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1/60 Macross 7 VF-19S Blazer Valkyrie Emerald Force Unit Announced

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if the problem is simply the nose is fatter then the neck than they should have designed a way for the nose to get thinner during transformation. Again, i:'m sure they considered it, saw it'd just add even more to the price, and skipped it. Sometimes compromises must be made... Doesn't mean I have to like them. I'm still a little baffled how i'm being criticized for expecting no big gap on the front of the battroid's chest after Yamato said their focus was battroid. I understandbalanced modes and like the look of fighter, but if a company makes an excuse for itself the excuse should stand up to scrutiny. In the end, I still love the toy, i'm just not deluding myself into believing all that scratch is getting me something flawless.


How are you being criticized? Lol, people are just saying they don't care about it the way you do.

I get that the gap is worth carving up the chest piece or screwing up all the other modes for you but it's not for me and apparently a lot of other people.

Lucky for you, theres the hi-metal, which does that one part right. An lucky for me there's the 1/60 which does everything else right. So we all win

Posted (edited)
  On 11/22/2011 at 12:39 PM, Actar said:

If you ask me, I think the problem is exacerbated in that picture due to the chest being angled up and the head pointing down. It wouldn't look as bad if the chest was angled down more and the head tilted up, which I think is supposed to be the proper position.

Thanks for the picture. Looks much better.

  On 11/22/2011 at 1:54 PM, Mommar said:

Bummer, looks like after this and 17 I will have to skip picking up the F variants or any more VF-25's. My Mom just had some major medical problems and she has no insurance so I'm covering all of it. First bill, $6000. That's the toy budget (and Christmas) so far.

  On 11/22/2011 at 3:14 PM, Mommar said:

Nine days in and she's already refusing to keep taking her medication. This is going to go over well.

Sucks about your mom and the high bill. If she's not taking her meds, just pull what my mom always used to pull on me when she paid for stuff: lord it over her. "Hey mom, I know you don't like taking your meds, but this has cost me $6000 and fubar'd Christmas for me. I'm paying for it, so you have to take them. When the day comes when you pay for your own hospital bills, you can do whatever you want. Love you." :)

  On 11/22/2011 at 5:24 PM, Reïvaj said:

Sometimes I think everything on the internet sounds harsher than they are meant to be. That's why have so much flame wars ;)


Edited by pud333
  On 11/22/2011 at 11:47 AM, Isamu Dyson said:

Forget the gap. Surprisingly no one has mentioned The "Made in China" stamped underneath the wing. Of all the places and of all the font size and of all the color combinations we got a CVF-19 ( China's Variable Fighter -19)

It's a tampo print on an a entirely unpainted piece of plastic; it would take all of 30 seconds to scrub it off with some nail polish remover if it bothers you so much.

Posted (edited)

For what it's worth I don't like bump either, because it makes the neck look way too small, the same way that v.1 Ozma's neck looks.

I'm sure someone's going to passive-aggressive forum-snipe all over my comment for some reason so I'll also add that it's still no big deal. It's a toy.

Edited by aurance
Posted (edited)
  On 11/22/2011 at 6:55 PM, anime52k8 said:

It's a tampo print on an a entirely unpainted piece of plastic; it would take all of 30 seconds to scrub it off with some nail polish remover if it bothers you so much.

i've found rubbing alcohol to be quite effective for such things as well.

at least the "MADE IN CHINA" is a removable tampo print on unpainted bare plastic,

and not molded in on the wing root underside, like on pretty much every other YAMATO Valk in existence.

all things being equal, i'm delightfully surprised at how much the old, obsolete 1/60v.1 YF-19 satisfies me,

even after all this terrific -19S porno.

in fact, i actually tend to PREFER many of the design elements of the old 19 that have been "corrected"

on these new 19 variants, and can pretty much safely assume will be remaining as so on a forthcoming YF-19 1/60v.II...

Edited by Shaorin
  On 11/22/2011 at 11:47 AM, Isamu Dyson said:

Surely there must be a way to engineer a small piece of plastic without conceding shape in this day and age of touch screen technology.

but it's really hard to draw things in CAD with a touch screen :x

Posted (edited)

Actually regarding the MADE IN CHINA sign on the bottom of the wing, its not Tampo Printing. I don't have my VF-19 right now (sold the darn thing), but I know for sure that the MADE IN CHINA was actually raised plastic molded into the underhang of the left wing. So yeah, no way to remove....

unless you want to use acetone of course, but that most likely will take off most of the wing with it as well :D

Also, I think we should all drop the "big gap in chest sucks, the toy is RUINED vs. Yamato is pwnage, how dare you defy" and go back to being nice and constructive ^_^

Edited by Archer

Has any one successfully removed the "Made in China" tampo print or am I the only one who's bothered by it? Too afraid to damage such a pricy valkyrie but if it is just bare plastic I may just try to attempt it. Just wanted reassurance if it is possible.


I'm just wondering is the 19S going to have the same cockpit gimick for battroid as the 19 kai? I mean it only makes sense that it would and should, but I just wanna be sure, I haven't seen any pics.


Yeah, it would sell too well for them to consider making a non cannon military scheme! Lol!


Posted (edited)
  On 11/22/2011 at 8:54 PM, VF5SS said:

If you guys want to talk about poor fighter modes and gappy chests, there's always the classic Bandai 1/100 variable kit


which despite having an entire chunk of the Battroid be removable, still manages to leave an air duct around the monoboob


those extending elbows that are chock full of polycaps still haunt me

that 1/100 -19S was my very first ever "Variable" VF of any sort. thought it was the total Cat's Ass back around 1997ish,

when i picked it up for right around $40.00. played with it until it totally wore out. those infernal tiny nubs

that attach the wings to the legs in FIGHTER broke away in no time flat. god, did that model ever suck.

way to go BANDAI, you pack of GUNDAM Pimps, you... :angry:

  On 11/23/2011 at 12:32 AM, VF5SS said:


hay Yamato make this one

:o **** I'LL SECOND THAT!! **** :o

Edited by Shaorin
  On 11/23/2011 at 6:45 PM, VF5SS said:

Nevermind hindsight, they sucked back then too

My Gundam Airmaster is a better model that those things

can't argue with that; at least the 1/100 AIRMASTER has a perfect transformation,

easy enough to achieve with how simple it's design is, i suppose...

  On 11/25/2011 at 4:02 AM, Reïvaj said:

2011年11月29日 発売予定, I'm afraid :(

Good, then I don't need to go out today to buy a second one, can wait til' next week. Too busy today anyway.



Ah ok, so i thought it was Nov24 as well. Darn to think i was going to Mongkok tomorrow to check it out while i have some free time on this business trip.

So for those in HKG, can anyone suggest a good place with a decent price to pick this baby up when it comes out?

Normally if they say Nov29 in JPN, is it pretty much Nov30 for HKG or even later since i'll be gone by Dec2?



And the confusion over the engine model and thrust of the VF-19S continues!

Seldom do sources agree!

  • Yamato 1/60 VF-19S box = 2 x P&W FF-2500F with 82,500kg thrust each.
  • Macross Chonicle VF-19S entry = 2 x P&W FF-2550X with 68,950kg thrust each.
  • VF-19 Master File, VF-19S entry (page 80) = 2 x P&W FF-2550X with 68,950kg thrust each.
  • Macross Compendium VF-19S entry = 2 x FF-2550J with 78,950 kg (68,500kg in space) thrust each.
  • Bandai 1/100 VF-19S plamodel instructions = 2 x FF-2550J with 68,500kg thrust each.
  • Bandai 1/65 DX VF-19S toy box = 2 x unknown engine (unless written in Japanese) with 78,950kg thrust each.


  On 11/27/2011 at 1:35 AM, biggooftoybox said:

Ah ok, so i thought it was Nov24 as well. Darn to think i was going to Mongkok tomorrow to check it out while i have some free time on this business trip.

So for those in HKG, can anyone suggest a good place with a decent price to pick this baby up when it comes out?

Normally if they say Nov29 in JPN, is it pretty much Nov30 for HKG or even later since i'll be gone by Dec2?


Try Sino Centre in Yau Ma Tei. Probably not the best price around, but fair.

I am buying from an online shop my own, but that may be a problem for a traveller. I believe it's pretty safe to say that you'll get it before Dec 1 from past experience.


Pre-order e-mails are going out for amiami customers, so check your mailboxes....ouch this excaliber is $302 including shipping to the states. Well I hopes it worth it, Im glad valks are somewhat comming out once a month.

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