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Yeah, that custom was epic! Especially loved the metallic scheme.- very nu-BSG

  On 12/17/2013 at 5:27 PM, Dobber said:

I'm still shocked that no kits were made from that movie.


Yeah, me too! (I think we're the only two that like it though ;-)

  On 12/17/2013 at 5:27 PM, Dobber said:

I'm still shocked that no kits were made from that movie.


that's exactly what I mean. Up until now, it seems that they've just taken old kits, throw some shiny new box art on it and reissue it. This is the first time since the 1/350 scale was released that they actually issued something really new and improved over the older kits.


I got all the 2199 kits(1/350 is the exception) so far and it builds into a nice 1/1000 fleet.

The 1/72 fighters look nice too.

Debating if I should go for the College kit which has all the original kits in it.


Plus, haven't most of the standard Yamato versions been made too.

The old kits are the classic series version

The 1/350 is the playstation version I believe.

The 2010 1/500 is the 2199 design (though wrongly scaled)

1/1000 is the 2199 design

And now the gorgeous correctly scaled 1/500 2199 version. Which is just slightly smaller than the 1/350!

Just missing the live action version damn it!

Posted (edited)

Here is a comparison between the classic Yamato (top) and playstation version (bottom)


Between the 2 of those....I like the Playstaion version better. Overall, though, I like the 2199 version best with the movie version 2nd and the playstation version a very close third.


Edited by Dobber

That's great! Now I want to see the comparison with the movie version and 2199 version.

Posted (edited)

Here are all 4 profiles. Not to all to scale with each other as I am just on an iPad.

Original and Playstation version scaled together:


Live action version: from the awesome custom build blog here: http://www.geocities.jp/dourakuoyadi/newpage500SBY-1.htm


2199 version: from the 1/1000 kit instructions


Edit: Funny thing is, is now that I made these comparisons.....as much as I like the custom movie build.....looking at that reference picture and comparing it to a profile shot of his build, I don't think he got the bow right. It should bulge more on the bottom like the playstation version does. Still an incredible build though.

Custom movie model:



Edited by Dobber

Thanks so much. Yes your right, when you see it straight on, his side view is off, but his build and level of detail is absolutely incredible! I actually quite like the Playstation version, it seems the most dynamic where the keel bulges in and out like that. But overall I think I like the 2199 version best (most balanced), then the Playstation version, then movie (the straight side elevation of this version makes the conn tower look too small for the rest of the ship) and lastly the original old version, just so static.

Posted (edited)
  On 12/18/2013 at 1:07 AM, Dobber said:

Here are all 4 profiles. Not to all to scale with each other as I am just on an iPad.

Original and Playstation version scaled together:


Live action version: from the awesome custom build blog here: http://www.geocities.jp/dourakuoyadi/newpage500SBY-1.htm


2199 version: from the 1/1000 kit instructions


Edit: Funny thing is, is now that I made these comparisons.....as much as I like the custom movie build.....looking at that reference picture and comparing it to a profile shot of his build, I don't think he got the bow right. It should bulge more on the bottom like the playstation version does. Still an incredible build though.

Custom movie model:



I saw the movie model at Shizuoka Hobby Show last year. But I didn't noticed it well then because the 1m-long Andromeda was next to it.


Edited by antibiotictab

I've just ordered some of the new 1/72 fighters. What to do with my old ones now, that are still in their boxes, probably over 15 years old now? I had planned to make very detailed versions of them, but now I couldn't be bothered. The new ones look nicely detailed.


Looked to preorder the Starblazers Bluray($44.99) from starblazers.com and the shipping is ridiculous! Shipping in the states it ranged from $14.25 - $86.41

To Canada it's $36.43 to $213.82. For shipping alone.

frakk that! I'll import the Japanese ones it'll be cheaper!


Yeah, ridiculous, plus add customs, duties, HST taxes, processing fees which amounts to another 25% on top for anything over $100. I once bad $25 in customs after I paid $35 in shipping for a $20 book! Thanks Canada (for nothing!). It seems like we're always screwed here - so many of my modeling supplies isn't allowed to be imported because it doesn't have a French sticker (they're made by small/tiny companies) so I have to pay exorbitant taxes and duties to have them delivered. Just this Christmas I was comparison shopping for an item on Amazon.com for $20 (but it won't ship to Canada), the same item on Amazon.ca was $100 - that's NAFTA at work for us?!

Posted (edited)

Holy crap! I dunno if any of you guys have seen this, but I just ran across it and wanted to share. This is probably the cheapest we're going to get, especially with free Prime shipping.


I'd be all over this if I hadn't already secured one from Hobby Search (can't cancel); they had the best price I could find at 20,020 yen before shipping. Most places I've looked that still offer this have it listed at around $260.

Here's a question for anyone who might know: what exactly is the difference between the US/JP versions of this piece? Just the box, or is it more than that?

Edited by Drad
  On 12/19/2013 at 2:17 PM, Dangard Ace said:

Looked to preorder the Starblazers Bluray($44.99) from starblazers.com and the shipping is ridiculous! Shipping in the states it ranged from $14.25 - $86.41

To Canada it's $36.43 to $213.82. For shipping alone.

frakk that! I'll import the Japanese ones it'll be cheaper!

Eesh. I just tried to preorder and shipping to Hawaii came out to $32, which brings the grand total to $84.


They've fixed the shipping pricing. Apparently it was originally shipping from Japan. Wtf. If I wanted to pay import shipping I'd buy it straight from japan myself. They've now changed it to domestic shipping for the US, which is good, but they only ship UPS which i don't like cause they add extra charges. I'll wait for a local shop to get it and see what the prices are then.

Oh yeah, Starblazers 2199 cosplay girl #3 is up.


I'm really confused now about how Yamato's Japanese owners are approaching things here in the states. Funimation just announced on their facebook page that they aquired the rights to the live action Yamato film. This is in addition to them already owning Resurrection, and yet Voyager is going it alone with subtitled StarBlazers 2199?

  On 12/27/2013 at 9:30 PM, UN Spacy said:

Such excite. Much news. Wow. :)


IIRC, they also have the official pages in French and Portuguese, but still don't decide to sell the BDs/ DVDs in Europe? Hmm.

Posted (edited)

More gorgeous box art and some new images of Purple Quad-deck Guipellon class Carrier. Anyone else really want a box art book from this series, because I am loving them!





Edited by Dobber
  On 12/30/2013 at 3:01 PM, Dobber said:

More gorgeous box art and some new images of Purple Quad-deck Guipellon class Carrier. Anyone else really want a box art book from this series, because I am loving them!



Tenjin Rocks! An art book of these box art would be a must have.

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