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Been trying to contact him for the past month regarding a commission work of a kit he has been working on but alas to no avail. If anyone can help I'd greatly appreciated it.

- kicker


Unfortunately, I've never heard of this member before. Usually pms have email notifications. If you know his first and last name, perhaps you can find him on facebook?

  On 1/31/2012 at 11:13 PM, Kicker773 said:

I have his info since i sent him my kit. But I don't have facebook.

make a quick account, its easy, then search his name and area

Yeah, no luck in searching. I hope the best for you. It's sad that there's scum pods that do shady stuff for that. If he is stiffing you, I pronounce bad karma coming back to him 10-fold, and evertime something bad happens to him, he thinks back to this time.


i hope he isn't. I've had one transaction with him before and it went smooth. I just hope somehow someone on here can when they see him remind him on my kit or atleast get a hold of me. =(

  • 4 weeks later...

Man I'm starting to lean towards scammed, which would probably my 2nd time on MW. My last conversation with him was on Dec 27. I really don't want to put his name on the blacklist, but I really have exhausted all ways of communication with him from posting on the other forum he goes to and both the e-mail address as well as paypal address that he uses. I will sleep on it. But I might have to add him to the black list sigh..


Sorry to hear about that Kicker :( I don't recall ever seeing this users name, but I hope all turns out well.

I ussually feel pretty good about most members on this board, and feel that MW has some of the more honest users.


I don't know the dude, and I hope you didn't get scammed, I'll only offer the only thing I can, which iks probably why you trusted the guy. He (or she) has been a member for like 8 years so hopefully this is just some kinda communication break down. I hope you get your commission / kit back and it is just some kind of internet connection debacle.

Good luck, if your kit doesn't come back don't be afraid to post up the person's RL info so we can be on the lookout inthe future!

Posted (edited)

Don't jump to conclusions yet. TSP rarely posts here but seems to be a stand up guy when he does. People get busy. I know sometimes I don't check emails and such for weeks at a time. Give it time dude.


Edited by Berttt

So 2 months of no communication isnt long enough? Im pretty flexible with work time frame. Work began in august 2011. But thanks for your input. Reminds me that there are still individuals out there who are bad with communication.

Posted (edited)

You had to send your stuff to a real address for someone to receive it, and there is a thread specifically for bad deals in the sales section to protect people from scammers. I think you ought to be safe posting up the name and address that you sent your goods to. It s along shot but a future person may be saved from a sock puppet scammer if they see a name or address that a person got hosed from.

Here is the Blacklist thread:


Not to sound like a vindictive, aggressive jerk, but if you feel like you've exhausted all reasonable means of contacting the person, like you got robbed and your stuff is lost to you, you shouldn't feel bad about offering up the RL (Real life) info you've got ont he person that stole from you, not only for you but to porotect others. If they stole from you, they should die in fire. If it turns out it was some sort fo 6 month disaster, and they come through with your stuff, post an update and delate anything negative you've said.

Or maybe I am too vindictive, I dunno :)

Edited by Ghadrack

Yup, just like the date that went bad, no call for a reason. Do all you can man and I wouldn't feel at all guilty


What city is this person in? I know a lot of people all over the world and could possibly have someone knock on their door and recover your goods.


I don't believe that the mods have ever spelled out what type of information members can't disclose on the Blacklist. I think that's because, so far, our members have used good judgement as to what information should be disclosed here. And that information has been limited to information that's necessary to identify the alleged perpetrator online, such as a full name, mailing address, e-mail address(es), and online usernames/alias'.

If you're asking if it's legal to disclose this information online, then I belive that the above information is okay. It's information that anyone can find in a public phonebook, e-Bay directory, or MW directory. Information that's considered illegal to post online are social security numbers, bank account numbers, credit card numbers, etc.

  On 3/3/2012 at 6:32 AM, Berttt said:

Don't jump to conclusions yet. TSP rarely posts here but seems to be a stand up guy when he does. People get busy. I know sometimes I don't check emails and such for weeks at a time. Give it time dude.


I'm inclined to agree with Berttt about nominating TSP to the Blacklist. Unless you two explicitly agreed that he would have to contact you with updates at specified intervals, or a specific deadline, then I personally don't think that two months is excessive. I've also commissioned customs from members here, and some, like Kurt, are great at touching base with their customers regularly. Another member I commissioned vanished for months at a time, but since he was a long time member, I cut him slack. In the end, the custom was completed to my satisfaction and returned to me.

Commissioning customs is nothing like making a direct sale. I think some artists expect a lot of time and leeway when working on commission. In the future, definitely let the artist know what your expectations are regarding communications. Good luck on getting your situation worked out.


I kinda disagree with LoneWolf. When it comes to a project that may take a good period of time to complete, touching base with your customer is intergral to the process of completing your final product. Weekly/Bi-weekly updates go a long way to prevent something from going wrong in the project and building repore with a customer which in turn brings in repeat business.

Going two months without making contact with your customer is a major no go.


Man. Communication is key. I was pretty behind on my projects last year and I kept in constant communication with everyone. And everyone was pretty cool about it. I mean I was way behind. MW members pretty much rock and I really appreciated everyone's patience. Hopefully this guy is alright but at the same time you kinda think something bad happened. Anything but getting scammed is acceptable. Good luck Kicker. I know you were the ones that was pretty cool with me on one commission.


Thanks for the feedback guys. I got some update. TSP contacted me via what seems to be his Xbox Mail and told me he has been busy but hasn't much done anything to the resin figure. He said he'll finish priming it and offered to have a buddy of his paint it for me, but at this point I feel a little bit nervous in handing the project to someone else especially if its across the big waters, yes Europe. Plus it took me a year to find that kit. So I told him to just send the kit back to me and I'll cover the work he has done it so far and shipping.

I hope to find a figure painter commissioner at wonderfest.

But I will keep this thread alive until I get the kit back in my hands. I know a few of you told me to hold back on putting him on there but it seems that all the communication method was done and it wasn't until I brought this up on this thread that TSP decided to contact me. So I'm sure his buddies or someone told him what's going on. But why do I get a feeling if I had never raised the issue i doubt I get an answer. I'll wait until I get my figure back and then I can have the mod delete this thread. I just hope its not another two or three months.

Btw communication is key. We never had a set date because I know customs take time, especially commission work and I never nag about rushing things. Like Exo said, I'm pretty patient with things. Hell if it took someone a year to finish my custom that's fine, but atleast tell me. I've done numerous transactions here and when people had problems with their work I was willing to wait. Its unfortunate that I had to bring it up here and sound like a nagging whining teenager, but I had to speak out.

BTW there are rules on what to post on here.. I asked a mod and he had spoken "that only MW SN and no full name, mailing address, e-mail address(es) allowed"

For everyone who've reach out and offered help I really do appreciate it. I love this forum d16c4689.gif


No doubt, you have been a member for a long time. I like these boards also. Glad the guy got wind and stepped up.


Well there you go. I never said raising the issue here was wrong. What I was saying was that it might be premature to assume that you had been deliberately ripped off.

I am glad things are looking up. But as you say, the kit isn't back in your hands yet.



There is nothing whining or nagging about your posts. We spend a lot of money on our collections and unless you're a trustfund baby you probably worked hard to get what you have. I'll be damned if anyone thinks they are taking anything from me without a fight.

I'm glad things look like they're gonna work out for you.


That still sucks to not hear anything for 2 months. If you are paying someone to work on an item for you, and they're going to keep the item in their posession for a long time, you should expect them to communicate with you. Hell, it should be at least once a week, even if it's to say "I didn't do any work on it this week". Whether or not he goes on the Blacklist is totally up to you, but I'll definitely keep that name in mind of who not to use. There's just way too many sketchy people out there. I know we all wanna think the best of people, but in my line of work, you don't necessarily have that optimistic outlook on the general populace. Trust needs to be earned, not just granted, at least in my opinion.

Anyways, I'm ranting some. I'm glad he did contact you. Hopefully you do get the item back in good standing, and that all parties are satisfied. Wish you all the best in seeing this thread close due to good handling.


Thanks guys.. I still have yet to hear from him if he has shipped the item nor has he given me a price on the work he has done on the figure. It was just weird because everytime I brought up the price issue he never responded or answered the question on how much. Then communication ceased when I had asked him again what the price is for the commission. I sent the figure first so he can get an assessment on cost and etc.

Seriously though, regardless if no work has been done, that's fine with me.. not even every week, but atleast once a month would be nice.

So If I don't hear again from him I will take the next step. Just hopefully not another month.

  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

First of all sorry for causing you all the trouble, Lionell. I told you I was and still am very busy.

2.Can't charged you anything if I don't know what will have to be done on the kit or anything else.

3. You should have found out that I'm not building modelkits for financial benefit. It's all about craftmanship, challange and the "I try do better"-thing...enthusiasm.

And 4. There are no reasons for me to keep your kit. I have a whole room full of modelkits and a well paid job for buying even more crap made of oil. And there it is. Well paid is the cause, and also means that I am indispensable for the company. Hope it'll change once the caterpillars starts moving some soil.

It's quite hard for me to share some spare time for building modelkits at the moment. Allthought, "at the moment" lasts since last year October. You will get your kit like I wrote before. Don't want to make any promises about the exact time. You know that it will end like all those other apoligies/PM's if anything didn't worked out like planed.

I might have to cancel a few ideas and reduce the whole build to a minimum which I can tell you, won't satisfy me in any kind a way. But it will ensure you'll get $1**L sooner.

5.Yeah my english sucks just like my sense of time.

Edited by TSP
  • 1 month later...

I think at this point you should just try and get your kit back. Then find a professional builder who can agree to a date and give you a budget. I did this kind of work for many years, and it put me through university. If it's treated as a professional transaction from both sides - not an amateur one - everyone gets an outcome they want. I haven't done it for many years though, I only model for myself now, I burnt out doing it professionally back in the day...

  • 1 month later...

Bringing this back up. Agreed on the price but can't send it to him since he never told me the paypal addy. Tried to contact him multiples times still no avail. If anyone knows him that goes through this forum, and I know some of you do. Get a hold of him and tell him to contact me ASAP so we can get this resolved quickly.

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