Gakken85 Posted September 16, 2013 Posted September 16, 2013 (edited) I think MP KO's are terrible for collecting. Spending $50 bucks to support people who take other people's work... it's not going to keep the line going, that's for damn sure. It's different if it's a toy you can't find at a reasonable price. But you can get Lambor just about anywhere for $100 or so and he's worth the money. I like Takara's eyes. With the right light they look awesome. Edited September 16, 2013 by Gakken85 Quote
treatment Posted September 16, 2013 Posted September 16, 2013 (edited) On 9/16/2013 at 5:32 AM, Golden Arms said: I think it may be a factory reject. The packaging and other materials seem on par with my MP-sideswipe. The quality of the toy is were the differences become apparent. The paint quality in some areas and the misspellings are the only major issues. I didn't get robbed. I strongly suspected that the there were some slight issues with the toy due to it being priced 1/2 as to what the MP is currently going for. I assumed that the seller had a batch of toys that made their way out of the back door of the factor due to QC issues. Highly doubtful that you got a factory-reject/backdoor, as only TigerTrack had been reported to have had the factory-reject/backdoor-situation, and both SS and RA already are known to have been KO'ed. Also, misspelling is very unique to KOs. I reckon it is the first obvious difference between a KO and a legit/factory-reject. As to being "robbed", nah. I don't think of it that way in this particular situation. Takara made deliberate short runs on SS and RA, and scalpers are currently having a field day on charging way way too much for the legit versions that they've heavily scalped. Scalpers may even sell KOs as legits. Lots of legit-buyers got screwed with Out-of-Stock situation caused by the crazy unrestricted scalping that happened. So, lesser of two evils or something. If you can live with paint-issues and misspellings, then it's all good. Takara should just re-issue both SS and RA (as well as TT) and price them off more reasonably and have better availability. Edited September 16, 2013 by treatment Quote
skullmilitia Posted September 16, 2013 Posted September 16, 2013 Mp-12 and 14 were 42$ in Japan. It's just buying from US retailers that mark up to 80$, that brought them to 100$ prices. Neither 12 or 14 are worth 100$. It's basically a deluxe sized toy with licensing. 45$ is the highest they should go for. And Takara made thier bed by making small runs. The KO companies are just following the markets. At least Some one does, because HasTak doesn't. Quote
Gakken85 Posted September 16, 2013 Posted September 16, 2013 (edited) That's idiotic. haha. That's like saying a VF-25f should only be $70 bucks. Takara makes small runs because they can't make endless amounts and still make money. Yamato tried that and see where it got them. Plus, it is an adult collectible. There isn't anything collectable about it if you can pick it up at Target for $50 bucks any time you want. You're basically saying they should sell at cost for $20 bucks to retailers and then the retailers should make $20 bucks off them because you want to be cheap about it. $50 bucks is the price if you're in Japan. That $20-30 bucks to import it has to come in somewhere down the line, if you're paying it or the retailer is. Somebody has to use oil to physically move the things across the pacific ocean. What brought them to $140 dollars back in March was supply and demand. People were willing to pay that price. At any rate if you don't want to pay Takara to make them, that's less money they have to put into new releases down the line. Takara is already planning re-issues of Lambor toward the end of the year. I don't think they did limited runs, they just do small releases to keep costs down to make the line profitable. Also, they can't predict huge demand in American markets for items that aren't even technically licensed to be sold there. Edited September 16, 2013 by Gakken85 Quote
skullmilitia Posted September 16, 2013 Posted September 16, 2013 HLJ sold them for 42$ and change on first release. It's purely stupid buyer syndrome that made them 160$ at the top of the frenzy. Shipping from HLJ was 12$ for EMS. So the added 30$ by E-tailers Stateside was to pay of middlemen and It's obvious Tak was actually selling these for anywhere from 28-35$ to Retail shops otherwise they wouldn't have been selling them for 43$ There's usually a 35-25% margin on this toys. And no it's not saying Bandai should sell 70$ valks. It's saying paying 200$ for a retail of 130$ is stupid. Especially before the market even exists for it. We should have learned with the VF-171cf. Raising prices In demand before knowing the supply just ends up deluding the end price. Quote
Guest davidwhangchoi Posted September 17, 2013 Posted September 17, 2013 (edited) caught this on tfw2005 while trying to find more news on MP-10 and MP KO's for sideswipe, red alert and tiger tracks. KO Scorponok is out on the streets. Might Gaine's (TFW2005) Scorponok counterfeit id guide Edited September 17, 2013 by davidwhangchoi Quote
Uxi Posted September 17, 2013 Posted September 17, 2013 Yeah, I'm willing to pay no more than $50 or so for a Transformer of Sideswipe/Lambor size. As I most likely won't buy it for any more than that, Tak/Has isn't really losing anything than if I got a legit for that price used a few years down the road. Quote
treatment Posted September 17, 2013 Posted September 17, 2013 Ayup. Takara already made lotsa money out of those scalpers who scalped up all the limited supplies of SS, RA, and TT. They got paid already for their inventory and then some. Reckon it is really only the scalpers now that are trying to pull the guilt-trip card on TF-fans to not buy KOs coz they can't move their stupidly-overpriced scalped items when TF-fans opts for the cheaper KOs. Quote
Gakken85 Posted September 17, 2013 Posted September 17, 2013 You guys remind me of this fellow on TF05: Quote a good price would be 75( 45+30) a leader class toy with 5 legend class , why? let’s be honest soundwave does not require more engineering that rotf optimus he is a BOX , I DONT SEE THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE CASSETES AND THE LEGION TOYS THEY ARE ALMOS THE SAME, LAST YEAR MP PRIME SHOULD HAVE BEEN AT THE SAME RANGE THE TRAILER IS A BOX A BOX Anyway! Just saw this pic of Soundblaster: Clear red megatron FTW! Quote
GU-11 Posted September 17, 2013 Posted September 17, 2013 I'm probably the only one who's seeing this, but Soundblaster's legs look like he's wearing black sneakers in that color scheme. Quote
technoblue Posted September 17, 2013 Posted September 17, 2013 (edited) I noticed the "sneakers" too. This scheme is growing on me, just like MP-10B. As for the smaller Masterpiece figures, I tend to wait for extra runs since I'm coming into this late. I lucked out with Sideswipe, Soundwave, and Optimus, even given the higher prices, the runs were spaced out enough where I was able to manage the toy budget okay. I prefer third party Transformers that do not knock off Masterpiece figures that are already available, like FT-03 Quakewave/Shockwave. I think those figures do fill a niche when done well. And I agree with Gakken, the Masterpiece line are collector's pieces. A Generations toy can be high quality, but I think it is meant for a wider audience and is priced for that audience. As for scalpers, well, I don't care for them but what can a person do? Edited September 17, 2013 by technoblue Quote
Gakken85 Posted September 17, 2013 Posted September 17, 2013 I just wish his chest plate was red instead of purple. Oh well. Quote
M'Kyuun Posted September 17, 2013 Posted September 17, 2013 I have MP Soundwave, and have no interest in any repaints of this mold; however, I'm all in for MP Ratbat and any other MP cassettes TakTomy wishes to make, and I hope they make them all. Finally got all the IDW Generations figs. I've been looking for them fruitlessly since July, and last week they started showing up at Target and Walmart here in Spokane. I'd seen comments saying TC and Hoist were small, but wow, their truck modes are conspicuously undersized next to their fellow deluxes. I wish the sensor thingy behind their heads could be stowed out of sight in vehicle looks dumb. My copy of Hoist's tow boom/gun's mount post is undersized and barely pegs in in vehicle mode and falls right out of his hand if the fig is jostled. Meg's chest opens up a bit to give it a louvred look...nice design, and he looks good in both bomber and bot modes. I didn't like Orion Pax's alt mode when the Toyfair pics were shown, but really nice fig in person. This is one of the better Cybertronian alts, IMO. Quote
mikeszekely Posted September 17, 2013 Author Posted September 17, 2013 On 9/17/2013 at 3:37 AM, Gakken85 said: You guys remind me of this fellow on TF05And you remind me of a Chinese exchange student I knew who was buying a watch for her boyfriend back home and asked the sales clerk if she could charge her more for it. You want to pay more for your toys more out of some notion that a more expensive toy is more prestigious than out of any logical reason for a toy to cost that much. Quote
Guest davidwhangchoi Posted September 17, 2013 Posted September 17, 2013 (edited) i was picking up GTA V and saw 3 acid storms and two soundwaves at TRU. Are these now coming widespread to TRU? Edited September 17, 2013 by davidwhangchoi Quote
anime52k8 Posted September 17, 2013 Posted September 17, 2013 (edited) On 9/17/2013 at 9:44 AM, GU-11 said: I'm probably the only one who's seeing this, but Soundblaster's legs look like he's wearing black sneakers in that color scheme. On 9/17/2013 at 3:23 PM, Gakken85 said: I just wish his chest plate was red instead of purple. Oh well. These are my two big problems with this one. The red chest door is disappointing but not a deal breaker, but I just can't stop staring at the black feet; they look so wrong. I'm thinking I'll cancel my pre-order at some point, every time I look at pictures of it I get less in to the paint scheme, and I'm not paying 160+ just to get Ratbat. Edited September 17, 2013 by anime52k8 Quote
skullmilitia Posted September 17, 2013 Posted September 17, 2013 I will LOL at all the soundblasters that will be on eBay missing Ratbat. Quote
Gakken85 Posted September 17, 2013 Posted September 17, 2013 (edited) On 9/17/2013 at 6:13 PM, mikeszekely said: And you remind me of a Chinese exchange student I knew who was buying a watch for her boyfriend back home and asked the sales clerk if she could charge her more for it. You want to pay more for your toys more out of some notion that a more expensive toy is more prestigious than out of any logical reason for a toy to cost that much. Nah, I just want to pay how much I think they are worth and I understand how economics actually work. I love getting good deals. But the secondary Market is different. If you can't afford it. Don't collect. Prices are only going to go up anyway, so.. it is what it is. Edited September 17, 2013 by Gakken85 Quote
jenius Posted September 17, 2013 Posted September 17, 2013 Prices only go up.... Til they come crashing down with the next improved version or reissue. Quote
s001 Posted September 17, 2013 Posted September 17, 2013 I have a question for the experts. As I'm not a great transformers fan or collector. Do you think Transformers movie toys are gonna increase their value in the future? You know. Like 'a lot'? I mean, enough to make it worth to keep an ROTF leader optimus MISB. Thank's in advance. Quote
skullmilitia Posted September 18, 2013 Posted September 18, 2013 On 9/17/2013 at 11:53 PM, s001 said: I have a question for the experts. As I'm not a great transformers fan or collector. Do you think Transformers movie toys are gonna increase their value in the future? You know. Like 'a lot'? I mean, enough to make it worth to keep an ROTF leader optimus MISB. Thank's in advance. ROTF Leader class Prime, Brawl and Megatron will be the exception to the movie line. Most of the movie line will faulter and die as the movies progress and toy technology improves. However the leader-class toys with sophistication will probably be a thing of the past. They will certainly hold their value over time. On 9/17/2013 at 10:27 PM, Gakken85 said: Nah, I just want to pay how much I think they are worth and I understand how economics actually work. I love getting good deals. But the secondary Market is different. If you can't afford it. Don't collect. Prices are only going to go up anyway, so.. it is what it is. That's rather elitist of you. Don't be fooled into thinking you can praise asinine behavior like paying a 300$ mark up on a MP grimlock, but say it's wrong to under pay by 12$ on a KO of the Sideswipe mold. Hasbro Asia is laughing all the way to the bank thanks to the elitist fools running around on the TF boards praising paying a huge mark up on what essentially is a 60$ mold. When it comes to these discussions it should always end with do with your money as you want. However don't say one side is wrong, when the other isn't. The KO companies are taking advantage of a market Takara didn't. Hasbro Asia is taking advantage of a market Takara didn't. only difference is, one is raping wallets, the other is helping. It's just capitalism at it's finest. Quote
Guest davidwhangchoi Posted September 18, 2013 Posted September 18, 2013 For any guys missing a MP soundwave they are back up and they are really staying for a long time. Quote
GU-11 Posted September 18, 2013 Posted September 18, 2013 On 9/17/2013 at 7:14 PM, anime52k8 said: These are my two big problems with this one. The red chest door is disappointing but not a deal breaker, but I just can't stop staring at the black feet; they look so wrong. I'm thinking I'll cancel my pre-order at some point, every time I look at pictures of it I get less in to the paint scheme, and I'm not paying 160+ just to get Ratbat. Frankly, if I had any interest in the fig, the sneaker feet thing just killed it for me. While I'd pay top dollar for a Ratbat CASSETTE COMBO, it never crossed my mind to buy SB just for that one cassetticon. Quote
technoblue Posted September 18, 2013 Posted September 18, 2013 ^^Definitely. If Takara continues to release new cassettes (and I hope they do), I would expect the next set would come out a little later after Soundblaster. Since I didn't buy the TRU version of Soundwave, I want to pick up the MP-15 Ravage combo and at least one more set to go with Lazerbeak. Quote
RD Blade Posted September 18, 2013 Posted September 18, 2013 On 9/18/2013 at 1:58 AM, GU-11 said: the sneaker feet thing just killed it for me. Seems like an easy fix with a little paint. Quote
treatment Posted September 18, 2013 Posted September 18, 2013 Right. Most of us here at MWF can't afford to collect stuff. We haven't been posting pics of our collections over the last ten or more years here in the forum. Especially those multiple MISB versions of stuff. We don't even hunt for those hard-to-get and extremely rare items. Nope. We don't collect here at MWF. We can't afford it at all. MWF members can't afford to collect at all. We got no disposable income and no paying jobs. We're just a bunch of poor schlobs trying to fit in on anonymous board by willfully paying scalpers to jack us by about 200% and more of the price of stuff for no reason other than to say we're collectors. oh, wait... Quote
skullmilitia Posted September 18, 2013 Posted September 18, 2013 Oh man, who would be the companion to Ratbat? Overkill or Slugfest? I hope Soundblaster doesn't kill off chances for Blaster. Quote
GU-11 Posted September 18, 2013 Posted September 18, 2013 On 9/18/2013 at 2:57 AM, RD Blade said: Seems like an easy fix with a little paint. For others, maybe. But since my puny DIY spraybooth can't handle anything stronger than acrylic paint, I'm worried about the paint scratching off during transformation. Sort of off-topic, but I'm asking a relative to who's going overseas to see if she can get a step-down adapter at the local and Hong Kong international airports. With one of those, I can easily order a Japanese spraybooth or compressor from hlj and use it here. Quote
anime52k8 Posted September 18, 2013 Posted September 18, 2013 On 9/18/2013 at 3:56 AM, GU-11 said: For others, maybe. But since my puny DIY spraybooth can't handle anything stronger than acrylic paint, I'm worried about the paint scratching off during transformation. Don't worry, the factory paint scratches off during transformation on it's own. Quote
Guest davidwhangchoi Posted September 18, 2013 Posted September 18, 2013 (edited) On 9/18/2013 at 3:16 AM, skullmilitia said: Oh man, who would be the companion to Ratbat? Overkill or Slugfest? I hope Soundblaster doesn't kill off chances for Blaster. i remember the original g1 blaster eject button was impossible to open. i thought i was going to break my thumb trying to open his door. that's why i always thought soundwave was superior. I don't want MP soundblaster or any line of the Japanese Headmasters. they took the G1 story killing prime off again. that ticked me off. then reviving soundwave and blaster to different colors. it ticks me off they can revive them but not optimus just like the movie could revive ultra magnus but not optimus. ok, jk, i liked the show a little... but still going to pass on mp soundblaster. i would like ratbat Edited September 18, 2013 by davidwhangchoi Quote
GU-11 Posted September 18, 2013 Posted September 18, 2013 On 9/18/2013 at 4:06 AM, anime52k8 said: Don't worry, the factory paint scratches off during transformation on it's own. If it's black paint over black plastic, that doesn't really solve anything. Quote
anime52k8 Posted September 18, 2013 Posted September 18, 2013 On 9/18/2013 at 4:23 AM, GU-11 said: If it's black paint over black plastic, that doesn't really solve anything. it's paint over die-cast metal (except for the little trap doors on the insides of the feet). Quote
GU-11 Posted September 18, 2013 Posted September 18, 2013 On 9/18/2013 at 4:34 AM, anime52k8 said: it's paint over die-cast metal (except for the little trap doors on the insides of the feet). That's certainly good to know, although it's still not enough to make me spend 160 USD on a TF I was never particularly familiar with. No matter how many times I think about it, Ratbat isn't worth that much. It's like buying a car I don't really like for the comfortable seats. Quote
xrentonx Posted September 18, 2013 Posted September 18, 2013 (edited) I think the black sneaker feet sold me on that SoundBlaster. I'm a sucker for black sneakers Edited September 18, 2013 by xrentonx Quote
technoblue Posted September 18, 2013 Posted September 18, 2013 On 9/18/2013 at 3:03 AM, treatment said: Right. Most of us here at MWF can't afford to collect stuff. We haven't been posting pics of our collections over the last ten or more years here in the forum. Especially those multiple MISB versions of stuff. We don't even hunt for those hard-to-get and extremely rare items. Nope. LoL! I'm disappointed because there is no Youtube video showcasing a hypersensitive 20- or 30-something grown man shouting "Leave my Transformers alone!" This debate makes no sense to me. All these purchases are whimsical at the end of the day, knock off or not, Takara or Hasbro, Arcadia/Yamato or Toynami. The only foolish person is the one who buys something without doing any research, kind of like the guy who buys a "Rollex" watch in Central Park thinking that it is the real deal. Even then, though, that can be fun sometimes, Quote
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