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Posted (edited)

The previous thread folded to the Hall of Super Topics.


Here's a recap of what's coming in the next few months.

April 2012: Super Parts for VF-25F and VF-25S

May 2012: YF-29 reissue

June 2012: Armored Parts for for VF-25F and VF-25S, plus VF-171EX

No word on when the rest of Skull Squadron is coming.

Edited by UN Spacy

Alright, I am about to cave in and just use the nuclear option(eBay) to get Ozma's VF-25S. I give up. <_<


^Don't do it man, just wait it out! The lowest one I could fine on eBay was $300 before shipping, and I'm sure you'll regret dropping that much cash on something others paid nearly half for. At it's retail price, it's worth it, but unless your some crazy cult lover of Ozma, I don't think it'd be worth the $300+ you're going to be spending....

  On 3/7/2012 at 2:20 AM, ron5864 said:

Alright, I am about to cave in and just use the nuclear option(eBay) to get Ozma's VF-25S. I give up. <_<

Hope you get a good deal for them. You should be happy with the release.

It's a great valk, but not VF-17 great, you know? I wouldn't pay more than $220 for it, unless it is in a bundled pack of some sort.

  On 3/7/2012 at 8:19 PM, Phalanix said:

The armored Alto doesn't seem to be as popular as Ozma's? I still see that available for order at some places. All ozma versions are sold out. LOL

Well Alto got the armor in only 2 episodes and very breifly. Ozma wears it all the time.


I know some members were against using the nuclear option(eBay) to get Macross items at an outrageous price.

But I push the "Buy it now" button today at approximately 5:37PM PST and launched an order for the renewal VF-25S. Operation Scorched Wallet has begun.

So I can just kiss that future iPad3 goodbye. :huh:

  On 3/7/2012 at 8:06 PM, Murphy said:

Man still no circle vents or whatever they are on the leg missile pods.

Who cares?

  On 3/8/2012 at 7:09 AM, UN Spacy said:

Who cares?

I do, and so will other people who are paying for a so called accurate toy of the vf-25s armor. But hey what do I know.

Posted (edited)

I'm not sure what you are referring to, but there is some sort of detail on thoses leg missile blocks. Looks like a bunch of circular indentations. Are they what you are looking for? Graham had also mentioned the lack of vents on the original release too, I'm just not sure what the detail is I'm looking for, but the sides of the leg missile blocks don't look smooth to my eye.


Edited by Dobber
Posted (edited)

It looks really awesome to me. I don't care if something isn't 100% anime accurate. Like Ozma's black gunpod. Or the slightly different tint of the grey paint on Ozma. (Something I didn't, and still don't notice, but apparently it's really important) Doesn't matter to me. Looks freaking awesome. The thread I normally hang out at, at TFW, is not like this. I only see the nit picking here at MW, but I guess this is where all the hardcores are. Don't get me wrong: everyone has a right to say what's on their mind. It just doesn't seem to matter to me, is all. :)

Edited by pud333
  On 3/8/2012 at 5:05 PM, pud333 said:

The thread I normally hang out at, at TFW, is not like this. I only see the nit picking here at MW, but I guess this is where all the hardcores are.

To that I say---green blade, purple barrel. :p

Posted (edited)
  On 3/8/2012 at 6:09 PM, Lolicon said:

OMG! The joint holding the center chest plate with the skull insignia should be purplish colored, not grey!

/cancel preorder


Edited by valid
  On 3/8/2012 at 5:54 PM, Rabidweezil said:

I cannot say I agree with all the nitpicking either. However, in a bit of defense for MW vs TFW, as far as I know, Transformers don't generally cost $200 to $300.

Eh. I've never gone super nuts over anime accuracy even for the more expensive MP Transformers. That said, to be fair, TF fans are their own type of batsh*t crazy. :p

  On 3/8/2012 at 12:07 PM, Dobber said:

I'm not sure what you are referring to, but there is some sort of detail on thoses leg missile blocks. Looks like a bunch of circular indentations. Are they what you are looking for? Graham had also mentioned the lack of vents on the original release too, I'm just not sure what the detail is I'm looking for, but the sides of the leg missile blocks don't look smooth to my eye.


yes! thats is exactly what I am talking about. Now that Reïvaj posted that pic i can see it does in fact have them I guess I wasnt looking hard enough and expected them to be darker like this.


I like it the vents being more pronounced it looks more aggressive.


Looks like they've got the detail covered, we just might need to weather things a bit to make it stand out.

Now, if they actually made the leg packs detachable (and by that I mean sturdy and detachable), I'll be very impressed. I can't remember if they did it in the actual show, but I seem to recall someone mentioning that the leg packs could be jettisoned.


Is it safe to assume that the new Ver. 2.0 armor packs have different mounting points than Ver 1.0? Therefore, the first edition will not fit onto the renewal valks?


I'd say very safe to assume they won't fit well, but not fitting at all is another story. Most of the old v.1 super pack parts can be modded to fit decently, so I imagine the armor could too.

Given the stresses caused by the armor though, I wouldn't recommend it. It locks together in a much more restricting way than the super parts attach, so you might break something trying to make it fit.

Posted (edited)
  On 3/9/2012 at 1:02 AM, Chronocidal said:

Looks like they've got the detail covered, we just might need to weather things a bit to make it stand out.

Now, if they actually made the leg packs detachable (and by that I mean sturdy and detachable), I'll be very impressed. I can't remember if they did it in the actual show, but I seem to recall someone mentioning that the leg packs could be jettisoned.

They certainly did:

post-12283-0-78697500-1331264375_thumb.jpg post-12283-0-57493700-1331264390_thumb.jpg


Edited by Reïvaj

Alto ejected the armor almost bit-by-bit in Ep 14 as he used up the missiles---as soon as any pod/area was out of missiles, it was jettisoned. I think there were at least 3 separate times this happened, until it was almost bare when he went inside to rescue Ranka.

If you really want to "learn" about how Alto uses the armor, watch the second half of ep 14, not the final ep.

  On 3/9/2012 at 1:36 AM, ron5864 said:

Is it safe to assume that the new Ver. 2.0 armor packs have different mounting points than Ver 1.0? Therefore, the first edition will not fit onto the renewal valks?

they won't fit. The chest plate is completely different between the v1 and v2 as is every other piece. The v2 isn't just the v1 with a new crotch, it's completely re-worked.


hi guys,

its being awhile since i stop collecting macross stuff due to family commitments. Have recently begun my interest in macross releases again but guess i was late to the game as i found that most of the variants i wanted were sold out...like 1/60 VF-25f alto custom (renewal ver), 1/60 vf-25s ozama custom (renewal ver) and the ever elusive 1/60 yf-29 durandai. Not sure whats bandai intention is limiting the quantities of these valks when they are such a popular item. Same goes for the metal build gundam series

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