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  On 7/19/2012 at 7:36 PM, TehPW said:

ok... another question? why do the Gamelons look... like white guys now? i though Gamelons were more... smurfy in color?

I think thats more of a throwback to the old series, where pretty much all of the Gamilons seen early in the show (the ones on the pluto base) had normal human skin tones. I think that is just due to the early stages of the design process for the series and they were made to look more "alien" as the show progressed. I like that they are follwoing the original series with details like that.


The bad guys always looked like "ugly" blue humans to me, so like 'Taks says it's a nod to the original animation. In any case, I wanna thank all of you guys who are posting snippet clips of the series; for those of us who don't have another way of seeing this thing unfold it's great to be able to see what's going on, at least...


If I'm not mistaken, starblazers.com posted an interview with someone associated with 2199 where the point was brought up regarding the different skin tones for the Gamiras/Gamilons. The gist of the response was that only the blue skinned one are true Gamiras/Gamilons; all the others are different races, citizens of the Empire from numerous conquered worlds. They have varying degrees of autonomy and rank, some achieving very high rank within the marshal hierarchy of the Empire, but are all answerable to the master race... think Roman Empire lording over conquered territories nominally controlled by native born puppet rulers or appointed governors from Rome who must pay tribute to the imperial treasury as well as supply conscripts for the maintenance, expansion, and glory of Rome.

The Gamiras/Gamilons as portraid in Yamato/Starblazers always struck me as being inspired by the Roman Empire, where Deslar/Deslok is Caesar.

Posted (edited)

So the Gamiras/Gamilons are to Yamato/SB compared to Star Trek's Klingons@ perhaps? i have no access to any books about the subject of the making of the original animation but was that the animator's intent back in the 70's? i would have imagined they were influanced by the world events going on back then, as well as some of the WWII themes...?

@ of course, the whole concept of how the GR's ST universe didnt form to modern Fandom's concept of Canon until well into TNG's TV run...

Edited by TehPW
  On 7/20/2012 at 12:16 AM, mechaninac said:

If I'm not mistaken, starblazers.com posted an interview with someone associated with 2199 where the point was brought up regarding the different skin tones for the Gamiras/Gamilons. The gist of the response was that only the blue skinned one are true Gamiras/Gamilons; all the others are different races, citizens of the Empire from numerous conquered worlds. They have varying degrees of autonomy and rank, some achieving very high rank within the marshal hierarchy of the Empire, but are all answerable to the master race... think Roman Empire lording over conquered territories nominally controlled by native born puppet rulers or appointed governors from Rome who must pay tribute to the imperial treasury as well as supply conscripts for the maintenance, expansion, and glory of Rome.

The Gamiras/Gamilons as portraid in Yamato/Starblazers always struck me as being inspired by the Roman Empire, where Deslar/Deslok is Caesar.

This is what i was going to say as well, I remember that interview too.


Posted (edited)
  On 7/20/2012 at 1:55 AM, TehPW said:

So the Gamiras/Gamilons are to Yamato/SB compared to Star Trek's Klingons@ perhaps? i have no access to any books about the subject of the making of the original animation but was that the animator's intent back in the 70's? i would have imagined they were influanced by the world events going on back then, as well as some of the WWII themes...?

@ of course, the whole concept of how the GR's ST universe didnt form to modern Fandom's concept of Canon until well into TNG's TV run...

The original Yamato's production was a uphill struggle. If you read the production's history at starblazers.com you'll find yourself wondering how that first season got made at all. If i remember correctly the decision to make the Gamilas blue was intended to make them more alien (remember this was the 70's, just making your skin blue or green was alien enough). But by the time the decision was made that first batch of episodes was already made and with no time to fix things they left it as it was and then, using Dessler who had also been shown with pink skin, they made that scene in episode 10 were he walks down a corridor, the lighting changes and as it does he turns from pink to blue. Thus the explanation for pink colored Gamilas was (although never actually stated XD) that it was all a trick of the light.

Quite frankly i'm glad they kept Schulz and Ganz pink and came up with that scenario of conquered races, not just because it makes the Gamilas Empire more complex and interesting, but because, although i loved the Playstation games animation clips, those blue skined Schulz and Ganz always seemed off to me. Chock it to being used to see them as pink colored aliens.

That's one of the many things that make Yamato 2199 such a good remake, instead of going the easy way and just "fix" the errors of the original (ie. making the Pluto soldiers blue) they actually embrace the error and make it work. Off the top of my head i can think of these things they already tackled:

- An actual reason for the Pluto battle ;

- Explainig how the Yamato was built so quickly (here they had a whole year to do so);

- What is the floating continent;

- Why have such an overkill weapon like the Reflex Gun on Pluto when the Earth fleet was (at that time) no match for the Gamilas fleet, also serves to explain how the Planet Bombs are lauched (never explained in the original);

- and of course the pink skined Gamilas (and i guess we can expect other races as well, judging from Celestra).

Edited by westfall

Grazi, sir. very valid points... any suggestions what else they might Not-RETCON (for lack of a better description) in future episodes? obvious the bee thing might be hillarious to pick apart...

Posted (edited)

The Beeland/Beemera story will be part of 2199, but according to Izubuchi it will be told in a very different way.

Seeing how they are tackling the series and considering that there will be new stories at some point to fill the gaps left by the more compact story telling of these first episodes, it's difficult to venture a guess at what the future might bring.

From what we know of chapter 3, episode 7 will deal with the original episode 10.I don't know if they'll have the final battle with Schulz from episode 9 mixed in there too, the Gaiderol will appear but at what point is still uncertain, from what i've picked up Schulz will be following the Yamato and eventually that final battle will happen but at what point is still unknown. Episodes 11 and 12 (Space Mines and Ecto Gas) seem to have been condensed into episode 8 with no mention of the "Desslock Mines" though the Ecto Gas story will be kept more or less as it was. Episode 13, the one dealing with the captured pilot and Kodai's past, has been retooled for episode 9, with some elements from that Beeland story mixed in, relating to Analizer's perception of his role within the Yamato's crew. The pilot is not a Gamilas but an android of some kind, named Orta, and Analizer will develop some rapport with him while the security chief, Ito, thinks it should be destroyed. Finally, elements from episodes 14 and 15 (Octopus Star Storm and Galactic Wirlpool) are used in a new story in episode 10 where the Yamato finds itself trapped in a Dimensional Rift along with a Gamilas vessel with the two having to work together to escape. (Maybe the Gaiderol itself, that would be a twist :D ) This actually looks to me like an update of the playstation game scenario where you had to find a Gamilas ship and use its navigational computer to escape the rift.

This last episode might fix the massive Deus Ex Machina from the Galactic Wirlpool episode where Starsha miraculously intervenes to save the Yamato.

Risking a guess, i hope they keep the Balan artificial sun battle, since an explanation for that sun has been long standing. The Balanodon might be removed or heavilly retooled. The episode that dealt with Aihara's homesickness... IMO one the worse episodes EVER, i hope they get rid of it. After Balan, i can see the Rainbow Galaxy battle gain a massive upgrade (Izubuchi has claimed the drill missile will be kept...sort of). As for the rest, the whole dragging the Yamato to the sulfuric acid seas of Gamilas bit... might need a bit of work. Yabu's mutiny in Iscandar is a touchy subject, let's see how they deal with it. And the biggest question of all when reaching Iscandar (apart from wether Yuki is Yurisha or not XD )...will Kodai be there in this remake?

Edited by westfall

Like for the first movie a fan has mixed new footage with old sound from original episode 4 and made this video. Most of it is from the 9 minute preview and Floating Continent battle scenes we already saw, except here those scenes are in HD quality. But what makes this really worth seing are the scenes at the start and end wich give us the first view of the Big Blue Guy himself, Dessler, acompanied by his female guards, Hiss and Celestra. And let me know if you agree with me... Gamilas might be the heart of the evil empire but...man, they made it look really good. Beautiful stuff. :D



So, Batou has joined the Gamilas cause, or rather his voice actor, Akio Õtsuka, who is set to voice none other than Domel (Lysis). First Yamadera for Dessler, now this... the Gamilas are sure getting some heavy hitters on their side. XD

  On 7/16/2012 at 3:23 AM, UN Spacy said:

You wanted a full battle? You got it. :)

Now excuse me while I wipe the drool from my mouth.


ok i just noticed something. im gonna guess since my japanesse is non existant. during the battle of Jupiter Island, the Yamato fires 3 salvos of Energy from Turrets 1 and 2, and turret 4/Aft and finally a Shell salvo from Turret 3. i assume the issue was that with the mains being repaired, Turrets 1, 2 & 4 were powered by batteries/EDG's/Beeker-on-a-treadmill... and the lastly the shells with only the BoaTM method for power... right?


New clip with the same Dessler scene that appeared in a fan video i posted here a couple days ago but now with the actual sound from Yamato 2199 and Mr. Yamadera's performance? Just got it from Nico Video and it features the new version of the Gamilas ambient music wich sounds a lot different from the original but in a good way (IMHO). Also Celestra and Hiss and those pretty guards. And keep an eye for the very last shot. ;)



Got my shipping notice from amazon.jp for my v2 blu-ray. Can not wait to watch it!


Posted (edited)

I'm getting two of these, one that I'm going to send to a pro model builder that I send some of my stuff too, and the other will be built like I did my 1/500, sand and paint the sprue areas, gundam mark the panel lines, and paint little details here and there and leave the rest be. That way, I have one very nice looking "touch me not", and one that still looks good, but screams "play with me!". :p

*Edit* It appears that the arm part of the stand that allows you to mount it either right side up or upside down is something that you will have to buy separately, crap.


Edited by Kyp Durron
Posted (edited)
  On 7/26/2012 at 9:12 PM, Kyp Durron said:

I'm getting two of these, one that I'm going to send to a pro model builder that I send some of my stuff too, and the other will be built like I did my 1/500, sand and paint the sprue areas, gundam mark the panel lines, and paint little details here and there and leave the rest be. That way, I have one very nice looking "touch me not", and one that still looks good, but screams "play with me!". :p

*Edit* It appears that the arm part of the stand that allows you to mount it either right side up or upside down is something that you will have to buy separately, crap.


The part itself is part of the kit. Look here


It is the Action Base that is sold separately but they're not that expensive. And maybe Bandai will launch a special edition one. I have the Macross F and Gundam 00 Celestial Being ones, quite nice. They work just as the standard one but are molded in the shape of SMS and CB insignias. Makes a more stiking display. Imagine one made in the shape of the UNCF anchor insignia... DROOOOOOOL. XD

Edited by westfall

Jealousy over here!


Looks like Funimation has licsensed Yamato: Resurrection per their facebook page! I hope its the so called "directors cut" as that turned out to be better than the theatrical release even if it is bittersweet. My guess this is only a stepping stone to get 2199.

  On 7/28/2012 at 4:15 PM, Kyp Durron said:

Where can I get the action base for this?

It's a standard Bandai Action Base which comes in a variety of shapes and sizes that you can use for all of Bandai's model kits. The Yamato kit comes with a part you can plug in to use the Action Base, which is what you see in that image of the manual from Hobby Search. Hobby Search, HobbyLink, AmiAmi, etc., should have the Action Base.

Posted (edited)


If any of our Japanese speaking friends would care to give a translation, I'll edit the paint guide image and write the English translation in place of the Japanese and post it.

It would appear from the % color mix guides for the main Grey hull color have been changed somewhat from the 1/500 kit. The Grey is calling for a 50-50% mix of something where the 1/500 called for 90% Medium Blue + 5% Flat Black + 5% White. The Red part of this 2199 kit seems to be calling for the same % mixes that the 1/500 called for, 90% Monza Red + 5% Maroon + 5% Orange.

I can also tell that it's still calling for 100% clear Green for the clear tower window parts, but I have no idea what it's calling for when it comes to painting the main windows on the Hull sides below the first and second main guns on each side.


Edited by Kyp Durron
Posted (edited)
  On 7/28/2012 at 11:53 PM, renegadeleader1 said:

Looks like Funimation has licsensed Yamato: Resurrection per their facebook page! I hope its the so called "directors cut" as that turned out to be better than the theatrical release even if it is bittersweet. My guess this is only a stepping stone to get 2199.

Aside from the movie being a POS, it's the first non-Voyager Ent. licensed Yamato....well ever, so it's a great sign of potential things to come.

Edited by Keith
Posted (edited)

For the Yamato model itself, I think the hull color is Blue Grey 50% + Medium Blue 50% based on a translated color chart that I found here: http://farm2.static....9354595c6_o.jpg

The interior Engine/fly wheel color is 50% Orange + 30% Brown + 20% Gold. (Sounds very close to Copper, lol.) The other Green color besides the 100% clear Green I have no clue, and also can't seem to figure out that secondary Grey color.


Edited by Kyp Durron
Posted (edited)

Anyone know if there was any new Yamato 2199 kit news at Wonderfest?


Edited by Dobber
  On 7/29/2012 at 9:16 PM, Keith said:

Aside from the moving being a POS, it's the first non-Voyager Ent. licensed Yamato....well ever, so it's a great sign of potential things to come.

Bring that damn series over to us and I will forgive any past transgressions of theirs...

  On 7/29/2012 at 11:44 PM, Dobber said:

Anyone know if there was any new Yamato 2199 kit news at Wonderfest?


I loved what Bandai did with their re-interpretations of the Yamato fighters a few years ago - I hope they do the same in the same scale with the new stuff!

Posted (edited)

Me too. In fact, I built all 3 of the EX series fighters...fantastic little kits btw.....a few years ago and saw that they were supposed to be rereleased this month at HLJ. So I placed an order for the Zero and Tiger II last night, figuring it would be a while till they were actually available. Well i just just got the payment request for them today! :)

Going to build the zero like the 2199 orange nosed zero. ;)


Edited by Dobber
  On 7/29/2012 at 11:44 PM, Dobber said:

Anyone know if there was any new Yamato 2199 kit news at Wonderfest?


according to a post at starblazers.com , Dengeki Hobby released an article with a few kits (Kirishima and Yukikaze, at least) with a predicted release in October.


My two kits will be here tomorrow, Whoo Hoo! I most likely won't have time to open them up before going to work tomorrow, I'll put together the hull Thursday and post pic comparisons to the 1/500. (Really 1/628 with the new length of 333 meters)


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