful of other CHUGs (especially Legend and Leader classes), and so far, the entire Combiner Wars line. Every time I'm out and check I see shelves still choked with Age of Extinction toys (seriously, it's like the entire line except Evasion Mode Optimus Prime was a shelfwarmer), and a handful of equally crappy toys for the new Robots in Disguise show.


That Devastator looks kinda weird to me. haha

it looks like it is kind of drunk and about to tip over backward. :p

  On 2/3/2015 at 5:50 AM, Gakken85 said:

Shows how good Maketoys really is.

Totally different markets, but still.

I haven't handled it, but from what I've seen and read, yeah, it's the gold standard. There's some stuff I like better on Hercules, but overall I think Giant wins it.

Don't really have $400 to burn on a Devastator, though. Might be willing to spend a hundy, though.

Posted (edited)

I was going to get one until I realized how small the individual bots are. Kinda turned me off to it for that price. All together they are about the size of an MP. The scale is just too odd for my collection, as much as I wanted one. Makes you wonder how big a legit Takara MP combiner will be.

I passed on their Metroplex too because I realized I didn't really need it, as I wouldn't ever transform and display it as a city or ship. I figured it would have some QA issues out of the box too. Too expensive for the lack of utility I'd get out of it.

I'm glad MT is moving forward with more MP sized stuff. Keen to see what they come up with.

Edited by Gakken85

I own TFC Hercules, and absolutely love it. I never considered Maketoys Giant, but when I heard that this company was doing the Technobots, I had to get on board. I just got Quantron this past week, and it is amazing. Just from this, I can see why people appreciate Giant so much.


I'm preventing this thread from derailing into talks of 3P toys.

To paraphrase "MakeToys does it(Devastator) better" and then we've got seques into Quantron and MT Technobots, TFC Herc, and MT Utopia. All 3P versions, which has it's own dedicated thread which I am pointing people who want to talk about that towards. You want to criticise/applaud HasTak this is the thread to do it. You want to sing the praises of MT/FT/TFC/etc or beat it down there's the other thread.

Posted (edited)


Anyway, I wonder when they will announce some new MP's already. Officially anyway.

Edited by Gakken85

Yeah I've been waiting for new MP announcements as well. I sure hope they make an announcement soon before Space Brick's release.

Anyway, after seeing more of MP-24 Star Sabre pics, I think I'm in for one!


Apparently Starsaberrrrruuu's Bio in English is going to be based on the IDW comic and not the Japanese cartoon.

I dig it for the diversity factor.


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