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No problem, I was looking over the HLJ site and figured there would be a few keen buyers!

I missed out through ishop2go, so I'm very pleased to have snagged one this late in the game.

  On 7/5/2012 at 4:52 AM, Golden Arms said:

Toywave just informed me that they were unable to secure any stock. Is Bandai making these toys only available to Japanese retailers?

Thanks for the heads up Typhoon. I had just placed an order with NY. I was also able to order from HLJ. I'll see who will be able to keep my order.

  On 7/5/2012 at 6:43 AM, Valkyrie2008 said:

Thanks for the heads up buddy!

I place one order with NY, it's now being shipped. Now I'll order one from HLJ.

My preorder from both Inxspro.com and Ishop2go got canceled.

  On 7/5/2012 at 7:04 AM, Dutch said:

Thanks for the link.


Thanks , i gotta gd deal with HLJ, better then NY's pricing. =)

  On 7/5/2012 at 9:00 AM, typhoon said:

No problem, I was looking over the HLJ site and figured there would be a few keen buyers!

I missed out through ishop2go, so I'm very pleased to have snagged one this late in the game.


Hmm, I have a fear about these stupid swappable wings when the armor parts arrive. They're already kind of spotty in terms of alignment/sturdiness as is. With the addition of missile weight on the wings I'm concerned they're going to perpetually droop, if not outright fall off. This is another one of those peculiar Bandai engineering decisions where they get everything perfect and then find a single way to completely f**k it up.

  On 7/3/2012 at 12:30 PM, Ignacio Ocamica said:

Shoot them an email regarding your VF-22, there's plenty stock of it out there, unlike the VF-171. There's a good chance they can get you the missing/broken parts or even a new one.

Shot them an email 2 days ago, hmm nothing from them yet.


Got my shipping notification email from HLJ, now to wait till next Tuesday's expected delivery date to get my VF-171EX... the anticipation is going to drive me nuts!


Yeah, got my notice too. Along with my BBTS one. Till next week. I'm probably going to sell one as there are some other things I need to pay for too.



Got my VF-171. MWAHAHAHA!


Photogasm!!!! (apologies, but I can't help myself).












Quick thoughts:

- VERY tight. Almost over-thought by Bandai and over-engineered. But still awesome.

- Absolutely no QC problems. The wing pins stay in, no problem. They never fell out the entire time I was manhandling the toy!

- Nowhere near as heavy or sturdy feeling as the VF-17

- Transformation is more complicated and as such, not as fun since there are so many little tabs you need to make sure are out of the way before you do certain steps. For a brief second I had flashes of the YF-21 transformation nightmares.

- Battroid is less gappy than the VF-17 battroid, and the gerwalk mode is better. The back wing area on my 17 sags in gerwalk, but the 171 is solid.

- The VF-17 is still better as a toy, IMO. Best of both worlds - easy and fun transformation, sturdy and heavy - you really can tell where your money went.

- The stand sucks. Of course. Great for fighter, but for battroid it is horrible.

- Almost as good as the renewal 25s. The transformation holds it back. Just not as fun to do with so many little tiny things. Like I said, they over-engineered in certain areas where it was unnecessary to me, and under-engineered in others where they should have spent extra time (eg: non collapsible gun pod).

Overall, I love it.

Posted (edited)
  On 7/5/2012 at 3:55 PM, mechaninac said:

The 17 looks like a tank next to the 117... The 17, as a toy, may be better, but is it near twice the MSRP better?

Short answer: no. Yamato needs to examine their pricing.

Edited by pud333
  On 7/5/2012 at 3:55 PM, mechaninac said:

The 17 looks like a tank next to the 117... The 17, as a toy, may be better, but is it near twice the MSRP better?

Well, you can buy a 17 right now... so there's that

  On 7/5/2012 at 3:48 PM, pud333 said:

Quick thoughts:

The back wing area on my 17 sags in gerwalk, but the 171 is solid.

The fact the back area of the 17's Gerwalk already sags has me worried the Fast packs are going to make it stressed/even worse.

Then again, I'm also concerned the swappable wings, which you seem fortunate enough to have one that isn't loose, will flat out fall off with missiles attached.


Yeah, I probably wouldn't have the Fast packs on the 17 during Gerwalk. It should hold, but it might stress, like you said. At least on mine I'm pretty sure that would be the case. As for the swappable wings, I still think that was a dumb idea on Bandai's part. I'm lucky the pins on mine are fine, but I figure once I pull them out to swap out the wings, it may loosen them and they may not be the same again.

  On 7/5/2012 at 5:10 PM, Raptor One said:

I just noticed that the VF-171 battroid mode gives off a real Aquarion vibe

Maybe that's why I'm digging the 171 battroid so much. Or maybe it's just nice to have another valkyrie that's shaped totally differently from the VF-1 and 25.

Makes me kind of want to get a 17 now... but it's so much fatter and blockier... :(


It's certainly a beautiful bird, no doubt about it. But I had to make a judgement call, it was either this, or Caslon's VF-1S Low Vis version he had for sale. I'm at peace with my choice, and I think I'll just wait for the CF version. :) Besides, the VF-4 currently has my undivided attention, unless they announce an Ozma reissue. :wacko:




Got notice today that mine will arrive on monday. Unfortunately I will be at work.


Stupid YouTube uploaded wasn't working yesterday.

Review hopefully will upload today.

  On 7/5/2012 at 5:27 PM, Lolicon said:

Makes me kind of want to get a 17 now... but it's so much fatter and blockier... :(

The Battroid mode has brutish charm.


Aquarion was Kawamori's work wasn't it? That's probably why

I'm also quickly becoming a fan of the battroid mode. Aside from the old VF-1 battroid, this is fast becoming my other favorite battroid mode. It looks menacing.

  On 7/5/2012 at 5:28 PM, Kyp Durron said:

It's certainly a beautiful bird, no doubt about it. But I had to make a judgement call, it was either this, or Caslon's VF-1S Low Vis version he had for sale. I'm at peace with my choice, and I think I'll just wait for the CF version. :) Besides, the VF-4 currently has my undivided attention, unless they announce an Ozma reissue. :wacko:



Good choice on the Focker. You are a man of impeccable taste. :)


Digging all of the photos. Seems the 171 has brought out some of the best photography.

  On 7/5/2012 at 8:32 PM, mass driver said:

I'm also quickly becoming a fan of the battroid mode. Aside from the old VF-1 battroid, this is fast becoming my other favorite battroid mode. It looks menacing.



Sorry this wasn't uploaded earlier. It's ready!

In glorious iPhone 4 720 HD. :)

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