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  On 6/21/2012 at 7:56 PM, Mommar said:

Any news on this K? I've been waiting to see how this turns out.

Not yet! I am actually expecting the postman today - I keep twitching and looking out the window to see if its him, every time a car drives by and slows down, lol. Driving me nuts! On holidays for a few weeks as of today, and wanted to take a break from the 1/60 Rau upgrade, so I started to make some additional things for the VF-11, I think you will dig.

  On 6/21/2012 at 8:29 PM, Kicker773 said:

Those look pretty similar to the 1/48 YF19 Missiles option parts i got from jpn

I'd assume they would be! I based mine off the lineart and any ref pic I could find on the net, never had any HMMs of any scale in hand to help - which would have been awesome. But alas - hope mine turn out ok. I had to judge the scale based on the pylon dimensions relative to the VF-19's wings and dimensions from the pics available online - I hope the are the right scale and look right, as of right now, from nose to exhaust it is 68.8mm long and 31.3mm at the widest part of the main wings.


Really... You and I seem to be on similar pages in the ideas dept. Execution, on the other hand...

Mine are simply the pipe dreams of one with few skills.



That is not a C. Besides, I've already had to blow $500+ on travel expenses for my Grandma's funeral. Even at that price I can't justify the extra spending.


How the hell did I miss the armor pics? I am officially saving for a 11C now.


Can anyone tell me what the diameter for the wrist plugs on a YF-19 are? If they're the same as the VF-11, then theses same action hands will work on it as well.

Posted (edited)

The day has arrived - the Shapeways parts are here! Had some issues - but all in all, not too shabby :D Good news is that some of the parts require some tweaking or exaggeration of details before updating the Shapeways models - then they'll be available FOR EVERYONE - DEKARUCHAAAAAAA!!!

First up, the shield attachments;


The initial fit test;

post-1623-0-79336200-1341279456_thumb.jpg post-1623-0-95617800-1341279470_thumb.jpg post-1623-0-31129000-1341279478_thumb.jpg post-1623-0-65403700-1341279439_thumb.jpg

Wing swing tests;

post-1623-0-69356800-1341279361_thumb.jpg post-1623-0-04265100-1341279392_thumb.jpg

Issues with the White Strong & Flexible (WSF);


And issues with the White Detail (WD) material and it's inability to hold the weight of the attachments;


WSF and WD side by side;

post-1623-0-25378800-1341279329_thumb.jpg post-1623-0-29329600-1341279314_thumb.jpg

The WSF overal has a better shape retetntion but the layering and roughness of the surface is evident. Sanding may fix and some primer - will do some tests soon. The WD on the other hand has a near paintable surface but the small fins have warped - will try heating in hot water and straigtening - but I think I will go back and exagerate some details and upscale it slightly by a mm or so - but yeah, cool!

Size comparisons and lolz;

post-1623-0-74681700-1341279297_thumb.jpg post-1623-0-56969100-1341279289_thumb.jpg

Oh and of course the Skull Fokker special fit;

post-1623-0-89815500-1341281015_thumb.jpg post-1623-0-96409000-1341281026_thumb.jpg

Edited by Kurisama

Using the contrast to show off? How does it blend with the C or will it still require a bit of painting to match the whites?

Also... cost???

  On 7/3/2012 at 5:40 PM, valhary said:

I want it where's the link

Click on the shapeways link in my sig - nothing is available yet, updating the models for stronger print outs - as some pieces were too fragile or details not big enough - updating them as I type this, so expect the models to go for sale in about an hour or so - will advise once they're up.

  On 7/3/2012 at 7:28 PM, Mommar said:

Using the contrast to show off? How does it blend with the C or will it still require a bit of painting to match the whites?

Also... cost???

All pieces will require paint to finish off - in fact I have the HMMs and Pylons drying in the sun with primer.

Update on the WD HMM with bent/warped wings - hot water does the trick of straightening them out~!!!

Posted (edited)

Shield adapters are a go;


Wing clips are a go;


Set of 4 HMMs & pylons are a go;


Set of 1 HMMs & pylons are a go;



Both sets of hands are now live:



If they're the same plug size as the YF-19, then these will work on them too. The default material on each item is my suggestions after playing around with them - I find the WD to be smoother and keeps the details better than the WSF which is far stronger and resilient - but needs sanding and what not to be come paint ready. Going to try and order some WSF polished and see how that turns out. All above models have had details slightly exaggerated and structural geometry added or increased to make it all a bit stronger.

Let me know how your purchases go - I'll be sanding the wing clips tomorrow and see if I can salvage them (WD are broken and WSF has waaay too much layering or stepping). Coming soon - some photos of the HMMs in action and with 1 coat of tamiya primer.

Edited by Kurisama

Please note - I did NOT sand these at all, these are straight up primer sprays. The WD will need far less work.


HMMs work on other VFs with hard points;


Herp a derp.

post-1623-0-69150400-1341384659_thumb.jpg post-1623-0-59751400-1341384682_thumb.jpg


How is the actual hard point on the wing clip turning out? Do the missile pylons clip on securely? If the hard point itself is working out fine, I think I'd be more interested in a pack of 4~6 copies of just the outlined part (see pic) that could be cleaned up, painted and glued directly to the wings of the toy.


Also, have you considered just making full on replacement wings for the VF-11 instead of clip on parts? I have a feeling they would turn out better.


Anime52k8 - yeah, they turned out pretty good - some slight cleaning up and filing made them perfect. WSF is good, but the WD was too brittle and the HPs broke. I've tweaked the model a bit for the clip-on, and when I send thru another order it'll be WSF polished for sure.

I could do that... the part you outlined - would be really easy to do. Maybe if enough MW members are interested.

I have also considered the full wing replacement (and funny you should mention it; making a wing now, just not for this valk) but I'm not too keen on getting the exact colour matching... any ways, watch this space :D

It'll have to wait until my other projects are wrapped up - or as a change of pace when I'm knee deep in the other stuff I'm working on.


Some more photos (sorry about the crappy camera phone) of the add-ons in Battroid.

post-1623-0-50985100-1341449054_thumb.jpg post-1623-0-39912600-1341449088_thumb.jpg post-1623-0-32166400-1341449119_thumb.jpg

I'll stop spamming photos, I swear - but these puppies make the VF-11 look even sweeter!

  On 7/4/2012 at 9:24 AM, anime52k8 said:

How is the actual hard point on the wing clip turning out? Do the missile pylons clip on securely? If the hard point itself is working out fine, I think I'd be more interested in a pack of 4~6 copies of just the outlined part (see pic) that could be cleaned up, painted and glued directly to the wings of the toy.


  On 7/4/2012 at 9:44 AM, Kurisama said:

[...] I could do that... the part you outlined - would be really easy to do. Maybe if enough MW members are interested.


I'd be interested too, Kurisama. Actually, I wouldn't mind if they were just the HPs and not the entire outlined part.


Ok, no wukkas - might have to print in sets of 6 or 8 - and they'd be pushing the limit of what their minimum print size is - but I will keep it in consideration - after my next project. Or if there is a lull (lol) in the next project.



Got a rejection e-mail for the wing clips and HMMs from shapeways... on models I had printed before and actually made details bigger after the printing... WTF?!

So sorry to the people that ordered them - I will work on the problems asap, see what the hell is going on. Will update as soon as I fix it.

Again, my sincerest apologies. :(

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