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DX VF-25 Renewal Series (Part III)

UN Spacy

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So you preorder veterans have gone through this for EVERY Bandai VF purchase.

Simply madness.... :)

Looks like HS has the best price so far. I am a little bummed that I couldn't get the preorder through them because of all this. I just wanted to lock in a good price. And I can't trust that I will be around for the next reservation window.

Oh well, I shall prevail. Ozma WILL BE MINE. :D

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Welp... I'm going back to sleep.. mebbe get 90 min sleep before waking up for work :0

Dang... looks like one of my NY's didn't go through :0

Either way 6 ozzies should be enough -_-

Edited by Duymon
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