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thanks guys for the positive comments.

masking tape (a lot of them) is your best friend.

i dissambled the legs so i can spray the red briefs of grimlock.

covered the bottom feet with masking tapes..retaining the legs so i can spray it with flat black.

sprayed the head also..as you can see it retains some of the light gray and a mixture of black.

the chest part is the trickiest part.. cant dissamble the autobot logo plastic what i did is to mask everything up and razor cut the needed to be painted with a sharp blade.

used jetfires' gun too :)

@david, im from manila so i use what is available locally..BOSNY acrylic based

BOSNY - Gold


i never use gundam paints or any other expensive modellers paint..cause im a cheapskate :p

by the way, for the tricky corners that cannot be masked heres a tip...

get a fine stick..finer the better.. dub it to your paint.. then write away on the portions that you need to color..

thats how i was able to cover/paint the chest and other hard to reach areas. :rolleyes:


Posted (edited)

Behold! My current kreons!



I reckon they're a bit evenly matched so far.

Obviously missing Ironhide and Wheeljack for more G1-ness, and I think I need more G1 Decepticons, too. If there are any actually available that's pre-movie and/or not comics-based.

Oh, well. Fwiw, I've actually warmed up to the combiners after seeing my nephews put 'em together the first time, so I bought this second set for myself and also getting a third set for their individual modes. They're just so kewl!


Edited by treatment
Posted (edited)


For those still needing the voyager-class generations triple-changers, amzn is now listing Blitzy and Springer at US$22.99 (plus applicable state sales-tax, of course):

Blitzwing: http://www.amazon.com/Transformers-Generations-Voyager-Blitzwing-Figure/dp/B00ATA2SUQ

Springer: http://www.amazon.com/Transformers-Generations-Voyager-Autobot-Springer/dp/B00ATA2T9Q/



As of this edit-time, amzn inventory sold out. Hope you got your orders in before the scalpers.

Edited by treatment
  On 5/23/2013 at 10:24 PM, treatment said:

As of this edit-time, amzn inventory sold out. Hope you got your orders in before the scalpers.

Nope. And I see Springer's up to around $40.

Man, I've checked my local TRU, two different Targets, and two different Walmarts on multiple occasions. I bought the only Blitzwing I saw, I've encountered Shockwave more than once, but Springer isn't more than a myth in my neck of the woods. :(

  On 5/26/2013 at 2:53 AM, mikeszekely said:

Nope. And I see Springer's up to around $40.

Man, I've checked my local TRU, two different Targets, and two different Walmarts on multiple occasions. I bought the only Blitzwing I saw, I've encountered Shockwave more than once, but Springer isn't more than a myth in my neck of the woods. :(

I figured you'd be the one to buy my Springer off me...
  On 5/26/2013 at 2:53 AM, mikeszekely said:

Nope. And I see Springer's up to around $40.

Man, I've checked my local TRU, two different Targets, and two different Walmarts on multiple occasions. I bought the only Blitzwing I saw, I've encountered Shockwave more than once, but Springer isn't more than a myth in my neck of the woods. :(

Springer's back up at US$22.99:




Man that irks me, I got him 2 weeks ago at 45 or so, now I could of gotten him at normal retail AND in 2 days. Ah well. patients has never been my thing.


Welp! Bought some kreon from the nearest tarjey at lunchtime:


They got at least three full boxes there, so I was able to pick and choose. Hope I got the correct codes for these little thingies:

66 - Bulkhead
69 - Arcee
70 - Acid Wing
73 - Powerglide
74 - Perceptor
76 - Hoist


  On 5/26/2013 at 4:11 AM, David Hingtgen said:

I figured you'd be the one to buy my Springer off me...

I decided to give my local Targets one more go. They didn't have any, so I was going to buy yours, but someone beat me to it.

I guess it worked out, though. My Amazon order came yesterday. I'm pleased with him. I love Nick Roche's art, so I'm fine with him being more IDW than G1. His bot mode is great.

As far as alt modes go, he's the best triple-changer I've encountered, but it seems that triple changing still requires some compromises. In chopper mode, his elbows kind of just stick out, and I can't quite get his butt flap to stay pegged in place. In car mode, he looks cool but his side panels don't seem to fit well.

Overall, though, I'd highly recommend him. He's one of the best Hasbro Transformers in ages.

  On 5/31/2013 at 5:40 PM, mikeszekely said:

I decided to give my local Targets one more go. They didn't have any, so I was going to buy yours, but someone beat me to it.

I guess it worked out, though. My Amazon order came yesterday. I'm pleased with him. I love Nick Roche's art, so I'm fine with him being more IDW than G1. His bot mode is great.

As far as alt modes go, he's the best triple-changer I've encountered, but it seems that triple changing still requires some compromises. In chopper mode, his elbows kind of just stick out, and I can't quite get his butt flap to stay pegged in place. In car mode, he looks cool but his side panels don't seem to fit well.

Overall, though, I'd highly recommend him. He's one of the best Hasbro Transformers in ages.

Sorry about snapping Dave's up from under you, glad you were able to get one though. I think all of his flaws boil down to an excessive reliance on friction tabs. if every tab worked perfectly he'd be an absolutely perfect toy, but I've got a similar issue of his butt flap and car mode sides just fighting against staying pegged together.

one other thing I like about him is that if you leave off all his weapons in chopper mode, he makes a really good Halo pelican.

  On 6/2/2013 at 6:05 AM, anime52k8 said:

Sorry about snapping Dave's up from under you, glad you were able to get one though. I think all of his flaws boil down to an excessive reliance on friction tabs. if every tab worked perfectly he'd be an absolutely perfect toy, but I've got a similar issue of his butt flap and car mode sides just fighting against staying pegged together.

one other thing I like about him is that if you leave off all his weapons in chopper mode, he makes a really good Halo pelican.

It all worked out in the end, so it's all good.

Speaking of pegging his weapons on in chopper mode... how the hell does his gun mount under his nose? The super helpful directions just have a picture of him, from a view slightly to the right and slight above dead on, with an unhelpful "attach weapon here" and a arrow pointing to the nose. But I don't see anywhere to actually peg it.

  On 6/2/2013 at 9:53 PM, mikeszekely said:

It all worked out in the end, so it's all good.

Speaking of pegging his weapons on in chopper mode... how the hell does his gun mount under his nose? The super helpful directions just have a picture of him, from a view slightly to the right and slight above dead on, with an unhelpful "attach weapon here" and a arrow pointing to the nose. But I don't see anywhere to actually peg it.

it doesn't actually peg in, it sort of clips in place.

you want to take this little grey tab on the bottom of the gun:


and snap it in between the two yellow plastic tabs on either side of the front landing gear:


it should look like this when it's mounted:


  On 6/2/2013 at 11:35 PM, anime52k8 said:

it doesn't actually peg in, it sort of clips in place.

you want to take this little grey tab on the bottom of the gun:

and snap it in between the two yellow plastic tabs on either side of the front landing gear:

Ohhhh... :ohmy:


I could get the car sides in quite well with some fiddling---but NOBODY has gotten the butt-flap to peg in AFAIK. It's flat-out engineered wrong or something, it's not a QC issue.

  On 5/31/2013 at 11:10 AM, Vermillion One said:

Does anyone have the new Alternity Super GT figures? Its a steep price for a cool paint job, but I am looking for some reviews/opinions before pulling the trigger.

I don't collect too many Transformers but I have both of the recently released ones on the way. I just love this mold. Will try to post my opinion once they come in.

  On 6/3/2013 at 6:52 AM, xrentonx said:

I don't collect too many Transformers but I have both of the recently released ones on the way. I just love this mold. Will try to post my opinion once they come in.

Thanks, please post it, I am interested in them, but have never owned any of this Alternity mold.


They're on the slow boat so I'll hopefully have them this weekend.

  On 6/3/2013 at 12:26 PM, Vermillion One said:

Thanks, please post it, I am interested in them, but have never owned any of this Alternity mold.

I own one of the original GT-R Alternity Primes (the black one) and I hope the design for the new ones have at least improved. The paint on the trunk got scratched when I pegged the leg parts together, and his "abdomen" plate refused to peg in after only one transformation, because the tabs wore off.

I'm really looking forward to hearing your thoughts on the new Alternity toys, too, xtrentonx. Still haven't pulled the trigger on the one in my local hobby store yet; I just don't feel like paying that much for a faulty toy.

BTW, I used to be very excited about the race queen fig, but damn, those arms! :blink: She looks like a fricking cyborg with all those joints. That said, having a figure to bring out the scale of the TF is nice.

Posted (edited)

Came here to vent.

I got my first Transformers toy since Alternators today, Masterpiece Red Alert, and I was super stoked until I opened the box it was mailed in. It was obviously used even though it was listed as brand new.

The outer box had the tape cut and a second piece of tape over it. The inner box's tape was damaged from being opened before. Worse, the guns had paint smears on the handles from being used!

The Amazon seller was HobbyYeah. Letting you all know so you can avoid them! I've emailed them; we'll see what they say.

Seriously, I'm sick of bad sellers. Especially when they try to pull a fast one. Grrr!

Edited by danth
Posted (edited)

Well...I just found out something. Apparently it has happened before that Takara Tomy has opened their own Masterpiece toys to inspect them, and then sealed them again, meaning they were double-taped like the Red Alert I received. Which means my seller may have been telling the truth...who knew?

Anyway. Masterpiece Red Alert is awesome! I just got Sideswipe today as well and can't wait to pose them together. Transformers are seriously dangerous. I'm trying to make some rational buying guideline other than "BUY THEM ALL."

Edited by danth

Make sure to read the instructions carefully. I see more incorrectly transformed MP Sideswipes than correct ones.

Main 3 things:

1. "Gap-fillers" on the inner sides of his calves.

2. Rotating the cooling intakes down 90 degrees to face forwards (the top of the outside of his lower legs)

3. Getting the door windows fully flipped around and tucked by the roof---you should see no red at all from any viewing angle when done properly, only the black/smoke color. And they should not be visible at all from the front, should be fully tucked in to be narrower than his waist.

None of these things are big, obvious things (which is why so many people miss them) but taken together, they do make a better, more cohesive robot mode---everything is more solid/compact.

Posted (edited)

Thanks for the tip David. I had the legs right, and I had the doors flipped, but I didn't have the doors tucked in as far as they could go. I just fixed that and they are no longer visible from the front.

Now debating whether to get Sunstreaker Tigertrack. Hmmm...

Edited by danth
  On 6/7/2013 at 7:24 AM, danth said:

Now debating whether to get Sunstreaker. Hmmm...

Sunstreaker? :huh:


Speaking of which, latest update from TF4:


Knowing Bay's history of names+altmodes, my vote is for Wheeljack or Abominus. Whoever it ends up being, I will wait for the red repaint of the toy, and it will be my "movie Sideswipe".

  On 6/7/2013 at 7:32 AM, danth said:

Gah. Tigertrack is what I meant. Got my yellow Lamborghinis mixed up!

I was about to say, If they did do a Sunstreaker I'd be all over that like you wouldn't believe.

  On 6/7/2013 at 8:13 AM, David Hingtgen said:

Speaking of which, latest update from TF4:


Knowing Bay's history of names+altmodes, my vote is for Wheeljack or Abominus. Whoever it ends up being, I will wait for the red repaint of the toy, and it will be my "movie Sideswipe".

Honestly, given his personality in Prime, that's totally not an inappropriate alt mode for Wheeljack. But it's kind of a moot point seeing as how they murdered him in the last movie after consistently calling him by the wrong name. :rolleyes:


But it's kind of a moot point seeing as how they murdered him in the last movie after consistently calling him by the wrong name. :rolleyes:

Just like they kept calling Mirage Dino?


Knowing Bay's history of names/alt-modes, coupled with the total lack of personality he's given to anyone not named Optimus Prime/Bumblebee, in the movie he'll be called Fart, he'll have three minutes of screen time, and he'll have a total of one line, probably about violently killing a Decepticon which no one in the movie will think is out of place for one of the "good guys." Hasbro will sell him as a Deluxe-class toy as Cliffjumper, which I won't buy, even if they repaint him in "G1 colors," because he won't look even remotely like any existing character in any way, shape, or form.

...unless they have a Human Alliance version. But only because I like the Aventador.

  On 6/7/2013 at 2:06 PM, mikeszekely said:

...unless they have a Human Alliance version. But only because I like the Aventador.

But because it's the coolest car alt mode in the whole movie there's going to be no actual toys of it in any size. Just like Mirrage/Dino.

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