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Guest davidwhangchoi

it's the same height... just posed in the back ground with the rocket behind primes head. the smoke stack is still the same height by magnus' window. it's silly bc people are panicking over the same prototype we've been looking at for the last few months. he didn't grow any taller.

it's fine to not like it. i'm not against it. but i think it's silly the tfw2005 guys are noticing it now and fighting about it.


I think it's a legit gripe considering how important scale can be in display, not to mention his other issues. People still raise hell that Grimlock is slightly out of scale.

TFW2005 is every man for himself haha.

Guest davidwhangchoi
  On 6/19/2014 at 7:52 PM, Gakken85 said:

TFW2005 is every man for himself haha.

true, lol i don't want to post there bc i might insult some baby. haha good site for info though.


Yeah I mean Transformer fans are wide and varied. You have guys who hunt the $10 dollar walmart pieces, and guys who only buy MP's. It's a massive network of people so there is always something new updated.

The downside is that more people = more jerkoffs.

Guest davidwhangchoi
  On 6/19/2014 at 7:56 PM, Gakken85 said:

Yeah I mean Transformer fans are wide and varied. You have guys who hunt the $10 dollar walmart pieces, and guys who only buy MP's. It's a massive network of people so there is always something new updated.

The downside is that more people = more jerkoffs.


Guest davidwhangchoi
Posted (edited)
  On 6/19/2014 at 8:01 PM, Benson13 said:

Benson13 = Jerk off

no, you're manly man who's shows off his body with his valks. :D

back on topic, i like his alt mode, i wish his cab did turn into a white mp prime. i held off on mp 02 white bc i wanted him in the mp-10 mold. i hope some KO makes him. or some exclusive is made with mp-10 in ultra mag's colors.

Edited by davidwhangchoi

Um legs look a bit on the boring side. Normally MPs have something of aded detail to not look so simple.

Still looking forward to having it.

Guest davidwhangchoi

he was 4500yen at hlj but with EMS shipping it'll prob come to around 60-65 bucks, so that's about a 10 overcharge (free shipping at Tfsource) which may or may not be worth it depending on the person.

Posted (edited)

I am digging both Wheeljack and Bee.

I think it's great that a lot of people like MP Ultra Magnus. I hope my comments aren't coming across as too harsh. For me, it's all in good fun. And it was a relief to read that Gakken was seeing the same thing.

I agree that this release may just not be for me. And I think that it is silly that people insult each other over toys. I'll have to think about what to do with my pre-order. If I cancel, I'll have more money for something else, so that is a silver lining. Haha. :)

Update: I decided to cancel my preorder at HLJ. I think MP-22 was on order stop, so I don't know if my order will be up for grabs now or not. But FYI all the same.

Edited by technoblue

Ultra Magnus looks good to me but I wouldn't be that critical of the release because it's not a holy-grail that I want to see done just right. The only thing that goes in my WTF column is that silly face and that itty-bitty Matrix (unless of course it's the same size as other Matrices and it just looks smaller relative to scale).

@Benson, I'm sure Bumblebee will open again for pre-order at HLJ, it's opened and closed, along with Magnus a few times already.



Benson13 is a cool macross bro! haha

Bumblebee look great. The alt mode seems a little elongated from the top, but oh well.

  On 6/19/2014 at 8:57 PM, Gakken85 said:

Benson13 is a cool macross bro! haha

Bumblebee look great. The alt mode seems a little elongated from the top, but oh well.

I agree with gakken that it is a bit long. I miss that old classic Bee feel. To bad he's still not a bug in the movies.

  On 6/19/2014 at 9:06 PM, Benson13 said:

I agree with gakken that it is a bit long. I miss that old classic Bee feel. Thank goodness he's still not a bug in the movies.

updated that for ya



  On 6/19/2014 at 9:10 PM, Kanedas Bike said:

updated that for ya



Crafty guy I see what youdid there. But I respectfully disagree as I like my TFs classic.

Posted (edited)
  On 6/19/2014 at 6:29 PM, jenius said:

If Magnus' cab is the same as MP10 I think people are over reacting to his height.

Where's the best place to get the exclusive silver streak?

BBTS has it for $89 + 8 = 97

Robotkingdom has it for $64+ 24ish = 88

As usually BBTS is a ripoff :D

Edited by Gakken85
  On 6/19/2014 at 9:12 PM, Benson13 said:

Crafty guy I see what youdid there. But I respectfully disagree as I like my TFs classic.

Hey, nothing wrong with liking the classics!

  On 6/19/2014 at 9:42 PM, Gakken85 said:

BBTS has it for $89 + 8 = 97

Robotkingdom has it for $64+ 24ish = 88

As usually BBTS is a ripoff :D

Every now and again you can find a good deal, or price on BBTS, but depending on what you collect they're few and far between and more often than not they're priced on the higher end of the spectrum.

And there is no flipping way I'd pay $ 90 for MP-21 Bumblebee. Especially when HLJ and other places have it (or will have it) at or below retail.


Posted (edited)

Actually, it looks like he reaches the same point, the rocket launcher is just canted up in one pic and down in another.

Edit: whoops, missed a whole page of posts. I feel silly now.

Edited by JB0
  On 6/20/2014 at 1:28 AM, JB0 said:

Actually, it looks like he reaches the same point, the rocket launcher is just canted up in one pic and down in another.

Edit: whoops, missed a whole page of posts. I feel silly now.

Don't it happens. And at least you acknowledged that a whole page of conversation took place without jumping in an rehashing or asking about the exact same thing that was just discussed.

One thing I noticed that I don't think was touched on since TFW2005 put up the newest pictures is;

1) In the O-Face Matrix picture you don't see his Butt Flap, so maybe (read: hopefully) it's just a transformation error where it's seen. But probably not since it's in every single other robot mode pic.

2) His gun is stored in vehicle mode on the top level/ramp of the trailer, that's kind of cool.

I'm 100% keeping my pre-order since I don't have any particular nits to pick.



well so far all 3 MP's are within my tolerance, and I don't see that changing any time soon. Now....Sunstorm....no. Hasbro REALLY needs to release the rest of the original Trio before I go over to their offices and dispense some justice, aka, skull cracking.

Posted (edited)

SDCC stuff. Sorta.. kinda cool...too bad the designs are still shite. Why does swoop have two heads? How does he know where to fly?



Edited by Gakken85
  On 6/20/2014 at 3:47 PM, Kanedas Bike said:

For real, I'd be down to purchase that Ark display, it's actually pretty cool.


how about I buy the set, keep the toys, and sell you the box for $100. :p

  On 6/20/2014 at 4:09 PM, RD Blade said:

You'd have to paint an entire room orange.

I'm OK with that.

  On 6/20/2014 at 4:08 PM, anime52k8 said:

how about I buy the set, keep the toys, and sell you the box for $100. :p

Sure, sounds like a can't lose deal! :lol:

  On 6/20/2014 at 4:09 PM, RD Blade said:

You'd have to paint an entire room orange.

  On 6/20/2014 at 4:16 PM, Benson13 said:

I'm OK with that.

Pictures or it never happened (you know, in the future when you paint your Arc room orange).



The Ark display looks great. I'm not as keen on the new AoE design aesthetic mixed with G1 colors. But I'm only saying that because of the way Grimlock looks. Have any of the other Dinobots been spoiled for the new movie?

  On 6/20/2014 at 3:04 AM, Kanedas Bike said:

1) In the O-Face Matrix picture you don't see his Butt Flap, so maybe (read: hopefully) it's just a transformation error where it's seen. But probably not since it's in every single other robot mode pic.

Good catch on the flap. I'm out of it altogether now, but I do hope everyone is happy with the end result. And I look forward to the pictures and the videos. :D

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