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I think the G1 colors on the AoE are a vast improvement over the movie colors. The toys are still awful.

  On 6/20/2014 at 5:51 PM, UN Spacy said:

Who has UM for preorder still?

HLJ had it up until earlier this morning (again). Just keep watching there.


  On 6/20/2014 at 6:34 PM, Benson13 said:

I think the G1 colors on the AoE are a vast improvement over the movie colors. The toys are still awful.

I think the toy colors are great. The almost convinced me to buy the AoE Dinobots. ^_^ The color and the knight theme. :p

Posted (edited)

Benson13: Yeah, the AoE design itself is a bust for me. And Sludge isn't down for breakfast.

  On 6/20/2014 at 6:39 PM, skullmilitia said:

Not sure why anyone would think UM would only be slightly taller, he is Optimus with a giant trailer around him.

Going to be giant.

I can't fault your logic, skullmilitia. There is this clip from the animated movie, though. Wasn't Hot Rod shorter than Optimus until after he got the matrix?


You know, thinking about the character, I wish they had more than one optional face for Ultra Magnus. I think adding in a concerned face or a stern face suits Magnus more so than the smirky face---definitely more so than that howling yell of a face.

Edited by technoblue
Posted (edited)

He was never depicted as larger than prime by that margin. In the cartoon, the movie, or any comic art I've seen.

I guess you could make a case that the G1 toy was taller.

I understand that they had to make the cabs the same size to make the cars in scale, and I appreciate that limitation... but personally, I'd much rather have a mp-10 repaint with some super parts or Grenade box armor or something.

I bet the articulation would be better, there would be less kibble, and you could display it as white prime if you wish.

It would be a little boring, but better in ever respect.

Edited by Gakken85

I disagree. To me, the less something transforms and the more something disassembles and reassembles the worse it gets. Scale has always been an afterthought with TF and it's not like the show had AWESOME animation that consistently showed everyone the right sizes. I was able to enjoy G1 UM so as long as this thing isn't fragile or incredibly frustrating I think people will warm up to it.

What mech/robot has the best butt flap of all time? My vote goes to the Spartas hovertank from Southern Cross.

Posted (edited)

Oh it's going to be annoying.. I bet the articulation will be restricted too.

This guy will be as big as a 1/12 Votom.

I don't think it's an afterthought because that's what the designer envisioned for the line from MP-09/10 on. Scale. People argue about scale relentlessly.

And it would still be a transformer... just as much as a VF-1 Transforms, and Mp-10 transforms. He would just have upgrade parts as it were. Ultra Magnus is suppose to be an armored prime. No more, no Less. Not half of prime and a bunch of folded up bits. I don't get the obsession with working the trailer into the transformation myself. Prime didn't have any integration... and the original G1 was just a shell.

I see no real up side to this design other than people can claim... "It's not a parts former (In relation to the cab)."


But is it a mess in the back? Yes. Kibblefest. Will the articulation and posing be limited? Probably. (You can see the arms barely bend at the elbow, and the legs look like a nightmare to position. No waist to speak of. ect) Is it going to be out of scale in the form that most people display it in? Yes. Will the transformation be a pain in the ass? Probably.

I guess most people are just saying, "Close enough, I'll take it." Which is fine but I'll be interested to see what QA and durability issues come out of the Arm hinges.

You look at the back of this thing and it looks like something that came out 10 years ago.


A guy on TFW did a nice mock up of taking some of the chunk out.


Edited by Gakken85

Is UM really supposed to be an armored prime? It's been eons since I saw the cartoons but I always remember him being fully armored. I thought it was only a contrivance for the toy.


I guess most people are just saying, "Close enough, I'll take it."

I guess my question is, why are people saying "Close enough, I'll take it" instead of "Citizen Stack looks way better, I'll buy that instead?"

1) Seems kind of a dick move to me to buy third party stuff that is directly competing with first party. Cone heads? Sure. TP released ahead of MP? No support for you.

2) Something really turns me off about CS, I think it's the head sculpt.


Citizen Stacks looks... good. But it still doesn't look as good as UM in my opinion. It just strikes me as a little amature-ish with the groove lines. You look at it and say.. Ok that's a third party.

His proportions are better, I'll give him that...but the official effort calls to mind the figure more. I think if they changes the forearms and the face a bit it would be a lot more engaging.



Why are people so bent up over UMs lack of articulation, all he does is stand around and get shot anyways.

Besides the obvious proof in the movie, here's something a little more obscure.

  On 6/20/2014 at 11:15 PM, jenius said:

Is UM really supposed to be an armored prime? It's been eons since I saw the cartoons but I always remember him being fully armored. I thought it was only a contrivance for the toy.

that's just it though. The toy has always been White prime wearing a trailer of armor, and personally that's what I want. If MP-22 had been a white MP-10 with clip on armor, I'd actually consider buying one. but as is I couldn't care less about UM.

Posted (edited)
  On 6/20/2014 at 11:15 PM, jenius said:

Is UM really supposed to be an armored prime? It's been eons since I saw the cartoons but I always remember him being fully armored.

You're right. The cartoon never indicated that there were any additional modes to UM. And it appears that the MP line is primarily drawing from the cartoon for their designs.

  On 6/21/2014 at 1:01 AM, Benson13 said:

What's Citizen Stack running for these days anyway?

$185 at BBTS

Edited by RD Blade
  On 6/20/2014 at 11:29 PM, jenius said:

1) Seems kind of a dick move to me to buy third party stuff that is directly competing with first party. Cone heads? Sure. TP released ahead of MP? No support for you.

If you buy crap from Takara, it'll only encourage them to make more crap. I'm not buying UM because I think it's Takara's worst MP design since Rodimus. Maybe Megatron. If I buy Citizen Stack (don't plan on it), it's because Takara had their chance and blew it.


2) Something really turns me off about CS, I think it's the head sculpt.

I think that's his worst feature, sure, but again, it's not like we're real happy with the Takara head.


His proportions are better, I'll give him that...but the official effort calls to mind the figure more.

The original toy, sure. The cartoon, maybe even. But UM looks blocky and stiff. Citizen Stack looks much more dynamic, and is fairly evocative of his IDW appearance.


I think if they changes the forearms and the face a bit it would be a lot more engaging.

They don't show it many pictures, which is a shame, but I'm pretty sure the blue part of his forearms can be rotated so that the armor that sticks out over the tops of his hands can be placed under his fists (without moving his elbow), like G1 and MP UM's. Doesn't fix the head, but goes a long way toward making his arms look better.
  On 6/21/2014 at 1:04 AM, anime52k8 said:

that's just it though. The toy has always been White prime wearing a trailer of armor, and personally that's what I want. If MP-22 had been a white MP-10 with clip on armor, I'd actually consider buying one. but as is I couldn't care less about UM.

Couldn't agree more.

  On 6/21/2014 at 12:00 AM, Gakken85 said:

Cuz it's 2014 and for 200 bucks I want some posing power :D

I wouldn't want to spend 200$ on a 140$ item either lol.

Yeah I'm not going support 3P products when there's official product coming.

UM looks awesome, bitching about accuracy between super realistic ( lol its not realistic at all) truck with car trailer, and animation correct bloblular like transformation in animagic cartoon world. It's just the right blend of both worlds. It fits the MP line which is the only line I collect. Because I hate flop.

Besides, IMO citizen shat looks like crap. Fanboylove association went apeshit with it because A) it's bigger than FP commander. B) it's the first 3P version of a full figured UM.

Posted (edited)

You got a magic toy teleporter that does all your shipping?

With the size of this thing I bet it's 40+

Even if you pack it with other items it's gonna cost something.

Edited by Gakken85
  On 6/21/2014 at 4:08 AM, Gakken85 said:

You got a magic toy teleporter that does all your shipping?

With the size of this thing I bet it's 40+

Even if you pack it with other items it's gonna cost something.

It's called a private warehouse, I'm always buying crap from HLJ.

My MP's always ship for no extra cost to shipping. The last time I paid for more than 40$ in shipping for FedEx I had the MacF Quarter, VE-1, VF-19, and a dozen Kyoto chain bases. And it was 60$. I have yet to actually get increased shipping adding MPs to my PW.

Still.. AE had UM for 127$ even with outrageous fictional 60 EMS shipping it's under 200$


I'm guessing the MP Grimlock is gone and not coming back? I've only seen it at Frank & Sons for $120 not once in any of 4 x TRU didn't seem to matter opening, mid day, or late night...

Not interested in that UM at all, but never been that fond of the character, either. I do like cartoon accurate more than toy replication so wasn't really expecting an MP10 with clip on trailer armor (though I think such SHOULD have been doable and would have been nice)


I've never been a big fan of UM, although I think it's interesting, from a design standpoint, that they chose to make his cab and trailer become the character rather than going the simpler route of wrapping the trailer around a white MP-10. If I was interested, however, I think I'd prefer the latter, since I have yet to procure MP-10, and the playability is arguably better when you can separate the two elements of the character. Hopefully, they'll rerelease OP at some point. Once UM is released I hope Takara gets back to producing the rest of the season 1 characters, esp a new improved Megatron. I'd also love to see them produce the entire line of cassettes in MP form...love those things.

As for Generations toys, I was hoping that Hasbro would reveal their upcoming Arcee figure at BotCon, but still no pics. It doesn't inspire hope for a fig that's supposed to be released in a couple months. She's long overdue a proper fig that hearkens to her G1 look. I wish Alex Kubalsky was still working for Takara; I'd love to see his design for Arcee.


Some enticing Generations news from Botcon: Arcee is her G1 self, a Leader class Megatron that looks like his G1 form but turns into a tank (ala Legends videogame), and combiner Superion! Well, that's all I found enticing so far...


Hopefully Superion shares NOTHING with FOC Bruticus.

I'm still pissed I bought that set.

MP Sideswipe

MP Blustreak

Only thing else interesting, although they will be priced higher than Tak.


I would have totally been down with UM being an MP10 cab in white and a second toy being the trailer that transformed to encompass the MP10 cab (sort of like a ride armor toy). I just am glad they didn't give us something in between where the trailer had to be disassembled into several parts and then reassembled on the MP10 style toy.

If you buy crap from Takara, it'll only encourage them to make more crap. I'm not buying UM because I think it's Takara's worst MP design since Rodimus. Maybe Megatron. If I buy Citizen Stack (don't plan on it), it's because Takara had their chance and blew it.

I don't own a single third party TF item. I'm not getting on a soapbox here but I do think it's a particularly bad show to compete with the legitimate rights owners. If the rights owners are ignoring the toy you want and somebody (a bit shady) fills that niche I can understand a purchase. Competition is good and all but the Masterpiece line has generally been very good so it seems silly to me to buy CS on the assumption that UM will be terrible. If reviews come out that MP UM sucks I still wouldn't have the heart to go third party but I'm sure others will.

Guest davidwhangchoi
Posted (edited)

all this talk made me want to watch season 3 today. i was watching prime come back to life in the autobot tomb. and then i saw starscream's ghost. didn't realize how witty he was (too young back then). i was just laughing so hard when starscream is taking over cyclonus' body and fake whipping octane to convince galvatron of a ploy.

ultra magnus is just there in most of the episodes... he's like an autobot soundwave without the cool voice. i feel like he's a background prop out there. but i love his alt mode.

Edited by davidwhangchoi
Posted (edited)
  On 6/21/2014 at 9:59 PM, jenius said:

I would have totally been down with UM being an MP10 cab in white and a second toy being the trailer that transformed to encompass the MP10 cab (sort of like a ride armor toy). I just am glad they didn't give us something in between where the trailer had to be disassembled into several parts and then reassembled on the MP10 style toy.

I don't own a single third party TF item. I'm not getting on a soapbox here but I do think it's a particularly bad show to compete with the legitimate rights owners. If the rights owners are ignoring the toy you want and somebody (a bit shady) fills that niche I can understand a purchase. Competition is good and all but the Masterpiece line has generally been very good so it seems silly to me to buy CS on the assumption that UM will be terrible. If reviews come out that MP UM sucks I still wouldn't have the heart to go third party but I'm sure others will.

Citizen Stack is OK, but he's getting way too much praise, IMO. He doesn't hold a candle to MP UM's show accuracy. His hourglass figure looks wrong, his forearms are completely the wrong shape, and he's wearing Converse. Edited by RD Blade
  On 6/21/2014 at 9:59 PM, jenius said:

I don't own a single third party TF item. I'm not getting on a soapbox here but I do think it's a particularly bad show to compete with the legitimate rights owners. If the rights owners are ignoring the toy you want and somebody (a bit shady) fills that niche I can understand a purchase. Competition is good and all but the Masterpiece line has generally been very good so it seems silly to me to buy CS on the assumption that UM will be terrible. If reviews come out that MP UM sucks I still wouldn't have the heart to go third party but I'm sure others will.

You do what you want. Like I said, I don't really plan to buy either, because neither looks like something I want to spend $150+ on.

And, until recently, I'd never bought a third-party Transformer, either. That said, when I finally broke down and bought some, they were Hegemon (not-Megatron) and Mania King (not-Galvatron), to replace the CHUG versions I'm not real satisfied with. And I'm not going to feel guilty about it. Is there really any reason to feel bad for a multi-million dollar company that makes toys for kids that some adults happen to collect, just because some smaller outfit is catering to a niche market by producing smaller numbers of higher quality toys that may or may not represent characters that Hasbro already has an official toy for? Especially when Hasbro's lousy distribution means that some toys never even get to the people that might want to buy them, all the trouble everyone has had with just about every Hasbro MP, or the difficulty tracking down some CHUGs (I never found Kickback, Skids, FoC Starscream, Goldbug/Goldfire, Waspinator, or Swerve at retail, and the only Perceptor I found was actually at a Ross, not a Target/Walmart/TRU, etc). Or that, in my case, I'm actually buying 3P toys of characters I already own the Hasbro versions of.

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